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How's your weight loss going?

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I'll post mine first.


I have lost 30 pounds since Sept. 13th. I am *very* happy with this!


As far as other postive signs - I have a tremendous amount of endurance that I didn't have before. I am obviously stronger physically. It's obvious to people around me that I have lost weight.


Mentally? This has been the biggest benefit. I have never been one to do things for myself - it has always been about what I could do for others. For years my attitude has been to put myself last, but I am not willing to do that any longer. The best part? It's okay! No one is whining that I need to put them first or anything.:lol: I don't know if this change in attitude is caused by the weight loss or if the weight loss has happened because I am doing it for myself.


I really, really hope to be an inspiration to my BIL - he is diabetic, weighs 400+ pounds (I don't know if anyone knows or not exactly how much), and after losing 25 pounds in 3 months he has slacked off (according to FIL.) He is going to literally die if something doesn't change.


Challenges - I have gotten bored with what I was doing. I am trying to change up my exercise routines to add more variety while keeping the same intensity/duration. I also need to move to the next level - treadmill and Nautilus aren't enough anymore.


Anyone else?

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I'm so glad you started this thread. I have lost 44 lbs since August. I have noticed a huge decrease in my Fibro pain. My IBS is significantly better and I definitely have more energy!!


My challenges right now are finding low fat foods (I started a thread on this yesterday) that are tasty and filling. I am on a 1200 calorie a day diet with a maximum of 30 g of fat.

I'm also struggling with exercising. I'm starting out very sllloooowww and using my exercise bike for 5 or 10 minutes at a time. I'd like to add more but I need some good food ideas because I know once I start exercising more, I'll be more hungry and I don't want to eat junk and sabotage my efforts :001_huh:

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Congrats on your 30 pounds! That's great!


You're definitely ahead of me! I started my weight loss program on August 26th. So far I've lost 19 1/4 lbs- although I weigh in again tomorrow so it should be a bit more by now. I'll update my weight loss thread tomorrow with my weigh in results.


I started at 237 1/2 lbs. I'm 5'7". I was getting a lot of backaches (I have sciatica but it tends to be worse when I'm too overweight), and when I got up from laying down for a while, like to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, my ankles would kind of hurt, like I had bad circulation or something.


Now that I've lost some weight, my ankles no longer bother me at all, and I just recently noticed that I'm definitely getting fewer backaches.


I have been exercising regularly, and now I don't get out of breath as easily.


The biggest benefit for me is more emotional I guess. When I'm overweight and NOT motivated to do anything about it, I don't feel good about myself and it can be depressing sometimes. I'm still overweight obviously (I weighed 218 1/4 lbs as of LAST week's weigh in, looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's brings), but because I'm making positive changes and continually working on it, I feel a lot better about myself.


Challenges- well, it's not easy. I mean, I've been on a diet for three months straight now, and sometimes it just gets old. You want to be able to eat whatever you want, and tasty fattening foods, and as much of it as you want... but you can't. Not if you want to lose weight. And sure I can "indulge" now and then, and sometimes I do, but I find that when I get off track, it can be VERY hard to get back ON track. And the weight sure goes on a lot faster and easier than it comes off!


It's a constant struggle, but it's worth it, for my health and for my self-esteem.


ETA: I just saw your post, Judy, congrats on your 44 lbs! That's amazing!

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I just started back on WW and joined a gym seven weeks ago. I've lost approx. 7 lbs. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago when my trainer measured my body fat %, it looks like I was not losing JUST fat. So for the past few weeks, I've been trying to be more consistent with my protein supplements, and trying to eat more protein, so I can gain muscle. Hope I'm doing better.


I do see a difference already. My jeans are slightly looser. When I flex my arms, I actually see some muscle that wasn't there before. And I can feel some ab muscle underneath the layer of fat. :001_smile:


I'm hoping by Christmas to be into a smaller size. I get frustrated sometimes, because I feel differently about myself now, and I wish I looked drastically different already! But I'm hooked on working out already, and I am excited when I think about how different my life will be for the long term, healthier, more energy, more fit, feeling better about my appearance.



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I joined WW on Saturday, so I don't have any losses to report yet. However, I've been doing well with food choices and have started walking with a neighbor in the morning. It's a good start!


FYI your sig says you started in 2005, rather than 2010. LOL. Just figured I'd let you know. Looking forward to hearing how your first week goes :)


ETA: And I think we should ALL put something about our weight loss status in our siggies :D Then it will be easier to know/remember who's trying to lose weight and to see how they're doing and better be able to get random inspiration, give random encouragement etc. Just a thought!

