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Prayer/Positive Thoughts Chain for Imp? Come in & help me figure this out..Thanks

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I don't know if we have ever done this on the new or old board, but I've had it placed on my heart to do a Prayer/Positive Thoughts Chain for Imp as she prepares for Dental Surgery THURSDAY (December 2nd) OF THIS WEEK!



PLEASE PM me OR post here with times that are good (or specifically not good - i.e., middle of the night) for you on Thursday, 12/2, to devote/commit a 10 minute increment of time (indicate if you can do more) to pray/send positive thoughts that the RSV will not spread to Imp's face, the Lord will guide her surgeon's hands, she will have peace before, during and after the procedure, she will be covered in the Lord's love, mercy and comfort throughout - beginning right now and culminating in being free of pain. In a few days, a final schedule will be on the social group that I just started-- "Imp's New Smile" (see the avatar -- we want Imp pain free and sleeping like THAT baby!


I mean, if we can get a ton of quilt squares sent to Scarlett for her 'New Beginnings Quilt,' we can get a prayer/positive thoughts chain going for Imp's 'New Smile.' ;)



Any and all help is appreciated for this. ETA: This is what I think we will do: Reply here, or on the social group OR PM ME if you want to sign up ---One will commit to praying for Imp for the specific period of time assigned to them (i.e., Mariann - Thursday December 2nd, 7am-7:30am)


In the interest of keeping us all sane, I am thinking of setting this up for THIS THURSDAY (is that right, Imp?) the day of the actual surgery -- pre-op, op, and post-op. I know that we will all be sending Imp our positive thoughts and prayers before and after THURSDAY.


If I have mis-stated anything and anyone knows a more efficient way to do this, PLEASE let me know.


I will be back later today with the Social Group started - is this ok? And of course it goes without saying that good thoughts and prayers will be sent to Imp whenever we think of her -- not just when we are on the chain schedule. I just needed to say that.:tongue_smilie:


And, please, reply only if you have a way to help or to move this forward - if you have an issue with it, I would appreciate your saving it for another time. I say this with all due respect - Thanks.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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HI Mariann, I am not sure how to do this but I would like to help.


Me neither, Chris, but here we go! :001_smile: I've only done these IRL.


Sign me up.


I'm not good at thinking out logistics. When it matters, though, I'm good at doing what I'm told. So tell me what to do and when to do it.


You're the best!:D




Just pointing out I'm a bit of a night owl if timing comes into play.


Thank you so much, and yes, Chucki -- that is an excellent point and was in the back of my mind -- time zones and night owls will be important here.:D

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Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaap. I can't get into see my GP until next week. This means that I have to try and convince the dentist, who hasn't a flipping clue about RSD, to medicate me for what he's going to consider an abnormal amount. Just doesn't get that one feeds the other until I'm curled up in the fetal position, screaming and crying into a pillow. They offer T4s. All codeine does is make me vomit. Constantly.



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Hydrocodone I've had, and have to take Gravol before or with it. Even with Gravol, T4s make me hurl. *sigh*


And yes, Mariann, its THIS Thursday now, at 7am, and I believe the time zone I'm in is Mountain (Alberta for those confused). Jean is probably an hour behind me. Its 940 am now.

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Hydrocodone I've had, and have to take Gravol before or with it. Even with Gravol, T4s make me hurl. *sigh*



I cannot take any kind of codeine either -- can you take Toradol -- I've been able to tolerate that.


And yes, Mariann, its THIS Thursday now, at 7am, and I believe the time zone I'm in is Mountain (Alberta for those confused). Jean is probably an hour behind me. Its 940 am now.



I was told there would NOT be any math!:cursing::banghead:

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I'm going to pray right now that your GP will call your dental surgeon, explain the situtation, and tell the dentist what to do and the scripts to order.


Marian, sign me up please. I'm in Michigan so it's 12:01 right now and if Imp is Rocky Mountain time, then I'd be two hours ahead of her. So a 7:00 a.m. time slot for me would be 9:00 a.m. Don't sign me up sooner than that because I'll be in the barn from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. eastern (or 5:30 - 6:30 a.m. Rocky Mountain) and the owner will be there to. I won't have any peace because she's getting ready for some international travel and I'll be getting a crash course in difficult lambing cases. Anytime 9:00 a.m. eastern or after will be good for me. But, I'll be in the barn again at 3:45 p.m. eastern (1:45 p.m. in Alberta) so keep that in mind if you sign me up for a post-op time.


