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Okay, I know this was bad but I had fun....

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My niece by marriage was in at my mil's today. We hardly ever see her, so I went in to visit a bit.


We are........almost fond of each other, but complete opposites. She is ultra liberal and takes herself very seriously, I am not, and don't.


Her baby was in some sort of natural diaper, and I asked her why she used them...........half wondering and half watching to see her get her panties in a wad, and she didn't let me down!! She lectured me up one side and down the other and when she paused for air I said "I like to stand on my roof and spray aerosol cans into the atmosphere."


And then she died and I'm still laughing.


Sorry. I have to have some fun ya know.

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My niece by marriage was in at my mil's today. We hardly ever see her, so I went in to visit a bit.


We are........almost fond of each other, but complete opposites. She is ultra liberal and takes herself very seriously, I am not, and don't.


Her baby was in some sort of natural diaper, and I asked her why she used them...........half wondering and half watching to see her get her panties in a wad, and she didn't let me down!! She lectured me up one side and down the other and when she paused for air I said "I like to stand on my roof and spray aerosol cans into the atmosphere."


And then she died and I'm still laughing.


Sorry. I have to have some fun ya know.


:lol: One needs those moments now and then!

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My niece by marriage was in at my mil's today. We hardly ever see her, so I went in to visit a bit.


We are........almost fond of each other, but complete opposites. She is ultra liberal and takes herself very seriously, I am not, and don't.


Her baby was in some sort of natural diaper, and I asked her why she used them...........half wondering and half watching to see her get her panties in a wad, and she didn't let me down!! She lectured me up one side and down the other and when she paused for air I said "I like to stand on my roof and spray aerosol cans into the atmosphere."


And then she died and I'm still laughing.


Sorry. I have to have some fun ya know.


Wish I was in the room with you. If she died from laughing then she's learning to relax a little and have some fun.

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A running joke among our family when we come into contact with our ultra-liberal environmental-type relatives is to tell them something along the lines of...


"You know, people are wasting too much time thinking up ways to save all these endangered species and whales and stuff...I say, Nuke the Whales! and get on to more important things..."


They never seem particularly amused, but they also never learn :lol:!

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Wish I was in the room with you. If she died from laughing then she's learning to relax a little and have some fun.



Well, no, actually she died because she is so horrified that someone like me is polluting her child's world. (not that I'm that bad.......I just enjoy letting her think I'm that bad)

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Well, no, actually she died because she is so horrified that someone like me is polluting her child's world. (not that I'm that bad.......I just enjoy letting her think I'm that bad)


Awww, that's too bad she couldn't unclench. Well, there is time yet for her to mellow.


Meanwhile, keep feeding us those precious Remudamon moments.

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A running joke among our family when we come into contact with our ultra-liberal environmental-type relatives is to tell them something along the lines of...


"You know, people are wasting too much time thinking up ways to save all these endangered species and whales and stuff...I say, Nuke the Whales! and get on to more important things..."


They never seem particularly amused, but they also never learn :lol:!




When my mom and step-dad met my husband-to-be for the first time it was over Christmas dinner...


Well, my step-dad went into a rant at one point regarding local politics. Some group or another wanted to truck nuclear waste through/around Vegas (where we lived at the time) to the dumping ground in the desert. My step-dad did NOT want this and gave all sorts of reason as to why.


I tried to warn my husband-to-be, but alas, he bit, not intentionally to start an argument, but just to educate. (We were young, and he didn't understand yet the idea that not everyone is open for conversations......)


Little did my step-dad realize, but my husband-to-be was enlisting to be a Navy Nuke and his parents are geologists who do clean up. He was raised with nuclear waste information passing through his house.


It was ugly.


Snicker. My mom and I still laugh about it.



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My niece by marriage was in at my mil's today. We hardly ever see her, so I went in to visit a bit.


We are........almost fond of each other, but complete opposites. She is ultra liberal and takes herself very seriously, I am not, and don't.


Her baby was in some sort of natural diaper, and I asked her why she used them...........half wondering and half watching to see her get her panties in a wad, and she didn't let me down!! She lectured me up one side and down the other and when she paused for air I said "I like to stand on my roof and spray aerosol cans into the atmosphere."


And then she died and I'm still laughing.


Sorry. I have to have some fun ya know.



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um, I think a board rules infraction has occurred...


you can't throw out the phrase "walmart fiasco" and NOT link.


link please...




The Walmart thing is on my "Horsin Around" blog, you have to scroll down to the last post on the first page, but it's still there.


If I ever get arrested my dh is going to bust a gut laughing.

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I was in a similar phase to your niece when I was a new mom. I still get exasperated by housemates who can't learn what goes in the recycle bin, but I've also learned not to take myself (or life) too seriously. So if you asked me now the question you asked your niece, I'd probably tell you in all honesty that it gives me a warm fuzzy to not fill the landfill, and I'm a cheapskate. Also I will never, never, ever find myself at Wal Mart at 3 AM buying diapers, and neither will DH. This happens a lot to other people. I kind of pity them, while being secretly smug that I'll never be them.


I still appreciate the irony that my family's daily bread depends upon my employment by a corporation I used to boycott.:)


Oh, and I checked at work about the photos thing. Apparently it's true, we're not supposed to let people take pictures. Who knew?

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and when she paused for air I said "I like to stand on my roof and spray aerosol cans into the atmosphere."


And then she died and I'm still laughing.


Sorry. I have to have some fun ya know.


As liberal crunchie I am, I would have rolled on the floor and snorted with that one. Especially if you deadpanned it.


Good on you.

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Oh, and I checked at work about the photos thing. Apparently it's true, we're not supposed to let people take pictures. Who knew?


So they don't sponsor the peopleofwalmart.com website??? :tongue_smilie:


I had a friend who snapped a picture of the big price sign above the car seat she decided to buy, as it was an amazing price. I guess the price was an error, and when she got to the register, it was a different price. She got the price that she snapped the photo of, although not easily.

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My niece by marriage was in at my mil's today. We hardly ever see her, so I went in to visit a bit.


We are........almost fond of each other, but complete opposites. She is ultra liberal and takes herself very seriously, I am not, and don't.


Her baby was in some sort of natural diaper, and I asked her why she used them...........half wondering and half watching to see her get her panties in a wad, and she didn't let me down!! She lectured me up one side and down the other and when she paused for air I said "I like to stand on my roof and spray aerosol cans into the atmosphere."


And then she died and I'm still laughing.


Sorry. I have to have some fun ya know.



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That's great! I actually used cloth diapers, and because of this (you have to buy them, etc) I was exposed to a lot of the liberal 'we directly cause global warming and your SUV is responsible for the extinction of polar bears, etc...'

I love the rear-facing carseat lectures I would get from the twenty-somethings. I actually told one that back in my day, we strapped the children in with bungee cords. She seriously just didn't know what to say.

I love stumping them.

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