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S/O So How Old Was Your Child When They Realized They Knew Everything?

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DS12 is a scientist, and he says he finds it depressing that he'll never know "even a tiny fraction of all there is to know in the universe."


OTOH, DD7 has known everything about everything since she was 2. :glare: At 6 she told me it was totally unfair she had to wait another decade to get a driver's license, because she already knew how to drive by watching me. I can only imagine what the teen years are going to be like. :scared:



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A Father's poem about his son.


The more he listened,

the more the wonder grew,

that one small head,

could hold

all that he knew.


Is "he" the father or the son? Or both in different lines? Or interchangeable between the two?

Assuming it is out of context of the whole, the answer will be the difference between tears and laughter.

Edited by LauraGB
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(Ds still doesn't know everything yet.)


Age 5. Kiddo was eating, humming, and suddenly announced in a very firm, secure voice "I know EVerything".


"Okay, smartie pants, who is going to be the next president?" I said, not batting an eye.


"Me!" was his immediate response.


The other night, on my lap, him talking about how he wasn't going to fit there much longer, I asked him if he remembered saying this. He said he did.

"Do you still think you know everything?"

"No-oh" he laughed.

"I'm glad you figured that out, because I don't know everything."

"Is that why you still add up figures?" (I've been doing random simple math problems as fast as I can on scratch paper while I sit with him, a la Profound Understanding of basic math a la LIping Ma).

"Yes, it is, I do it to stretch my mind on the rack of thought" and then he provided the sound effects of gears and ropes and stretching brain matter...:D

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This thread is making me laugh:) I don't suppose I'll be laughing when my own children realize that they know everything!


It is funny though... Now that I'm a whopping 29 years old, I've come to realize that I know significantly less than I did 10 years ago. At this rate, I won't know anything in another 10 years. I'm hoping that there's an upward swing somewhere in my future!

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Hasnt happened with dd15/16 yet. Shes a sweetie who is pretty reasonable.


I think ds14 was born knowing everything, but it got considerably worse around age 12, and is quite painfully extreme at 14.




My oldest is 14. He's a scientist. I wonder if that's why he's not got that "attitude" yet. He knows how much he doesn't know. KWIM? I pray it stays that way.

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It is funny though... Now that I'm a whopping 29 years old, I've come to realize that I know significantly less than I did 10 years ago. At this rate, I won't know anything in another 10 years. I'm hoping that there's an upward swing somewhere in my future!


'Tis true. Maybe that's what's going on? Perhaps I've lost all my marbles or noodles or what-have-you, and that's why dd thinks she's so wise in the ways.







Myfatherslily, you're likely not as smart as thought you were, but you certainly aren't as dim as you think you might be - and I'm guessing you're not nearly as dumb as your kid wants you to think you are (when the time comes ;)).


All that to say... me, too :).

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Is "he" the father or the son? Or both in different lines? Or interchangeable between the two?

Assuming it is out of context of the whole, the answer will be the difference between tears and laughter.



he is the Father in the first line and the Son in the last.

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My dd was thirteen when she became a better parent than I am. Of course she has no kids, but she knows exactly how to raise them and exactly what I am doing wrong. I told her if she raises her kids the way she's threatening to, she'd better never ask me to babysit.



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With all these pre-teen threads lately, I'm dying to know when your kid discovered they already knew everything?


Dd was exactly 11 years, 4 months and 2 weeks. :glare::glare::glare:


(Ds still doesn't know everything yet.)


HA! 8 or so? It has only gotten worse since then. Currently, at almost 11, he knows absolutely all there is to know about all there is to know and there is no need for me to try to tell him anything...at all. How is it that when your kid begins to know it all, that suddenly means you know nothing? I have had more conversations that end in "because I have lived for 20 years longer than you!" over the last year or so than I ever thought possible in a lifetime!

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13. For all the girls it was 13. This is also the age the they decided any knowledge I may have once had has fallen right out of my head. Though I am please to announce that as soon as they become responsible adults living on their own they realize that mom really did know what she was talking about all along. ;)

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