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PSA - Daylight Savings Time

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:001_smile: our clock change was last week! But I rarely remember on my own, just discover it when we turn up to church an hour early (or late if it's springtime.. as has happened more than once.. embarrassing! :blush: )


Really? Wow - I didn't know each country or area had a different daylight savings day.


I love this place :D.

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I wish we would stop switching. It messes everyone up! :glare:



Hate it, hate it, hate it.


I don't mind "fall back" apart from changing every clock and driving to work in the dark (I work in the evening). But I despise "springing forward".


I would LOVE to do away with all the time changes.

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Hate it, hate it, hate it.


I don't mind "fall back" apart from changing every clock and driving to work in the dark (I work in the evening). But I despise "springing forward".


I would LOVE to do away with all the time changes.


Yeah. :glare: Not one of Ben's better ideas.

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It was actually one of George Vernon Hudson's ideas.


He only noticed it after Ben remarked on it. :D Anyway, who the hell is George Vernon Hudson?! :D


The idea of daylight saving was first conceived by Benjamin Franklin (portrait at right) during his sojourn as an American delegate in Paris in 1784
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I'm so glad we live in a country that doesn't change. However, our main clock is automatic and switched last week. I almost didn't catch it and oh that would not have been good come Monday morning. It does keep us on our toes this time of year though, trying to figure out when the family back home changes times.

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I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE daylight savings time. All it means is that it is now going to be dark by 4:30 pm. Seriously, just leave the time alone!





Daylight savings time meant it was light at 4:30 pm


The return to standard time will mean it is dark at 4:30 pm.

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We don't change time here. ;)



We didn't used to do it here either until about 4 or 5 years ago when the governor decided that Indiana should join everybody else in the US (except AZ and HI) in changing the time zones. It is still messed up here because nearly everybody is on NY time, except for a few counties near Chicago and Louisville that are on Chicago time.

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I would personally like to save daylight year round. Let's just spring ahead and stay there already!:) I know, I know, that's not realistic. I don't really care either way. I do like late summer nights and having to adjust to a new time twice a year (and hear people complain about how infinitely hard it is) does make life more interesting!


I will NOT be relying on my calendar this year - it says DST ends a week from now! That's what I get for using a calendar put out by the county...

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