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Because of this board...

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I was just thinking about all the ways this board has influenced me. Here are a few of mine...what about you?


Because of this board


I bought way more curriculum than I needed


I am more sensitive to people whose children have food allergies


I am more aware of the problems faced by people who have children with learning disabilities


I know of someone who lives without a refrigerator!


I know way more about why some Christians don't wear pants!


I hear the term "bookshelves' and automatically think of ladies undergarments!


I am more careful about what I write and how I phrase my comments.

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I am way more sensitive about my comments to other people. I don't get offended easily and laugh at my self a lot. I am often amazed at how someone will make a post about something offensive, and I sit there wondering how in the world that was sooo offensive. Then 20 other people will agree with the OP! I am sitting there wondering how in the world, xyz was offensive. It isn't until I read through a bunch of posts that I can finally see the person's take on the situation.


I am definitely more PC now. I am also a lot less friendly to people who I don't know. I am polite, I am professional, I am not cold, but I don't comment or chat like I used to. I would rather not say anything at all, instead of offend people.


Tonight at Costco, there was a family with 3 little kids (5 and under). One girl had dripped a BIG glob of mustard on the floor and was putting her foot/flipflop in it. It was all over her foot and shoe. I touched the gma on the arm and said "I just wanted to let you know that your dd has quite a bit of mustard on her shoe, and I know I wouldn't want to get mustard in my car, so I thought I would mention it." The grandmother pretty much snarled at me, and didn't even respond. Then she said to the kid in a snotty voice that "it would be worn off before we leave the store". Okay then. Maybe mustard isn't horrid stuff to everyone, but to me, mustard in my carpet, on my seats, and all over my kids shoe, is something I would like to prevent if I could clean it up with a napkin before hand. It just proves to me once again...."don't be helpful...be harmless". (quote from 7th Heaven I think). I shouldn't have said anything at all.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I learned about what special needs my ds probably had and about effective treatments.

I have a place to refer people to who are looking for help for their child with special needs.

I've learned about curricula that we really like.

Like a pp, I spend too much time here.

I've been able to understand more about the sensibilities of people who don't share my religious beliefs.

I have a place to come to when I have a question about pretty much anything!

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Because of this board..


I am much more knowledgeable about curricula and resources

I feel a sense of community with homeschoolers across the country and around the world

I know now that a kitten dies every time we use an apostrophe incorrectly (possessive pronouns)

I see the other side of adoption

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Because of this board I did Flylady, I know LOTS about Christianity, I learned what a diversity of opinions and lifestyles there are in North American and also that even though a woman can have diametrically opposing viewpoints on religion/politics/etc., we can see eye to eye on children, homeschooling and family values.


I, too, learned about food allergies (and discovered the ones my kid has), aspergers, bread baking, and that there are other women out there who love wearing skirts as much as I do.


This past year I've gone back into bread-winning mode and I have to say....I miss my homeschooling buddies and all the home-centeredness of life.

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Because of this board I spent an hour trying to work out how to download Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover onto my ipad last night and have been voraciously reading it last night and this morning. I imagine my online, out of control buying habits are in for a bit of a boot camp.


My online buying habits are fairly directly linked to the amount of time I spend online, and a large part of that time is spent here.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I just want you to know I would have appreciated your comment about the mustard, if that happened to my child. :-)

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Because of this board:


I have changed my entire curriculum plan for next year.


I have spent far more time researching hundreds of curricula than I ever would have before coming here.


I feel far more confident in my abilities, even though we've been doing this for a few years now.


I have learned a lot about Christianity and like the pp, why some don't wear pants.


I know what GUS stands for. ;)


I've learned abbreviations and acronyms that would make my dh's head spin. And he's in the military, where they can have entire conversations using nothing but abbreviations.


I have laughed. A lot.


I have been overwhelmed by kindness shown to complete strangers.


I spend FAR more time on the internet than I did before.