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I have lost 12 pounds since mid-September.

It's really, really difficult!


I'm using the Weight Watchers points system online.

It works well for me because it has helped me to understand my patterns. I don't eat a lot all the time, but I tend to eat a TON once or twice a week. I didn't realize how much that TON amounted to--it's really like an extra day or two worth of food.


I have not stopped doing that entirely, but I have consciously cut back on the 'smaller' days, and I have slowed down the excess on the big ones. Also, I have learned that I can 'feel' pretty full on veggies, and am eating more of them--I'm still not where I should be on that, though. It's a process...I'm in a CSA, and we still end up throwing away some things. And the winter squashes are ending up more often as decorations than as food. Not happy about that...


I have also started jog/walking about 4 days per week (theoretically 6, but it's not really working out quite that way). I went for a hike 2 weeks ago, and was thrilled with how much more stamina I have than the last time I did that. Because of the exercise, though, I feel achy almost all the time. Still, I'm enjoying it and I know that it's making me much healthier. My cholesterol numbers are in better balance (they were always low, but now the HDL/LDL ratio and triglycerides are better than before).


The GERD has been reduced, but not eliminated, and I am still taking medicine for it, but it's clear to me that it's much less of a problem than before--I think because the weight loss has reduced the pressure on my stomach. I was able to stop taking my asthma medication.


All of my pants are too loose, so I have been pushing my stomach out to hold them up. Ironically, this has made me look fatter! So yesterday I went to a consignment store to see if I could fit into the next size lower black pants--and guess what, I dropped from a 18W-20W to a 16 regular! And the store was having a pants sale--I got some Ellen Tracy/Linda Allard overstock dress black pants for only $5, brand new, regular price $255! Woohoo! I'm going to sort through my smaller jeans and see if any fit me yet. Woohoo that I can even consider this!

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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That is when I joined Weight Watchers. I'm at the three week mark that makes it kinda hard. I am sick of everything i've been eating. However, the weight loss is great and I just need to get through Thanksgiving.


This week I just started adding in more exercise, so I am hoping for more great results!

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You all are doing great. I must admit that everyone has me beat with the weight. I began furiously working out last December. So almost a year. I've lost only 25 lbs. But, I have gone from a size 16 to a loose 12. I eat lots of lean protein and watch my food intake about 99% of the time. My frustration though is different. Yes, I'm down in size because of muscle weight but I really want to see the scale move. I work out for about 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 min. 6 days a week. I've always been one to love working out but now that it needs to be combined with weight loss after the birth of my 12 kids it takes on a whole new meaning.


So my question to you all. How do I see the scale move a bit quicker. Should I scale back my work outs so I stop building muscle? I am so confused as to what I should do. I admit, I do get obsessive when it comes to working out. Sometimes I work out twice a day. I've done this in the past and it really worries my hubby. But I am just so stressed about not seeing the numbers move on the scale. Anyone have any suggestions?

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I didn't/don't have a lot of weight to lose. I am fit but I didn't really look it. With all the exercise I do, I really expected to look fabulous. I am doing the Insanity program and it has really trimmed me. I've lost maybe 10lbs recently but I look smaller.


I am not dieting but I am not eating a will or simply anything I want.


My only hangup is losing my middle and the loose skin from pregnancy. I look normal standing up but bending over or sitting down...landslide!

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I started counting calories a little over two weeks ago, on 10/31, and so far have lost 4.5 pounds. I started at 153 pounds and am now down to 148.5! :hurray: That doesn't sound like much of a difference compared to what others here have lost, but after struggling to lose weight - any weight at all - all year, this has been a huge loss for me! Cutting back on the amount of food I ate just wasn't working - and then I started counting calories and was able to see just how much I was overeating. I'm now aiming for a rough 1,200 calories/day, and have been able to stick with that most days. I used to always be hungry, or "needed" to eat even if I wasn't hungry, and now I'm rarely hungry. The regular sized meals I used to eat are now huge and I feel much better if I just eat a small portion (although I can gobble up a fairly huge salad and still feel great! :001_smile:). I have some physical problems that are or have disappeared too!


The biggest difference though - for me - has been the realization that I can do this and it is working! Albeit slowly, but at least the weight is coming off!


I have also been trying to exercise as often as I can each week. We have an elliptical and I try to spend around 45 minutes to an hour on it each day.


Thanks for starting this thread! It's encouraging to see the success of others!


