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Have you ever been in so much pain that hurling your self off of a building . . .

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I had two herniated disks in my back that ruptured and yet the idiots at the hospital told me there was nothing wrong with me. :confused:


Some pain you cannot even put into words.

Sure you can. Like, "curled up in the fetal position, biting on a blanket, gutteral screaming in my throat, my mind just a red haze, reduced to a wounded animal crying out to die sorta pain". I find that gets the general idea across anyways.

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:grouphug: Big hugs to all of you who are feeling this way. OP, is there anything that you can think of that would bring you a little bit of joy right now? If there's anything at all, I hope you can figure out a way to be able to do it. :grouphug:

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seems like a reasonable alternative. :crying: (where is the gritting your teeth because your in pain smiley???

:grouphug: I'm there right now. I have a tooth in the back that needs to be repaired and I have just kept putting it off because of the expense. Yesterday it started hurting a bit and by nightfall, I was ready to slam my face into a wall. It has relented only very little. I have an appointment with the Dentist in the morning @ 10:45, but I am nearly in tears thinking of having to cope with it that much longer. I feel sick from the pain. I hope you get relief soon!!!:grouphug:

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Sure you can. Like, "curled up in the fetal position, biting on a blanket, gutteral screaming in my throat, my mind just a red haze, reduced to a wounded animal crying out to die sorta pain". I find that gets the general idea across anyways.


My dh went through this exact thing (two ruptured disks, plus the experience Imp describes) and it was the worst thing I've had to witness. I'm so sorry for all who have had this experience.:grouphug::grouphug:

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Just twice. Once, it was my own fault. I was 18, and just went through a few hours of dental surgery to remove my wisdom teeth.. All four at once. I went home, crawled into bed, and forgot to take pain medication.. I was still numb of course.. My mom cried with me. It was much, much worse than my labor pains with my two children (natural births without any drugs for both), and my first was a back labor. No fun either. Hope to avoid that too this time.


The second time was when I was 26 and pregnant with my first. I had almost died and spent 10 days in the hospital with kidney disease (asymptomatic, iron level 5), and one night I had a nightmarish migraine. I never had migraines before, and never had since. This one was memorable.


A casual friend I was just getting to know and liked (we put each other on Facebook) did hurl himself off a building (parking garage) just a week before Thanksgiving. Tragic. The worst part was, he was supposed to be under watchful care (as he had proclaimed himself to be suicidal), and the personnel left him alone, with his hospital wristband on, for five whole minutes. That's all it took :(

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