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If you show a little cleavage

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I'm not sayin' you're wrong (I think it's fine that you think it's fine :D) but honestly, the pictures you linked made me cringe. I think that's too old.

For her though, it's not so much the age, as the droopiness level, imo. Maybe with a better booKshelf?


I'm 41, relatively perky in comparison to my peers, and I'm pretty sure I'm at the end of showing any cleavage.


I think she looks awesome! I love her confidence! I don't really think her boobs look droopy. In the first picture, she is kinda leaning forward which might be why they look a little low. But I'm like Joanne, I've earned my sag. I'm only 32, but I've nursed 3 babies, and the girls ain't what they used to be. I still show some cleavage now and then. My dh loves it! And it makes me feel good!

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I think it is more appropriate for a *woman* to show some cleavage than a "teenybopper".


:( That makes me sad. I think the links look just fine.


Who *cares* about droop? I earned every inch of mine.


:001_huh: dh and I don't even think she looks droopy at all! She looks like a woman with breasts that are neither droopy nor " torpedos". :confused:Just a healthy woman with breasts. Sure not a super model, but a normal healthy woman.

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Lydia of Lydia's Kitchen shows cleavage all of the time. I like it. :D There is something wonderful about that level of confidence. She's also not American-born, so that explains a lot.








I heart cleavage.


I'm not a modest person, but that ranks up there with Ivana Trump for me in the :ack2: department. Too much in my face for comfort....and way too low and wrinkly for it to be appealing to me.


You are right, it might be a cultural issue.

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I say whatever floats your boat, do it. We are the same age range (I'm turning 46), and yet I will not give up my Michael Stars shine v-neck shirts. Granted I'm only 34 B, so I don't face the same dilemna as you have about this issue. All it matters to me is husband loves the look on me.

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Is there an age cutoff? Does it become inappropriate/grotesque after a certain age? I have an age in mind, but husband doesn't think I need to stop.




Here's the way I look at it: If you're still comfortable wearing tops that show cleavage, wear them--I don't believe there's an arbitrary cut-off age where it becomes inappropriate.


However, if you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable in any way, then there's your answer.


I wouldn't wear something that made me feel uncomfortable.

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I'm not a modest person, but that ranks up there with Ivana Trump for me in the :ack2: department. Too much in my face for comfort....and way too low and wrinkly for it to be appealing to me.


You are right, it might be a cultural issue.


Really? You think that's vomit worthy? Man, I guess I just don't see it. She looks awesome to me! Maybe, like I said, it's her confidence that's appealing to me.

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I think it is a very personal decision. I didn't have a problem showing cleavage when I was in my mid to late 20s. To be honest, it wasn't until I had a personal experience at the middle school my oldest ds was attending 6th grade that made me take a second look at the way I was dressing. I tend to look a lot younger than my age and was picking my son up from school. Some of the 8th graders thought I was his older sister and asked me out. Talk about drastically changing my wardrobe.


My oldest ds has recently been very uncomfortable with me wearing tank tops without a top over it. While I personally don't have an issue with it, it is a concession I am willing to make if it makes him more comfortable.

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I think it is a very personal decision. I didn't have a problem showing cleavage when I was in my mid to late 20s. To be honest, it wasn't until I had a personal experience at the middle school my oldest ds was attending 6th grade that made me take a second look at the way I was dressing. I tend to look a lot younger than my age and was picking my son up from school. Some of the 8th graders thought I was his older sister and asked me out. Talk about drastically changing my wardrobe.




See, I would be flattered if that happened to me. But clearly, I have issues. :D

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Really? You think that's vomit worthy? Man, I guess I just don't see it. She looks awesome to me! Maybe, like I said, it's her confidence that's appealing to me.




See, I would be flattered if that happened to me. But clearly, I have issues. :D


:lol::lol: Last year I had a young man, probably 15, hold the door for me as I exited Goodwill. I thought he was just being mannerly, then he asked if I wanted to go on a ride on his skateboard. I used to skate in my younger days and he had a nice board, but I smiled and shook my head. Promptly went home and told dh I got asked out, made me feel good all day. I'm sure I have issues too. :D

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:lol::lol: Last year I had a young man, probably 15, hold the door for me as I exited Goodwill. I thought he was just being mannerly, then he asked if I wanted to go on a ride on his skateboard. I used to skate in my younger days and he had a nice board, but I smiled and shook my head. Promptly went home and told dh I got asked out, made me feel good all day. I'm sure I have issues too. :D


Glad to know I am in good company. :lol:

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See, I would be flattered if that happened to me. But clearly, I have issues. :D


Nah, not issues. My son was extremely embarrased and not to mention that my baby brother was an 8th grader at the school at the time. He was a little upset. LOL. That was all it took for me to be convicted, but it is not my place to judge what is appropriate for anyone other than myself.

