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S/O prayer requests...

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Often, when asking for prayers, people say " cc of course".

I just want to make a point that prayers are not a solely Christian phenomenon, and many of us who don't identify as Christian also pray and send loving thoughts to people in need, and situations like environmental catastrophes. I love to pray and I truly doubt that the higher power that hears and responds to my prayers is different to the God that Christians pray to. I imagine its the same, actually,and we just have different perceptions of it. However we perceive God to be, is it not the same force that answers prayers?

Everyone is capable of prayer and wishing for help for people in need. I understand that prayer has been proven to be effective. I think the world needs more of it.

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Often, when asking for prayers, people say " cc of course".

I just want to make a point that prayers are not a solely Christian phenomenon, and many of us who don't identify as Christian also pray and send loving thoughts to people in need, and situations like environmental catastrophes. I love to pray and I truly doubt that the higher power that hears and responds to my prayers is different to the God that Christians pray to. I imagine its the same, actually,and we just have different perceptions of it. However we perceive God to be, is it not the same force that answers prayers?

Everyone is capable of prayer and wishing for help for people in need. I understand that prayer has been proven to be effective. I think the world needs more of it.


Perhaps putting the cc on the thread is in response to those on the forum who are offended when people offer to pray for them. There are some who feel prayer is, if not specifically christian, at the very least a religious phenomenon.


I seem to remember a thread debating whether or not prayer is effective or not. Anyway, past experience on the topic has proven controversial at times.


But I completely agree that prayer does not have to be a solely christian experience.

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I thought the labeling a thread as "CC" was because there was a group that was offended because they would open thread without warning and get upset because of the religious content.


It wouldn't do to label a thread RC to denote religious content. The Roman Catholics would be :confused:.


Maybe those needing prayer could simply label their thread with Prayer Request _____ without the CC. I'd think ia title like that would be obvious to anyone that would be offended. Then all those that pray in what ever manner to which ever deity could pray.

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Alright then - could someone please put in a good word for me? My family wants me to be the one who somehow performs the miracle prayer/thought/intercession for the sister who has all but disowned me.








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Peela - I totally agree!

We don't consider ourselves Christian but we are spiritual and DS and I pray together all the time. We have a special bedtime prayer (that I wrote) that we say every night before doing our "thankful for"s. Even meditation is a form of prayer to us :)

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Asta - sending you positive thoughts and strength - I have been there too and it sucks. I got to a point where I just had to let go of the disfunction and guilt, and start ignoring my parents comments.


Alright then - could someone please put in a good word for me? My family wants me to be the one who somehow performs the miracle prayer/thought/intercession for the sister who has all but disowned me.








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As a Christian, when I ask for prayer, just as when I pray, the only valid prayer is to my God. Anyone who doesn't believe can pray anything or think any good thoughts they wish, but it's irrelevant to me and has no impact. No, it's definitely not the same "force."

I'm Christian, and disagree. I believe God hears all prayers, and when I ask for prayer, I simply do so, without the CC in the title (as best I can remember). The more prayer the better, as far as I'm concerned.

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Often, when asking for prayers, people say " cc of course".

I just want to make a point that prayers are not a solely Christian phenomenon, and many of us who don't identify as Christian also pray and send loving thoughts to people in need, and situations like environmental catastrophes. I love to pray and I truly doubt that the higher power that hears and responds to my prayers is different to the God that Christians pray to. I imagine its the same, actually,and we just have different perceptions of it. However we perceive God to be, is it not the same force that answers prayers?

Everyone is capable of prayer and wishing for help for people in need. I understand that prayer has been proven to be effective. I think the world needs more of it.


When I see prayer requests, I always offer up a prayer although I rarely say I am doing so since I know there are those who wouldn't consider mine very efficacious. Oh well. I absolutely agree with you.

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Often, when asking for prayers, people say " cc of course".

I just want to make a point that prayers are not a solely Christian phenomenon, and many of us who don't identify as Christian also pray and send loving thoughts to people in need, and situations like environmental catastrophes. I love to pray and I truly doubt that the higher power that hears and responds to my prayers is different to the God that Christians pray to. I imagine its the same, actually,and we just have different perceptions of it. However we perceive God to be, is it not the same force that answers prayers?

Everyone is capable of prayer and wishing for help for people in need. I understand that prayer has been proven to be effective. I think the world needs more of it.


Peela, this was a response to people who reported being "offended" by opening posts that had Christian content. The practice of adding CC was adopted informally by members who wanted to share things -- not just requests for prayer -- that related to Christian faith.


That way, those who had no interest or connection would not be "ambushed" :blink: :eek: :scared: by religious talk, but could simply skip those threads. It was done as a courtesy not as some kind of exclusionary gesture.


