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For Those Who Were Kids/Teens in the 70's... (Memory Lane)

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Charlie's Angels

shoes that had designs on the bottoms of them like "big foot" or "paws"

saddle shoes with pom-poms

banana bikes

8-track tapes

archaic hand-held electronic games (simon, football)

space invaders

someone else mentioned the lemon twist! that was one of my favorite toys!!!

when i was really, really small i had an inchworm ride-on toy that i loved

i do remember the frustration pencils. they were great!


candy cigarettes


playing outside all day until the street light came on. somehow we survived.

cartoons were only for saturday mornings.

Edited by Hedgehogs4
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I also remember we could ride just about anywhere in town we wanted to on our bikes. We were gone for hours. I could never let my guys do that now.

YES! I rode my bike all over the place and my mom never kept track of me. She'd just tell me (i.e. summer vacation) to be home when the streetlights turned on. I'd never do that today! LOL ;)

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The freedom to be out from dawn to dusk with no cell phone, mom never worried for we were always home by dinner.


I had a paper route at age 11 and walked along a busy highway to deliver them by myself every evening and Sunday mornings. No one ever bothered me.


We use to walk through our neighborhood, through a cemetary and to the firestation to buy candy. For some reason they had soda and candy machines there.


I wish I could give my boys this same freedom. What happened:confused: Why are there so many more bad people to be cautious of in this world?

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Going to see star wars at the local movie theatre at North Park mall in Dallas Tx when I was 7 years old. I still love that movie!


The sunshine family dolls (they always looked like the perfect family)


Wearing a leotards and a skirt to go ice skating in at the local Ice skating rink.


The little poison stickers with a face on them saying Yuck (at least I think so...I have a vague memory of this).


Backless heeled shoes for girls


Really ugly clothes :lol:


I have been shocked on some of the styles that have made a comback. Some style were just ugly then and still ugly today.

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Okay, I have to say this. All you Shaun Cassidy fans. Parker Stevenson was and always will be the better looking Hardy Boy. That is all.



Admittedly, I was a Shaun Cassidy fan, for all of his "chipmunkness", but Parker Stevenson always reminded me of a barn cat, with those close-set eyes :D.



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Disco jackets. Okay fess up. Who had one or who really, really wanted one but never got one.


Donny and marie (I had the dolls and stage)


March of Dimes walks. When did this become an adult thing? It use to be just kids.

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Candy shaped like cigarettes

:lol: Yes! I told my son about those... he couldn't believe they made those for kids! (Oooh. Does anyone remember when the cigarette companies would make FREE sample packs? I recall being in junior high and grabbing those suckers. Aiiiiyeeee. We'd sneak off and smoke -- and CHOKE -- trying to look cool. OMG. :D)

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Do we really haaaaaaaave to do this! :lol:


In 1967 I was 10.......remember the fish net hose? HA HA! MNOVA and others??? Or maybe it was a geographical thing...I'm originally from Ohio.


Fish Net Hose

The Monkey's

Here Come the Brides and BOBBY SHERMAN!!!!

Coke "theme" song

Bell bottoms :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Oh, and this one goes waaaaaaaaaay back....


Smothers Brothers!!!


I loved watching the Smother Brothers! I wore a Monkee's poncho in psychedelic colors.


My favorite show was the Carol Burnett Show! (Heavens... remember Sonny & Cher? :lol:)

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The 70's were about MOTOWN and the Philadelphia sound!


The Spinners

Aretha Franklin

Chakka Khan

The Temptations

The Commodores

Barry White (early on. "Walkin in the Rain with the One I Love")

The Delphonics

The Stylistics

The Main Ingredient

The Dramatics

Earth, Wind, and Fire

The Ojays




Oh, honey... I grew up loving Mo-Town! Was also a Disco Bunny. ;)

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Fruit Stripe :)

Just mentioning it & the smell comes back!


The start of arcades (moving into 80s a bit more). My son's playing a tennis game on the XBox right now & I remembered playing Activision's tennis game on the Atari 2600. "Blip. Blip."

:lol::lol: Okaaaay... let's toss in the early 80's. LOL ;)

I worked in a movie theatre in a sleepy rural town -- the owner would let me use tokens to play the arcade games when I was off work. Donkey Kong, Ms. Pac-Man, Centipede were my faves. Loved to get a bowl of nachos with jalapenos and a coke (in a tall FAT white styrofoam cup) to play video games. :D

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-Charlie's angels lunchbox-I cried for 2 days when my mom made me start using the red Tupperware lunch box.

