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Trying to fit in here...

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But I have kids in the K-8 sub forum, and then 3 in high school. I am trying to post to differing things in different areas, hoping to make some friends, get to know people. But I feel like a chicken with my head cut off. I know most of you have been for a pretty long time, maybe I am just going about things wrong...

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You don't have to fit in, just be yourself. We are an eclectic bunch! :D Welcome!




there are all sorts of people here ~ and sure, some have likely known each other for years (there was another incarnation of this board somewhere else at one point, i've read a few times) but there are lots of relatively new, fairly new, and brand new people. (and lurkers - hiyo lurkers!)


people here have many different homeschool philosophies & methods, kids of different ages, a wide variety of "worldviews" ~ we have buddhists and christians and pagans and muslims and atheists and hindus and *jewish people and agnostics and [fill in the blank] ~ and lots of different lifestyles.


welcome & feel free to jump in anywhere. :D



*what's the term i want here? buddhists practice buddism, christians practice christianity, muslims practice islam...is there a term for someone who practices judaism other than "jewish people"? judaist??

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Don't forget to join the LDS social group ;) (Up at the top, under "community")

Don't overwhelm her. The fact that she was brave enough to post on the wild ride that is known as the General Board is a good sign though. ;)


Hi, Missed! I don't have a high schooler yet so I don't go to the high school board. And I stay away from the curriculum board because it causes me to second guess my curriculum choices and it causes me to spend great deals of money to over come those second guesses. :D


Hang around get to know us, be yourself and have fun. Try to take nothing personally.

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Welcome missesd :D.


Don't forget to join the LDS social group ;) (Up at the top, under "community")



I have been lurking on these boards for years (5-6 at least--even before this format of forums) and had no idea there were social groups up there :001_huh:. I just joined the LDS one, but there's not much activity is there? Being a lurker most of the time, I don't think I will help with that much ;).

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You don't have to fit in, just be yourself. We are an eclectic bunch! Welcome!


Thank you, I'm trying :)


:iagree: Just post and be yourself and soon enough you'll be an old timer. We all have to start somewhere, don't we?


Yes, we do :)


WOW!!! I just noticed the kids in your sig line! You need us! And WE NEED YOU!!! How long have you been homeschooling? I have one in college whom I homeschooled until high school, another in 10th grade, and two I expect (hope) will graduate without going into school full time.


I started homeschooling in December of 2005. I started with our two eldest at the time, both in middle school. I found out it just worked that I'd homeschool for middle, and then they'd want to go back in for high school and the "experiencs" that lay there. I admit, the movies make it tempting. I decided, though, a long time ago that our youngest 3 would never step a foot in a public school. So eventually I added them to the middle schoolers I had at home. Finally this year I yanked everyone out, 11th grader included, and tackled it on. This is our first year with WTM, though.


Don't forget to join the LDS social group (Up at the top, under "community")


Sure thing :)



there are all sorts of people here ~ and sure, some have likely known each other for years (there was another incarnation of this board somewhere else at one point, i've read a few times) but there are lots of relatively new, fairly new, and brand new people. (and lurkers - hiyo lurkers!)


people here have many different homeschool philosophies & methods, kids of different ages, a wide variety of "worldviews" ~ we have buddhists and christians and pagans and muslims and atheists and hindus and *jewish people and agnostics and [fill in the blank] ~ and lots of different lifestyles.


welcome & feel free to jump in anywhere.



*what's the term i want here? buddhists practice buddism, christians practice christianity, muslims practice islam...is there a term for someone who practices judaism other than "jewish people"? judaist??


Interesting, thank you for welcoming me...


Don't overwhelm her. The fact that she was brave enough to post on the wild ride that is known as the General Board is a good sign though.


Hi, Missed! I don't have a high schooler yet so I don't go to the high school board. And I stay away from the curriculum board because it causes me to second guess my curriculum choices and it causes me to spend great deals of money to over come those second guesses.