Some folks want to participate regardless, some folks would just say go get your big girl/boy panties on, put on some rhino hide, etc. But for some who protested, it was apparently an issue. So, this compromise. Again, I'm sure those who participated in the original brainstorming would be surprised to see that anyone is taking it as an exclusionary gesture in any way.


IIRC it started on the old boards before this format so there wasn't the rollover/preview feature. Not sure when you joined, were you a member on the old boards? People found it tougher to navigate so the abbreviation just gave people another way to avoid threads they knew they wouldn't want.


HTH :001_smile:

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I am probably going to regret this but...


I am torn.


If I ask for prayer (which I just did in another thread) and you are not a christian and you want to send "positive thoughts", etc. my way, then by all means. But OTOH encouraging you to pray to a God that is other than the christian God is actually encouraging you to sin according to the christian faith (idolatry, violates one of the big ten). So that is one reason why someone may specify "CC".


But, as others have mentioned, the CC tag was actually requested of us christians so non-christians would not have to endure reading through christian topics.

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As a Christian, when I ask for prayer, just as when I pray, the only valid prayer is to my God. Anyone who doesn't believe can pray anything or think any good thoughts they wish, but it's irrelevant to me and has no impact. No, it's definitely not the same "force."


Thanks for the heads-up. I'll be sure to remember this if/when I see a post from you asking for prayer, and reserve my good thoughts/wishes/non-christian-specific prayers for someone who might benefit from them.

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Well, it might be just the added "of course" that seems weird. As if others might not ask for prayer?


Had to go search to understand your comment. Perhaps it has to do with a parent/person sharing a heartfelt concern during a time of need coming to a board where she is fairly well known/longtime poster asking her fellow Christians to join her in prayer. Those who know her and see a prayer request will know that she's a Christian. She was observing the well-established custom of content-warning.



Again, it has nothing to do with how others pray or do not pray or to exclude anyone who might be so inclined to pray for anyone else on this board.


The history of the CC note is similar to TMI or "female content." As I remember, some posters stated that they were offended to open up what looked like benign posts only to be confronted with Christian contents -- discussing faith issues, theology, religious curriculum, and prayer concerns.


Hence the informal agreement to add "CC" as a label for those potentially offended so they could avoid those posts.


There are issues and posts with which every single one of us here could choose to be offended. Or we could move on after offering up a prayer (or not) for the OP in the original request.



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As a Christian, when I ask for prayer, just as when I pray, the only valid prayer is to my God. Anyone who doesn't believe can pray anything or think any good thoughts they wish, but it's irrelevant to me and has no impact. No, it's definitely not the same "force."


But I'll remember and refrain.

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I am probably going to regret this but...


I am torn.


If I ask for prayer (which I just did in another thread) and you are not a christian and you want to send "positive thoughts", etc. my way, then by all means. But OTOH encouraging you to pray to a God that is other than the christian God is actually encouraging you to sin according to the christian faith (idolatry, violates one of the big ten). So that is one reason why someone may specify "CC".


But, as others have mentioned, the CC tag was actually requested of us christians so non-christians would not have to endure reading through christian topics.


Seriously not trying to argue here... :001_smile:

Is allowing someone who is NOT Christian to pray to their God/Diety really going against the Christian faith? They aren't Christian, and aren't trying to follow the Christian faith. Yet they may very well be following their faith, while honoring the faith of the one requesting prayer. So I don't see why it shouldn't go both ways. If someone wants to honor my request for prayer, I would be respectful of the faith of the one offering any kind of support. Maybe it wouldn't be what I would offer, but it is still kindness and compassion of one human to another, which I believe transcends all faiths.

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I'm Christian, and disagree. I believe God hears all prayers, and when I ask for prayer, I simply do so, without the CC in the title (as best I can remember). The more prayer the better, as far as I'm concerned.


I agree with Impish. I welcome all good thoughts, prayers, etc when I post requesting prayers. God is big enough for all of us!

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Seriously not trying to argue here... :001_smile:

Is allowing someone who is NOT Christian to pray to their God/Diety really going against the Christian faith? They aren't Christian, and aren't trying to follow the Christian faith. Yet they may very well be following their faith, while honoring the faith of the one requesting prayer. So I don't see why it shouldn't go both ways. If someone wants to honor my request for prayer, I would be respectful of the faith of the one offering any kind of support. Maybe it wouldn't be what I would offer, but it is still kindness and compassion of one human to another, which I believe transcends all faiths.


:iagree:Unfortunately, it sounds like there are 2 different conversations taking place.


Conversation 1....dealing specifically with the issue of prayers being limited to just christians, and other wanting to/ being willing to "send good thoughts" their way.


I am a firm believer that God sees the heart, and I would welcome prayers from anyone!