Thanks for thinking of this! I think it's a wonderful idea.


(((HUGS))) to IMP



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Count me in as well. I am most likely to be awake from say 4 pm to 10 or 11 for sure. No way I would be awake in the early morning hours.


Imp, if it is oral surgery, can't they do sedation? I would kill for a little sedation right now. I am popping lortab like they are going out of style and I can barely walk to the bathroom.

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I'm going to pray right now that your GP will call your dental surgeon, explain the situtation, and tell the dentist what to do and the scripts to order.


Marian, sign me up please. I'm in Michigan so it's 12:01 right now and if Imp is Rocky Mountain time, then I'd be two hours ahead of her. So a 7:00 a.m. time slot for me would be 9:00 a.m. Don't sign me up sooner than that because I'll be in the barn from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. eastern (or 5:30 - 6:30 a.m. Rocky Mountain) and the owner will be there to. I won't have any peace because she's getting ready for some international travel and I'll be getting a crash course in difficult lambing cases. Anytime 9:00 a.m. eastern or after will be good for me. But, I'll be in the barn again at 3:45 p.m. eastern (1:45 p.m. in Alberta) so keep that in mind if you sign me up for a post-op time.


Thanks for thinking of this! I think it's a wonderful idea.


(((HUGS))) to IMP





Faith: I images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-o_2s-66id4JfKsFcEyX6zEQZGo5u_6-UdFTmaHrwH0jHEDGH you. (And, I never say cheesy stuff like that to anyone).:grouphug: Thank you -- You will hear from me!:001_smile:

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Count me in as well. I am most likely to be awake from say 4 pm to 10 or 11 for sure. No way I would be awake in the early morning hours.


Imp, if it is oral surgery, can't they do sedation? I would kill for a little sedation right now. I am popping lortab like they are going out of style and I can barely walk to the bathroom.


Sign me up! I guess I need to find that social group. I'd like to be assigned sometime after 5:30 am Eastern on that day.


Thank you both! I am writing all this down -- the social group has been started -- i will continue to keep track of everyone's preferences and then put something together. Thank you again. :)

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The dental surgeon just called.


I'm going in THIS Thursday, at 7am.




ok, this clears up the confusion. I couldn't understand why we were praying on Thursday and not Monday, Imp.


OF COURSE sign me up! I have no idea how I'll sleep Wednesday so I'd prefer 8:00 a.m. or later. Of course I'll pray for Imp beyond that.


But can you edit the original post for a specific request? I know Imp's nervous about the RSV spreading to her face. How AWFUL would that be? Can we please pray specifically that this not happen, on top of our prayers for the surgery and anything/everything else?


Thanks for doing this, Mariann! You're a sweetie!!! :thumbup:


Imp - we all adore you! Even if you're a little Impish!!!:lol::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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If you need to fill up some difficult timeslot, I might be able to help. But you need to tell me exactly when I'm needed, all those American timezones make my head spin and I'm already having a bad case of late pregnancy fog :tongue_smilie:.


ETA: I agree with Denise that adding Imp's specific health challenges to the prayer request might make things more clear.

Edited by Tress
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ok, this clears up the confusion. I couldn't understand why we were praying on Thursday and not Monday, Imp.


OF COURSE sign me up! I have no idea how I'll sleep Wednesday so I'd prefer 8:00 a.m. or later. Of course I'll pray for Imp beyond that.


But can you edit the original post for a specific request? I know Imp's nervous about the RSV spreading to her face. How AWFUL would that be? Can we please pray specifically that this not happen, on top of our prayers for the surgery and anything/everything else?



Yes, I will edit to specify this so that everyone is on the same page.:001_smile: I will add it to the social group.;


Thanks for doing this, Mariann! You're a sweetie!!! :thumbup: you are welcome!


Imp - we all adore you! Even if you're a little Impish!!!:lol::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Editing and adding to the social group.:)

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If I can help please let me know! Not a night owl but I am up at 6 every day!


You can put me on at midnight the night before to get things going.


ok, this clears up the confusion. I couldn't understand why we were praying on Thursday and not Monday, Imp.


OF COURSE sign me up! I have no idea how I'll sleep Wednesday so I'd prefer 8:00 a.m. or later. Of course I'll pray for Imp beyond that.


