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What would you do for your dh that isn't your style?

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I'm a country music loven girl at heart whom sometimes listens to go old fashion long haired rock n roll when I work out. HOWEVER.... tonight.. tonight I have to attend a Bad Religion concert (KROQ,MTV band) because dh likes them. :001_huh:


He says hes been to a few country concerts with me and thinks I should go with him. The difference is.. he likes country and even owns boots! I'm pretty sure I'll be the ONLY chickie there wearing cowboy boots~


I will grin and bear it b/c its a date out with the hubby doing something he wants to do. I just think its going to cost him a few drinks.


What have you done that was completely out of your style of fun for your partner or kido?

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Well, I dye my dark brown hair blond because its his favorite color. I "fought" him for years. And, well, I look SO much better as a blond. LOL


I mostly do it for him, but my bff says I look better as a blond, actually almost everyone does. That's not the point, its an added bonus.


I could care less what color hair I have. :tongue_smilie: It's kind of a pain to dye it, I just started doing it myself at home to save money. But he loves blond hair, so I'm a blond.


Let's see, I'll watch movies that he likes that I would rather skip, but I do it because I love him and he does the same for me.


I took up fishing because he loves it and now I LOVE IT. :D


Sometimes when I'm tired and just want to sleep, I uh, stay up with him. :D:D:D:D:D




I'm a country music loven girl at heart whom sometimes listens to go old fashion long haired rock n roll when I work out. HOWEVER.... tonight.. tonight I have to attend a Bad Religion concert (KROQ,MTV band) because dh likes them. :001_huh:


He says hes been to a few country concerts with me and thinks I should go with him. The difference is.. he likes country and even owns boots! I'm pretty sure I'll be the ONLY chickie there wearing cowboy boots~


I will grin and bear it b/c its a date out with the hubby doing something he wants to do. I just think its going to cost him a few drinks.


What have you done that was completely out of your style of fun for your partner or kido?

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Watch the Military History channel, listen to the oldies rock station when I would choose country. I've dyed my hair reddish-blond, but won't do that again.:tongue_smilie: It did NOT look right on me. I started reading fantasy because of him and now I love it. All I can think of right now.:001_smile:

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I've learned to watch and enjoy NASCAR and hockey, I've learned to backpack, and I wear jeans for him.(I hate jeans. They are so not made for people with an abundance of female curves from the waist down)


Pretty much everything I have done for dh has enriched my life somehow. I am grateful that all of our interests haven't overlapped. Well, except the jeans part...:tongue_smilie:

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What have you done that was completely out of your style of fun for your partner or kido?


I went to a monster truck show. In the middle of it my hubby says "isn't this great?!?!??!" :glare: No, it was not great, not at all. But, he and my son were incredibly excited and thought it was great, that's what counts.


I've also seen many, many, many stupid, lame movies that I would not otherwise have even considered watching.


AND I went to a Kenny G concert.

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and hours and hours and hours and hours in art museums. It's not that I don't like art. But I can only appreciate so much at a time, and after I reach saturation point, I'm mostly just trying to be accomodating.


But since we only go on a major art galleries crawl 2 or 3 times a year, I manage.

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Move while pregnant. Three times. BTW, done with both. WHEW! (in case the 3 doesn't add up to 2 kids, moved twice during one pregnancy)


Been there done that!! I moved FOUR times during my pregnancies and it was tough!!


I would also have to say that I would watch a ballgame ONLY for my husband......just doesn't appeal to me in the least!

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Oh yeah, I forgot about this canoe camping trip we took. Totally not my thing. We rented a canoe and went across a series of lakes and rivers in the Adirondacks. Tented on state land but not at camp sites. Dug our own holes for facilities (during which I had an intestinal upset). Dh said that no bears would come anywhere near us as I had sufficiently marked our territory!:blushing:

Took a "bath" over the pot on the fire. Big storm came through one night and I prayed all night long because I was sure we were not going to be alive come morning.

Did this for him! He was very happy.:001_smile:

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Well, I agreed to go to his HS reunion. :blink:


So far I've managed to wiggle out of most of his "work parties" aka "schmooze fests". Some people call it networking. I'm just no good at it.


ONE time he convinced me to go to a hockey game with tickets he got from work. Everybody will be very casual, he promised me. So I went in jeans, and of course, my hockey jersey!


The rest of them had just gotten out of some high powered meeting and were dressed to the nines. They had an executive booth with catered food and drinks. Nobody even watched the game. They spent all their time schmoozing and trying to get new accounts. Bleh!! I felt so out of place- I had nothing of value to add to the conversation; and if I spent time watching the game I felt bad for ignoring everyone else. So uncomfortable. :001_unsure:

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I should be married to all your dh's and you should be married to mine. I love watching sports of all kinds (I draw the line at monster trucks, though) and my dh isn't into sports at all.


I keep things a bit cleaner than I would normally be inclined to do because he loves a clean house. I exercise and stay more fit than I might normally be inclined to do because these things are important to him. These are good things, so I'm glad to work to achieve them.

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ND I went to a Kenny G concert.


Ooh, I would've liked that. Sade is another one that I'd like with more mellow music. :001_smile:

I went to a monster truck show. In the middle of it my hubby says "isn't this great?!?!??!" :glare: No, it was not great, not at all. But, he and my son were incredibly excited and thought it was great, that's what counts.


I've also seen many, many, many stupid, lame movies that I would not otherwise have even considered watching.


AND I went to a Kenny G concert.

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I spent a whole day of an all-too-short trip to France at Disneyland Paris. With a sprained ankle, no less.


But Disneyland Paris was kind of cool. Did they still have the Winnie the Pooh show when you were there? One of my favorite parts was how depressed Eeyore sounded in French. :lol: eta: and the dragon in the castle was awesome! I loved when it woke up and all the kids went screaming out. On the other hand, we lived in Germany and went to Paris 7 or 8 times. So, going to Disney was no real sacrifice.

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I don't think we saw that. This was back in 2001, a few months before our dd was born. It was our "last fling" before baby made three. :)


The first time we went to Disney Paris it was July of 1999 (our second dd's first birthday), the second time I think it was late May or June of 2001, just after our youngest son was born. Very kind of you though to appease your wife that way. Aw. At least we were already dragging kids all over.

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I went to countless antique car shows with him and sat with our antique Lincoln for a few hours and listened to all the old men tell their "fish stories" about their antique cars.


I could go on, but this would turn into a man-bashing post, so I'll refrain. :Angel_anim:

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