I will never think of "tea party" in quite the same way. :lol::lol::lol:

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First let me add..I would've appreciated being notified about my child and a mustard issue. So don't think that what you did was rude..I find it very considerate! :D


Now to answer you post question...


Because of this board...



  • I have learned alot more about what's important for my child's education and what's not.
  • I have learned about ALOT of different curriculums.
  • I have got AMAZING bargains on new books for our homeschool shelf!
  • My kids and dh and I are learning on a whole new educational level and we LOVE it. Before our children dreaded school as the prep time I had to do was in the morning hours searching for free things to pull a subject together. Now we have amazing curriculums that fit perfectly into our homeschooling journey!
  • I know what workbox means and have implented these into our homeschool.
  • I now file for the ENTIRE year before starting the school year! :D
  • I have learned that homeschool conference doesn't mean driving long hours, paying hotel bills or eating fast food. It can happen in the comfort of your home!
  • The reviews of certain curriculum and teaching tools are better here than the actual products selling site.
  • I spend way too much time online refreshing "New Posts".
  • I've spent way more money on homeschooling since joining this forum than I did before and I'm THANKFUL! It's saved us stress and our children are actually THRIVING and LOVING learning!
  • AND last but not least..I actually know what MOST of the abbreviations in sig's for curriculum mean now! *does the funky chicken happy dance*(yes there is such a thing, I just invented it!)


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Because of this board


I have been shocked and awed by the interest and kindness of virtual strangers--and I have a box full of quilt squares to prove it.


I've learned parenting facts and techniques to help me be a better mother


I've learned all my son's faults and problems cannot be blamed on being an only child.


I've learned a kitten dies every time an apostrophe is used to pluralize.


I've learned there are GREAT husbands out there who are kind to their wives and supportive of homeschooling---this gives me hope that I will find my own someday.


I've learned A LOT about why some innocent comments might offend people. For instance now when I see a person with many children I don't say 'wow are all these yours?' I say, 'Your children are precious. I always wanted a big family.'


I've learned A LOT about how to pass the bean dip. This has helped me in so many ways and in so many relationships.


I heart my WTM board.

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Because of this board:




I havent lost faith in people...my IRL people are mainly greedy and jealous and mean....you people here are unselfish and giving and kind


I am reminded everyday to super thankful for my 3 healthy kids


I am humbled by the parents who adopt children, and by those working through tough situations


I am in heaven reading about filing, and planning, and "systems"


I am learning SO much about so much :D

Edited by kwickimom
typo as usual
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I don't know if I can remember everything.


I learned more about food effects on behaviour.

-about curriculums with help finding what's right for ds.

-about ways of organizing and filing lessons to make life easier.

-more about my son's likely sensory issues.

-about the many different beliefs people have.

-about living in China.

-about some different ways of looking at things.


that just about anything will offend someone.


Oh yeah - and I spend way too much time on the internet.

Edited by dottieanna29
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I learned about what special needs my ds probably had and about effective treatments.

I have a place to refer people to who are looking for help for their child with special needs.

I've learned about curricula that we really like.

Like a pp, I spend too much time here.

I've been able to understand more about the sensibilities of people who don't share my religious beliefs.

I have a place to come to when I have a question about pretty much anything!


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I felt like a teen groupie when I got an unsolicited PM from none other than Rosie!


Tee hee....imagine how I felt when she posted to me, 'you know what you need? A quilt.' Thus beginning the great quilt square collection for Scarlett.

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...I chuckle quietly everyone someone offers people more tea. Even more when people reply "Oh yes, I'd LOVE some more tea!" :lol:


...I got over my fear of being too "domestic" and started baking my own bread (and am trying to find my own grain to grind).


...I spent way too much money on curricula, but made REALLY well-informed choices and am happy with what I got. So glad I didn't paly the trial and error game.


