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How to implement Miller/Levine Biology

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Guest Kirsten06

My son used the Miller/Levine textbook last year and got a lot out of it. It was a TON of material and we had to really move along to cover it. He did the questions at the end of each chapter and I felt that they helped him to solidify the information in his head. We used Quality Science Labs for his experiments. They have a print out to let you know when to do each lab, so that helped coordinate it. I felt they were quite comprehensive compared to what they might do in school, but I am not a science expert by any means.



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If you don't have an access code, it probably wouldn't hurt to ask your local public school to share their access code and let you register with them. I don't think they'd mind if you could show that you have already purchased textbooks and/or workbooks and you just want access to the online material for your students... you aren't looking to cheat the publisher.


Unfortunately, in our state, there are many schools that are unsupportive of homeschoolers. If one of them decides to complain to Pearson, we may all lose our privileges. For that reason, I would think twice before calling the local school.


I guess I was one of the lucky ones who ordered and actually received the Teacher Access Pack. This is nothing more than a piece of cardstock with a Product Access Code printed on it... it's the key that opens the online access registration process.

I went online, and attempted to register, but couldn't because I wasn't with a recognized public school. Dead End.

When registering, it asks for your zip code. At this point, a pull-down menu appears and asks you to choose which school you are with (all public schools already registered). You can't type in anything, you have to choose one of those schools. If you register as one of those schools, an administrator from that school may see your name and delete it, which means you'd lose your access and all of your students' work.

However, I found a hole in the publisher's armour!

Secret... don't tell anyone! ;)

Instead of entering your zip code, enter 000. The drop-down menu will pop up with all kinds of "schools". It looks like they are all test schools that don't exist, meant to test the software I would guess. I chose one of those as my "school" and it allowed the registration process to continue. I could still get deleted as a user if an admin. from that school were to see me, but if the school doesn't exist...?!


If you type 00000 (5 digits), you will see "homeschool" on the drop down menu. This is what a product specialist told us to do.


FWIW, I would NOT call Pearson and try to explain individual situations. Someone said that Pearson is like a big government agency; its right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. It's possible the lower profile we keep, the less hassle they will give us. :001_smile:

Edited by Handmaiden
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Would the online items be useful in teaching to a co-op? I was hoping the students could read the chapters online, although I wasn't sure if each student still needed their own textbook with the online access or not. They're pricey and not everyone can afford one. And I really wanted the teacher's manual online rather than purchasing the book.


You may want to consider using the previous edition (dragonfly). There are many used copies available and online resources as well. (Here's another one.) The online components for the older edition are not as flashy as the new edition, but the content is solid if your main concern is the cost.

Edited by Handmaiden
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We used this last year - my only suggestion would be to not get too many extras. There was simply no time for anything in addition to text and labs, and we kipped some labs. I have a CD that I purchased that is basically the book with multimedia extras we never even got to. This has so much more info that Apologia and took twice as long. I purchased the teachers online along with book and CD, you can find them used pretty easily.

FWIW we are switching back to Apologia for next year because I simply can't devote that much time for one subject.


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Thanks so much for the info. It looks like it's around $250 to get all the texts. I have so much to buy this year for 9th grade, and a kid that is non-science. I would rather spend $ on other things. She is capable - just not that interested :)


I am going to go with a previous edition and buy it used. This leads me to my next question :)


I started looking at all the copies available. I see everything from 1998 up to what says 2010 editions. There aren't that many TE out there I have found. Does anyone know if there were a lot of changes from year to year for the editions? It's been tricky to find a TE and a student one from the same year. Also, I see a lot of state-specific editions. Anyone know anything about these?


Thanks so much for all the help.

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Thanks so much for the info. It looks like it's around $250 to get all the texts. I have so much to buy this year for 9th grade, and a kid that is non-science. I would rather spend $ on other things. She is capable - just not that interested


I actually spent about $100 for the new textbook. Everything else (teacher's edition, tests, etc.) came with the free online access. :001_smile:


Not sure about your other question, but you can try half.com or some of the used textbook sites...the only problem is that sometimes sellers don't report the correct the right edition so it can be a gamble. What you might try is searching by ISBN number.

Edited by Handmaiden
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Just an update on my saga with Pearson. A year ago I tried (and abandoned) the Miller/Levine series. I bought a Biology student book and got a free access pack as a homeschooler.


Fast forward a *year* later:


Last week I got a bill for the Biology book (which is clearly marked paid, amount owed $0.00) and a bill for $323 for the access pack. <insert hysterical laughing>


I called Pearson and they want me to *prove* I paid for the book and they have no idea what the $323 charge is for but are "looking into it." I told them I'm not paying for it.


