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All 4 kids are sleeping because 2yo wouldn't stop crying, 3yo found a marker & colored all the bath toys, 7yo was whining that she couldn't sleep last night, & 9yo tried to clean up spilled blueberry juice w/ a broom & cried when that didn't work that he had no idea how to clean it. :001_huh:


Dh has a sinus infection from moving, we broke the coffee pot, & we can't find the sugar or the first aid kit, because I didn't pack them. They were among the "important" things I knew we'd want to keep out.


The sofa's in the garage because either a) it wouldn't fit thr the garage door the day of the move or b) we were too tired to tip it just right. Which is no big deal, except that the table leaves that go under the sofa are getting stepped on, & the sofa, covered in boxes, etc, is blocking in the lawn mower that was randomly left in the garage that the previous tenant has since come to claim, but which I can't unbury by myself & dh's asthma/sinuses can't handle yet.


The lawn was overgrown when we got the keys, & now it's a mess, but I really wasn't planning to have to figure out lawn service *before* we moved. The leasing agent hasn't returned my calls since Friday.


We kind-of started school yesterday, but the kids are spacey, & I'm tired. We started because I don't want to work on the kitchen any more. I'm scared of the dirty dishes. And the washer & dryer aren't hooked up yet, so the pile of cleaning washcloths from the old house is sitting in the dining room.


2yo pulled a bookshelf down on top of himself yesterday. I leaped over 7yo & caught it, so that only the hat rack on top hit him in the face. I know those are supposed to be screwed into the wall, but what do you do while you're moving them?


And 2yo can open the front door here. We've pulled him out of the street once & the driveway at least twice. We're keeping it locked now, but that's hard to remember when everybody's so tired.


The new coffee pot makes a beeping sound, the same sound my ils' front door makes when somebody opens it, so every time coffee's ready, I leap up to get 2yo, & realize it's not the front door, it's the coffee. And there's no sugar.


The biggest problem is my metal rack of scrapbooking paper. I accidentally knocked it over at the old house, & it broke. Probably fixable, but we were in a hurry, & it had a dust cover, so it got moved like that, in the last load. It's sitting precariously leaned (upside down, thank you, dh) on the sofa & the kids' bikes. If it weren't for that one thing, I think I could unbury the guy's lawn mower, which for some reason, I'm panicked about.


That & a package of books I shipped out the day of the move. They've arrived fine, but I keep having nightmares that I hand-deliver them, & the recipient reverses the paypal transaction. In my dream, $25 is equal to the amt I need to buy ALL my hs'ing books, so I have to race home & spend it before she can reverse the transaction.


I'm also having huge theological debates with very mean people in my dreams. And I haven't been able to feel my lips since Saturday.


That's all. I pulled a bag of pre-cooked food out of the freezer last night, & we had a real meal. I hadn't labeled the bag, so it wasn't what I thought it was, but that worked out ok. Now I have to wash dishes if I want to do it again, & I don't know what can go in the dw, & there's a bookshelf blocking it that I'd move if I had ANY idea where to put it, & other people's dw's, ovens, & bathtubs wig me out. It will be a while before I consider the ones here mine. And as long as I'm at it, I'll mention: the cleaning service who prepped this house did an awful job, & somebody should get their $ back. I keep looking at stuff, thinking about dragging the vacuum cleaner up into the ceiling at the old house. I cleaned it *really* well. And I'd rather be living there.