But can you edit the original post for a specific request? I know Imp's nervous about the RSV spreading to her face. How AWFUL would that be? Can we please pray specifically that this not happen, on top of our prayers for the surgery and anything/everything else?


Thanks for doing this, Mariann! You're a sweetie!!! :thumbup:


Imp - we all adore you! Even if you're a little Impish!!!:lol::grouphug:


Denise: Social group and original thread starter here amended so that everyone knows the specific prayer request involved here. Thanks for that.




If you need to fill up some difficult timeslot, I might be able to help. But you need to tell me exactly when I'm needed, all those American timezones make my head spin and I'm already having a bad case of late pregnancy fog :tongue_smilie:.


ETA: I agree with Denise that adding Imp's specific health challenges to the prayer request might make things more clear.


Tress: Specific health challenges added - excellent direction that we all pray specifically. I will slot you into a time, and if it doesn't work b/c I can be a total dunce about time zones, you just smack me and let me know, ok?:D


And, um, people, Tress and I are getting quite lonely being the only two who have joined the social group so far :toetap05:. We will be serving Christmas Cookies and Cinnamon Lattes over there in a little while.............:gnorsi:........we expect to see y'all!images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQu2LLfaKxrOe5UiuaMgDNy59m_murzjgpEMu5T-rJQrXM2jBg2

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I joined - happy now? And I like Russian tea cakes for Christmas cookies:D


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Those will be PERFECT with the cinnamon lattes!


I'm going to join now!:001_smile:


(whispering)......images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS7iGiDwKnRqLrexbFYV4Cy9Jo9j6HIOIjNOWa6ob_ya9LqLnddsome people can be SO difficult!:lol:


Oh, well, I do have the AGA -- okay, I'll do it images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSqF8WRemBl8oFhb1r7rsqkRobD6urBMTtWFlrR07VFxQHb2Ecg:lol:

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I will be glad to help (even though I am a Dental Sissy!), and really I would have joined without the cinnamon latte, but it sure made me respond faster :001_smile:. You should see how speedy I am when someone offers an EGGNOG LATTE :auto:


I am up by 7EST and around all day Thursday so give me whatever time helps the most, I am also a night owl up til midnight.


It is a heart warming thing to see people around a friend.

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Mariann, I'm the least technologically adept person on this board. What's a social group? What do I link on to find out when I am supposed to pray? It took me months just to realize that when I logged onto the board and it said "notifications" under my name that people were actually trying to get a message to me????


Seriously, I don't have a clue. You better just tell me now what my time is so I can put it on a sticky note on my Bible, the computer monitor, the refrigerator, and most importantly THE COFFEE POT!



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I will be glad to help (even though I am a Dental Sissy!), and really I would have joined without the cinnamon latte, but it sure made me respond faster :001_smile:. You should see how speedy I am when someone offers an EGGNOG LATTE :auto:


I am up by 7EST and around all day Thursday so give me whatever time helps the most, I am also a night owl up til midnight.


It is a heart warming thing to see people around a friend.[/QUOTE]


THANK YOU X 1M! (whispering) Egg Nog Lattes..........ok


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRj_3gMu5PuiGfh8-I-tTL4BoBExksLLTc9TYkIUBpt45E2pCborAimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcQBvZaXLad8EZHRo4qoxa8bKRNjbrffZyfP_wGBatrp_mgSIQELgAWe will have two different designs in the Egg Nog flavor.:D



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Mariann, I'm the least technologically adept person on this board. What's a social group? What do I link on to find out when I am supposed to pray? It took me months just to realize that when I logged onto the board and it said "notifications" under my name that people were actually trying to get a message to me????


Seriously, I don't have a clue. You better just tell me now what my time is so I can put it on a sticky note on my Bible, the computer monitor, the refrigerator, and most importantly THE COFFEE POT!