It's just like dealing with a governmental agency. I'll update when their so-called customer service calls me back.


Please, do yourself a favor and steer clear of this company.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to add an update to all of this. I had ordered my book about the same time when people in this forum were saying that Pearsons was not giving free access to homeschoolers anymore. So, I don't know if I got in just in time, or what! I ordered the student text only, and I received it plus the free student/teacher free access code about a week later.

I only yesterday tried to register and log in for the first time with my free access code, and lo and behold, I got in easily! I made sure to put "00000" for my zip code as someone had recommended here, and "homeschool" was an option for that.

I looked through the various videos and activities and worksheets, and it looks very good, I think! Plus the teacher's edition with answers. I don't know how much time we'll have to do everything, but I'm excited about all the options.

I'm sorry others had so much trouble. It almost seems that if you know exactly what to type in and where when you first order and then when you receive the access code and register, things go smoothly and it all works. But I would not have known how to do that if I hadn't read the forum. If you end up needing to call a live person, perhaps that's where the trouble begins.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So far this has been my experience.

I registered for the Oasis ordering site.

I filled out the homeschool affidavit.

I sent an email asking about the on-line student access when ordering the book and heard nothing back.

I then e-mailed my local rep that said just to be sure I ordered the student book with the 6 yr access and I should be fine.

So I logged onto Oasis and ordered the student book and the free teacher access.

Then one day after my order I finally heard back from the original email saying that individuals can't buy the book with access.

So I asked two different people and got two different answers.

No-one has called to say that my order didn't go through.

So I'm waiting to see what happens.



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A little history of what I've been through:


-I ordered and paid for the student book and received free teacher access a little over a year ago.


-My internet speed was not adequate to properly use the teacher materials (which did appear to be beta test quality and incomplete).


-I ended up bailing on biology last year and poor dd is retaking it this year with Oak Meadow.


- Fast forward to a couple of months ago (a year after the original purchase): I get a bill for (a) the student book I already paid for and (b) the "free" teacher materials online -- to the tune of $400+ :glare:


- I call the customer service department and they are clueless. They open a ticket to begin looking into it, telling me they will call me back. They don't call. :confused:


- In the meantime they turn it over to a collection agency. :eek:


- I call them back and they are still clueless. They want me to go back through my Visa receipts and prove that I paid for the textbook. As for the teacher access, they don't even know what I'm talking about. It's just a number on an order to them with no meaning.


- Last year I had taken notes and had the name and number of the department head in the science department I had spoken to when I bought the book. She helped me get it sorted out because she seems to be the only one in the company who remembers that a year ago, homeschoolers were given free access to the teacher materials.


- It is supposed to be taken care of at this point. Honestly, I don't know and I'll wait to see if the collection agency tries to contact me again. If they do anything to my credit rating I am going to hit the roof.


Please, please steer clear of this company. Unless you like dealing with agencies akin to the IRS. They are only set up to deal with school districts -- not homeschoolers.

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  • 1 month later...

November 2010 update on Pearson publishing. I've actually had no problem getting the teachers manuals for both the Miller & Levine Biology and the Foerster's Algebra I, so I was very surprised to be denied access to the Students Online Component of Biology.com


I've written a somewhat forceful but polite letter back to them asking for an explanation as I doubt there are so many of us using this curriculum that we will over burden their system.


I can use just the book but I am being denied access to such a large portion of the program by missing the videos, games and quizzes. It is so hard to find a science book as a home educator that is rigorous but not creationist.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest Eric in WA

Any more reports on using the Miller/Levine Biology textbook with the online components? I'm thinking of trying to order the Teacher's Online Access Pack but it seems that people have had mixed success with that.

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Yes, any updates. I didn't realize there had been a problem. I spoke w/ my state rep for Pearson and they went through what I needed to do and what products to purchase. The only thing they told me about being a hser was that I needed a letter from my accountability group.

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Have those of you wishing to use Miller/Levine considered ordering the lesson plans through Kolbe Academy? You can purchase just the plans and I believe this will give you access to the other materials, but you would need to check on this....you may also need to enroll for just that course or buy the book/answer key pack. Kolbe is very flexible in this regard and they are still using the Dragonfly book, which can be found for a better price than the new one, although that may change in a couple years. I visited with an academic adviser at a bookfair yesterday who said she likes the newer book better and is wanting to change the lesson plans.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was searching these forums today after deciding I would really rather use the Miller/Levine Biology than Apologia.