At the same time it seems the CC heading was started to help non-christians avoid potentially disturbing threads, seems considerate to me :)


Conversation 2 (sigh) Dealing with christians somehow feeling that by asking for prayer, they might be asking someone to sin. Theologically I do not quite understand this. Asking for prayer...is not equal, to forceing someone to pray to a "false" god. The individual still has a choice. Even within christian theology, I don't think when you get to heaven God will say..."In your time of need you asked for prayer and this "caused" someone to pray to a god other than me, this grieved me."


Just IMHO! :)

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Even within christian theology, I don't think when you get to heaven God will say..."In your time of need you asked for prayer and this "caused" someone to pray to a god other than me, this grieved me."




Yes. I can't even conceive of a god who could be that small!

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I agree with Impish. I welcome all good thoughts, prayers, etc when I post requesting prayers. God is big enough for all of us!


Me too.


I thought the reason for CC was two fold. The Christians on the board that wanted only, "Christian" advice were frustrated when others who were not Christian were offering advice contrary to their beliefs. Likewise, the Non-Christians were frustrated because they didn't know that was the only advice that person wanted. Maybe in the case of prayer, those who only want Christians to pray for them (sad to me- My God is bigger than labels and hears all prayers) should post CC, but those who want ANYONE to pray for them can just put "prayer request." FWIW, I have many non-Christian friends and I still send them prayer requests regarding my life. When they send me, "Good thoughts," it lets me know I am loved and they are lifting me up that day.




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I am probably going to regret this but...


I am torn.


If I ask for prayer (which I just did in another thread) and you are not a christian and you want to send "positive thoughts", etc. my way, then by all means. But OTOH encouraging you to pray to a God that is other than the christian God is actually encouraging you to sin according to the christian faith (idolatry, violates one of the big ten). So that is one reason why someone may specify "CC".


But, as others have mentioned, the CC tag was actually requested of us christians so non-christians would not have to endure reading through christian topics.


It's an odd feeling to hear that after offering up a heartfelt prayer with great sincerity because you feel concern and love for your fellow humans that you have actually committed a sin against one of the Big Ten. This is why I rarely respond to prayer requests. I prayer quietly, and no one ever need fear they led me into sin by asking for my prayers - which they would probably believe are futile anyway.


For the OP - please go ahead and pray if even if the request is marked 'CC'. If you believe God hears you and answers your prayers, don't hold them back. I suspect we are all going to be very surprised someday (in the hereafter) when we find out how varied the help was we received along the way.

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:iagree:Unfortunately, it sounds like there are 2 different conversations taking place.


Conversation 1....dealing specifically with the issue of prayers being limited to just christians, and other wanting to/ being willing to "send good thoughts" their way.


I am a firm believer that God sees the heart, and I would welcome prayers from anyone!


At the same time it seems the CC heading was started to help non-christians avoid potentially disturbing threads, seems considerate to me :)



This shouldn't surprise us that more than one trail is coming off a single thread! :lol:


Like I mentioned in other posts, the CC was for all things Christian originally --theological discussion, etc., certainly not limited to prayers. It was in direct response to comments that some were offended.


Dorinda's point about non-Christians participating in a CC discussion is a newer issue it seems, where non-Christians jump into all kinds of discussions wrt church, etc. As with most anything, it's fine if folks are respectful of each other's views especially wrt religion and steer clear of bashing a (Christian) OP. But then again, that's just common courtesy. IMHO :001_smile:

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Seriously not trying to argue here... :001_smile:

Is allowing someone who is NOT Christian to pray to their God/Diety really going against the Christian faith? They aren't Christian, and aren't trying to follow the Christian faith. Yet they may very well be following their faith, while honoring the faith of the one requesting prayer. So I don't see why it shouldn't go both ways. If someone wants to honor my request for prayer, I would be respectful of the faith of the one offering any kind of support. Maybe it wouldn't be what I would offer, but it is still kindness and compassion of one human to another, which I believe transcends all faiths.



OF COURSE it is a wonderful, sweet thing to say and I am sure that you regard YOUR faith just as wholly as I do mine and I would NEVER tell you NOT to pray to your God (or higher power) but technically...


it is a fine line. If you choose to offer up prayers to your deity (something other than the christian God of the Bible) on my behalf, that is your decision. But I would never ASK you to do it because then I would be ASKING you to do something that, according to the Bible, is a sin. I couldn't do that. I couldn't ask you to sin on my behalf.


I hope I making sense. It isn't about being ungrateful for the sentiment at all.

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Often, when asking for prayers, people say " cc of course".

I just want to make a point that prayers are not a solely Christian phenomenon, and many of us who don't identify as Christian also pray and send loving thoughts to people in need, and situations like environmental catastrophes. I love to pray and I truly doubt that the higher power that hears and responds to my prayers is different to the God that Christians pray to. I imagine its the same, actually,and we just have different perceptions of it. However we perceive God to be, is it not the same force that answers prayers?