Hang around get to know us, be yourself and have fun. Try to take nothing personally.


Oh, I'm not overwhelmed. I didn't realize this was the "wild ride" though... good to know ;)


BTW, what is the curriculum board? Is it the K-8 and High School sub-forums?


:seeya: Hi!


Hi :)

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Welcome! Just keep posting and we'll get to know you. I have a two highschoolers, also, but I don't really post on that board. Perhaps, pick one or two boards to concentrate on for now.


Seconding the motion to come join us on at the Beehive (the LDS social group). We aren't really chatty, but since we're smaller we seem to get a feel for each other more quickly. And then when I see you on one of the other boards, I'll be more apt to recogonize. you.

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I started homeschooling in December of 2005. I started with our two eldest at the time, both in middle school. I found out it just worked that I'd homeschool for middle, and then they'd want to go back in for high school and the "experiencs" that lay there. I admit, the movies make it tempting. I decided, though, a long time ago that our youngest 3 would never step a foot in a public school. So eventually I added them to the middle schoolers I had at home. Finally this year I yanked everyone out, 11th grader included, and tackled it on. This is our first year with WTM, though.




Wow! You are a BRAVE woman and a HARD worker!!! Good for you!!!:hurray:


You already can quote on other posts. I just learned. Look at my post count. :blush:

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Welcome aboard. Just jump in and you will feel like and old timer in no time at all. :seeya:


Hope so.... thanks ;)


Welcome! Just keep posting and we'll get to know you. I have a two highschoolers, also, but I don't really post on that board. Perhaps, pick one or two boards to concentrate on for now.


Seconding the motion to come join us on at the Beehive (the LDS social group). We aren't really chatty, but since we're smaller we seem to get a feel for each other more quickly. And then when I see you on one of the other boards, I'll be more apt to recogonize. you.


I joined, and posted to the Seminary thread. That 6am is killing me, especially since we seem to be a late night type of family. I know we *should* change that, but it's so hard when you seem hard-wired for it.



Thank you for that....


Wow! You are a BRAVE woman and a HARD worker!!! Good for you!!!:hurray:


You already can quote on other posts. I just learned. Look at my post count. :blush:


I've been on other forums before. Some we're set up like this, with the same basic functions. I would LOVE a bigger PM box though!! It's especially handy in the middle of a buy/sell ;)


I haven't been here that long...and have made myself quite at home!!!!:D


Yes, you have!! Not sure I'll have 1/2 that many posts after 5 months, but we shall see... :)

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:iagree: Just post and be yourself and soon enough you'll be an old timer. We all have to start somewhere, don't we?:001_smile:


:iagree: I joined the board many, many years ago on the old boards and I felt the same way. Just jump in and start posting. Eventually, people will have seen your name enough that it is familiar and you'll be a "regular". :)

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HI and welcome! :)


I'm a new LDS homeschooling mom too (both to being LDS and homeschooling...LOL) ALso new to this group!


It sounds like you have a lot of advice and experience you could offer us!


I look forward to getting to know you. :)


Congratulations on your baptism!! I was a convert, too, but I converted on my own at 14. I am the only member in my whole family. It's been a struggle and a challenge. But I think you come to appreciate it and embrace it more as you age, have children of your own, it just seems to stick wit you and sink in more. Both, homeschooling and being LDS, though are like a whole new world on their own. I am sure it is a lot to adjust to, so if you ever wanna chat you can feel free to hit me up... I won't mind ;)

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:iagree: I joined the board many, many years ago on the old boards and I felt the same way. Just jump in and start posting. Eventually, people will have seen your name enough that it is familiar and you'll be a "regular". :)


I wonder, though, if you become a regular by name or post #?? I can imagine with the number of sub-forums and members we have that getting "known" is much more difficult, even with 3,000 posts.

