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10 year old daughters

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My daughter wouldn't be caught dead in tights, but she will wear leggings. In fact, she doesn't like to wear a skirt/dress without them because with them she doesn't have to pay so much attention to modesty :001_smile: They are inexpensive and can be bought to match anything. Dd has black, white and maybe off-white.

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My 11yo loathes tights. She won't wear them.


She usually wears a long skirt with knee highs and boots.


Or she wears jeans with boots.


She's no fashionista, but she does have a bit of the peasant style going. :-p


She'd go CRAZY for this outfit.



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Tights are in the fashion magazines for teens and older. Dd keeps me posted and I've found them on sale at JCrew, and all of her favorite stores including a spendy dept. store in Montreal. :D It's so nice not to see them freeze to death in the winter. Maybe her fashion sense will change. I love those cute, bright Hanna tights and leggings.

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This is the look my dd likes, but we only do that price tag when the grandmas send money. I find long skirts all the time, everywhere. From on line to used clothing stores. I have bought larger sizes at GAP and Old Navy sales if I have needed to for length , and then taken them in at the wasit.


PS Admittedly, we are not conservative chruch folk, so I have never had to make my dd change her clothing...Although she has never been one to want to not be covered.

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My newly 10 year old (sniff sniff) declared her body a tights-free zone about 2 years ago. She has worn leggings, occasionally, with skirts just above the knee. She is kinda quirky, and she would love the outifts Simka posted. But she greatly prefers jeans and long sleeved tees with fun and funky accessories, like hats, scarfs, and jewelry. Our church is super casual, so I really let her whatever she wants, as long as all her parts are covered. :D

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From the opposite end of the spectrum, my 10 yo doesn't mind looking like a little girl. There are no other girls her age at church--either 4 years older or 3 years younger, so no peer pressure to dress a certain way. She'll do another year in Lands End knit dresses and either tights or knee highs. She likes footless tights too. Have to admit it doesn't get all that cold here, so no additional layers or wool needed!

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Just as an aside, when did little girls wearing little skirts become 'trashy'? I have a couple of framed photos of my mother as a little girl in the 50's and she is wearing very, very short skirts and dresses, with little ankle socks. I also have a picture of one of my aunts (now over 70) wearing a little Shirely Temple -type dress than is thigh length, also with little socks.


I was looking at Old Navy & Gymboree on line, (and used a link here from MiniBoden), and there is nothing that seems so short, and few of the styles are suggestive...lots of little cord skirts and the like. (I am sure I could find suggestive clothing if I did look further and elsewhere, but I won't. lol)








http://www.loti.com/images2/terri%20bunch.jpg (Found this last one by Googling Images 1950 children. I don't have any idea who they are lol).


http://blog.al.com/bargain-mom/2009/07/medium_7gymboree.jpg (Found this by Googling Images Gymboree 2009, not sure why 2009 came to me...lol)

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I think that short skirts were ok before because they were obvioulsy little girl styles, not "sexy" styles. There is a difference in my mind between the fairly short eyelet dress I wore as a girl and the leather mini skirt i see on childrern now.


True, although when there is the intent everywhere to sexualize children's clothing, even the innocent styles seem "off" to me now. I see little short cotton knit running shorts, and I can't decide if I would let my child wear them in a few years. *I* think they're cute and innocent, but I don't think everyone else will see it that way.... :confused:


I personally LOVE short little dresses on dd (like 18 month, just past the diaper cover length). I don't know when I won't feel comfortable with it anymore.

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maybe I am just so ignorant that I can't get it...but I get the leggings thing, but under what kind of dresses or skirts? All of the dresses my daughter has been wearing are too dressy for leggings...not that she has to be that dressy, and we could get her somehting different, I just don't know what that would be exactly...help this poor mom...THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think maybe we are on that line between girlhood and womanhood. Makes it very difficult to give suggestions. One 10yo may still very much look like a little girl and can wear the girly skirts and tshirts. My 10yo is well into puberty, is 5'2", 80lbs, and all legs. She'd look completely different in those short skirts, kwim? Makes for a very different clothing shopping experience. It just takes more work to find clothes that fit and are appropriate. For example, she can fit into a junior size small or medium top but I have to hunt forever to find one that size that isn't low-cut.