ETA: My goal is to get down to 120 - 125 pounds. Dh has given me a couple of very nice incentives to work towards, if I've lost the weight by my birthday. I know my goal weight is much smaller than I am now, but that was the size I was when we got married and I wasn't super skinny at all.

Edited by lorien
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I joined WW 8 weeks ago and just weighed in an hour ago. I have lost 16 lbs. and have 12 more to go the reach my weight goal. My pants are really getting loose on me, but I don't want to buy more until I reach goal.


Challenge - I just want to get past the holidays. I do the treadmill every day. I am going to add The Biggest Loser game for the Wii. I have lost weight before with WW and gain most of it make. For me, maintaining by weight lose is much harder than losing the weight. I am determined to do it this time.

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Follow up question: Not sure how I will work out when it rains all the time or is too cold to run. Don't have room for a treadmill, and don't like the ones that are small. Looked at a gym, but it's SO expensive.


What about Wii or WiiFit (are they two different things? What are they?) Basically I know NOTHING about this or about computer or video games. How big are they, what do they do, are they really all that helpful, which one(s) should I consider?

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I started Nutrisystem on August 20th and so far I am down 24lbs! I have 11 more to go to make goal:D. I have not exercised at all- but the next goal I want to tackle is getting into a regular exercise routine. I have lost weight in the past on WW (even made lifetime), but I just am at a place where I don't want to have to *think* about what I am going to make for dinner. All I have to do is have a variety of fruit anf veggies available- and I'm set. While I am sure NS is not for everyone it has helped me regain discipline in my eating and it has also taught me appropriate portions. After I reach goal on NS I will probably continue with some NS food- and start following WW maintenance program.


I am 6'2...started at 210 and goal is 175. Congratulations to all of you who have lost and to those just starting...You can do it!

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Well, I've gained a few pounds and my challenge is that I haven't started working on weight loss yet. I say I'm going to, but I'm such a procrastinator. We need to get new I.D. cards next year, and I'd really be happy to actually weight the amount the card says that I weigh, and have a much slimmer photo on the card. I've been eating way too much convenience food, right now I'm working on eating a lot more veggies and trying to cut down on the flour products.

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It's great reading about all the losses and the healthy changes everyone's making! Congrats to you all!


Follow up question: Not sure how I will work out when it rains all the time or is too cold to run. Don't have room for a treadmill, and don't like the ones that are small. Looked at a gym, but it's SO expensive.


What about Wii or WiiFit (are they two different things? What are they?) Basically I know NOTHING about this or about computer or video games. How big are they, what do they do, are they really all that helpful, which one(s) should I consider?


Carol, WiiFit IS different from a Wii- but you need a Wii before you can use a WiiFit so you'd need to buy both. The WiiFit is pretty fun (though like everything else eventually the novelty wears off). You get a "balance board" (run on batteries) that also functions as a scale and it will track your goals and losses for you, it will give you "fit tests," and there are all different games, some of which do get you pretty active (there's step aerobics, there's hula hooping, there's a jogging one, there's a yoga category and so on).


Another idea is to just borrow various exercise videos from the library, Netflix, your video store, whatever, and just try out different videos. You could do aerobics ones, pilates, yoga, dancing, or go for something random and fun like hula dancing or belly dancing... try to just have fun with it :)


A good fall back favorite for me is just doing some of the Leslie Sansone/ Walk Away The Pounds videos- they're easy and don't require a lot of coordination or grace, which I seem to be short on haha.


eta: michele, wow, congrats on the C25K, you're doing amazing! I might give that another try soon, too.

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I am slooow going but am down to 216. I am horrible about tracking weeks and dates. I think I was 225 in mid sept. I was trying to weigh evey Monday but sometimes it drives me nuts and I just weigh when I feel like it!

I have been at this for well over a year now.

I started at 280, am now 216 and I was shooting for 175 but now am aiming at 170 so I have a 5 pound leeway up to 175.


So I am 64 down, 46 to go..........

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I am slooow going but am down to 216. I am horrible about tracking weeks and dates. I think I was 225 in mid sept. I was trying to weigh evey Monday but sometimes it drives me nuts and I just weigh when I feel like it!

I have been at this for well over a year now.

I started at 280, am now 216 and I was shooting for 175 but now am aiming at 170 so I have a 5 pound leeway up to 175.


So I am 64 down, 46 to go..........


64 lbs is amazing! You've lost like 3 automobile tires! It must feel great not to have to lug those around anymore, huh? (I've lost 1. LOL).

