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What is your catch-all answer for everything?

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hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! I can't say this enough! Dd is prone to headaches and migraines, but if she stays hydrated she doesn't get them as much.


Thank you! Another thing I do say is, "Go drink a glass of water!" But this helps me to remember to help my nine year old to remember! Thanks.

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1. Retrace your steps.


2. Are you going to keep walking over that?


3. Look in the mirror, you'll get fed up! That one's def. my moms! When the kids are bored on summer days I hear "I'm hungry" constantly. :D


4. The dog needs to go out!

Edited by holdoll
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"NO!" (in response to hearing Tazzie and Diva in another room: Tazzie: "Wanna fight me?" Diva: "Sure!" Amongst other things during the day. That just happened while I was reading this thread.)

"Do you really want to bug me right now?"

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Deal with it."

"Get that out of your head! Only food goes in the mouth!"

"Mommy's getting unhappy..."



"You can cook. I'll let ya, promise. Honest!" said usually to Wolf if he complains supper is going to be late/delayed because I was dealing with something else.

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WALK THE DOGS!!!! (every time we come home as they start howling...)


Relax...this is all temporary.:Angel_anim:


(Defending my DW) Tat, tat, tat!! Just say, "Okay, Mom."


Time for Chores!!


TO THE CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Where did you see it last?


Really? Just think...some day you'll get to tell your grandkids about the day that you overcame that...(fill in latest petty drama).


Last but not least:


Love you all the way to the moon........and back!!

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We say 'get a drink of water' or 'go to the bathroom' quite a bit here, too.


If my 5-year-old or my 3-year-old start asking unending 'why' questions that get waaaay beyond my ability to explain in an age-appropriate manner or I'm just DONE trying to answer the umpteenth question in a row, we say, "Physics" or whatever branch of science the question falls under.


Oh, and we also say in response to many questions, "Why do you think?"

Edited by elw_miller
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This thread is so funny!! I particularly love "83,", "Don't look at me in that tone of voice," "in your left nostril" and "scan." I called ds 13 out of bed to read a bunch of these!:D


Some other ones around here:


1. Is someone profusely bleeding?


2. What would you do if I was out on a walk?


3. Are you free to be doing that?


4. Are you genuinely hungry or is your mouth just wanting to enjoy something? (2 huge but slender eaters)


5. I hope you make wise food choices.


6. Want to launch a rocket tonight? (we build them)


Thanks for the laughs.

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"Focus on your own behavior" I say this when my kids start policing eachother. If everyone is making sure they are being the best most God honroing person THEY can be and focusing on themselves being good then we don't need to police and everyone will get along great.


I also use: "Well, it wouldn't just sprout legs and walk out of here, let's just keep an eye out for it" for the zillions of times a day my 5YO loses his stuff. CONSTANTLY he is puttling things down and walking off--it's often in the bathroom! He has terrible figure ground abilities and can't see things that are right IN FRONT of him. What's with that?

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Me: "What's something I always say to the kids?"

DH: "Nice or mean?"

Me: "Either one.




Hey, I'm not proud of it!


Also, "are you being wise or foolish?" when I hear crazy noises and I don't want to go upstairs to find out the cause.

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