Yesterday I stumbled upon this - Pearson has apparently set up a homeschool site. They sell the dragonfly book, but not the new one, and teacher manuals for labs and workbooks, but not the student text. hmm.




I see no access to the online resources, which is a shame.

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I bought the book with the online access pack a couple of months ago and have had no trouble. I didn't talk to anyone or ask permission. I followed the advice posted in this thread exactly and it worked. I filled out the homeschooling affidavit, and ordered directly through Oasis online. When the book came, I went online and registered at successnet and have printed out all the tests and labs that I plan to use, browsed the TM, and have had absolutely no trouble.

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  • 3 months later...
I went online and registered at successnet and have printed out all the tests and labs that I plan to use, browsed the TM, and have had absolutely no trouble.


I am trying to register on successnet, and used the 00000 code which calls up homeschools and other unusual schools...


When I click on one of the homeschools, and enter my id, it doesn't work...so I'm thinking that is another individual homeschool.


Which one did you choose? could you pm me?




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I posted this by pm, but thought I would share it so that everyone would know.


In order to login, you need the registration information that pearson sends with the purchase of the book & online access. After getting that login setup you have access to:

Teacher's Edition

Lesson Overviews

Workbook (A & B)

Lab Manual (A & B)

Assessment Program

transparencies and image library.


From my home screen, I also have the choice of the interactive digital path, the teacher and the student editions. I created a class under the classes tab and then I assign interactive lessons and evaluations to ds from there.


I would NOT say it was teacher friendly or intuitive, but once I learned it, I love it and so does my ds.

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I posted this by pm, but thought I would share it so that everyone would know.


In order to login, you need the registration information that pearson sends with the purchase of the book & online access. After getting that login setup you have access to:

Teacher's Edition

Lesson Overviews

Workbook (A & B)

Lab Manual (A & B)

Assessment Program

transparencies and image library.


From my home screen, I also have the choice of the interactive digital path, the teacher and the student editions. I created a class under the classes tab and then I assign interactive lessons and evaluations to ds from there.


I would NOT say it was teacher friendly or intuitive, but once I learned it, I love it and so does my ds.


Thanks Debbie! I guess I have to find that packet that must have been sent when I got the book last year to get the right access code. My daughter really is enjoying this book but we need the tests.



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I posted this by pm, but thought I would share it so that everyone would know.


In order to login, you need the registration information that pearson sends with the purchase of the book & online access. After getting that login setup you have access to:

Teacher's Edition

Lesson Overviews

Workbook (A & B)

Lab Manual (A & B)

Assessment Program

transparencies and image library.


From my home screen, I also have the choice of the interactive digital path, the teacher and the student editions. I created a class under the classes tab and then I assign interactive lessons and evaluations to ds from there.


I would NOT say it was teacher friendly or intuitive, but once I learned it, I love it and so does my ds.


This is what I did and it works great. The one thing I did change was that I finally broke down and bought the biology LabPaq. I do like most of the labs in the ML book, but was having a hard time getting the items together.


The main thing I disliked was the labbook itself. LabPaq seems to do a much better job at teaching how to write up a lab report. Having said that, we will do some of the ML labs, too.

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I have a fairly well equipped science lab area already and every year I go through the labs in advance and place an order with HST for whatever I need. M/L had plenty of labs that I could make work for a fairly small cost.


That said, I think the labs are below the level of everything else with this book. They don't do lab reports and many of the labs are repeats of what we did in Life Science in 7th grade. I'm sure LabPaq offers a much stronger lab component, but pre-packaged labs are a bad deal for me since I already have most of the supplies.

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I finally found my access code - Yeah! - and everything is working. I had placed the order in 2010 for my son who ended up using Campbell for a higher level course.


As you say, Debbie, it is not user friendly...(but maybe it would have been more so if I would have watched the video about how to do it, you know, enter a student after you enter the class, so that it works when you try to make assignments:)).


I like the virtual lab part with the different types of microscopes...haven't gotten to check out everything else yet.


I'm sure LabPaq offers a much stronger lab component, but pre-packaged labs are a bad deal for me since I already have most of the supplies.


I wonder if you could just order the LabPaq manuals? It seems like I saw some option like that when ordering physics lab equip, but I don't see it listed now...you could probably ask...


Anyway, thanks for your help!


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  • 9 months later...
Hopefully others will have a different experience than what Dana had. The updated edition just came out earlier this year, and they didn't have all of the supplements ready. I think some are still in the works, but the key ones are done.


Update for everyone else:


I spoke to a product specialist at Pearson and she confirmed that I was able to get the teacher's access pack for free.


