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Take the Kids or Leave them

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My dh is going to Mannheim, Germany for a conference. If he leaves on a Saturday, he saves the company over $1400 (Saturday night stay over) so the company would pay for his hotel for that extra time and provide a meal stipend and car. The question is should I go too and leave the kids at home with my parents. My parents (75 years old) can handle it, but they get grumpy and tired and my kids are high energy... not the best, but not bad. I also feel odd about being so far away from the kids for six days.

The kids could come along. The extra expense would be their airfare. We could still turn in dining receipts that are equal to dh's stipend (company is generous and we can eat cheap!). This trip woud be during our 18th anniversary, and we both turn 40 this year. (In fact he turned 40 during the week I had gallbladder surgery and had to go out and get his own morning treat.:001_huh:) - can you tell I am trying to justify the expense.. We can afford either way. Our kids are good travelers and we both enjoy spending time with them. But it would be nice to go alone - we have never done that. I just don't know if I would relax with them so far away. I also keep thinking, what a great opportunity for them to see that part of the world.

So, tell me what you would do...

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Go alone!


Yes, the kids would benefit greatly and yes you would worry for a bit but honestly, the worrying stops fairly soon and the kids would benefit from a week with their grandparents as well.


Six days alone with the man you love and the chance to come home to your kids refreshed with a new appreciation for them...I'd take it in a heartbeat! :)

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I just spent 6 days in California with my dh. Alone. No kids.


It revitalized my marriage.


Go, and leave the kids. Take this opportunity and run with it. You can take the kids somewhere wonderful another time.


Investing in your marriage has fantastic returns. FANTASTIC. It sends a vital message to kids--that your marriage is very, very important. Not many kids get to hear that.

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I say go alone and leave the kids with their grandparents. My dh and I take trips alone regularly and it gives us a chance to reconnect in ways we can't do in the day-to-day grind. I don't realize how much I miss that until we are actually away.

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Go alone. The kids have their whole lives to study abroad, either in college or during a gap year. How many times will you have the chance to spend your anniversary on a fabulous trip like this, at such little expense? You're not leaving babies behind. They're plenty old enough to have vacation at G-ma's.

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I don't realize how much I miss that until we are actually away.


That's the thing. When you're around the kids it just doesn't seem like a big deal to take them. But when you finally get away from them a bit you realize how wonderful it is to have that break and to have your husband all to yourself.

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I asked the kids and one said "YES - that is where Playmobil is made" the other two said they would rather go to Harry Potter world in Orlando, which I did promise to take them. I am trying to think how I can break up the week for my parents so it won't be so overwhelming. If I can get my sister to take them for the long weekend, then I would feel fine with my parents having them only Tue - Thur. Tue. and Wed. are co-op days so the kids will gone for part of those days. Of course, I will have to find a sub for my classes, but that can be done. Thanks for your input... I will have to work on my sister and all the carpooling stuff, my parents don't like to drive in Atlanta traffic.

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I just don't know. I can't imagine leaving them for that long. They were gone for 6 days when I had my surgery to my very capable and fun inlaws so I didn't worry about them, plus I was pretty sick. I am afraid I wouldn't be able to relax. Dh will be busy for three days, so now I am thinking what would I do for three days in Mannheim? I will have to keep thinking.

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I would take the kids to Germany. Schedule a couple of weekends away with just you and dh over the next few months. You get your alone time (which I agree is fabulous for any marriage). Then you would likely feel more comfortable leaving the kids with your parents for the shorter period of time.

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Dh will be busy for three days, so now I am thinking what would I do for three days in Mannheim? I will have to keep thinking.


I lived in Mannheim for 3 years growing up (from '86-'89). It's a great city with lots to see and do, so you should definitely be able to fill up 3 days! The public transportation (Strassenbahn - high speed urban rail system) is fantastic and will get you to most places quite easily.


Here's a great list of Mannheim's attractions and reviews from both tourists and locals: http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Europe/Germany/Land_Baden_Wuerttemberg/Mannheim-39646/Things_To_Do-Mannheim-BR-1.html


I would highly recommend spending a day in Heidelberg as well while you're there (it's a 15-min. train ride from Mannheim). Save that one for a day with the hubby though!


Personally, I would probably take my kids - but I can also see the merits in a trip for just you and your husband.


Have a fantastic trip! :)

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Go Alone!


I never thought I would leave my kids until I did it one weekend to appease my DH. Boy did I have a wonderful, refreshing, revitalizing, peaceful, romantic, trip with my beloved DH. I realized that we NEEDED it. But if I hadn't gone, I would never have known.

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I asked the kids and one said "YES - that is where Playmobil is made" the other two said they would rather go to Harry Potter world in Orlando, which I did promise to take them. I am trying to think how I can break up the week for my parents so it won't be so overwhelming. If I can get my sister to take them for the long weekend, then I would feel fine with my parents having them only Tue - Thur. Tue. and Wed. are co-op days so the kids will gone for part of those days. Of course, I will have to find a sub for my classes, but that can be done. Thanks for your input... I will have to work on my sister and all the carpooling stuff, my parents don't like to drive in Atlanta traffic.


My husband earned a trip to Alberta, Canada about 4 years ago. My youngest has just turned 5 and I had never left them for that long (10 days). I had a good friend take the kids every now and then to give my mom a break. It worked out well. I also think that you should take the time to just be with your dh, it can be a very wonderful thing! ;)

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I agree with leaving them. I would love a lil vacation about right now. LOL It will be a very fast trip with the travel time included. By the time you and the kids adjust to the time diff, spend the time/energy in packing/arranging meals while there, dealing with any issues they may have....6 days is going to feel like 2.


If it is just the two of you, and dh is gone all day, you can loll around or go on tours, just snack or eat when you want/what you want. You and dh will have the evenings (unless he usually hs company dinners too). If he will be tied up in the evenings...I would probably stay home and put the money towards something else.



Take the kids somewhere they will be comfortable/easy and stress free (as stress free as a vac can be).

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