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This isn't very polite.............

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I think she sounds like a bad atheist too. :D


She comes across as a really mean person. I know plenty of atheists that are the nicest and most considerate people you could hope to meet. This blogger isn't one of them. She just sounds super angry and mad at anyone who is more successful than herself.

:iagree:Atheists I know wouldn't waste their time or emotional energy. Instead they'd put it towards discussing the positive things they lean TOWARDS.

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A world without sarcasm? Perish the thought!

There's sarcasm, but then there is just beating the dead horse. If she wanted to pound away about particular things she has issues with, fine. But if I were to start a blog and did nothing but complain about one person...well, that's just sad, imo.

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I think she sounds like a bad atheist too. :D


I know plenty of atheists that are the nicest and most considerate people you could hope to meet. This blogger isn't one of them. She just sounds super angry and mad at anyone who is more successful than herself.



For me, Pioneer Woman is a little like Martha Stewart. I read it and think, "Yeah, my life isn't like that at all." However, that PW chili recipe is my little one's absolute favorite food. DH would die happy if I made PW's jalapeno poppers every day. And I think I could happily subsist on the artichoke dip recipe alone.

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There's sarcasm, but then there is just beating the dead horse. If she wanted to pound away about particular things she has issues with, fine. But if I were to start a blog and did nothing but complain about one person...well, that's just sad, imo.



I am reading her blog currently (in between checking in here lol) and not seeing that. I don't have a dog in this hunt.

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At least I am sufficiently open-minded to recognize that atheists and Christians can be bitter and deranged.


:lol::lol::lol: Oh dear! I love it! I know a gentleman at my old church who could be the poster child for this as well as a raging atheist cousin who'd be right next to them.


Thank you for a giggle today!:lol::lol::lol::lol

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For me, Pioneer Woman is a little like Martha Stewart. I read it and think, "Yeah, my life isn't like that at all." However, that PW chili recipe is my little one's absolute favorite food. DH would die happy if I made PW's jalapeno poppers every day. And I think I could happily subsist on the artichoke dip recipe alone.

Yeah, I'm not a big reader of her either. But for an occasional recipe ;)

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I don't know the one gal making fun of Ree... but I did read enough and backtracked to her posts when she visited Ree. It seemed to me that from that beginning, she had a tone of disrespect towards Ree. Her current stuff... I'll just ignore and not go back. It's not worth my time to read someone's "stuff" when they enjoy being mean... and she makes it a point to be upfront about her nastiness. So... not worth my time.


I do like to visit Ree's blog. As someone mentioned, she gives GREAT information on photography. I could spend hours gleening from her photography and cooking. I enjoy the humor. I don't care if her life looks "too good to be true" because I am there to learn something that will add to my life. But, I don't visit even once a week... Occasionally I'll tell myself, "Hey, you haven't been over to PW's site lately, I bet you could find a recipe to try!"


How sad to fill your time with negativity.

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When I read the blog post that the OP linked to, it was funny.


But further reading makes me think this Rechelle lady is just 'off'.


I've been a PW reader for years, and this is the first time I've felt sorry for Ree. I seem to remember when she was posting about having the Country Doctor's Wife (and that group of visitors) to the Lodge how the internet and its people is nothing to be afraid of...blah, blah, blah. Sorry, Ree, seems that you are wrong. You found one of the crazies!!

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This may not be the original source of their falling-out, but it is clearly part of her ongoing anger. If you read through the blog and, most tellingly, her responses to comments on her blog, at its heart, her hatred of PW seems to be nothing more than extreme jealousy of PW's blogging success and just good ol' class envy.


I can't believe I've spent an hour this morning reading this woman's blog. Jealousy is an ugly emotion. I need to take an emotional shower to get rid of her nastiness.



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How Do I Become Best Friends With Pioneer Woman and Get Into Her Lucrative Head…. Lines Too?


10. Be the christian homeschooling sister of a blogger who is not afraid to criticize the mind shrinking inanity of PW’s blog. This one might be hard – but if you put your heart into it, I am sure you can make it happen!


Wow, methinks someone has sibling issues also.

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This may not be the original source of their falling-out, but it is clearly part of her ongoing anger. If you read through the blog and, most tellingly, her responses to comments on her blog, at its heart, her hatred of PW seems to be nothing more than extreme jealousy of PW's blogging success and just good ol' class envy.


I can't believe I've spent an hour this morning reading this woman's blog. Jealousy is an ugly emotion. I need to take an emotional shower to get rid of her nastiness.



I took your post to heart and only read about 10 minutes worth. Ugh. I agree. Jealous much and I feel icky after just the bit I read.

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This may not be the original source of their falling-out, but it is clearly part of her ongoing anger. If you read through the blog and, most tellingly, her responses to comments on her blog, at its heart, her hatred of PW seems to be nothing more than extreme jealousy of PW's blogging success and just good ol' class envy.


I can't believe I've spent an hour this morning reading this woman's blog. Jealousy is an ugly emotion. I need to take an emotional shower to get rid of her nastiness.




