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Having a horrible mixed manic phases right now.

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I am extremely aggitated and can't calm down but on the other hand I am depressed so I don't have any motivation to do anything. It is driving me crazy. I feel like I am about ready to start bouncing off the walls. I have already taken two Xanax and it hasn't made any difference yet. If things don't improve soon I am going to break down and take some Seroquel and call it a day. Luckily, I have an appt. with dr. tomorrow but does any one have any ideas on how to distact myself of at least focus on something in the mean time? I have already tried all the basics: hot bath, a movie, a book, even housework. Nothing is working and I am miserable.

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Oh Kids, I'm so sorry! :grouphug:

Is there a particular kind of organizing or housework that might help? I can't settle down if I try to declutter, for example, but the warm water and scrubbing action of doing the kitchen floor by hand seems to help me when I get into the "flitting around, too anxious to settle" phase. I'm not MDO, but can get really anxious.


Or how about working with clay or paint?

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I am so sorry!! :grouphug:


When I get anxious or agitated, I call my sister to talk and after I talk to her I bake! It was funny when one time I talked to my sis and she asked me what I was going to do after I got off the phone with her...I said I am going to bake cookies. She then asked if I realized that when I am really upset, I bake--I never knew...Now it is a family joke--stay clear if Mamma is baking! ;)



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I say take the meds. When I feel that out of control there is no way of getting back on your own. When you are able to take less meds & get control then you are on the way to feeling better. I used to fight the feeling thinking it would go away but it on it only got worse.


Good Luck

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:grouphug: When I feel anxious I clean out drawers and closets. Every closet and drawer in my house is straightened, so that tells you what the last few weeks have been like for me.


If it's that bad, I agree with the pps that said to go ahead and take the meds. Go to sleep and start again tomorrow.

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I would say to take your meds and if needed call for an earlier appointment--even tonight if needed.


Does the doctor have you on any daily mood stabilizers? Xanax is more for anxiety but isn't a mood stabilizer to prevent/treat the manic/mixed states.


Hope you can get the right meds. Honestly for my daughter they are 95% of the solution for her and she was a very rapid cycler bipolar I before her meds were correct.


If needed, ask another adult to stay with you.

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I would say to take your meds and if needed call for an earlier appointment--even tonight if needed.


Does the doctor have you on any daily mood stabilizers? Xanax is more for anxiety but isn't a mood stabilizer to prevent/treat the manic/mixed states.


Hope you can get the right meds. Honestly for my daughter they are 95% of the solution for her and she was a very rapid cycler bipolar I before her meds were correct.


If needed, ask another adult to stay with you.


Yes, I am on both Lamictal and Trileptal and most of the time they work really well. The Xanax is for break through periods and Seroquel is the big guns for when nothing else is working. I am not generally a rapid cycler. I am rarely depressed but more often have break through manic phases. They usually start with a hypo period so I know they are coming and I can frequently adjust my meds before things spin out of control. I just woke up this way this morning though. Not exactly sure why. This doesn't happen very often. Luckily, my hubby was home today so I end up taking the Seroquel and snoozing most of the day.

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Glad to hear that you have a good plan in place and that your dh was home today.


My daughter is on Lamictal and Keppra (not a top bp med but she also has seizures) along with Risperdal. We are getting a tiny bit of hypomania in the evenings but nothing major at all.


Make sure to let your doctor know everything that is going on. Did they by any chance switch your Lamictal from name brand to generic or from one generic to another? We had a terrible reaction when they did that to my daughter last summer.