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And I stay away from the curriculum board because it causes me to second guess my curriculum choices and it causes me to spend great deals of money to over come those second guesses. :D


Isn't that the truth?!


Welcome to the boards, missesd. Just jump in and start posting whenever you see something that strikes your fancy (and be sure to bring your 'thick skin' to any controversial threads, including but not limited such topics as crock pots). :D

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HINT: shopping cart, shoes, crockpot, bathing suits, to name a few.



How in the WORLD are any of those things, except perhaps the latter, controversial?? LOL


once upon a time there was a WTM member who dared to go shopping for a crockpot barefoot in her bathing suit and she *gasp* left her shopping cart in the parking lot where it was picked up by a gust of wind and blown straight across town where it landed in someone else's yard and caused unbelievable damage to her lemon tree.


or so i've heard. :bigear:

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Isn't that the truth?!


Welcome to the boards, missesd. Just jump in and start posting whenever you see something that strikes your fancy (and be sure to bring your 'thick skin' to any controversial threads, including but not limited such topics as crock pots). :D


Someone please tell me what the little oval crockpot did to offend anyone's world??

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once upon a time there was a WTM member who dared to go shopping for a crockpot barefoot in her bathing suit and she *gasp* left her shopping cart in the parking lot where it was picked up by a gust of wind and blown straight across town where it landed in someone else's yard and caused unbelievable damage to her lemon tree.


or so i've heard. :bigear:


LMBO!! That is one of the most err, creative things I have ever heard. I am sure you ROCK Creative Writing with your kids, and journal prompts ;)

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Thank you, I'm trying :)




Yes, we do :)




I started homeschooling in December of 2005. I started with our two eldest at the time, both in middle school. I found out it just worked that I'd homeschool for middle, and then they'd want to go back in for high school and the "experiencs" that lay there. I admit, the movies make it tempting. I decided, though, a long time ago that our youngest 3 would never step a foot in a public school. So eventually I added them to the middle schoolers I had at home. Finally this year I yanked everyone out, 11th grader included, and tackled it on. This is our first year with WTM, though.




Sure thing :)




Interesting, thank you for welcoming me...




Oh, I'm not overwhelmed. I didn't realize this was the "wild ride" though... good to know ;)


BTW, what is the curriculum board? Is it the K-8 and High School sub-forums?




Hi :)


Wow, see, it took many of us YEARS to learn how to multi quote like that, so you have just taken to it like a fish to water :) Welcome.

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But I have kids in the K-8 sub forum, and then 3 in high school. I am trying to post to differing things in different areas, hoping to make some friends, get to know people. But I feel like a chicken with my head cut off. I know most of you have been for a pretty long time, maybe I am just going about things wrong...


As a relative new homeschooler, I see a vet like you and think "OOOOhhh! I want to pick her brain!!"


Please! Please! Post, even on the goofy threads!

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I just wanted to say that you have great taste in names! I have an Erik and a Jamie (Jamie-Lynn). I also have a Nichole. I too have a preschooler, middle schooler and a high schooler so I know how you feel. I just jump back and forth, but mainly I post here. I have just recently started posting everyday. It won't take long before you get to know people.:D

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I just wanted to say that you have great taste in names! I have an Erik and a Jamie (Jamie-Lynn). I also have a Nichole. I too have a preschooler, middle schooler and a high schooler so I know how you feel. I just jump back and forth, but mainly I post here. I have just recently started posting everyday. It won't take long before you get to know people.:D


Aww, thanks :) Jamie is boy here, though. It is short for his father's given name of Charles James. Nicole (without the h) is Elena's middle name. It does get a bit confusing, all the jumping back and forth but I am getting used to it. Thanks for posting :)

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But I have kids in the K-8 sub forum, and then 3 in high school. I am trying to post to differing things in different areas, hoping to make some friends, get to know people. But I feel like a chicken with my head cut off. I know most of you have been for a pretty long time, maybe I am just going about things wrong...



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