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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: how to deal with gift art

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A man at church handed us a 18" by 24" canvas this morning at church. It is an oil painting of my two children. He apparently took their picture one day after church a few months ago and this is the result. The painting is not bad but it is not good either. If my kids are actually holding the painting you can tell that it is them. I very much appreciate the time and thought put into this. I will definitely send him a heart-felt thank you. (I wasn't around when he handed the canvas to the kids.)


Here's my problem. What do I do with it? Dd wants to hang it over our mantle but I'm sorry but I don't want to. We don't have a lot of art but what we have is quality (at least in our eyes). Plus, we have more of a naturalistic/arts & crafts decorating scheme in our house that just doesn't go with this painting. Would it be rude (to the painter who has never been to our house) to hang it in dd's bedroom if she wants it? Dh is the associate pastor at our church and at some point we may invite church people over to the house.

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Did you know he was doing this? It strikes me as a bit creepy.


I knew that he had done it for another family in the church. I think he's discovered a new hobby and this is a way for him to practice and do something for others at the same time. I vaguely remember my kids saying that he had taken their picture and thinking at the time that we might get something like this. Then I forgot about it - until today that is!

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I think it was extremely thoughtful of him! You really should invite him to dinner as a thank-you.


Now, if he had painted your children and then kept the painting for himself, THAT would be creepy. But he did it as a gift for you. He's probably been so happy, hoping that you would be surprised and delighted. You may not love the painting now, but I'm sure that one day you'll treasure having an oil painting of your young children.

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A man at church handed us a 18" by 24" canvas this morning at church. It is an oil painting of my two children. He apparently took their picture one day after church a few months ago and this is the result. The painting is not bad but it is not good either. If my kids are actually holding the painting you can tell that it is them. I very much appreciate the time and thought put into this. I will definitely send him a heart-felt thank you. (I wasn't around when he handed the canvas to the kids.)


Here's my problem. What do I do with it? Dd wants to hang it over our mantle but I'm sorry but I don't want to. We don't have a lot of art but what we have is quality (at least in our eyes). Plus, we have more of a naturalistic/arts & crafts decorating scheme in our house that just doesn't go with this painting. Would it be rude (to the painter who has never been to our house) to hang it in dd's bedroom if she wants it? Dh is the associate pastor at our church and at some point we may invite church people over to the house.


No, it would not be rude to hang it in dd's room--not even slightly rude. Now hanging it in the laundry room OTOH...

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No, it would not be rude to hang it in dd's room--not even slightly rude. Now hanging it in the laundry room OTOH...


I just found my mom's last birthday gift from me hanging in the laundry room.


I guess this means she didn't like it. *tear*

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I just found my mom's last birthday gift from me hanging in the laundry room.


I guess this means she didn't like it. *tear*


Um, come to think of it, my stepmil has a piece of art in her laundry room that was a gift from dh and I. I'm so naive, I never realized that might mean she didn't like it, LOL.

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Ok - I definitely will not hang it in the laundry room!


Sorry, but dh works from his home office for church stuff. And he's safe from hanging pictures there because of floor to ceiling bookshelves.


I actually feel a bit guilty for not wanting it in my living room. And perhaps a bit like I'm a snob. I could never have painted a picture as well as this man did. And I know that he did it out of the goodness of his heart. I also appreciate that having an oil painting of your children is a special thing.


Dd is thrilled at the thought that it might go in her room. I'll have to get it framed first, though.

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Jean, I'm sorry but this scenario is making me giggle. :001_tt2:


What do you think about hanging it in your hallway?


Actually, I took a look at the hall, and it would work beautifully! You're a genius, Natalieclare! This way everyone can enjoy it; it isn't in our main room but it isn't stuck away in the corner either.

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Ok - I definitely will not hang it in the laundry room!


Sorry, but dh works from his home office for church stuff. And he's safe from hanging pictures there because of floor to ceiling bookshelves.


I actually feel a bit guilty for not wanting it in my living room. And perhaps a bit like I'm a snob. I could never have painted a picture as well as this man did. And I know that he did it out of the goodness of his heart. I also appreciate that having an oil painting of your children is a special thing.


Dd is thrilled at the thought that it might go in her room. I'll have to get it framed first, though.


There is no reason to feel guilty at all for not hanging it in the living room. I do watercolors and supported myself doing them one summer at the beach.


However, if i gave a watercolor as a gift and it ended up in a bedroom, I would in no way be insulted! Our bedrooms should be beautiful and visually interesting, too. A child's rooms is a great place to have good artwork.


My dad has 4 of my paintings: one is in the kitchen (the earliest one and the barn is out of perspective-- I would have taken it down by now), one in the dining room, one in the upstairs hall, and one in the upstairs bath (that's the best one.) None in the laundry room, though :lol:


Also, since the guy is just starting out, there will come a time when he would prefer that it be out-of-the way. He'll improve and like my early barn that I wish my dad would take down, he may prefer that everyone at your house not see his earlier attempts.

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My mother left me some paintings when she past. They are my style and not something I would normally chose but of course they have sentimental value. So I hung them in the long upstairs hallway and I really like them there. It is kind of like a tribute to my mother. It makes me feel good to see them and think of her when I do.

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Sorry- this thread made me laugh because I have a much creepier version of this story.


Dh's father was a lawyer and defended one of his clients at a murder trial. The client was convicted and sent to jail. He took up oil painting in jail, and as a "Thank You" to my FIL, the client sent him a portrait of FIL standing in the courtroom in front of the jury.


Well, the painting is an extremely good likeness of my FIL, who has been deceased since 1997. DH loves this painting and wanted to hang it somewhere in the house. The painting totally creeps me out on so many levels, that I just can't abide seeing it every day. So, it hangs in the basement where dh plays poker with his buddies.

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For sure, I'd put it in the kids' room. The mantle is VERY visible and putting it there would claim the attention of every visitor to your house.


I agree that in the future you may be happy for it. Or your dd will be happy to have it for her own home someday.


Definitely don't just get rid of it.


What a thoughtful gift.

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Sorry- this thread made me laugh because I have a much creepier version of this story.


Dh's father was a lawyer and defended one of his clients at a murder trial. The client was convicted and sent to jail. He took up oil painting in jail, and as a "Thank You" to my FIL, the client sent him a portrait of FIL standing in the courtroom in front of the jury.


Well, the painting is an extremely good likeness of my FIL, who has been deceased since 1997. DH loves this painting and wanted to hang it somewhere in the house. The painting totally creeps me out on so many levels, that I just can't abide seeing it every day. So, it hangs in the basement where dh plays poker with his buddies.


That's hilarious - I almost spit my coffee out! I'm glad your dh has somewhere to hang it where he can see it, but you don't have to.

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