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Like the little girls in the gymbo and mini boden links I posted above. They seem very innocent.


True, although when there is the intent everywhere to sexualize children's clothing, even the innocent styles seem "off" to me now. I see little short cotton knit running shorts, and I can't decide if I would let my child wear them in a few years. *I* think they're cute and innocent, but I don't think everyone else will see it that way.... :confused:


I personally LOVE short little dresses on dd (like 18 month, just past the diaper cover length). I don't know when I won't feel comfortable with it anymore.

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maybe I am just so ignorant that I can't get it...but I get the leggings thing, but under what kind of dresses or skirts? All of the dresses my daughter has been wearing are too dressy for leggings...not that she has to be that dressy, and we could get her somehting different, I just don't know what that would be exactly...help this poor mom...THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just about any casual dress or skirt.


I wouldn't put them under satin or sequins

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Just about any casual dress or skirt.


I wouldn't put them under satin or sequins



My teen dd has a grey silky ruffled dress that she wears with black leggings. A lot of the girls seem to be wearing leggings with just about anything.


If I could pull this off, I might even do it:




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maybe I am just so ignorant that I can't get it...but I get the leggings thing, but under what kind of dresses or skirts? All of the dresses my daughter has been wearing are too dressy for leggings...not that she has to be that dressy, and we could get her somehting different, I just don't know what that would be exactly...help this poor mom...THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I'll have mercy on you!!! :D :DDo a search for Tunic Dress, sweater dress, things like that. They had some simple ones at New York and Company earlier this summer. Get a small enough size and I think you can make it work!


Again, I'll look for a link!



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I don't know if you crochet or knit. I do and I made dd and myself some really cool leg warmers and wrist cuffs, or one holed gloves (gauntlets?)


I'll go over to ravelry and see if I can find some images!






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maybe I am just so ignorant that I can't get it...but I get the leggings thing, but under what kind of dresses or skirts? All of the dresses my daughter has been wearing are too dressy for leggings...not that she has to be that dressy, and we could get her somehting different, I just don't know what that would be exactly...help this poor mom...THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've been trying to figure out this question for ages. I recently got a dress I love, but its shorter than my non dress wearing self would like. I can't figure out if I'm supposed to wear leggings underneath it or not :confused:.

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At that age DD wore a long-ish (mid-calf) velvet dress to church when it was cold--white tights looked fine with it, and she had boots that would go up higher than the dress to wear if it was wet or extremely cold out.


But she has always had a long dressy coat to wear to church. I hunted for them everywhere--thrift stores, old closets, garage sales. A dress coat is so much warmer and covers so much more area than a school jacket. And since I'm a home schooler, we don't have the same need for nice school jackets and can use hand me downs until they fall apart for those everyday excursions. Wearing a dress coat makes the bare-ish legs in tights much more bearable, and wearing knee high boots under a mid-calf dress coat means that you're warm no matter what.


I have found very warm, lined knee high boots at Payless Shoe Source regularly, and sometimes at Ross.

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thanks for being so kind to me...I guess I will just have to take her shopping and see what we can see. She just informed me that she DOES NOT like leggings...so I guess we will explore the colored tights option and see where that takes us. This REALLY shouldn't be this hard, should it????



Sounds like mommy daughter date time!!! :)

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I should add that I lightened up on the dress requirement when she was about 13. She usually wears dressy black pants to church now. It became increasingly difficult to find warm, appropriate, non-frumpy dresses and skirts as she approached the teenage years.


Now that she wears only junior sizes, the selections are beyond appalling. All of them. When we shopped for a confirmation dress, I had to settle, bigtime. Choices were either a very plunging neckline, usually with a halter, a very very very short knit skirt, or strapless. I went with very high strapless (no cleavage whatsoever) with a bolero sweater on top. Quite a significant compromise for me, but she did look lovely and appropriate.

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In the winter, all us girls wear pants. Twenty below? I'm not messing with skirts.


If a dress is required, one could wear sweats for the trip and take them off when getting to church. That's what girls used to do when schools still required dresses (although maybe they were wearing pants underneath.)


I'm not a big fan of nylons or tights (at least not the thin, nylon kind). As one friend of mine put it, nylons are a wonder fabric. Hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

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