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hands and knees or a mop?

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What do you do when you scrub the floors? If you use a mop that you like, what do you use? I have been using a Swiffer Wet Jet...and then after I "mopped" my kitchen floor, I knelt over to wipe up a small spill my son made and my rag came up very dirty for a "clean" floor...so I was wondering what is the most common way to clean floors.



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When I'm feeling really ansty or having important company, I vacuum, sweep, then mop- and then I hand scrub. :tongue_smilie:

Usually I just sweep and then mop.


I will say I'm not a huge Swiffer fan- I've never had great luck getting stuff really CLEAN with Swiffers.

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Granted, this is rare, but if I want a kitchen floor that is sort of literally clean enough to eat off of, I sweep, mop, hand wash, and go over it again with a mop. The mop I use is one to which a microfiber cloth attaches. I switched to that when I could no longer find regular sponge mop refills (the yellow ones with the scrubber strip) at the grocery store.


That is overkill. Rarely is it worth it. Daily mopping with that microfiber mop, using vinegar and water, is what I think would work well on my wood floors -- I'm still trying to convince myself to do it. I think it would also help if DH didn't wear shoes in the house and if the dog did.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

hands and knees with a rag (old prefold diapers) .. even at 9 months pregnant .. and having contractions. (I figured it was probably the last time they were going to get done in a while and it really got things moving :p )

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Granted, this is rare, but if I want a kitchen floor that is sort of literally clean enough to eat off of, I sweep, mop, hand wash, and go over it again with a mop. The mop I use is one to which a microfiber cloth attaches. I switched to that when I could no longer find regular sponge mop refills (the yellow ones with the scrubber strip) at the grocery store.


That is overkill. Rarely is it worth it. Daily mopping with that microfiber mop, using vinegar and water, is what I think would work well on my wood floors -- I'm still trying to convince myself to do it. I think it would also help if DH didn't wear shoes in the house and if the dog did.


I don't know about shoes for a dog- but I have everyone human take theirs off at the door. And I keep a towel there to wipe the dog's feet.

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I mop. I have a Libman self-wringing mop I got at Walmart (only mine's red). It's cotton and I totally figured on replacing it frequently. I've had it at least five years now and it's going strong.


I avoid putting my knees on the floor unless absolutely necessary. It's always been painful, but this past week I get a little electric shock-like sensation when I put the left one on the floor. That's new and it concerns me a bit.

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I use a swifferish type mop https://www.euronetusa.com/


I paid for it years ago, but my house was kinda too small to use it effectively. Now I use it every day and I thank God for the day I bought it. Makes my life beyond easy. I dry mop the wooden floors with the wool head, give it a few knocks outside to get rid of the dog hair and then I use the mop head dry first to sweep, then wet to mop. easy peasy and I get three huge floors done in no time. Martha says you shouldn;t use anything on your wood, and so far I've done well with that, I use the wet mop head on the linoleum.

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Usually I mop, but then go on hands and knees every few months to give it a deep cleaning. I'm not the most gifted housewife--in my case if it looks passable, it's good enough for me.


Yep, that's me too. I use a libman mop like Laurie4b described. The one I have has a mop head that is launderable. I love that.

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Mop. It's a ... red one? with a spongy end thing.. I don't think it has a name. :tongue_smilie:


I rarely scrub on my hands & knees ~ I can't kneel on hard surfaces. Old knee injury + the surgery to 'fix' it = stupid left knee that doesn't work right. I can only kneel on the right one, so it's very awkward.

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I was a hands and knees cleaner. Now that I am pregnant I got the Swiffer Wet-Jet. It gets the job done for now. But I had the same experience of wiping something up and the rag being dirty. I think the Swiffer cleans some, but it also just basically is smearing the dirt around. I will definitely be back to hands and knees soon :glare:

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I'm curious as to what you use to clean your hardwood floors with? We were told no "wet mops," however, dry mops (Swiffer) do not seem to work.


