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Paperback Swap question

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How are books mailed? The site says to print out two pieces of paper, wrap, and mail. Do you really mail books wrapped only in copy paper? I have bad luck with thick envelopes and boxes. I can't imagine a book wrapped in copy paper actually making it to my house!

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You can mail them however you want. You can use their printed "wrapper" or not. You can pay for postage through them or not. You can put it into your own envelope, address it by hand, and take it to the counter at the post office if you want. As long as the person gets the book, it's okay.


I personally don't like to get the books wrapped only in their printed wrapper. They involve a ton of tape and sometimes it's hard to cut open the wrapper without damaging the book.


I mail mine in a yellow business envelope. I print only the address label portion and cut that out and tape it on to the envelope. I found out it's cheaper to go to the counter at the post office, and my kids like the post office :lol:

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I used brown paper grocery bags. I cut them up, wrap with tape and then use the white paperback swap label. Really easy. Most of the books I receive seem to be wrapped the same way.



:iagree: That's what I do, too. My only addition is that first I put the book in a plastic grocery bag, cut and taped, then I wrap in a brown paper grocery bag.

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I wrap mine in plastic wrap, then the two printed pages. I don't use an extreme amount of tape, but all edges are taped (5 pieces max usually). I never thought about trying to open the package being difficult...:confused:

Usually when I receive an envelope package at least one corner is torn.

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I either use a bubble mailer or I wrap in plastic wrap and then use a manilla envelope or wrap in paper bag depending on the size of the book. It costs me a little more but I pay for my postage/delivery confirmation through PBS. It means I get instant credit which is good because I have no patience but you also get to keep your credit even if the book were to get lost in the mail (no one is penalized). If I pay at the post office, I take the risk of being out the book and the postage with no credit to show for it.

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Well, I joined and automatically had requests for 2 books to be sent. Of the other 13 I posted, 10 are on people's wish lists. I'm going to be listing more books!


Have you posted a link to your bookshelf?


I'm in the middle of clearing out my school shelves of things we're done using and a bunch of stuff that I bought with good intentions but that we're unlikely to ever really use. Happily, a lot of what I'm shedding is on people's wish lists. I have 8 books to mail today.


My bookshelf


I'm sending out great books that just aren't needed here anymore. But I'm getting great stuff back too. I just got a Ruth Beechik book that is so much more than I expected it to be. My kids are collecting older science fiction that they enjoy and dh is getting books from the Navy reading list. Paperback Swap is great.

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I have just been wrapping in brown paper but good point about perhaps doing it in a protected envelope.


I enjoy looking at people's shelves that post here because they're often offloading homeschool books. We aren't done with most of our educational books but I'm sure we will be doing that someday!

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I usually use padded envelopes, or just plain large yellow envelopes.


Me, too. I put the book in a ziploc bag first to protect it from getting wet. Most of the books that I receive are just wrapped in the PBS mailer (paper), and they are usually okay. I actually appreciate the "mummified" packages; they may be hard to open, but the wrapper stays on. :D


Another question: do people list textbooks? If they do, what about teacher's editions? I have a BJU Algebra set (1 student text, 2 teacher books). Wouldn't that cost someone 3 credits?


Just a suggestion: If your BJU books are wishlisted, you can try posting them in the "book bazaar" of the discussion forums and that way you can send them all to one person. It would save you money and you'd still get three credits. Each month they have a thread for "wishlisted multiples" just for this purpose. The first post in that thread explains the rules for doing this. If someone wants the whole set, they can add them by ISBN to their wish list and then you post them by clicking on the "post this book" button directly from their wish list. That way the offer goes directly to them.


Hope that's not confusing, LOL. I just recently discovered this and it is a great way to get more than one credit each time you ship a package, KWIM? :)

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I used brown paper grocery bags. I cut them up, wrap with tape and then use the white paperback swap label. Really easy. Most of the books I receive seem to be wrapped the same way.


I do this as well, but I wrap the book in a ziploc bag first. I receive a variety of wrappings, mostly yellow envelopes cut down to size and well taped.

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A lot of my books come this way, but I have never mailed one that way.


I have so many envelopes and boxes from swapping and buying. I just organized them in the garage a few days ago. I have a three-drawer bin in which I keep packing peanuts, bubble wrap, and extra cardboard for support. I try to save all boxes and envelopes.


I have also saved cereal boxes. Tear one side, flip it out, and tape it up.

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I wrap the book in plastic wrap, and then use the paper wrapper (unless the book is too large for the wrapper). I do wrap the edges with tape, and cover the mailing address with a piece of tape. I dunno, no one's ever complained, though I do get a lot of "thank you's" that include a compliment for how well I package books. :confused: I think they must be arriving ok.

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I'm adding some more books but then I can post a link.


Another question: do people list textbooks? If they do, what about teacher's editions? I have a BJU Algebra set (1 student text, 2 teacher books). Wouldn't that cost someone 3 credits?


It might cost someone three credits. But they might have gotten those credits by trading romance novels or mystery. So they might be quite happy to get each of these books for a credit.


And you might have someone who needs just the student text (ie, for two kids) or who needs just the teacher books. So I'd go ahead and split them up if they have separate ISBN numbers.


I had Saxon 1 and a couple of Veritas Press Teacher Guides that I haven't been able to sell at our curriculum fairs. But they were snapped up as soon as they posted. Each of these were on wishlists with waiting lists.


Honestly, it is very encouraging. I'm planning on combing our shelves tomorrow to see what else I can find that is under used here.

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A lot of my books come this way, but I have never mailed one that way.


I have so many envelopes and boxes from swapping and buying. I just organized them in the garage a few days ago. I have a three-drawer bin in which I keep packing peanuts, bubble wrap, and extra cardboard for support. I try to save all boxes and envelopes.




Same here - I've gotten quite a few books mailed only in the paper, and they usually are OK if they are taped well. Sometimes they've arrived with one side completely open because they weren't taped enough.


I also save the envelopes and boxes I get from books mailed to me and don't have to use a new envelope very often.

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It depends on the size of the book. If I can wrap it in plastic and then the paper I do. I have not had any complaints yet.


I am actually wrapping up one right now and looking for more. lol I love PBS and nestof3 for showing it to me!!!!!!!

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Thanks! I just put two in the mailbox.


It depends on the size of the book. If I can wrap it in plastic and then the paper I do. I have not had any complaints yet.


I am actually wrapping up one right now and looking for more. lol I love PBS and nestof3 for showing it to me!!!!!!!

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I wrap mine in plastic wrap, then the two printed pages. I don't use an extreme amount of tape, but all edges are taped (5 pieces max usually). I never thought about trying to open the package being difficult...:confused:


This is how I wrap mine, too. Every now and then I will use a poly mailer.


I don't have much right now but here is a link to my bookshelf.

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I am actually wrapping up one right now and looking for more. lol I love PBS and nestof3 for showing it to me!!!!!!!


I'll second the thank you to Nestof3. I've gotten several great books in, some of them books that are out of print or hard to find.


I've been cleaning out my homeschool shelves and I have 11 books to mail tomorrow and two more that I still need to package up.


It is a huge encouragement to my kids to think that giving up some of the books on their shelves doesn't just mean decluttering or lowering our weight for moving, but also having credits to spend on books they want.

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I wrap mine in Saran Wrap, then I use the printed mailing label to wrap it up. I keep brown envelope on hand for large books. I have never had a problem. I also make sure that I tape each seam really well, and I also put a piece of tape over the address so it won't be smeared. I was a bit leery at first, but this system really works surprisingly well. Most books I receive are sent this way, as well.

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