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I've lost a little over 15 pounds since October 11. I'm doing Dr. Gott's "no flour, no sugar" diet, plus I've added the rule of no artificial sweeteners either. I'm drinking lots of water, I go to Zumba class 2 or 3 times a week, and I'm about to start T-tapp as soon as I figure out how to do the exercises correctly. I have 17 pounds left to lose and two clothing sizes.

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You all are doing great. I must admit that everyone has me beat with the weight. I began furiously working out last December. So almost a year. I've lost only 25 lbs. But, I have gone from a size 16 to a loose 12. I eat lots of lean protein and watch my food intake about 99% of the time. My frustration though is different. Yes, I'm down in size because of muscle weight but I really want to see the scale move. I work out for about 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 min. 6 days a week. I've always been one to love working out but now that it needs to be combined with weight loss after the birth of my 12 kids it takes on a whole new meaning.


So my question to you all. How do I see the scale move a bit quicker. Should I scale back my work outs so I stop building muscle? I am so confused as to what I should do. I admit, I do get obsessive when it comes to working out. Sometimes I work out twice a day. I've done this in the past and it really worries my hubby. But I am just so stressed about not seeing the numbers move on the scale. Anyone have any suggestions?


Through your diet - track your food and count calories. You may need less or you may need more (so your body doesn't think it is starving.)


I lost 9 pounds through blood, sweat and tears over 3 months. I exercised 6x a week and was gaining muscle. I did lose some inches.


I got sick. I can't exercise right now. I'm eating exactly the same. I've lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks.


Something isn't right about this. . .


Two things - either you weren't eating enough for your exercise so your body was conserving calories, or your muscles were holding a lot of water that they aren't now that you aren't exercising.

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I've lost about 55 pounds since September of 2009. And gained almost 5 back. :/ I was doing WW, but stopped counting on vacation in July, and haven't gotten back on track. I keep trying, but get stumped by going out or eating at friends'. I'm sorta waiting now until the "new" program is introduced after Thanksgiving to see if that gives me the jumpstart I need.


But I've also been doing a lot of reading about nutrition, health, weight loss, and ADD, and decided that maybe my goal shouldn't be a low-fat diet, but a more high-protein moderate-fat complex carb diet. I haven't nailed down the specifics yet though. I'm also worried about my carb-addict children :(



My biggest challenge is not getting enough/any exercise between my toddler only taking one nap and homeschooling. I'm looking into a gym with childcare, but I'm not liking the options. I want to take Zumba and yoga, but the only classes for those seem to be in the evening when I want to spend time with my hubby or on the weekend. So I'm frustrated. :/

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64 lbs is amazing! You've lost like 3 automobile tires! It must feel great not to have to lug those around anymore, huh? (I've lost 1. LOL).


Thank you for equating that, it really puts it into perspective :001_smile: My DD weighs 64 lbs come to think of it. So I lost an 8 year old!


Everyone hang in there, it can get tough but EVERY good choice and EVERY little pound loss counts!!!!!

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I've lost 30 lbs since July. I started Sparkpeople after hearing about it on this forum. I went from 193 to 163 and I am no longer considered obese. :hurray:


I have 28 more pounds to lose to be in a healthy weight range.


My calorie range is 1200-1600.


I walk most days or I'll pop in an exercise video. I was gifted a Bowflex Blaze recently so now I'm lifting weights 3 times a week.


I was wearing a size 16-18 in jeans, but now I'm in a 12-14 depending on how they are made.


My knee is no longer giving me trouble and I'm sleeping much better at night.

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I've lost about 55 pounds since September of 2009. And gained almost 5 back. :/ I was doing WW, but stopped counting on vacation in July, and haven't gotten back on track. I keep trying, but get stumped by going out or eating at friends'. I'm sorta waiting now until the "new" program is introduced after Thanksgiving to see if that gives me the jumpstart I need.


Good for you for only gaining 5 back. I tend to be incredibly stupid and let myself slip and gain pretty much everything back and sometimes then some before I can finally get myself motivated to get back on a weight loss program. I don't know why I do that, and I hate that I do! Anyway congrats on your loss so far, that's great! I'm curious to see what WW's new program is like, too!


I'm currently using my old materials to do the WW program but I go to TOPS for my weigh ins and support since it's much cheaper than WW. But I might rejoin WW for a week when their new stuff comes out just to get the materials and learn about the plan! :D


I've lost 30 lbs since July. I started Sparkpeople after hearing about it on this forum. I went from 193 to 163 and I am no longer considered obese. :hurray:


Woohoo! I can't wait til I'm no longer considered "obese." What a horrid word! lol.




