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So, I'm about to have a dishwasher for the first time in 18 years...

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...and I'm having a hard time seeing how this is going to work. I have enough dishes for one meal. Do you run the machine three times a day or do you just wash the breakfast and lunch dishes by hand and use it for after dinner? I'm thinking using it just for the dinner dishes makes the most sense since no one really wants to wash dishes after dinner.


And what's the best detergent? Am I going to pass out from the cost?

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You could probably put it on a light load and wash them three times. Most dishwashers are so economic with water use now that it's better to use them and not hand wash.


I use Eco (No phosphates) made by Palmolive and I ONLY buy it at Walmart for 2.97. Grocery stores have it for almost 4. I have city water so I don't need rinse aid and I use about a tblspoon per load.

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I wash pots and pans by hand and save the dishwasher for items that actually touch people's mouths or that we eat directly off of, as well as greasy or sticky smaller items.


I keep a dishdrainer next to my sink and just rinse things like measuring cups I've just used to measure rice or flour, etc. and other things that didn't really get all that dirty - just a bit of liquid soap and a rinse are all that are needed.


That saves the dishwasher for sanitizing the things that I most want sanitized and means I usually only run it once a day - unless I'm on a mad baking spree or I just emptied all the refrigerator containers of fuzzy leftovers.:)

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If you have a Trader Joe's nearby, they have the phosphate free detergent at a fairly reasonable price. There are people who make their own but I have never tried it.

Have you moved and if so, where?

We need pics of your new place!!!


PS: By asking "where" I don't mean share your address just a general description how wonderful it is!

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If you have a Trader Joe's nearby, they have the phosphate free detergent at a fairly reasonable price. There are people who make their own but I have never tried it.

Have you moved and if so, where?

We need pics of your new place!!!


PS: By asking "where" I don't mean share your address just a general description how wonderful it is!



I posted pictures of the place from when we did our walk through. The owners were still there, so all of the stuff is their stuff. We move on October 30th. It's in Lacey.

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I think I'd buy some more dishes. I prefer to run the dishwasher once a day, but sometimes I do wind up doing it twice if I do a lot of cooking.




:iagree: It is a rare event for me to run it more than once per day, and I have learned the fine art of filling it to its absolute capacity. I hand wash most pots and pans, and the dc eat off of little IKEA dishes for breakfast and lunch, and they take up next to no space.

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I fill the dishwasher til it's full, then run it. If I have a few dishes leftover, I usually just wait til I've unloaded the clean ones then toss them in. On a rare occasion, I'll just hand-wash the extras. I hate hand washing dishes in our little space because it also means I have to dry them and put them away immediately since I can't leave them out to dry. I'd rather they just stay in the sink til the dishwasher is ready for them :)

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When I had little kids with tiny appetites and did very quick meals, once a day was plenty. They ate a a bowl of cereal and fruit for breakfast and a sandwhich and fruit for lunch, so the dishes were minimal.


Now that they're big and ravenous, I cook much more and usually wash every other meal or so. This morning they had breakfast burittoes with melon and then potato soup with biscuts and bananas for lunch. Much messier...

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I've done both - had only enough dishes for one meal, and washed them several times a day, vs. had a ton of dishes and used the dishwasher on an ongoing basis. I loved the simplicity and minimal-stuff aspect of dishwashing by hand. Now that I have a dishwasher, though, and teenagers, I have more dishes. Way more dishes.


Could you buy a few nice breakfast bowls, and some small lunch plates? You don't have to spend a lot. Ikea, Marshalls, Target would all be good places to look. Take your time and find ones you love - it's nice to have pretty things around you. Then you can wash breakfast and lunch and bits and pieces after lunch, and dinner dishes and pots/pans after dinner.

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I run it whenever it fills up, about once a day. We have enough dishes to go through 3 meals. Bowls for breakfast, usually. Usually, only two home for lunch, me included, except on the weekend.... I put anything that is dishwasher safe in there, as most dishwashers use less water than washing by hand.

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Our dishwasher broke 6 months ago, and the landlord was REALLY dragging their feet about fixing it, so we just used it as a drain rack. They came 3 days ago to fix it, and I was so excited. I hadn't done the dishes from breakfast yet, and we had just eaten lunch, so I loaded up the dishwasher... And it was still more than half empty. Then I thought about how many pots/dishes I would use for dinner, and realized that it might take us 2 days to fill this thing... So I pulled out the dishes, washed them by hand, and put them back in the dishwasher to drain :001_smile:

I think I might actually use it for something like Thanksgiving, or a really big breakfast, but otherwise, it's faster to do them by hand, it's cheaper to do them by hand, and my kids actually get to learn how to do dishes (not that they actually help in doing the dishes:tongue_smilie:, but maybe they can learn by osmosis?)

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:iagree: btw.. Correll fits in the dishwasher (made in USA) very well. Most sets come with a large dinner plate, smaller salad (great for lunch) the bowl, small plate and a mug. They were inexpensive, stack small in the cupboards and bounce well for kids (or grow-ups) who tend to drop them.


I run mine once a day and use the brand recommended on the door of my dishwasher. Your water can make a difference in the brand you choose. Sometimes it takes a little trial and error to find the one that works best in your machine.


Your new home is beautiful, congratulations:001_smile:.


I think I'd buy some more dishes. I prefer to run the dishwasher once a day, but sometimes I do wind up doing it twice if I do a lot of cooking.



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I'd buy more dishes, too--Walmart and Target have cheap ones, even cheaper sometimes than the thrift store. We have 5 people in my family, and have about 10 bowls, 15 dinner plates, and maybe 10 smaller plates. I have enough glasses to fit on one shelf of my cupboard, and a shelf of mugs, which get used in "emergencies" and for coffee.

I also have a separate set for the winter time, and some china.


It doesn't take up that much room, and I don't feel I've gone overboard with the amount.


I run my dishwasher once or twice a day.

Have to load it from last night right now...:glare: Somebody didn't do dishes last night....


Oh, and I use whatever is on sale--you can also make your own dishwasher soap.

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After being w/o a dishwasher for 9 yrs, I was thrilled when we moved into this house in Feb w/ a dishwasher. The dc were thrilled too! I was so happy to get rid of my drainer on the counter.


I usually fill mine all day (pots & pans too) and run it after dinner. The dc usually use paper for lunch (sandwiches or the like) so we haven't had a dish issue. I usually use Cascade or other national brand. The store brand I used didn't do as well.

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