Everyone is capable of prayer and wishing for help for people in need. I understand that prayer has been proven to be effective. I think the world needs more of it.



I agree, Peela.


I don't need to get into theological clarifications or discussions when people across the globe extend a loving hand, thought, prayer.


Personally then I believe as a Muslim that only God knows our hearts and that any one of us could live one life and die very differently, so humbleness and striving to do good is pertinent for the Hereafter that *I* believe is awaiting....

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As a Christian, when I ask for prayer, just as when I pray, the only valid prayer is to my God.


Cool. I hadn't realized I could get my own personal god.


Anyone who doesn't believe can pray anything or think any good thoughts they wish, but it's irrelevant to me and has no impact. No, it's definitely not the same "force."


Of course not. Too many gods running about.


It was done as a courtesy not as some kind of exclusionary gesture.



And yet, it turned into one.


Kind of like how Darth Vader turned the power of the force to evil.





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And yet, it turned into one.



It's debatable by whom, I think. ;)


Like I said, we each and every one of us could choose to be offended by numerous posts here every single day. Or choose not to be.


To recognize that a poster is in the midst of an emotional issue and asking for support is a thoughtful response, whether one responds or not. To interpret nuances, implied slights, etc., across cable modems, well ....

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Oh, I have been on a board break for the day (getting my tax done- finished, yay!) and I thought this thread had died an uneventful death yesterday.


Peela, this was a response to people who reported being "offended" by opening posts that had Christian content. The practice of adding CC was adopted informally by members who wanted to share things -- not just requests for prayer -- that related to Christian faith.


That way, those who had no interest or connection would not be "ambushed" :blink: :eek: :scared: by religious talk, but could simply skip those threads. It was done as a courtesy not as some kind of exclusionary gesture.


IIRC it started on the old boards before this format so there wasn't the rollover/preview feature. Not sure when you joined, were you a member on the old boards? People found it tougher to navigate so the abbreviation just gave people another way to avoid threads they knew they wouldn't want.


HTH :001_smile:


I do understand all that. I was on the old boards and I appreciated the cc- internet was slower, and many of us were still on dial up in those days, and the format was different (sigh. It had good aspects). It was a courtesy.


Well, it might be just the added "of course" that seems weird. As if others might not ask for prayer?



I, too, was under the impression that it was the "of course" that Peela was addressing, not the "CC".


Yes, exactly.

And really, I was only making a point, as I said. I am not upset at all. I was just making a point to those Christians who may be interested in my point :001_smile:, that prayer is not an exclusively Christian phenomenon. If you want prayer, you can ask for prayer without necessarily putting cc on the subject line (especially "cc of course"). It you truly, particularly, especially want only Christian prayer then that is your prerogative and feel free to express however you feel to and ask for what you want!.


You know, sometimes these things just don't ever occur to people.

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As a Christian, when I ask for prayer, just as when I pray, the only valid prayer is to my God. Anyone who doesn't believe can pray anything or think any good thoughts they wish, but it's irrelevant to me and has no impact. No, it's definitely not the same "force."


:001_huh: Even with that belief, don't you get a tinsy wincy warm fuzzy knowing some people are wishing you well?



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It was done as a courtesy not as some kind of exclusionary gesture.


And yet, it turned into one.



Huh? Exclusionary? Well I can't say I'd thought of that. Well if anyone wants to exclude me, they'll need something less subtle than "CC." I'm afraid I'm too dim to pick up a hint unless it hits me over the head, you know, like maybe a "B*gger Off Rosie" tag. :lol:


Except Rosie. :001_smile:


Oi, whaddayou talking about me for?


Peela's right though. Some of the Christians have posted prayer threads and have been truly shocked that a non-Christian would be thinking about them at all, let alone actually say so. They haven't seemed to mind. Who is going to say "Don't care about me! You're the wrong religion!" Well Kristina said she doesn't appreciate non-Christian prayers, but that is not the same as saying she would rather non-Christians didn't care about her.



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OF COURSE it is a wonderful, sweet thing to say and I am sure that you regard YOUR faith just as wholly as I do mine and I would NEVER tell you NOT to pray to your God (or higher power) but technically...


it is a fine line. If you choose to offer up prayers to your deity (something other than the christian God of the Bible) on my behalf, that is your decision. But I would never ASK you to do it because then I would be ASKING you to do something that, according to the Bible, is a sin. I couldn't do that. I couldn't ask you to sin on my behalf.


I hope I making sense. It isn't about being ungrateful for the sentiment at all.

I agree. I could see being exclusive in requests, but being thankful for any offers.

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