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Well, when I saw that they were going to increase the rates, I was extremely happy to see that it was only $1. I've expected them to raise them and I thought the increase would be more significant. I hope you can figure a way to keep your subscription.




Mine was $3.:glare: I have the 3 DVD plan though...

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I read an article about it today. The big reason they are upping the prices is because they are dumping a HUGE amount of money into their streaming which means LOTS more stuff available for instant streaming. I will gladly pay for that, because we've come to love the streaming option!

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It's still a heck of a deal for us. We have the 2 DVD, and will keep it.


We have 2-3 DVD's a week, plus the instant streaming. As it is now, I am not completely impressed with what is available in instant streaming. It's hit or miss for what we are wanting to watch.


But we can't leave the house for that price, not with a family of five, so the fact that we can have entertainment at home, plus we use it for schooling, well worth it for us!

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I think we are going to drop down to the one DVD at a time plan from the 3 DVD plan. We mostly use the instant queue but I would like to be able to get some DVDs for school purposes. We are also going to add Hulu Plus so it will cost about the same for us as it does now. It is still way cheaper than cable.

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I read an article about it today. The big reason they are upping the prices is because they are dumping a HUGE amount of money into their streaming which means LOTS more stuff available for instant streaming. I will gladly pay for that, because we've come to love the streaming option!

I can see that it will be an advantage for some, but we live out in the sticks, and the streaming doesn't work especially well here. :glare:

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I can see that it will be an advantage for some, but we live out in the sticks, and the streaming doesn't work especially well here. :glare:


Same here, Julie. I am bummed as well. The instant-only option will make sen$e for a lot of people, but not for us. I only need the DVDs, 2 at a time, please.


I'll be calling their 1-800 number tomorrow and let them know I'd like another option.

ETA: Their number is 1-866-716-0411. "Current hold time is 15 minutes." I'll bet.

Edited by BridgeTea
phone number
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Mine was $3.:glare: I have the 3 DVD plan though...


We have the 1 dvd plan. IMO, Netflix is too good to be true and I can't imagine they won't raise their rates substantially once they get their customer base to whatever level they're aiming for. I've got my fingers crossed that that won't be the case, but that's why I was so happy the increase was only $1 for the 1-dvd option. Sorry yours was $3.



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I searched my emails but couildn't find this notice, yet when I go to My Account on their website, the notice is right at the top. I wonder if I deleted the notice thinking it was a "get your friends on Netflix" type of email.


Anyway, we currently have 2 at a time unlimited plus streaming. I think we'll drop down to one and keep the streaming. There are some movies and shows we're interested that aren't on streaming, so we do want the dvd option. Though we have a Redbox on practically every corner, that would be more expensive for us. We sometimes like to watch a movie several times before sending it back, so the Redbox fees would add up quickly that way.


I can see Netfilx going to more and more streaming. Currently Hulu seems to have the market cornered on that, and Netflix is known for making smart business decisions.

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We only get one DVD at a time, because we are so lame, we can't watch more than that. :lol:


I will be THRILLED If they have more available on the streaming option. We use that all the time. We still get DVDs of things that aren't available online, but we mainly use the streaming option.


We also don't have cable, so we will be keeping Netflix. I don't remember getting an email about a price increase but I probably just didn't read it. Off to research...

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Guest Cindie2dds
Mine was $3.:glare: I have the 3 DVD plan though...


Yep, mine went from $16.99 to $19.99. I don't have cable, but that $3 is something I'm going to have to think about. :glare:

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Netflix is increasing it's prices. Mine is going from $8.99 to $9.99.

Not sure we can keep it. Yep, only a dollar more, but that dollar is leaving at a really bad time.:sad:


Yeah - I received the notice this morning. I need to play with the site a little more. I don't use it for TV, do you? Can you watch current episodes or just past seasons?

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Saw that. I may downgrade to just instant. It's not the extra dollar, but we only have 1-out and sometimes I can't even find something to order. I never have more than three or four movies in my queue. :001_smile:


I have 26 in my queue. 24 are documentaries and biographies for DS's American History class.


There are also quite a few I would like to watch for my psychology classes.

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I"m sorry that money is tight for you and that you have to consider giving up a nice little luxury. :grouphug:


We didn't get an email, but we recently dropped from 3 to 2, and it might already be $8.99 - Bud pays the bills so I'm not sure.


I am intrigued by the streaming only subscription. Since we've been using the streaming we really don't take advantage of the DVDs - which is why we dropped from 3 to 2. But there is usually a couple of movies a month that aren't available on streaming.


Not sure what to do.

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My dh loves the streaming, and he is usually the one who watches it. I'm not as enamored of it. Many of the things I want to watch are not available, and I hate sitting there sifting through a whole bunch of crap to find something I want to watch. Honestly, there are a whole bunch of really bad movies out there! With the DVDs and the queue, when I see a movie I'm interested in, I just put it on the queue, and every time one arrives, I know it is something I want to watch. Returning them is so convenient, also, and I love being able to watch it whenever I want with no return date. Less stress in my life is a good thing. I love the current Netflix model.

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I"m sorry that money is tight for you and that you have to consider giving up a nice little luxury. :grouphug:


We didn't get an email, but we recently dropped from 3 to 2, and it might already be $8.99 - Bud pays the bills so I'm not sure.


I am intrigued by the streaming only subscription. Since we've been using the streaming we really don't take advantage of the DVDs - which is why we dropped from 3 to 2. But there is usually a couple of movies a month that aren't available on streaming.


Not sure what to do.

We're on the lowest plan that includes a dvd & streaming.

If you're on the two dvd plan, it's $14.99 a month.

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The big reason they are upping the prices is because they are dumping a HUGE amount of money into their streaming which means LOTS more stuff available for instant streaming. I will gladly pay for that, because we've come to love the streaming option!



We've used streaming like crazy. (Hardly ever watch the 3 DVDs we have out.) They've increased what they are offering. Makes sense to increase the price and give some new options (like the streaming only). I'm surprised they didn't do it before now, and am pleased the raise was relatively small.

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LOL, mine is going from $29.99 to $34.99. Oh well, guess we'll suck it up. I read an article about the price increase and it sounds like Netflix WANTS everyone to switch to the streaming only option- I bet it cuts their costs when we don't request DVDs in the mail. Well, if they want us to switch to streaming only then they need to offer everything on the site for streaming instead of having so many that are available on DVD only.

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