This house will be ok once somebody cleans it up. But somehow my chalk pastel drawings keep getting knocked onto the floor, from the safest places, & then my children walk on them. :svengo: The 60 muffins I froze a couple of weeks ago for breakfast are not impressing these guys, & 2yo has found the hidden stash of snacks, & worst of all? I don't really care. :lol:

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I'd forget about schooling right now, rest some and then get what you need settled before start back. Maybe take a couple of days and go see the museums, play in the park. Sounds like you're under a lot of stress and you just need some destrest time in your life. After a couple of days make a list of what you want to do the next day. Don't try to do every thing. Pick the three most important things and do them, then do the same thing the next day. After you've done those things on your list take it easy, read to your kids, play with them. Things won't turn around immediately but things will. I've been out of commision due to surgery for the last two months and my home is a wreck. This is what I've been doing for the last week, now that I've gotten more energy, and slowly but surely things are getting back to normal. :grouphug:

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I wish I lived near you - I'd show up with sugar for the coffee, and home-baked COOKIES, dig out that lawn mower, get that sofa in the house, clean, throw a chicken in the oven to roast, ...but those numb lips you need to take care of yourself ;)


To quote my mom (who is quoting someone else): "This too shall pass."


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I've moved a bunch, and it never gets easier!


First rule of moving - you need ONE room that is reasonably normal. So even if it means moving a bunch of stuff where it doesn't ultimately belong, create ONE room where you can sit and gather as a family and not look at moving stuff. I cannot tell you how much this really really helps.


Once you've done that, tackle the kitchen. You can make do with very little stuff while you clean everything to your satisfaction.


Take the kiddos out, once a day, even if it's just for an hour. I know that feels like you're wasting time that you should be using to clean, but in the long run you'll be better off. Remember: "Outside Play, Every Day."


Don't even think about school for quite a while. On one of your outings, go to the library and let everyone check out a handful of books. Yes, even if you already have a houseful (somewhere or other, in boxes). Let the kiddos read to themselves and each other - call it school for a while.




This too shall pass.


ETA - Thanks for posting! My dishwasher broke the other day and flooded the entire kitchen and I feel very behind with things, but now I feel much better! :-)

Edited by askPauline
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Ok, all you sweet people who've pm'd me--y'all want to come have a pity party here? :D We can move furniture, or we can just sit & stare at it & cry. Either way works for me. I haven't found the tea pot, but we could make tea in the microwave. I haven't got sugar, but I've got honey. WTM get-together?


As far as books...those are always the first thing I unpack. :blush: You know, I boxed them up acc'd to their library call #, so putting them on bookshelves was pretty easy. And since I did all that filing, the kids know what they need to do. I may not have bandaids, but I've got a dictionary, notebook paper, & my desk apprentice. :lol:


And a normal room...the living room is the closest we've got to that, but the fp is an awfully good place to collect boxes I'm not ready to unpack. And the crib, in about 50 pcs, is sitting here blocking one doorway. Ds is sleeping in the pack & play, & honestly, I'm wondering if we should sell the crib instead of putting it back together. But I don't want to make any long-term decisions like that now, kwim? So my exercise bike, that I wanted in the living room but doesn't fit, is now stuck. But it entertains the kids, as it's been squished down to a microscopic size.


On a brighter note, a guy just came by & mowed our lawn. That's really a relief. W/ all the rain we've had, an amazon forest was growing all around us, & it just feels rude to the neighbors.

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:grouphug: Take a nap. Go buy some sugar. And while you're at it, some chocolate. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Whoa. I never thought to buy sugar. I guess I could buy more bandaids, too. :lol: Really, though, I want the container the sugar's in. And I want to KNOW what happened to it. LOL


But dh tries to fight sinus infections w/ the netti pot, & it's in the first aid kit. That one's not as easy to solve. (Esp since he was the last one w/ it.) :glare::lol:

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I wish I lived near you - I'd show up with sugar for the coffee, and home-baked COOKIES, dig out that lawn mower, get that sofa in the house, clean, throw a chicken in the oven to roast, ...but those numb lips you need to take care of yourself ;)


To quote my mom (who is quoting someone else): "This too shall pass."



But what do you DO about numb lips? I make weird faces to make sure they're still there, & I put various kinds of goop on them, but they're still feeling really weird.:001_huh::lol:

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You people who want to get people out of the house don't have 2yos, do you? :lol: I'm sorry, but mine's just lost it w/ the move. Being home seems like it's bringing him around to semi-sane, relative to a 2yo. Today's actually the first day we've stayed home, though.