...I discovered that my high-faultin' educated, corporate fast track burnin' self really at heart wants to be a homesteader. Seriously, that one shocked me. You can't imagine how much it shocked everyone that knows me! Now if only I realized that BEFORE we irrevocably invested ourselves in a teeny tiny city property! At least it's got enough room for a decent vegetable garden, if not some chickens, a wheat field, and a few cows. ;)

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because of this board I have






been angry


been challenged






offered virtual support


received it more times than I can count


It is the only place online (and often IRL) where you can debate a hot topic, get angry at one another and still offer advice and support. We can throw down over creation/evolution, santa claus, shopping carts and more and still be there for each other when life comes crashing down.


When we got home from court today I couldn't wait to get online and post to let everyone HERE know. That should tell you something.


Viva WTM

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Learned about the Couch to 5K program. I've jogging every week for over a year now.


Learned that shoes vs. no shoes inside a house is a very, very controversial topic.


Learned that most people don't know what frugal is until they've read some of the threads on this board. I swear, if the federal government hired a slew of you guys, our taxes would be cut in half.


Learned about the pain of unemployment.


Learned that home school groups that require members to sign a statement of faith is hurtful and offensive to many.

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Because of these boards...



  • I am LATE with all of my "professional duties" and I owe a bunch of things (reviews, corrections, translations, outlines, you name it) to a bunch of people - since whenever I come online to "work", I end up here. You're contagious! :D
  • I learned to appreciate my host country a LOT more than before. IRL it's different, especially if you circle mostly around expats (and whine all the time about how you miss Europe), and it's soooo easy to continue living in your bubble of prejudices towards whatever you learned to generalize as "Americans". These boards have actually exposed me to more diversity of opinions and lifestyles than what I know IRL, and showed me so many various shades of this country. Really loved that experience. :)
  • I learned to be more PC. :D I learned that I come across as too direct or outright rude when I really have no bad intentions whatsoever, so I learned to phrase things a lot more carefully. Exploded a few times over that, but generally, I like the feeling of acceptance despite that.
  • I talked one on one with a handful of really interesting people I would probably have never talked to had it not been for these boards; and on the boards themselves, I had quite a few discussions on just about anything with people in a really nice atmosphere, learned a lot that way too.
  • I received a LOT of online and PM support when I was homesick, when I was stressing over kids being in the areas where rockets were falling, when I had a kid who didn't want to eat, etc. It all meant really a lot to me at the time.
  • I learned a lot about different ways of parenting, which was as important and as insightful as different ways of educating children. Learned a lot about educational philosophies too.
  • I learned to give more. :D Seriously. Earlier, I wouldn't even think of writing something as long as some of the posts and explanations on these boards and in private messages unless it was a job - that includes Latin corrections, writing virtually whole "essays" on pedagogy of language teaching, etc. I like the opportunity of anonymously helping with the areas I know a thing or two about, it makes me really happy to have been of some use to somebody.


I just love you all. :)

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Because of these boards...



  • I am LATE with all of my "professional duties" and I owe a bunch of things (reviews, corrections, translations, outlines, you name it) to a bunch of people - since whenever I come online to "work", I end up here. You're contagious! :D:)


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Because of these boards...


~ I have had a true support system for my homeschooling journey.


~ I have laughed a lot and cried a little (sometimes at the same time!).


~ I have corresponded privately with some great women and even met one in person (Hello there, Nicole M.).


~ I am very grateful to Susan Wise Bauer.


~ I have spent a vast quantity of time online.




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Because of this board ....


My kids are reading a whole lot of really great stuff.


I feel much much less alone.


I feel supported by others who believe in giving their children a great education.


I have encountered people with opinions who I wouldn't have met in real life and this has opened my mind.


I have learned things about myself.


I feel like I have a place to go.

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On these boards I...


learned a great recipe for homemade laundry soap and


discovered that homeschoolers use more acronyms than the U.S. military,


spend too much time online,


was able to introduce a new dog to our pack without blood and fur flying,


have learned a great deal about other peoples' beliefs, struggles and victories which has broadened my perspective.


Y'all are great.

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