Not a problem -- I will PM you when I get the schedule made -- as far as social groups -- you click on your name in the upper right hand corner. Look for the COMMUNITY heading, click it, you will see social groups. You would click that, there will be a list of social groups -- look for 'Imp's New Smile' - or don't give it another thought, I will PM you. I'll save a latte and some Russian Tea Cakes for you.;)


Oh, and other people better start baking!:glare:images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlKmXjgroodTcqBLtFTko90jQO0T0L4c2e5R4-x17STBmkCf36ye9hHVh1fQ

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Not a problem -- I will PM you when I get the schedule made -- as far as social groups -- you click on your name in the upper right hand corner. Look for the COMMUNITY heading, click it, you will see social groups. You would click that, there will be a list of social groups -- look for 'Imp's New Smile' - or don't give it another thought, I will PM you. I'll save a latte and some Russian Tea Cakes for you.;)


Oh, and other people better start baking!:glare:images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlKmXjgroodTcqBLtFTko90jQO0T0L4c2e5R4-x17STBmkCf36ye9hHVh1fQ

Baking schmaking! The Schwans guy comes tomorrow. I'll get a nice pie from him.

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Count me in as well. I am most likely to be awake from say 4 pm to 10 or 11 for sure. No way I would be awake in the early morning hours.


Imp, if it is oral surgery, can't they do sedation? I would kill for a little sedation right now. I am popping lortab like they are going out of style and I can barely walk to the bathroom.

I'm going to be under general anesthetic. Which has 2 outcomes for me usually: Anesthetic awareness, where I'm awake while they're doing the surgery, which leads me to quit breathing...although I've also ended up incubated after surgery, which is called post anesthetic apnea. There's really no choice though...with RSD, I'd be screaming with the first needle for the local.



I'm going to pray right now that your GP will call your dental surgeon, explain the situtation, and tell the dentist what to do and the scripts to order.

Unfortunately, my Dr is on holidays. He gets back next wk.

Marian, sign me up please. I'm in Michigan so it's 12:01 right now and if Imp is Rocky Mountain time, then I'd be two hours ahead of her. So a 7:00 a.m. time slot for me would be 9:00 a.m. Don't sign me up sooner than that because I'll be in the barn from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. eastern (or 5:30 - 6:30 a.m. Rocky Mountain) and the owner will be there to. I won't have any peace because she's getting ready for some international travel and I'll be getting a crash course in difficult lambing cases. Anytime 9:00 a.m. eastern or after will be good for me. But, I'll be in the barn again at 3:45 p.m. eastern (1:45 p.m. in Alberta) so keep that in mind if you sign me up for a post-op time.


Thanks for thinking of this! I think it's a wonderful idea.


(((HUGS))) to IMP




ok, this clears up the confusion. I couldn't understand why we were praying on Thursday and not Monday, Imp.


OF COURSE sign me up! I have no idea how I'll sleep Wednesday so I'd prefer 8:00 a.m. or later. Of course I'll pray for Imp beyond that.


But can you edit the original post for a specific request? I know Imp's nervous about the RSV spreading to her face. How AWFUL would that be? Can we please pray specifically that this not happen, on top of our prayers for the surgery and anything/everything else?


Thanks for doing this, Mariann! You're a sweetie!!! :thumbup:


Imp - we all adore you! Even if you're a little Impish!!!:lol::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

I've never been adored before.


Honestly, you guys have been so excellent. It blows my mind that not only do you understand my fears, esp with RSD potentially spreading.


I've not been able to process anything much. The hit to the self esteem from teeth crumbling to chalk over the last 2 yrs has been purposely buried...too much else to do, and nothing I did could stop the crumbling. Now I'm going to have parts of my body ripped out and replaced.


I'm a little freaked. Just a little. The way the Grand Canyon is a 'little' hole. Its almost to the point of calling and asking for Monday again...but with a Thurs surgery, it means I only have to manage Friday and Wolf is home for 2 days.


Although, knowing him, he'd ignore me and stay home if he thought he was needed.


Thank you all once again. I'm full on crying now, amazed at how you've rallied around me. I've never known this before. SpecialMama, and some friends (and their parents) from high school were the only ppl other than Wolf who've ever 'rallied' for me.


Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


I guess I should join the group, huh? :lol:

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Faith can have my tea cakes or cookies or whatever you are baking, I probably can't keep them down, ...... but I really want to try that Egg Nog Latte! I have never seen anything like that before!, so cute, but what is Egg Nog?? (off to google...) Okaaaay, but would the egg nog not be better without the latte (I'm not much of a coffee drinker)?


More serious: Imp, join the social group and :grouphug:.

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I'm going to be under general anesthetic. Which has 2 outcomes for me usually: Anesthetic awareness, where I'm awake while they're doing the surgery, which leads me to quit breathing...although I've also ended up incubated after surgery, which is called post anesthetic apnea. There's really no choice though...with RSD, I'd be screaming with the first needle for the local.