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I hate when I get that feeling and nothing I really do helps. I hate to take my drugs because they make me feel so cloudy. Sometimes I put taking them off and it just makes it worse. I've learned to take them as soon as I feel just the slight bit agitated. Have you used Klonopin. It works much better for me than xanax did. It keeps me calmer and doesn't leave that fogged feeling. I used to take a lot of seroquel before we switched to that. Now I only used my Seroquel when I'm really cycling and even the Klonopin isn't helping. If you haven't already talk to your Dr about him letting you titrate the amount of seroquel you take. I use 25 mg and can go as high as 200mg if needed. When I realized seroquel isn't working I take 25 and go up 25 every hour if needed. What I find is that once I get to 50 with no result I go ahead and take 100 and keep taking it until episode disappears. Now instead of waiting for it to get bad enough to use seroquel my dr allows me to titrate the klonopin. If I'm a little agiated during the day I take 25 - 5omg in addition to the normal 50 mg of klonopin I take at night. Having mixed cycles is difficult and one of the harder to treat as there are so many variables. Personally I have to rely on more anti psychotics because anti depressants make me get manic. Keep a journal on when these things happen. At first we noticed that they happened around the time I was cycling than as I started pre menopause we've discovered they arrive at the time of the spring and fall equinox. That info helps me so I can watch more carefully and catch the little symptoms that you tend to ignore and treat them quicker which makes my recovery faster. I'm still out of sync for several weeks but everyone rallies around me and helps a lot. The hardest time I had was when I was initially dx. I was rapid cycling almost everyday. It took me years to see what it feels like to be normal. Now that I've experienced normally in my life even for short periods of time it makes catching the cycles earlier easier. Definitely keep a journal and look for common factors

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I wonder if sensory input is good at those times? Someone else suggested working with clay (or maybe play-doh, or model magic is lovely!), or maybe jumping on a trampoline, or knead bread dough, or ...


Hope the doctor can help.:grouphug:



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Any update? Thinking about you. :grouphug:


Well, I went to the doc today and I didn't get this "Here's a magic pill that will make everything better." answer that I was hoping for but we did discuss a few options. Unfortunately, none of them sounded very appealing. I have a lot of contributing factors that are increasing my cycling and instablility and making this beast a little bit harder to control than in the past. So at this point I am weighing my options and trying to maintain until I figure out what I am going to do. Thanks for asking. I have been thinking of you too. I will try to PM you more in the morning.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Luckily, I have an appt. with dr. tomorrow but does any one have any ideas on how to distact myself of at least focus on something in the mean time?


If I had something like that, I wouldn't need my daily meds. :tongue_smilie:


One medicine I really like for that is Lorazepam. I mean, it's still a medicine but it calms me down within 20 minutes. It's not something I take daily, but only when I feel very agitated. When I'm in that state, absolutely nothing else will do the trick. I've been given the whole breathing techniques and distraction techniques by my counselor but really, the meds are the only thing that keep me even somewhat balanced. :(

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Thanks everyone for asking. Unfortunately, the adjustment in meds hasn't made much difference and none of the other available options sound the least bit appealing. She wants to add an very low dose anti-depressant but I have always reacted badly to those. She also suggest that I see a counselor for talk therapy (she is a pdoc and handles the medicinal aspects). Frankly, I just don't see that happening. I really don't feel that I have issues that I need to work on. This really feels more chemical in nature and I already have too many doctors and medicines as it is and obviously they are working as well as they should be. Finally, she suggested that I go back on BCP to even out my hormones until I get closer to not having any periods at all. I am considering this as I have done it before and it did help for awhile. It is very hard to make decisions in this state of mind and one top of everything else. I haven't been sleeping for the last four night. So now I am exhausted, depressed and grumpy with no clue of exactly what I am going to do about it. I will probably post another thread later will some questions about what others have tried.

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Have you tried taking Omega 3's? I have heard some have had good success with them. Also, can you take melatonin to help you sleep at night? I don't know if either of these can be taken in conjunction with what you're already taking, but if you can add these to your regime, perhaps they can give you a measure of relief until you/your doctors can get your meds sorted out?

I'm sure it must be scary to go through this, I hope you are feeling more balanced soon (((hugs))).

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Thanks everyone for asking. Unfortunately, the adjustment in meds hasn't made much difference and none of the other available options sound the least bit appealing. She wants to add an very low dose anti-depressant but I have always reacted badly to those. She also suggest that I see a counselor for talk therapy (she is a pdoc and handles the medicinal aspects). Frankly, I just don't see that happening. I really don't feel that I have issues that I need to work on. This really feels more chemical in nature and I already have too many doctors and medicines as it is and obviously they are working as well as they should be. Finally, she suggested that I go back on BCP to even out my hormones until I get closer to not having any periods at all. I am considering this as I have done it before and it did help for awhile. It is very hard to make decisions in this state of mind and one top of everything else. I haven't been sleeping for the last four night. So now I am exhausted, depressed and grumpy with no clue of exactly what I am going to do about it. I will probably post another thread later will some questions about what others have tried.


I am so sorry. I really really hope you feel better soon. :grouphug::grouphug:

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