-Party-line telephones-this was fantastic for sleepovers at friends' houses after their parents went to bed-we would sit for hours listening to absolutely nothing, waiting for someone to call someone else

-TBS afterschool-growing up in middle GA, we only got 2 channels on tv, TBS and a station out of Macon. I can still rattle off the afternoon shows from my elementary school days as a latch key kid.

-pony tail bands with the big plastic bubbles on the end

-hearing "Margaritaville" and "Hotel California" for the first time on a hi-fi and being put on restriction for listening to scandulous songs

-Disco Duck

-one piece solid color jumpsuits with fringed collars

-hee haw overalls

-watching Lawrence Welk with the granparents and dancing with granddaddy


Oh so many more but I'll stop.

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-Party-line telephones-this was fantastic for sleepovers at friends' houses after their parents went to bed-we would sit for hours listening to absolutely nothing, waiting for someone to call someone else


I loved making crank calls when on a sleepover! ;) (Can't do that nowadays... caller ID.) The first gal who fell asleep got her undies/bra stuffed in da freezer. :lol:

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I lived in Los Angeles....


Low riders vs surfers was a big deal. And the teens would drive up and down the streets in downtown L.A. Saturday nights American Graffiti style.


And flip-flops were called thongs back then. My son gave me a funny look the other day when I mentioned going shopping for thongs for him.....


Beaded curtains. Poms everywhere on lampshades and curtains.


Heavy mascara and eyeliner with pale lips. Long hair with center part. Big hoop earrings.


Getting a deep tan was a must.

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I remember all of the things quoted below and much more! I remember all the television programs and performers people mentioned.


A couple of things I didn't see mentioned already were:


  • Barry Manilow -- I was a major fan!
  • the original (and definitely the best) Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory movie
  • elephant-leg pants (that's what people at my school called them anyway)
  • McDonald's "Quarterback" promotion -- Employees wore football jerseys and you could pay $1 a regular hamburger + small drink + small fries and get a quarter back as change. Really. Oh, and they brought NFL quarterbacks to select locations to advertise. I saw Steve Bartkowksi, former Atlanta Falcons QB at a McDonald's in central GA.
  • miniature wax bottles that looked like Coke bottles filled with colored sweet-tasting liquid
  • 45 RPM records on the back of cereal boxes -- One of the ones I got was Sugar, Sugar by The Archies.
  • Watergate and Water-gate inspired foods such as Watergate Salad (yummy!)
  • my mom praying every night at family devotions for "our boys in Vietnam" (My dad's younger brother was there.)



- Troll Dolls

- glass soda bottles "s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d" as prizes at fairs

- "Have a Nice Day" smiley face

- Big Mac song

- Famolare "wave" platform shoes




Tiger Beat magazine

Love is....

Holly Hobby.



Pop Rocks


Candy shaped like cigarettes



Hip huggers

Halter tops

Jewelry with smiley faces on it

8 track tapes



"Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific!"

"It's not nice to fool mother nature!"



Candies shoes




Tube tops

Mood rings

Shag haircuts & carpet

Green carpet & avocado appliances (yep! we had it all)


banana bikes


cartoons were only for saturday mornings.


POW/MIA bracelets


Dr. Scholl's sandals

Love's Baby Soft

Dr. Pepper Lip Smackers

QT tanning lotion that turned you orange

"I'd like to teach the world to sing..."



S&H Green Stamps



metal lunchboxes with your favorite TV characters on them

Schoolhouse Rock

Kissing Potion

earth shoes

Farrah Fawcett wings

jeans with embroidered back pockets leisure suits


Edited by ereks mom
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And flip-flops were called thongs back then. My son gave me a funny look the other day when I mentioned going shopping for thongs for him.....



Yes, and I lived in FL and everyone wore the ones that were rectangle with bamboo grass base and big, thick terry cloth or suede straps! LOL!


Wow! I had forgotten a lot of this stuff! How fun!


I also remember loving *Dark Shadows* :)

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Do you remember this....


Up, up, with people. You meet 'em wherever you go. Up, up, with people. There the best kind of folks I know. If more people were for people........



I don't remember the rest of it. Can anyone tell me what that group was? Just a singing group?

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Brut Commercial with Joe Namath

soap on a rope

The Muppet Show (Mondays at 7:30 EST)

In Search Of... (hosted by Leonard Nimoy, Spock ALSO Mondays at 7:30 EST, tough call).

Electric Football (the vibrating steel table with the plastic players and the felt football)

Ricardo Montalbon Chrysler Cordova commercial "rich corrrrrrrinthian leather seats"

Skarsky & Hutch (too violent for me, I was little :glare:)

1st STAR WARS movie

Sports heros that stayed on the same team for most or all of their career.

