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S/O healthy meals. What do you serve with pizza?

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Yes either. We often do a veggie plate in the center of the table. It includes carrots, peppers, sugar snap peas (only from the garden and boy do we have the sugar snap peas lately), celery, and sometimes olives. That way you can pick what you want. We will often include a small bowl with ranch dressing or hummus for dipping.

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Beer. :lol: For mommies and daddies only of course. ;)



Raw veggie tray with hummus would be good. My boys love to eat olives out of a bowl with their pizza.



As a kid we would get milk shakes with pizza and I loved it. Maybe you could do fruit smoothie with pizza? Sounds weird but I remember liking it.

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We always have a big salad. I have the kids eat it while the pizza is cooking. It makes a HUGE difference in portion sizes.


With salad, I'll have half a pizza left (for a family of four).

Without salad, the entire thing is gone, gone, gone.

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We'll be making homemade pizza tomorrow night. We usually have a salad with it.


What we do is use flatbread for the crust (stopped making my own dough a while ago). Then I make several different kinds, using roasted eggplant, red onions, portabello mushrooms, fresh basil, fresh garlic, spinach, broccoli, chicken or ground turkey, yellow and orange peppers, zucchini etc. I mix it up, using different cheeses and sauces (sometimes I make a lowfat pesto or sundried tomato sauce). The kids sometimes request, but usually they like my creations. ;)


When I do it this way, I don't need much of a side dish.

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We do home made pizza every Friday night. What would be a good side to serve? Salad? Raw veggies? Or?


We usually have a big salad while the pizza is baking. Our fave is romaine lettuce, red bell pepper, radishes, cucumber, pepperoncini peppers, kalamata olives, oregano and an oil and vinegar dressing. Sometimes, in winter, we will have a bowl of vegetable soup instead.

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Live on the edge.....it is one night a week...eat unhealthy!



Technically pizza isn't that unhealthy....



milk (cheese)

veggie (tomato sauce - hey there are tomatoes in there!And mushrooms, peppers, onions if you put them on)

meat (If you put pepperoni or sausage or any other on there)

fruit (pineapple if you go that route....I love it)


What else could you ask for!!! :D

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We usually have a salad with it but recently we had friends over. She had a steamer and I was curious about it so she brought a huge bag of veggies and steamed them. She then had a veggie dip, butter, olive oil, and and a veggie seasoning sprinkle for choices to top the veggies. Everyone but my husband had seconds on the veggies (and one of the kids skipped the pizza altogether). We will definitely being that again the next time we get together.

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