So here's my UPDATE:


I weighed in today (it was my week 12 weigh in) and I lost 2 1/2 lbs this week, for a total of 21 3/4 lbs lost. :)

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Good for you for only gaining 5 back. I tend to be incredibly stupid and let myself slip and gain pretty much everything back and sometimes then some before I can finally get myself motivated to get back on a weight loss program.

I weighed in today (it was my week 12 weigh in) and I lost 2 1/2 lbs this week, for a total of 21 3/4 lbs lost. :)


Me too (the bolded part) and :party: congratulations on your WI! It is nice to share this journey with you all!

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Follow up question: Not sure how I will work out when it rains all the time or is too cold to run. Don't have room for a treadmill, and don't like the ones that are small. Looked at a gym, but it's SO expensive.




Woohoo, I won a one month membership at a local Curves today!

I've never tried Curves, but it looks like a great next step kind of thing for me, especially in the indoor season. I'm debating whether to start in December or January. Leaning toward January, but don't want to lose momentum. I do have an exercise bike at home, but never seem to get as much of a workout on it as I do when I run.

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I'm doing Medifast, only with Jillian Michaels whey shakes instead of the Medifast food. ;) I've lost 18lbs since October 25! I have 110lbs to lose total though, so it's hard to get really excited sometimes. I already look better though. I don't really feel more energetic, but I have energy because I'm so encouraged that I've found a diet that I"m able to stick with right now.

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I lost about 15 lbs. last year. I gave gained back 4:( I need to get on it before I gain it all back. I think maintenance just might be the hardest part!!


I agree, and that's been a real hurdle for me in my weight loss journey. I am doing WW, and it's so discouraging to see these "Lifetime" members at the meetings who obviously didn't make a healthy diet a "lifetime" commitment. And so I think, well, if they lost and then regained on this program, what's going to stop me from doing the same. Even my leader counts points every day to stay at her goal. I don't want to be counting points for the rest of my life. :'[ I want to figure out why I can't say no in the first place, what causes me to eat an entire bag of chips, or to keep stealing "nibbles" of cheesecake even when I'm already bursting with food, or why I can't get motivated to exercise even though I know/remember that it makes me feel better.

I also don't want to eat fake food for the rest of my life: splenda, lean cuisines, low-fat this and non-fat that. I want to eat real food, but in moderate amounts. I want to be active enough that I don't have to worry about "splurging" on a cookie with my sons for "afternoon tea" or whatever, ya know?


Until I make some real changes in the way I approach food and activity, I'm never going to be healthy, and that's my ultimate goal. I say my goal is 135 [10 pounds to go!], but truly I want to be healthy, I want to avoid diabetes and cancer, I want to be able to walk in my old age not hobble around even after handfuls of pills like my mother, I want to be able to enjoy retirement when my DH finally gets there and the boys are finally grown, and before that I want to enjoy their childhood!




Ok, sorry for the blog entry! :lol Something that's been on my mind lately.

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When I stepped on the scales this morning, it was just a hair UNDER 200lbs for the first time in YEARS.





Woohoo! That's VERY exciting! Congrats!!! I still have about 16 lbs to go before I can join you there!






I want to let you know that I just started a "Weight Loss Challenge" social group here at TWTM (click "Community" above, then "Social Groups" and look for "The Weight Loss Challenge").


I've already posted several fun contests and challenges there, and you guys can join any/as many of them as you want- or create and post your own!


Some have specific time frames, some are just ongoing.


They're all geared toward either some friendly competition or toward encouraging healthy changes and choices...


come check it out when you get a chance! :)

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I've just started my weight loss journey last week. I've started eating Smart Ones meals and Special K for dinner, along with sometimes a sensible meal for dinner. I've also been using The Biggest Loser game for Wii as my workout regime, and let me tell you that game really makes you sweat! I love it though. I feel great afterward. I've only lost 4 lbs so far (out of 40 to lose) but I'll take it! Losing is losing!


I'd have to say that my biggest challenges are with junk food. I love it, and having to give up all the candy, cookies and chocolate has been a pain. But I'm desperately trying to find alternatives. If anyone can lend some ideas I'd be forever grateful!

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I lost 4 pounds last week, which is great, but I'm nervous about this week. There's Thanksgiving AND my 20 year anniversary. I will need to be very, very careful all week so that I don't blow it with those events.


