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Is 5 children too many to homeschool?

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Hi ladies,


We currently homeschool dd7, ds5, dd4 and have a newborn on the way (EDD Oct 10). After baby is born we hope to have another one fairly soon after. But I'm just wondering if that might be the proverbial straw that breaks the camels back. I am def not an unschooler type so put more pressure on myself in terms of teaching. Hubby leaves for work at nine and isn't usually home until 8.30 / 9pm so its usually a loooooonnngg day for me. Btw, I am only planning to hs until 11 and then will send them to secondary school here in the UK.


3 has been hard work to hs but really enjoyable - adding a newborn into the mix will be even harder. But I don't want to sacrifice having a big family to hsing - if it came to one or the other I would rather have the big family and send the kids to school - though I know I would hate it.


Just wondering how anyone copes with teaching 5 different maths or english lessons every day!! Is it possible?


Your thoughts and advice greatly appreciated.

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I have friends who school 5, and another who school 8, and yet another who have 10. It is doable, but every family is different. The key, I believe, for my friends with the larger number of children is having the older children help the younger help in some subjects. Another friend with the 5 children use the workbox system.

Good luck!

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I sure hope so, because I'll be up to 5 myself in a couple of years. :001_smile: Homeschooling many children is a lot like *having* many children--it doesn't happen all at once. You work up to it. You just start with the first one, and add in another every year or so. You are already homeschooling two, and the ones coming up will benefit from the experience you've gained already. The hardest years are now, with lots of little ones, and teaching the basics of reading and math. It's gets much easier as they grow in independence. You can do it!

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I'm homeschooling my 11, 8, and nearly-7yo, with a 3yo on their heels. #5 arrives in Dec/Jan. We've been hsing for 3 years now, and fully intend to see them all the way through high school graduation.


It's definitely more complicated than hsing 1 or 2, but it's nowhere near impossible.

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I did it with 6, although my youngest was 4 and not officially doing school when my oldest was a senior. It can be done. My bf has 10, 6 of which are school age and she homeschools. What helped me the most was to be really organized.

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You learn tricks like doubling up for some subjects. Ie. everyone does art, music and history together (with some extras thrown in for the older ones). As kids get better at reading, they can do some subjects more independently. . . You might assign an older child a short 20 min. span to work with the toddlers while you do a phonics lesson with the next oldest child. . . stuff like that.

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thanks for all your replies. My main concern is not being able to give the one to one attention that I am so used to....how will I ever get over that? I'll constantly be thinking I'm giving them second best as before I had more time for each of them individually....and is it fair to ask the olders to teach the younger ones??? What about their time for their own work.....any further thoughts??

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thanks for all your replies. My main concern is not being able to give the one to one attention that I am so used to....how will I ever get over that? I'll constantly be thinking I'm giving them second best as before I had more time for each of them individually....and is it fair to ask the olders to teach the younger ones??? What about their time for their own work.....any further thoughts??


If I put all 5 of my kids in school, then I would only have 4-6 hours/day to spread my attention around. With them all at home, it's more like 12-16 hours/day, depending on when they get up and go to sleep.

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thanks for all your replies. My main concern is not being able to give the one to one attention that I am so used to....how will I ever get over that? I'll constantly be thinking I'm giving them second best as before I had more time for each of them individually....and is it fair to ask the olders to teach the younger ones??? What about their time for their own work.....any further thoughts??


I usually didn't have to ask the olders to teach the youngers. They would see mom was busy and ask a big brother. It has always been a sweet thing for me to watch an older teaching a younger (sometimes with a lot more patience than mom). My olders had no trouble getting their own work done. It usually was just a few minutes here and there and when they really needed quiet, uninterrupted time they would find another room to be in.

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My main concern is not being able to give the one to one attention that I am so used to....how will I ever get over that? I'll constantly be thinking I'm giving them second best as before I had more time for each of them individually....


I worked on getting over that by remembering that each child is a gift from God, so if He gifted us with so many (we have seven) then He will provide the specific things they need for their growth and maturation and development. Whether or not that includes abundant "one on one" time is up to Him -- and frankly, the kids don't get much. But we try to give them the things we can in our situation: a strong, happy family unit; focused attention when they come to us; a true interest in them as people; sacrifice in some financial things (i.e., we'll probably never take a family trip to Disneyland or some such thing) so that we can give them other things (a house on 2 acres). It all works out!


That said, I'm not addressing the homeschooling side of things -- we DO lean toward relaxed/delight-directed learning (although they do do some language arts and math) because of the number of kids we have and because of our approach to education.

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I have 7 school age and it doesn't always work easily but we get it done. One thing that really helps is combining as much as possible, which is why we use curriculum such as TOG, REAL Science etc. Getting yourself and everyone on a schedule is key to making it work.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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I hope not! I plan to have 5 kids and homeschool them all :lol:


LOL! That was my thought too!!! :lol: I do approach homeschooling a bit differently (some curriculum work better than others) but I think that my girls are more independent at a younger age than some others. It does help to have a group of "olders" (I didn't follow that logic very well. My oldest is 6 years older than her next sister. After that, they're like stairs). The best thing about homeschooling 5 is the closeness of the siblings. Can you imagine if they all went to school when they turned 5yrs old? They'd miss out on so much time spent together!!!

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I have 8. My olders generally don't teach the youngers, because they have more work themselves. We do a modified workbox system that is very doable. My older 3 (8, 10, 13) do subjects that they can do on their own while I work with the 4, 6, and 6 1/2 year olds. During this time the 1 and 2yo rotate between their workboxes at the table or on blankets. After that the younger 5 are ready to play, so I have them choose an activity or I choose for them. This frees me to work with the olders. At lunch everyone except me eats outside. This gives me much needed quiet. No one can come in until they are ready for nap time.:D This always buys me an hour. After lunch everyone rests then I work with the older 4 while the younger 4 nap. It looks like organized chaos on paper, but is actually pretty doable, and I get a nap every day. I am much happier this way!

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This coming year will be my first time HSing 5 since my 5yo twins will be Kindergarteners. The most I've homeschooled is 3, but not everyone needs my time at the same time. My biggest issue isn't the HSers, it's the little ones bugging them. I am worried about teaching 2 to read at the same time.

If I put all 5 of my kids in school, then I would only have 4-6 hours/day to spread my attention around.
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thanks for all your replies. My main concern is not being able to give the one to one attention that I am so used to....how will I ever get over that? I'll constantly be thinking I'm giving them second best as before I had more time for each of them individually....and is it fair to ask the olders to teach the younger ones??? What about their time for their own work.....any further thoughts??

Family helps family.


It wasn't our choice to only have one, but that is what we have. Having one or 10 I'd say the same, family helps family. Otherwise it is just a bunch of people living together.

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a lot of inspiration on this forum - that is why I love you guys :grouphug:


Homeschooling in the UK is not as big as in the US and I sometimes feel that I'm the only one crazy enough to take on this challenge. But I can see so many benefits - my kids love each other and the family and they seem so alive! The time we spend together would be lost if they were in the school system. I WILL homeschool as long as I can and as long as God wills. Life definitely feels like more of a journey home schooling and without it I would be watching life pass me by.


Thanks for the pick me up! :001_smile:

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