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We may have to put down another dog :(

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I'm so upset. We had to put down our oldest dog (14) back in June due to congestive heart disease and our second oldest dog was heartbroken (they were together his entire life-10 years). He was a happy, healthy dog before we lost her, but afterward he got old almost overnight. It was terrible to watch. The vet suggested getting another dog, which we did, and it helped a bit, but not much. Over the past few weeks, he's been having trouble with his back legs. They've just started collapsing on him to the point where he has trouble walking. We took him to the vet the other night and they scheduled a battery of tests on his spine today. When we took him in, they told us that if it is a vertebrae compressing his spine, they could try to do surgery, but with no guarantees that it will work. The tests are costing us almost $500. The surgery will be an additional $1500-2000. The vet said it might not work though, and even if it does, we might only get another 2-3 years with him. We do have the money (though we'll have to take it out of savings), but now we have to decide if we want to take the chance that it might work and spend the money or let him go because if it doesn't work, we'll have to anyway as he will lose the use of his back legs (we live in a 3rd floor walk up).

I don't know what to do. I'm so upset. I've been crying all day. I don't know that I can handle losing 2 dogs in less than a year. I'm just so sad.

Edited by Mom in High Heels
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:grouphug: We went through something similar with our one year old dog. $6k and 3 surgeries later, he died. His problems were due to a GI tract blockage. I understand the heartbreak. I would do the same for Guinness again, but it is a tough decision to make given the inordinate expense.


I hope things work out for you and for your beloved pet! :grouphug:

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I have a dog that has had this surgery. Does your dog have deep pain sensation? That was one of the first tests they did on our dog. The prognosis is much better if he does have deep pain still. If deep pain is lost the sooner the surgery is done the better. Our dog was much younger when he damaged a disk in his back. We had surgery done and it did not seem to be sucessful right away but he was able to walk again after an extened period of physical therapy (which he loved by the way).


What size is the dog? Could you carry him up the steps? We still have to carry our dog but I think that he was much worse than your dog is when we went to the vet. His injury was sudden and severe.


A key factor is the dog's happiness and attitude. When we had the surgery done they said that one complication that there is not much they can do to help is if the dog becomes severely depressed.


I hope everything works out and your dog improves. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Our last dog had hip issues, and we decided against surgery when she was getting on in years. We gave he some pretty strong but effective pain pills for the last two years of her life. They helped quite a bit until the disease progressed. We put her down when she was 12 when her quality of life was really deteriorating.


So sorry for your dd (darling dog) and your family. :grouphug:

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Thanks you guys. He (Dutch) had to stay at the vet overnight because he had seizures from the procedure (they told us this was likely to happen) and they kept him sedated for a long time. We'll get the final results tomorrow. James Bond and I talked and talked about it tonight and decided that we're not going to put him down unless we have to. It's also unlikely we'll do the surgery. He is not in any pain according to the vet. His spinal cord is being compressed, so he can't feel it, his legs just don't always do what he wants them to do. He's a Pekingese and weighs about 12lbs so we can carry him up and down the stairs (we've been doing it for a few days anyway) and are going to see if there's some sort of medication that will help, though with a spinal cord problem it's unlikely that there is. He's 10 years old and we've had him since he was 8 weeks. I was reading the book Dutch about Ronald Reagan at the time and it was sitting on the coffee table when we were trying to come up with his name. JB had vetoed every name I suggested and I glanced at the book and suggested Dutch. JB liked it and he was christened. He's such a beautiful, sweet, sweet, sweet dog. He's not very bright (we joke that he's so pretty he can't be smart too), but we love him anyway. He loves to cuddle and will happily sit in someone's lap all day. As long as he's in no pain and can still go to the bathroom and get around reasonably, we're just going to let him be.

After we talk to the vet tomorrow I'll update.

Thanks again for all your kind words and thoughts. You guys are awesome.

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Crazy thought, but think about acupuncture, animal massage and also animal chiropractors..... One of these might help with compressed spines... Just a thought.... There are some places here that offer these treatments... The first Chiro I went to, actually started with animals because he didn't have enough "human" business...


Good Luck!!

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