I've found that I need to keep my hands busy. I can't just sit down to watch TV. I need to be doing something else at the same time, or I have this big craving to eat.


So many bad habits to overcome...

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I've lost 96lbs in 18mos! So, a little over 3lbs a month since my baby was born. I feel GREAT!! I've been running/wogging/jogging/whatever 5mi a day, 3 days a week, on the eliptical machine at the Y. I have slacked in the last couple weeks (Soccer is over so I don't HAVE to be there--gotta get back in my groove!!!! ;)) I have "slipped" *MANY* times since I started my weightloss journey but have realized the best thing to do is just pick myself up again & KEEP ON MOVING! So. I've got to take my own advice now & get back to the Y this week!!! :D


I think if I curbed my eating *any* I would/could loose weight faster but all that running (and nursing!) makes a girl HUNGRY! :tongue_smilie: And, I love to eat anyway, so add that appetite on top of things and I can get crazy with some food at times. I reaaaaaally need to work on good choices. I feed my kids awesome, I just tend to snack (at bedtime, I'm bad)... I would love to have something that curbed my appetite, even a little... I've thought about doing those shakes for lunch...aren't they supposed to curb your appetite? I don't know if I can drink them while nursing though??? :confused: Anybody know?

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I read and commented about the difficulty of maintenance on this thread right before going to bed. Last night ALL I dreamt about was food....Pop Tarts in particular. In my dream I ate so many smore's PopTarts that I could actually see myself gaining weight. I think that's a sign that it's time for me to start saying no again to all the crap i've been eating:lol:

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I've lost 96lbs in 18mos! So, a little over 3lbs a month since my baby was born. I feel GREAT!! I've been running/wogging/jogging/whatever 5mi a day, 3 days a week, on the eliptical machine at the Y. I have slacked in the last couple weeks (Soccer is over so I don't HAVE to be there--gotta get back in my groove!!!! ;)) I have "slipped" *MANY* times since I started my weightloss journey but have realized the best thing to do is just pick myself up again & KEEP ON MOVING! So. I've got to take my own advice now & get back to the Y this week!!! :D


I think if I curbed my eating *any* I would/could loose weight faster but all that running (and nursing!) makes a girl HUNGRY! :tongue_smilie: And, I love to eat anyway, so add that appetite on top of things and I can get crazy with some food at times. I reaaaaaally need to work on good choices. I feed my kids awesome, I just tend to snack (at bedtime, I'm bad)... I would love to have something that curbed my appetite, even a little... I've thought about doing those shakes for lunch...aren't they supposed to curb your appetite? I don't know if I can drink them while nursing though??? :confused: Anybody know?


Wow, congrats on your loss! And you're right that the most important thing you can do if you slip up is just get right back on track, and not let it turn into something like "Well, I already did bad for this meal, may as well do what I want the rest of the day. I already did bad today, so may as well just enjoy the weekend. This whole weekend stunk so my week's already blown, etc."


I really am not a fan of the "replace a meal with a 'shake'" kind of plan to begin with- what I like about WW is that it is healthy, realistic, doesn't cut out foods or food groups or replace meals with shakes or require taking pills and so on and so forth.


But I'm ESPECIALLY not a fan of the idea while you're nursing a baby. You definitely need extra calories while nursing. You can probably google how many extra calories you should eat while nursing and dieting and find some sort of formula online, and WW has a nursing mom's plan, but I wouldn't do the meal replacement thing at this stage if I were you.


I read and commented about the difficulty of maintenance on this thread right before going to bed. Last night ALL I dreamt about was food....Pop Tarts in particular. In my dream I ate so many smore's PopTarts that I could actually see myself gaining weight. I think that's a sign that it's time for me to start saying no again to all the crap i've been eating:lol:


Too funny! I had a dream once that I was eating too much food and woke up in a bad mood, feeling like I really blew my diet, but it was just a dream lol.

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I've been working out regularly since the end of May -- kickboxing, spin, turbo kick, body step. I've changed my diet and drink lots more water. I've lost nothing! I feel better and am able to complete the exercise classes (meaning I'm in MUCH better shape.) I'm frustrated that I haven't lost a thing. A friend told me to keep going and that I'll see results once my muscles catch up. I'm only going for 10 lbs -- I can't imagine going for more. You guys rock!

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

Yesterday I went shopping with my mom and I bought a pair of jeans in a size 6. :hurray: I have been between 12 and 10 since dd2 was born, but before her I was a 4. I am not quite 5'2" with a petite frame.

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