Tackle the worst three things, somebody said. Ok, I guess that means the dishes, but here's the question: does it mean the dishes & the kids' bathroom, or just the worst three dishes? ;):lol:

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Ok, all you sweet people who've pm'd me--y'all want to come have a pity party here? :D We can move furniture, or we can just sit & stare at it & cry. Either way works for me. I haven't found the tea pot, but we could make tea in the microwave. I haven't got sugar, but I've got honey. WTM get-together?




Sure thing. I'll even bring the tea :001_smile:

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I got to meet a boardie!


Apryl came over last night with dinner, real southern sweet tea, & a carafe for the coffee pot we smashed. I found the sugar when I washed the scary dishes, & she helped move so much furniture, the kids christened the newly-visible carpet with happy elfin dancing.


I still can't feel my lips, but I'm hopeful even about that. :lol:

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You'll be ok, you know. It helps so much to have community to walk beside us thru the rough spots.

I have a feeling it was slightly uncomfortable for you to have someone help you, based on other posts. I think you did a wonderful thing, blessing April with the ability to "be there" for ya!


Wish I lived closer.

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Now this is life in the raw.




Good grief. I tried to give you 30 hugs, and I got a message that I can only give you 8.


I guess we'll have to do with old-fashion hugs:


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And in 15 short years, you'll wake up to silence...struggling to figure out what to do first...you've already washed all the laundry, the floors were mopped yesterday, nothing on TV is worth watching, no pets remaining to feed or walk, you could drive to the bank and make a deposit....you wait for that "Mom, I'm running out for a second" and your long list of to do's for them before they run out...


Then the phone rings, it's your youngest, she needs a little extra b/c books this semester were more than she expected..you get on your mommy gear and start preparing a care package for her, throwing in a picture of her when she colored all the bath toys with markers....and you draw her a little picture of her favorite animal with a little saying to keep her motivated at school....that takes some time, but the quiet stays and you think to yourself, where did the years go? Then you smile deeply inside, that you DID it...some days you did not care, others you cared so deeply your felt your heart would faint from the burden...


You are Mommy, we hear you whine!! :)


Great job!


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fortunately, they are in a blur:) I moved several states twice with five children, ugh......and my dh got sick both times. I think men can't take the stress as well as women, do you think?


I remember a kind neighbor giving us freshly baked bread and another bringing us a lightbulb when I couldn't find our packed lightbulbs.


Apryl is an angel.

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First things first -- get that coffee situation fixed. Maybe everything else will be more manageable then.

Sorry you are having such a stressful time.




I personally don't know how someone could get anything done without coffee in the morning! My husband and I woke up one morning and the coffee pot was broke. We actually got in the car and drove to town to buy another one - town was 45-miles away! My thoughts are with you though. We actually moved twice in one year. I literally think that I had just unpacked the last box, when we decided to move again :svengo:

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I got to meet a boardie!


Apryl came over last night with dinner, real southern sweet tea, & a carafe for the coffee pot we smashed. I found the sugar when I washed the scary dishes, & she helped move so much furniture, the kids christened the newly-visible carpet with happy elfin dancing.


I still can't feel my lips, but I'm hopeful even about that. :lol:


Thank God for hivers, i wish I had someone close to my new digs. I am so there w/you on the chaos end. Its been two months and I am still living out of boxes and on a foam mattress, no , not a tempurpedic.


Hope things smooth out.

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I got to meet a boardie!


Apryl came over last night with dinner, real southern sweet tea, & a carafe for the coffee pot we smashed. I found the sugar when I washed the scary dishes, & she helped move so much furniture, the kids christened the newly-visible carpet with happy elfin dancing.


I still can't feel my lips, but I'm hopeful even about that. :lol:



Aw, Aubrey is SO nice, and her kids are just plain adorable. Glad I was able to help a little :)

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