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Minor, insignificant rant about ungrateful people

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Last week, on the day that we were leaving for our vacation, I came home to a cute little puggle in our front yard. She had a collar, but no tag. I did not have time to do the usual poster, walk the neighborhood routine, so I decided to bring her to the SPCA. She looked like a dog that was probably well loved, and I figured that she had a microchip. We brought her in, and she indeed had a microchip. I called to follow up and was told that her owner picked her up. Yay, happy ending!


Today, I ran into the owner and dog on a local trail. I introduced myself and told the lady how happy I was that she was back home. Her response, "Well, she always finds her way home. It cost me $80 to get her out." My response, "Well, I'm so glad it all worked out! I see she has a tag now, that's great. Take care!" :glare:

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Oh you handled that very well! I don't think I would have. What a silly woman. Good for you for grabbing the little one & keeping her safe!


The last dog I caught (after trespassing through several yards & about 1/2 hour of chasing him in my car, trying to get ahead of him & then getting out & dd & me trying to corner him - this little chi was running like crazy through traffic etc, obviously stressed & not thinking too well & I don't have a net or snare), I was going to keep overnight because the shelter will not pick up late in the evening unless it's a true emergency. I settled the little growly scared chi in a crate in my basement with food & water & quickly put an ad up on craigslist.


A couple hours later a tearful and thankful owner was reunited with her doggie & she came by later with a reward - some day passes (at $30 pp) for our family to an amusement ride place. :)


In my neighbourhood, I doubt any small dog would have survived very long. Besides the traffic, we have a healthy population of coyotes which roam the streets & munch on cats & small dogs at night.

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You handled that well.


I can't believe some ungrateful people. I spent an entire weekend babysitting my 3 year old niece, only to be yelled at for some minor thing (these parents always yell and are perma-angry). I never expected to be given a thank you, and of course didn't get one, but I smiled and was happy/polite when I dropped her off. They were snippy and rushed, as always. (Sorry, had to get that out.)

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I would have been extremely thankful if one of my dogs got loose & someone was kind enough to bring him/her to the shelter. I'm sorry you received such a rude response. Most dog owners I know would have responded graciously.

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Guest Katia

Wow. You were so gracious in your response to her, and she was so totally rude.


I had something similar happen to me. In the morning there was a strange dog in our yard. We had never seen it before in our neighborhood. By the time I got some clothes on, it was gone.


However, later that day I was driving about 1/2 mile away from our house and this same dog was standing in the middle of the road. It didn't move when I drove up to it, so I stopped (there were no other cars on the road, thank God) and I opened my car door and called to it. The dog ran over to me and jumped right up in my lap! So, I closed the car door, drove home and started the process of looking for the owner.


The vet was the one who called me back about the owner. They were on their way over to our house to pick up their dog. The first thing they asked was where I had picked her up. When I told them, they said "well, that was almost right in front of our house. We should sue you for kidnapping our dog."


I told them I would never have picked her up except for the fact that she had been in our yard all morning, and then she wouldn't move out of the middle of the road. How was I supposed to know where she lived?


They just picked her up and left. Yep. That's gratitude for ya.

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People like that don't deserve to own dogs! It makes me so mad. You handled it very well. I'm afraid I would have gone off on her. :cursing: Rude woman.


When we lived in TN, one of our dogs got under our fence (we have small dogs) and we didn't know it. It was night time and we'd let them out to go to do their business. They had been out for about 30 minutes (standard for them) when the phone rang and it was a guy 2 streets over telling me that he had our dog. I completely freaked out because I didn't even know he was missing and ran over to get him. The family was sitting out of the front porch loving on him and I cried when I saw him because I was so upset that he had gotten out and so relieved to see him. I was so thankful to them for catching him and calling me right away. I hugged them all and took them a cake the next day. Our dogs are like children to us. We love them. I can't imagine what I would have done if something had happened to him.

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:D He was in doggy jail and bail was owed. :D


NEXT time it will be double.


The spca had to give him all his immunizations just in case he wasn't up-to-date. $80 is a steal on all those doggy vaccinations.


My sister has a wayward black lab that's been in the doggie pokey 3 times. They all know that the black lab dragging her leash belongs to my sis now.

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You handled that well.


I can't believe some ungrateful people. I spent an entire weekend babysitting my 3 year old niece, only to be yelled at for some minor thing (these parents always yell and are perma-angry). I never expected to be given a thank you, and of course didn't get one, but I smiled and was happy/polite when I dropped her off. They were snippy and rushed, as always. (Sorry, had to get that out.)


Did you give her gum? :lol:

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How rude!


My dog is a whiz at escaping from our yard if i turn my back even for a second. Usually I am able to go right out and get her back, but a few times I haven't been able to because ds was sleeping or sick. I am always very thankful when one of my neighbors brings her back, and all they have to do is walk down the street! You went to a lot more trouble than that.

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