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I'd say as long as your comfortable, go for it. I know I'll probably be showing a cm or two or cleavage long after it looks pretty or acceptable, but I can't stand (literally - I go into panic type attacks) to have anything touch the front of my neck and the top inch or two or my chest. I have a short torso and pretty hefty books so that pretty much guarantees that I have some cleavage visible. Life is too short to dress for other people - dress in what you think is comfy/looks good on you!

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Hellen Miren is 66! She still looks great in a bikini! I say, if you look good, fine. Age has nothing to do with it. But if it's not looking good on you, stop.




hmmm, dont' know why the picture didn't show up, it was there on my preview! Anyway, just google it. :)


I love her. I have always said that I want to be like her when I get to be her age. Heck, I would like to look that good now. :001_smile:

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Nah, not issues. My son was extremely embarrased and not to mention that my baby brother was an 8th grader at the school at the time. He was a little upset. LOL. That was all it took for me to be convicted, but it is not my place to judge what is appropriate for anyone other than myself.


Yeah, I can see how having your son and little brother there would make a world of difference. My little brother's best friend since childhood has always had a big ole' crush on me. Even though I have been married for 12 years, and he has been married for a few himself, he still has the hots for me. I pretend it is annoying, but deep down, I smile a little when he flirts with me. He is SEVERAL years younger than me. :D

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Only my opinion:


I don't necessarily think it's an age thing. My skin is quite damaged - I'm a freckly, fair thing and I used to slather on the baby oil in ill-fated attempts at tanning. I'm probably going to need to cover up that area a lot sooner than others my age because my skin in that area is aging more rapidly.


The decolletage seems to really take a beating when it comes to sun damage. :glare:

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I think it is a very personal decision. I didn't have a problem showing cleavage when I was in my mid to late 20s. To be honest, it wasn't until I had a personal experience at the middle school my oldest ds was attending 6th grade that made me take a second look at the way I was dressing. I tend to look a lot younger than my age and was picking my son up from school. Some of the 8th graders thought I was his older sister and asked me out. Talk about drastically changing my wardrobe.


My oldest ds has recently been very uncomfortable with me wearing tank tops without a top over it. While I personally don't have an issue with it, it is a concession I am willing to make if it makes him more comfortable.


See now, you think there's a problem with your dressing in that situation.


I think there's a problem with the 8th grade girls looking like they could be you!

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I have decided that women my age - 36yo and very pregnant - can still look very flattering and appropriate and show some cleavage. It's not all or nothing. It never is, is it?



Can? I say should! What happened to my chest was nothing short of a miracle, imo. Having been flat my whole life, I was not going to miss the opportunity to show that development to the world! Plus, it took the attention away from the rest of me, which, believe you me, was a favor to everyone.

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Can? I say should! What happened to my chest was nothing short of a miracle, imo. Having been flat my whole life, I was not going to miss the opportunity to show that development to the world! Plus, it took the attention away from the rest of me, which, believe you me, was a favor to everyone.



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I just wish I had cleavage to worry about! lol. (I have a malformation in my breast bone that pushes the center of my chest out a bit)..anyway, normal sized books, no cleavage :(


I think it's fine if it's not trashy. My SIL, she has cleavage up to her chin :lol: and covering it up would mean turtlenecks for her!

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Not trying to be mean, but given your signature line I'd say that you're definitely at the age where a woman ought to be dressing like a grown up rather than a teenybopper. I'm 33 and think that's too old for cleavage. I'm not saying we 30somethings & 40somethings need to dress like frumps, but age-appropriateness is key.


But in my opinion, what she's describing would still be classified as dressing like a grown-up. I don't think she's wearing a skin-tight tube top with a pleather micro-miniskirt.


Laura, I think you're fine with that much cleavage. I would trust your DH. Surely he won't let you go out in public and embarass yourself, will he?

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I think it depends on the top/dress.

I'm certain whatever you're wearing, you're wearing well.


I live in Florida. Everything "goes" here. But along those lines, most people I know work very hard to maintain their shape.


Three weeks ago I had to tell a vey good friend of mine to go buy a shirt for her son's first day of Christian preschool. Love my gf and she works hard for her physique, but there's a time and place. (It was funny. She really did not own a single shirt that did not display all of her bountiful assets, even if they weren't God-given.;) Heck I think she even had to buy shoes with a moderate heel size for that day.)

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