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How much for organic milk?

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We went to our Saturday morning farmer's market today (boy am I glad it is finally open for the season). Last week the kids got to sample all sorts of goodies including ice cream and chocolate covered marshmallows. The one thing William definitely wanted this morning to sample though was the milk. Obviously the milk from last week stood out in his mind. So I bought a gallon today for $7. I think it is 2 for $13, but since I had a gallon in the fridge already, I didn't need 2. This is low temp pasteurized organic localish milk (raw is not legal here). Is $7 a gallon about right for price? I usually grab the generic stuff from Costco for $2.50 a gallon, so the price gives me sticker shock.

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I can get it for $5.49 at the regular grocery, but it's one of the subsidiaries of the evil Dean Foods conglomerate, so perhaps only nominally organic...


At Whole Foods or Trader Joe's it's $5.99 for store brand, and Whole Foods has Organic Valley for $6.49. I think I've seen it as high as $6.99 - that's usually in regular groceries who don't buy in as much quantity (and it's usually one of the Dean company brands - Horizon and Organic Cow).

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$6 for organic whole milk (NOT ultrapasturized)


$7 for a half gallon of raw


We usually buy one gallon of organic whole milk a month and 2 gallons of raw milk for a family of 4.


We drink the raw milk and use the organic milk on cereal.

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It's $6.00 a gallon at one store here and I felt that was a good price. That you can get organic milk for $2.50 is a complete shock to me!


Sorry for the confusion, the $2.50 is for non organic milk. This is my first foray into organic stuff.


It sounds like the price is about right. Glad to know I am not getting totally ripped off.

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We pay $2 per gallon for organic raw milk. Raw milk is illegal here too, but if you ask around (the hippy-ish people at the Farmer's Market probably could help you) you can find a local dairy farmer who sells raw milk under the table, as it were. The dairy farmer we buy from is extremely reputable and faithfully remembers the days when "living in a free country" meant that you could choose not to have pasturized milk. :)

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I pay $3 for raw milk. It isn't legal here either but I buy it for my pets.:glare: I have known the person for close to 20 yrs and she is a BIG support to me on our special diet.

You might ask around looking for a smallish farmer/rancher that milks for their own family and would be willing to share with you, for your pets of course. Just so you know, I have never been questioned about it.

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Well, I told DH about the purchase. He wasn't too amused with me. I guess it will definitely have to be a "treat".

You might just want to transition to drinking less milk. It's not really a necessity, as it were, even for kids. I am buying organic now too and I limit us to one 8oz glass a day. I actually don't drink milk at all, just 1/2 1/2 or soy creamer for my coffee. DH is the problem. He could drink milk, especially chocolate :glare:, by the gallon per day. But since he's lactose intolerant I have to get Lactaid or Soy Milk for him. I can buy organic Soy milk, but I don't really want him drinking that quantity of soy milk and it's outrageously expensive, so I stick to the Lactaid mostly. I wish he'd quit altogether!

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You might just want to transition to drinking less milk. It's not really a necessity, as it were, even for kids. I am buying organic now too and I limit us to one 8oz glass a day. I actually don't drink milk at all, just 1/2 1/2 or soy creamer for my coffee. DH is the problem. He could drink milk, especially chocolate :glare:, by the gallon per day. But since he's lactose intolerant I have to get Lactaid or Soy Milk for him. I can buy organic Soy milk, but I don't really want him drinking that quantity of soy milk and it's outrageously expensive, so I stick to the Lactaid mostly. I wish he'd quit altogether!


Only the kids get milk here. It is once a day except on days they get cereal. DH drinks low carb milk, and I am lactose intolerant. I am going to see how long this gallon actually lasts. Although I have an extra kid the next 2 days, so it really won't be accurate (I think she drinks milk).

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Only the kids get milk here. It is once a day except on days they get cereal. DH drinks low carb milk, and I am lactose intolerant. I am going to see how long this gallon actually lasts. Although I have an extra kid the next 2 days, so it really won't be accurate (I think she drinks milk).


My kids don't "drink" milk. They use it for cereal and I use it for cooking/baking. I don't use milk as a beverage. I would say that one gallon lasts us a week or a tad longer.


Now yogurt is another story. It's expensive as well and my kids go through yogurt like there's no tomorrow. I should proably try making my own....

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Where we are it's $4.50 a HALF gallon, but many things are more expensive where we are. We live on a military base in Germany, so things are higher here. We use lactose free milk and a few days ago I paid $4.75 for a half gallon. If we used regular organic milk though, I'd buy it on the economy (read: at a local store) because it's about .80 Euro (slightly less than $1) for a litre. That would be just under $4/gallon.

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