Uhm Rechelle is married to a physician. Not too shabby....I like her a great deal as I agree wholeheartedly with her politics and mocking of the inane positions taken by the extreme religious right. Is her apparent dislike of what she percieves as hypocrisy so terrible? I think not. Hey once you become a public figure your ability to retailiate against gossip be it true or false is zero. Absent malice aforethought and intentional falsehood it is tough cookies. Class envy though?? I do not quite think so.

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My main objection to her has nothing to do with her position as a dr's wife or her personal opinion on religion and more to do with her apparent fixation on one particular person. This seeming obsession with Pioneer Woman undermines any possible credibility she may have because it is disturbing. Pioneer Woman doesn't even appear to acknowledge her. Maybe that fuels the fire? Narcissists hate to be ignored or dismissed. She claims that she used to be Christian and was probably as judgmental about non-Christians etc. when that was her 'thing'. So, now she is Atheist and that is the fad of the moment. What's next and why does she blog about this insanity anyway? Reminds me too much of the middle school days when the ‘confused girl’ would try on different identities in a search of something real. Blogs like hers (and I’ve seen a few others) are good examples of why NOT to blog. The revealing nature of this sort of public spewing is saved for posterity and if and when maturity and reason is achieved it could be an everlasting source of embarrassment.

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Love Pioneer Woman but I didn't care for the tone of the other blogger. I, too, am really excited (already set the DVR) about the Throwdown with Bobbly Flay for next week. PW has a hilarious entry about it on her Facebook page. I love her sense of humor. It's amazing to think that she was one of us not that long ago.

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You know, I've been chewing on this today, having read Ree's blog from week two and having met her when she came to Seattle. I also read around Rechelle's blog to see what the stink was. I read the posts with the Barbie doll -- somewhat humorous. But then I read the background posts -- first I found the one about her visit to the ranch. She says in a later post that you can see her irritation with Ree/PW even in that post, but I sure didn't see it. She seemed even a wee-bit starstruck or excited or whatever with being there and the novelty of it. It seems like she even said something like out of all the ranch people she met, she liked Ree most of all. Then I saw the posts about lice (she's a bit defensive) and the later description of her frustration with PW/Ree, where she re-described her visit to the ranch from the later date (and was much more harsh).


And to me, she seems most frustrated that she didn't get the "real deal" from Ree. She thinks Ree/PW is a caricature, or a made-up persona. That what we see/get on the blog, on TV, at book signings, etc. isn't the real Ree -- it's someone different, someone named P-dub who's marketable and only in it for the fame and money. She wanted, in that more private lodge setting, for Ree to "let her hair down" and let those special chosen few get to be a bit more on the "in" with her (and since they'd had some email correspondence and she'd sent Ree some gifts, she seemed to think it was a no-brainer that this would happen). She also commented on MM seeming to be a bit cautious about her (Rechelle) after she tried to open a can of worms that probably should not have even been "on the table" as it were (because the topic was brought up for selfish reasons).


Well, I have a couple of thoughts about these things. The first is "Are you kidding me? She's meeting, chatting, getting gifts from thousands of people and you're pouty because she can't single you out to be one of several BFFs?" Related to that, sure MM is going to be wary of someone who's making inane comments and coming across as a bit of a silly-jerk -- that's the no-brainer. They're inviting strangers into their home because they're basically trusting people, so if someone is going to be a bit of a smart mouth there certainly might be some antennas that go up. And finally, what if "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" with Ree? What if that IS the real Ree? What if she DID give her the "real deal" at the ranch that weekend? I've seen nothing to indicate otherwise. Yes, she's making money at what she's doing and yes, she's now marketing herself and being on talk shows -- but I don't think she was ever in it for the money. She has never once come across that way. And so what if what she does makes her more money? There's no crime in that.


Did Rechelle used to read PW when there were about 18 comments a day? When she was giving gift cards from her junk drawer or blouses from her closet away as prizes in the hugely popular Name That Photo contests? When she was turning any money she made off the blog back around into gifts for her contests? And reading every comment on her blog? I guess you'd get a point where you can't give it all away ($2000 prizes? That's not realistic) and can't read all the replies, but she's remained very generous with her prizes and offers and has shown nothing but respect for her readers.


ANYWAY, I'm really not a weird PW groupie -- this whole thing just interested me since I have been a reader of hers almost since the beginning. She (Ree, not Rechelle) and I've emailed a handful of times, I met her in Seattle and I think she's a nice person. I really think Rechelle's gone weirdly overboard with her dislike of a person.


Oh, well. I guess that's her First Amendment right and all. :tongue_smilie:

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I thought the pie near parody was hilarious until today - I didn't realize there were issues there and that it was done out of anger. I thought it was just sarcastic fun.


Reading the SWB slam and comments in other posts, I'm just baffled. I don't read PW, but I used to read Country Doctor's Wife and LOVED her stuff. She was so funny! This gal still has a sense of humor, but she's so....hard. The old Rechelle wasn't hard or harsh. She was funny and fun-loving. Now I feel heart-heavy. Something difficult obviously had to happen to transform her so drastically.


My observation has nothing to do with Christianity, for those that might think so. I had no idea what her faith was before. I'm only comparing the personalities of the old Rechelle to the new. I ache for anyone going through whatever experiences must have happened to make such a drastic change in a person.

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