I use Libeman on the kitchen floor, bathroom floor, and our garden room. I vacuum first, with my amazing Dyson. My vacuum can suck hair a mile away. We have several dogs, and a cat, all who shed constantly. Along with my hubby, he has really long beautiful hair that ends up everywhere. Unlike mine!!!LOL


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I keep a bottle of vinegar water and a stack of terry washcloths in the kitchen. I spray and then "scrub" with my foot. Those washcloths get in all the little crevices of the wood floor. Wish my husban would also ditch the shoes, but it's a battle I've relinquished.

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Also I'm wondering how do you tell guest to take their shoes off. I say I'm going to do this every-time I clean my floors, yet, I can't bring myself to actually follow through. Dh and dd are always wait for me to say something, and when I don't they just smirk.


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I love love love my Shark steam mop. My kids love it so much that they will mop the floors for me. :D


Worth every penny. My floors are cleaner than they have *ever* been.


I keep washable microfiber towels (from Sam's Club) on hand for spot cleaning. Small spill or dropped food? My foot + a wet microfiber towel is enough.


Bigger messes or sticky stuff like juice? I keep my Shark mop in the kitchen closet, with a gallon of distilled water right next to it. Fill 'er up, plug 'er in, voila! Clean floors. Remove microfiber mop cover and toss in the wash. Lather, rinse, repeat as needed.

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Usually I mop, but then go on hands and knees every few months to give it a deep cleaning. I'm not the most gifted housewife--in my case if it looks passable, it's good enough for me.


:iagree: I use a microfiber mop that is machine washable. I used to just mop it once, but now I go over the floor twice and that seems to get it clean enough to make it slippery when the kids run through with socks. I think the main thing is that I need to mop it more often than weekly/sometimes longer if I'm not feeling very domestic at the time. I really hate mopping floors so sometimes I let it go waaaayyyyy longer than I should. But I do sweep daily and wipe up any spills with a rag. And we are a shoes-off-at-the-door family. I just finished mopping it before sitting down to the computer, so it's clean now.:tongue_smilie:

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Also I'm wondering how do you tell guest to take their shoes off. I say I'm going to do this every-time I clean my floors, yet, I can't bring myself to actually follow through. Dh and dd are always wait for me to say something, and when I don't they just smirk.



:lol: Just tell them! I say things like "HEY, I JUST MOPPED THE FLOOR! QUIT TRACKING STUFF ON IT!" Because, you know, I am a gentle, Christian woman like that. :D Just make the rule at a time when you haven't just mopped the floor, and remind them when you've mopped to keep their shoes off. It would help if they had a specific place to put their shoes if they're just coming in the house.


If it's company, you can just ask them to take their shoes off at the door. I have an aunt who never let us wear shoes in her house. I didn't mind kicking my shoes off. My dad never did and it always made her mad.

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Oh yes - I use a microfiber dust mop, or the vacuum, and then a steam mop. It's amazing! The floors are actually slippery to our bare feet when we've mopped with the steam mop.


ETA: Sometimes, one must get down on hands & knees with a rag and wipe the edges and corners. Not often, but when you notice the gunk. Kids are good for this.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
Also I'm wondering how do you tell guest to take their shoes off. I say I'm going to do this every-time I clean my floors, yet, I can't bring myself to actually follow through. Dh and dd are always wait for me to say something, and when I don't they just smirk.



Our shoes come off right inside the doorway so I rarely have to mention it as people get the hint when they have to wait to get through the door and/or then step over shoes to get by (small entrance way here). Not everyone does though. Sometimes I let it slide but if I do I have an indiscreet 4yo who will let them know. :lol: If I do say something I am sure to mention that it's "for the children" .. or that our dog tends to defecate in our driveway (for a while it seemed like every time I overlooked the shoes someone was guaranteed to have stepped in it :glare: ).