Here is what I had to do:


1. Open an Oasis account (ie, purchasing account with Pearson).


2. Fill out the homeschool affidavit (linked when you open the account)


3. Wait for the confirmation email that your account has been approved. (If you don't get a confirmation within 48 hours, email them...I kept waiting and never heard back. Turns out they never got my original affidavit and I had to resubmit it. It went through within 24 hours the second time.)


4. The confirmation email will have a user id, password, and discount code on shipping if you place the order within 30 days.


5. Place your order. Be sure to have the exact ISBN number for the version of the book you want. There are many many versions! (If you're not sure, check here and here.) I ordered the student textbook (on level) with biology.com 6-year student access. ISBN: 9780133690095


6. Add the teacher access pack ISBN: 0133689964

It will show up as $299.95. Do not panic. Click on the button "Special Terms." Scroll down and click the free option (I think it was option A, but please double check.) Update your cart. Verify that the teacher's pack is now at $0.



7. Check out as usual.


Hope this helps! If anyone goes through this process and has trouble, PM me and I can give you the name and extension number of the product specialist I spoke to.

With your advice, I did order the 2010 version and the teacher's packet for free. Thank you for your guidelines! Char

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do you have a teacher login? Have you tried creating a class and adding her yet? You have to do that so that you can give her access to everything (give assignments). That is how she gets access to the reviews, videos, quizes etc.


Yes, I created a class and gave her assignments, although they don't show up yet, maybe because of the due dates? It's just funny that my location is now Tennesse, and I cannot edit that.

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Yes, I created a class and gave her assignments, although they don't show up yet, maybe because of the due dates? It's just funny that my location is now Tennesse, and I cannot edit that.



My location wasn't Tennessee but it wasn't my home/state either - it hasn't been a problem...


I never did give due dates online...Did your student log in to access the online materials? It seems like that part ended up being simple....We ended up only assigning the videos and reviews online and she'd read from the book and do the study guide from the study guide book, not online. She'd also answer questions orally with me for some chapters...


About the lab book and study guide - I think that was answered clearly before - the B books are just an easier level - you don't need them if you are doing A.....



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  • 5 months later...

Time for the spring planning bump.



As I'm picking my jaw up off the floor after reading this thread.


Lots of extremes here. Fabulous success to hideous company failure. Did the collection agency backdown?


I think I'm going to stay away from the online access part. Scary charges there.

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That was a few years ago. There have been a lot of people who have tried this and posted here (including me) in the last two years. None have had problems. Handmaiden's instructions work EVERY time. Everyone who tries it is nervous because of the negatives in this thread, but it has never happened to anyone else.


I also want to add that the online resources MADE this program. They are especially important for an auditory learner Parrot.

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Thanks for the reassurance. I do appreciate it. FWIW dd is a hands-on gal.



Then plan to include lots of labs! I really wasn't impressed with the labs that came with the M/L book. We used many of them, but I didn't love them. I downloaded the Illustrated Guide for Biology labs for my next child, but she really liked using DIVE this year for Physical and I may try to pair it with M/L for her instead.

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Then plan to include lots of labs! I really wasn't impressed with the labs that came with the M/L book. We used many of them, but I didn't love them. I downloaded the Illustrated Guide for Biology labs for my next child, but she really liked using DIVE this year for Physical and I may try to pair it with M/L for her instead.


I actually went about this search a bit backward. I bought the Illustrated Guide to Home Biology Experiments first. Then went searching for a text to work with the lab book. :laugh: I was so impressed with the Thompsons' book that I bought all of them.


I think this need to be hands-on is what is throwing dd for such a loop with algebra. How do you put a hand on X? (That was a retorical question.)

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  • 6 months later...

Is the consensus still that the online access is working if one follows handmaiden's instructions?


I was originally directed to The Illustrate Guide: All Lab, No Lecture and that's where I stumbled across the Miller-Levine bio text. Trying to decide if it's worth the hassle to attempt what has been described in this thread or if I should just buy the student and teacher texts and be done with it.


Also, to be clear, I want the "on level" materials, correct? The "foundations" are written at a lower grade level and the "core" is an electronic format, right?


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The instructions worked for me. I ordered the Digital Courseware w/ Virtual BioLab 1-year student license and Online Teacher Access Pack with Virtual BioLab. I received a hard copy of the book, which I wasn't expecting, along with the teacher access code. I have no idea what the difference is supposed to be  between the "on level" and "core", but I do know that the ISBN numbers for what I ordered are the same for both.

