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If you have a schoolroom, what color is it?

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I would like to repaint our schoolroom. Right now it is a muddy gray. It's very cold and uninspiring. Some friends gave us some paint - "brown bread" - it looks like a spiced pumpkin to me - a mix of brown and orange. I like it, but our trim is wood (not painted white) so I have to be careful what colors I choose.


I want it to be a pleasant, inspiring color. I prefer it to be a warm shade.


Does anyone have a paint color that they just LOVE? Would you share what it's called and where you got it (if you remember)


I love my dining room color - it's called "Jekyll Club Veranda Yellow" (Lowe's historic colors) - it's the perfect shade of yellow. I'm tempted to paint our hs room the same color! but I'd like some variation.


Any thoughts? :bigear:

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White. Plain white, but with all the bookshelves, cork boards, maps, charts and children's art, it's actually quite colorful. I change the drapery fabric with the seasons. (which is actually another art display of sorts since my kids have done the sewing of the new drapes) I guess our school room is an eclectic color of it's own making.

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Ours is a light brown panel with beige blinds at the windows! We have 4 big huge windows in ours so the light really comes in. Otherwise with the light brown panel it would be dull! Someday we may paint the panel though.

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Our school room is painted sunflower yellow and we have red accents (frames, chairs, accessories, etc.). I painted it yellow for 2 reasons: I read somewhere a long time ago that kids learn math better in yellow rooms and that guests don't like to stay long in yellow rooms (ours doubles as a guest room). I actually love it. It's quite pretty and very cheery. It's quite a bright color, but not like neon.

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Gold, but not quite mustard. We have a dark red accent wall. It's gorgeous. I don't know the exact shade as dh custom mixed it. Originally it was much brighter and this room was christened as the mustard and ketchup room. That lasted about two days before we repainted to more muted shade of gold.

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We have an extreme color on our walls. Our classroom is small with dark woods and a long red chinese type cabinet.

It's what I would call a Montessori blue, here is an example (the color of the triangles), :http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.montessori.hk-shop.net/images/uploads/materials/sensorial/HTS0258.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.montessori.hk-shop.net/bbshop-sensorial/children-kids-edu-toys-training/box-of-blue-triangles/prod_34.html&usg=__ciViZlgFeYuE4xIMX3EDKqP2WM0=&h=334&w=500&sz=53&hl=en&start=10&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=rSvkjCdLEAp_5M:&tbnh=87&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmontessori%2Bblue%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Den%26tbs%3Disch:1.

We did Winter Promise Sea & Sky this year, so it looked great! :)

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I am undertaking this project right now! Ours is a beautiful creamy yellow called Cozy Cottage. Not only do I love the color, but I think the name is perfect for our room. :) I think it will really compliment the natural light in the room and be a calm, neutral color that inspires us to do our best. That's my fantasy, anyway! LOL

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Ours is Sherwin Williams Silvermist (blue / gray / green). I am on the lookout for a large orange sunset-type picture to warm it up.


I just painted our living room Lemongrass (green/ tan) It is a very peaceful color and would have been nice too.


With 4 boys, I wanted a color that invokes calm.

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We painted ours yellow! It was sunny and fun! I had lots of their framed artwork and other colorful artwork up all over the walls and it was very pretty.


I'm redoing the rooms this summer, however, and a smaller room will become my younger son's study. It is already a pretty blue and I'm just changing the wallpaper border in it.

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I studied this (what color is best for learning) and like many of the others, painted one room yellow (bright) and sky blue. It's a basement room with no windows, so I wanted to brighten it up. Other rooms I painted orange. The reading room is green and yellow. But the main room we learn in is still boring white. I can't reach the ceiling to paint it.


Anyway, crazy colors. If we ever sell this house, I'll have to repaint them.




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We have one wall covered with chalk board paint. Chalk board paint comes in a variety of colors--ours is a bright green. A friend put a coat of magnetic paint underneath her chalk board paint.


Nukeswife--I love your room with Jamacan Sea and Empress Teal and the white trim. Beautiful!

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We just did quite a bit or re-arranging and now have a school room. As of right now, our school room is a light, brightish sage-ish green. It is on the south-east corner of our house, which matters when you live on the prairie and get tons of morning sun. We have red curtains and a red/beige rug on our oak-colored hardwood floors. The bookcase, cabinet, and my desk are an off-white color.


I would love to repaint this room a fun, bright color, but that would require much more work. We live in an old farmhouse (built circa 1919). Our schoolroom walls are plaster, with some of the coating peeling off. We would have to repair the plaster or hang sheetrock to change the color. It is my hope that we move before then.

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Ours is a lovely teal-y greenish blueish shade. We liked it so much in our other house that we painted our room here the same exact color. It was from the Disney collection at Home Depot.


Okay. I just looked at the website. It's Behr paint in "Atta Boy Blue" from the Mickey collection.

Edited by Sugarfoot
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Light sky blue. It is very cheerful and we love it, especially in the winter when it's so gray outside.


It's Sherwin Williams "atmospheric". It looks brighter on the sample that it does on the walls, where's it's surprisingly soft.

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Wow! Thanks for all the replies. I decided I don't like the "brown bread" color - too dark and blah for this room. I want something with punch but also something calming (I don't ask for much, do I?) :001_smile:


I am trying to decide between orange and blue for the room. or maybe green. ;) I found some fabric that I would love for the curtains and a bright blue ("sunseeker", it's called) would be perfect. Or a more olive-green would work also.


At the same time I like orange lately - tangerine-ish.


What is a better color for learning? Any ideas?

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Our school room is currently a pleasant yellow, but I am sick of it. The yellow is nice, it's just too much for the main color for us.


I'm hoping to repaint this summer...maybe a pear green. Something, cool, bright (not blinding), and refreshing. I was also thinking of painting the ceiling blue and sponge-painting it with clouds. I ordinarily don't care for this, but I recently saw it done nicely and it looked really good. Our woodwork is cherry. We also have lots of natural light in the room. I'm hoping that this combination will have a nice calming effect by making us feel as though we're out in nature.

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My whole first floor, including the school room is being painted this weekend. It's one big open plan now (except for the school room) and will all be done with Betsy Ross House Moss from Lowe's Historic Color line. I love, love, love it. We have had one wall in the kitchen painted that color for a few months, and everyone who comes in comments on how soothing it is. Next time I'm in Lowe's though I'm going to check out your yellow :D and see if we can use it anywhere.

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