21 teams in the National Hockey league


...this is fun...

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Okay, I have to say this. All you Shaun Cassidy fans. Parker Stevenson was and always will be the better looking Hardy Boy. That is all.


When I was in sixth grade, my friend Allison and I were huge Hardy Boys fans. We decided that, when we grew up, she was going to marry Shaun Cassidy, and I was going to marry Parker Stevenson.



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Has anyone mentioned these hotties:



Also, did anyone own Rock Flower Dolls or Dawn Dolls?


S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night! The Bay City Rollers!


I had a major thing for Andy Gibb but by best friend loved Leif Garrett.


Roller skating. Slam books. AM Radio. (my kids act like I'm crazy when I tell them of sitting around waiting for my favorite song to come on the radio)


Nike tennis shoes when they first came out. Suntan Tuesday Taylor - the doll with tan lines!


Gosh, I'm so old I remember when HBO came out. :001_smile:

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But I didn't see Dawn dolls mentioned. I still have mine. EK played with her too!


Yes! That's the only thing I did mention :001_smile: They were my absolute favorite toys/dolls.


Funny enough, they are big business now on Ebay under vintage dolls!

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Love's Fresh Lemon (lotion, spray perfume)

Platform shoes

bodyshirts (with those horrid snaps...)

bamboo-like flip flops with velveteen straps

light blue eye shadow

Tickle deodorant

smock tops (with fabric ruffles at the shoulders)

embroidered denim shirts

gum wrapper chains

Charlie's Angels

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OMGosh!!! I haven't thought of this stuff in ages!!


Shaun Cassidy- My first album!!

Ribbon barrettes

Lemon twist- I bet I played with that a couple hours a day!

Roller skating and shooting the duck

little glass bottles of lip gloss

Donnie & Marie!

Wonder woman underoos

Love's babysoft deodorant



I never had any Barbie dollls, but I had a Bionic Woman to play with my Luke Skywalker.

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Oh, I always love these "Memory Lane" threads!


I remember just about everything that's been mentioned, and I can't think of much to add!


What about that song, "Short People?" Does anyone else remember that?


Something about short people having no reason to live and driving little cars that go "beep, beep, beep?"


And I had a huge stack of Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew trading cards.


Chinese Jump Rope

green apple bubble gum

Hawaiian Tropic suntan oil

New York City Ballet beach towel


And I can't NOT add my own SHAUN CASSIDY. in all caps, of course.;)

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Wow, flashbacks.....


Dorothy Hamil haircuts

Plaid polyester(bleck)

Robin Williams in Mork and Mindy

"Roach" Clips with feathers worn as earrings


Sonny and Cher

Captain and Tenaille

Disco Duck

Rock em Sock em Robots

Tonka Trucks and Kitchen sets made of metal

Riding in the car with no seat belts

Big Wheels

Skates with keys

Pea green fridges and counter tops

Swag lights

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I had:


Donnie and Marie record player (on which I played Sesame Street Live - with Grover in the Saturday Night Live John Travolta pose)


Does anyone remember the promotional records that were so flimsy that you had to put pennies on it to play it - the one I remember having what a Birthday Song with my name it in - with I think was from Captain Zoom Personalized Birthday Record (did a little web surfing and found it! http://www.captainzoom.com/zoom-birthday-song-samples.html )


I remember going around twirling a baton I never was actually taught to use.


I was the queen of sticker trading - I hada a "trading" book and a special "collector" book for my favorite ones.


Mickey Mouse hopping balls where the handle was actually mickey's head and the ears the holes for your hands.


Harlem Globetrotters were everywhere - including guest stars on Scooby Doo. - And all the other "guest stars" - The Addams family, Sandy Duncan, I Dream of Genie, etc.


The last generations to really sew everyday clothes for their kids - matching outfits be it siblings or mother/daughter! I'll never feel the same way about plaids (unless it's a kilt :tongue_smilie: )


Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine barely making the 70s - 1979


Strawberry Shortcake i I remember when Plum Puddin' was a bookish boy before they changed the gender to a girl a few years later.


And I know this was a couple years later into the early 80s - But "I don't want to grow up - I'm a Toys'r'Us kid......"

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The last generations to really sew everyday clothes for their kids - matching outfits be it siblings or mother/daughter! I'll never feel the same way about plaids (unless it's a kilt :tongue_smilie: )



I recall sewing a bandana shirt like this in Home Ec:




and a halter top (out of a bandana) that I loved to wear!

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