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Yes, it works. I ordered it two years ago now, but I am using it for the second time this year. Every year they reset the access and you have to relearn their absolutely dreadful interface, but it really is worth it. The on-level is what you want. Shea's idea of getting it with the Virtual BioLab is really interesting too. If labs are a problem, it is a great idea. Shea, please give a review of Virtual BioLab as you get to use it. 

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In case you need additional videos to help clarify topics, the Brightstorm biology videos are very good.  You can subscribe to get all of them, but most are available free on YouTube on the Brightstorm2 channel, some on other channels.  If you check the brightstorm.com site under "textbooks," the macaw edition is correlated to the videos, so you can find out video titles to search for either on that site or on YouTube. 

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We used the Dragonfly version :)  last year.  Last summer while I was trying to piece-meal all the materials together (this was challenging), I accidentally ordered two of several things.


If anyone is using the Dragonfly edition and needs the Study Guide, lab book, or other materials, let me know.  I may have doubles of it and can give you a great deal...





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Just wanted to confirm that this deal is still alive and well. I just placed my order with Pearson through the Oasis site/interface and was able to get the teacher access pack for free with the purchase of the student text.


As an aside, could the ordering process be any more difficult? What a pain in the booty!


Thanks to all that contributed to this thread, and to handmaiden for walking us all through the checkout process. :)


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  • 1 year later...

Did anyone try to order the latest edition from Pearson? From k12oasis pearson website, I see MILLER LEVINE BIOLOGY 2015 TEXAS STUDENT EDITION + DIGITAL COURSEWARE 8-YEAR LICENSE GRADE 9/10 (ISBN 9780133303803) available with the status "In Print". (Is this the new Macaw textbook?)  When I do a search from the main pearson website with the same isbn #, I did not get any results. Is the latest edition 2010 (isbn10: 0133690091) or 2015/2014? I'm looking for complete student package with the lab books, study guides, virtual labs etc. along with teacher resources. If you please provide the ISBNs, that would be great help. Also, what's the difference between foundation, on level and core editions? I appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

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Here is my understanding of the different versions:  (gleaned from the pearsonschool.com site for the isbn you posted)


On level  - The Miller Levine text is considered an on level textbook, rather than an honors or AP text.  Campbell's Biology is a typical AP textbook.  It is almost twice the length and goes into a lot more detail.  More text per page, with fewer sidebars.


Foundations: "A great option for low-level and inclusion classrooms"  "Written at a lower grade level with a reduced page count, the text offers addiotnal embedded reading support to make biology come alive for struggling learners.  Foundations for Learning reading strategies provide the tools to make content accessible for all your students."  To me that suggests that vocabulary words will be glossed on the page (rather than in the back of the book) and that there will be lessons in the book of how to read the chapter.  So there might be as much offered on decoding strategies and content area reading as in biology.  I wouldn't pick this for a student who did not have issues that needed to be accommodated.


Core:  "A more concise textbook and a complete online program offer you a more environmentally friendly way to teach biology."  I read this to mean that the book will be bare bones, with an eText or digital content on biology.com that fills in the gaps.  I'm personally not a big fan of eTexts for subjects like this.  My experience (with the Knight Jones College Physics book) is that a lot gets lost in the translation to the screen.  It also prevents the student from marking up the text (either with actual highlighter and comments on page or with post its and comments that are removable).  There are plenty of studies rolling in that suggest on screen learning isn't as deep or long lasting as on page reading and note taking.  Plus there is no reselling a digital copy. 


I think that the 2015 is the specific Texas edition of the Macaw book.  There may have been some light revision, but not the large changes in chapter emphasis that is present in the 2007 (dragonfly) to 2010 (macaw) revision.  That revision consolidated a lot of the chapters on animal characteristics into just a couple of chapters.  I think macaw also has more on cellular biology, dna and evolution than dragonfly did.  It was a pretty big deal when Texas adopted Miller Levine as a textbook.  I'm not sure if there was specific content added or removed beyond what is typical for a state edition.  For example, I have an Indiana edition of the macaw edition.  It has extra pages at the beginnings of sections and chapters that related content directly to Indiana state standards and some Indiana ecosystems.


Hope this helps.


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Thanks Sebastian. How can we compare the Texas state Miller Levine Biology (2015) with the general 2010 Macaw text? There's no information for 2015 edition. Did you find any on Pearson or somewhere else? If this is the case, which is better to buy? 2015 state version or 2010 general text? 

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How can we compare the Texas state Miller Levine Biology (2015) with the general 2010 Macaw text? There's no information for 2015 edition.

Here from the authors



I'll go for the 2010 editon instead of the Texas edition since you are getting for home use and not a Texas charter school.



Dragonfly's table of contents


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