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Other. :) Children. :lol:


I used to do a combination of the two. Hands and knees for a good clean and then mop for upkeep (I'm using the term upkeep very loosely, here :tongue_smilie:). Keep in mind that I HATE cleaning house, and now I'm 6 months pregnant. I decided the boys could very well take over the job. I hand all 3 of them soapy rags. They strip to their shorts and have a slip-sliding fest.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
Other. :) Children. :lol:


I used to do a combination of the two. Hands and knees for a good clean and then mop for upkeep (I'm using the term upkeep very loosely, here :tongue_smilie:). Keep in mind that I HATE cleaning house, and now I'm 6 months pregnant. I decided the boys could very well take over the job. I hand all 3 of them soapy rags. They strip to their shorts and have a slip-sliding fest.


My 4yo likes cleaning the floors also. He's been asking me if he can do it for ages and I have been putting him off because I can do it faster but at 7mo pregnant this time around I figure I could use the rest and he is often needing something constructive to do so why deny the child?

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I bought one a couple of months ago, and wow, awesome. I just did my upstairs bathroom for the third time this week. lol I vac first because we have dogs, but the floors look good and smell good afterwards.


I have a bunch of bar mops. I drop them if there is a mess, then I dry, vac, steam mop, and all is good. :)


I love love love my Shark steam mop. My kids love it so much that they will mop the floors for me. :D


Worth every penny. My floors are cleaner than they have *ever* been.


I keep washable microfiber towels (from Sam's Club) on hand for spot cleaning. Small spill or dropped food? My foot + a wet microfiber towel is enough.


Bigger messes or sticky stuff like juice? I keep my Shark mop in the kitchen closet, with a gallon of distilled water right next to it. Fill 'er up, plug 'er in, voila! Clean floors. Remove microfiber mop cover and toss in the wash. Lather, rinse, repeat as needed.

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I don't scrub.:)


I have a mop from Don Aslett, the Scrubby Doo. (Wish he'd named it something different!:glare:) It has several mop heads, everything from a microfiber duster to a thick scrubber-thingie. When I had sheet vinyl floors, I stripped and waxed them every year or so, and used a floor cleaner that cleaned and waxed.


Now I have hardwood floors, and after I dustmop or vacuum (depending on my mood) I use either Bona cleaner or my steam mop (depending on my mood, lol).

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Other. :) Children. :lol:




LOL! Same here. Our kids rotate chores weekly, and one is assigned to daily sweeping and another is assigned to weekly mopping. Our "mopping" is actually hands and knees with a magic eraser or rags, but "mopping" fit better on the chore chart. :lol:

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I have a shark steam mop for when I really mop, and a microfiber mop (wet/dry) for quicky clean up or for just spot cleaning.


The shark I have I can do a good chunk of floor without running out of water. I usually have to change pads on it before I run out of water. It is really hot if you try to change the pads without letting it cool a bit. I love the steam mop! It's a shark steam pocket mop.

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I love love love my Shark steam mop.

Me too!!!!


We moved last week and our new house has a lot of hard surface floor. The hardwood is stained dark and REALLY shows dirt! I wasn't sure how to efficiently clean it all and decided today to try the steam mop.


LOVE it!!!!! I can use my vacuum to pick up the pet hair, grass, dirt, etc. Then use the steam mop to clean. My floors are shining and feel clean!!


Do you have that issue with the Shark?

Granted I've only used mine once, but no, I didn't. I was able to clean quite a bit of area on one tank (I didn't clean the entire dining room or bathrooms). When I turned it on for the first time, it took less than a minute for it to be ready to use.

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I don't use a mop on this floor. It leaves streaks, and doesn't get in the corners or around table legs. Plus, my kids still drop blobs of food that dry on the floor that don't mop up. I end up on the floor cleaning it by hand anyway.


I don't go "hands and knees", though. I sit on my butt. I do one section at a time, and slide around on my bottom, dragging my bucket around with me. It's much easier on my body to do it this way. I use mostly plain water, but I spray the tough globs with Bona floor cleaner to soften it first.

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