I've never been adored before.


Honestly, you guys have been so excellent. It blows my mind that not only do you understand my fears, esp with RSD potentially spreading.


I've not been able to process anything much. The hit to the self esteem from teeth crumbling to chalk over the last 2 yrs has been purposely buried...too much else to do, and nothing I did could stop the crumbling. Now I'm going to have parts of my body ripped out and replaced.


I'm a little freaked. Just a little. The way the Grand Canyon is a 'little' hole. Its almost to the point of calling and asking for Monday again...but with a Thurs surgery, it means I only have to manage Friday and Wolf is home for 2 days.


Although, knowing him, he'd ignore me and stay home if he thought he was needed.


Thank you all once again. I'm full on crying now, amazed at how you've rallied around me. I've never known this before. SpecialMama, and some friends (and their parents) from high school were the only ppl other than Wolf who've ever 'rallied' for me.


Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


I guess I should join the group, huh? :lol:



Apple juice and butterscotch pudding, please :001_smile:


Imp: Reaching for the mixer --:Dimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcRbVeYCnpgstBW2SQtaJSmj9RQ0w5Nx0J8jv9Yw7DSb4icnSXEY


Let me know if there is any way that the specific prayer request should be amended, ok?:grouphug:

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anytime after 6:30 am Central. It's a privilege to be a part of this. :thumbup1:


Imp, I'm really excited for you and for the difference this will make for you. You **will** get through the procedure just fine!



and I'm all jazzed abt the thought of 6 mos of braces next year to fix that crooked smile...yaay, me!

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Imp: Reaching for the mixer --:Dimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcRbVeYCnpgstBW2SQtaJSmj9RQ0w5Nx0J8jv9Yw7DSb4icnSXEY


Let me know if there is any way that the specific prayer request should be amended, ok?:grouphug:

Just so long as its RSD, not V, I'm good. *ducking*


I'm so blown away that ppl are going to all this effort for *me*


I can't imagine telling anyone to amend anything. I want to survive it is I guess what it boils down to. Survive it and not gain even more problems after it. That this dentist listens and treats the pain as *I* need it treated, vs what everyone else is fine with.


Being unique isn't all that its cracked up to be, I tell ya. Its cracking my sanity.

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[That this dentist listens and treats the pain as *I* need it treated, vs what everyone else is fine with.


Probably something you already thought about, but can't you give this dentist some official documentation about what you need? Some people 'listen' better when it is in writing.

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Just so long as its RSD, not V, I'm good. *ducking*


I'm so blown away that ppl are going to all this effort for *me*


I can't imagine telling anyone to amend anything. I want to survive it is I guess what it boils down to. Survive it and not gain even more problems after it. That this dentist listens and treats the pain as *I* need it treated, vs what everyone else is fine with.


Being unique isn't all that its cracked up to be, I tell ya. Its cracking my sanity.



Oh, Imp, I SO hear you :grouphug: (and yeah, I corrected the typo - ;)) -- we are all going to pray for you -- that is what you need, that is what we are going to do. And, I will go over to church tomorrow and use the wall of clocks with the clocks showing the time from places all over the world - and I will make up a schedule and it will be at the social group (everyone just needs to let me know what is a good or not good time for them and how much time they can commit -- and if you've done that already, it has been duly noted with my thanks).

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Put me down for whenever you need to. I am in the Eastern Time Zone. I am so afraid of the dentist, and I don't have RSD. I feel for you, Imp.


I will go sign up on the social group now. Oh, and all I need is a tall black coffee with a shot of espresso. I don't like sissy coffee!!!

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Put me down for whenever you need to. I am in the Eastern Time Zone. I am so afraid of the dentist, and I don't have RSD. I feel for you, Imp.


I will go sign up on the social group now. Oh, and all I need is a tall black coffee with a shot of espresso. I don't like sissy coffee!!![/QUOTE]



:lol::lol::lol: That's me.......... images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTM62TreGHua-FanrDV_qVcYHoO6McxjJnQexqVaFN4qoqD9BpFNO! Not her -- I never leave the house looking like that! ..............images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRsJRvIZQic8sr7H1VKyIPXiukXlcd-Lp4yReq54YFETNuWGj00MQYoo Hoo --waving at you to join me at the grown up table.:lol::lol:

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