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If you eat healthy/organic foods, what do you do when friends come over?

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I don't want to pick up junk food just to appease the guests. But, so often, they don't like what I offer. Typical snacks here include fresh fruits, homemade bread with peanut butter, pita with hummus, yogurt. These are not things my kids' friends want as snacks. I usually offer popcorn, but that's not been very popular either. I thought that was more of a mainstream snack. But, mine isn't the microwave variety.


What do you do?


My dd. has made friends with the little girl across the street. I love her! She comes over sometimes just because she wants my bread!!! :loll: Her mom told me she comes home just raving about it!! She can come over anytime!

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Cheese & crackers


celery with peanut butter (if no allergies)


frozen grapes


But yeh, the neighborhood kids follow their noses to our house. They all seem to know when I've made muffins or bread. LOL. :lol:

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Cheese and crackers, fresh veggies and dip (homemade ranch or something white ;)), fresh fruit. Sometimes I make a taco dip or a black bean dip and serve it with blue corn chips. Pasta salad?


Thanks. Do your kids' friends eat the fresh veggies/fruit? My offers were rejected. Maybe I just need to cut it up and set it out. Pasta salad sounds great. Somehow, I think the whole wheat noodles would be rejected. But, I could try!


I think those sound like great snacks! I'm wondering how I might finagle my way into being invited over. :)


:) Thanks! They work for us!!


I offer fruit, whole grain crackers, cheese, yogurt, sometimes Kashi granola bars, veggies and hummus, baked corn chips and salsa or guac.


If all else fails, dh usually has pretzels down the basement for his weekiy poker game.


Sounds like what I offer. I don't usually have pretzels. I ought to urge my husband to start a poker game!! :D


Cheese & crackers


celery with peanut butter (if no allergies)


frozen grapes


But yeh, the neighborhood kids follow their noses to our house. They all seem to know when I've made muffins or bread. LOL. :lol:


Isn't that funny? They all like my fresh bread. I think my muffins are too heavy (I make them with whole wheat flour, so they're not the light, fluffy things that most kids are used to!)


I could make a fruit dip out of cream cheese. I bet that would work!!!


I serve whatever we eat ourselves.

The visiting children/teens often proclaim that they want to move in with us.

(They often are not accustomed to home-cooked, home-baked foods.)


I'm glad to hear that they appreciate it. Maybe I just need to get over myself and try offering some of the healthier options we have. Maybe they'd like it after all. There are a couple kids who have flat out rejected them, so now I'm nervous to offer.


It sounds like these are kid friends. I think you have reasonable main-stream snacks. I would just figure they can take them or leave them. I wouldn't run out and get them oreos. . .


If I had Oreos in the house, I would eat them!!!! That's the real reason I don't buy junk food! And, yes, I meant my kids' friends. My friends eat this way and love my snacks!!


Last night, we were about to eat dinner and our 9 yo had a friend over. Usually I ask the kids to stay. But, last night we were having split pea soup. Somehow I don't think that would've gone over well!!!

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I serve whatever I would normally serve. I do keep specific dietary needs/dislikes in mind, and I know which kids are allergic to dairy, gluten, etc., as well as who just doesn't like tomatoes. If they don't like anything offered, they don't have to eat. A child is not going to starve if he/she misses a snack opportunity. Honestly, though, I haven't really met many kids who don't like fresh fruit.

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I don't claim a 100% success rate. The failure rate just is extremely low.


Split pea soup is a major kid-pleaser, in my experience. Perhaps this is because ours does not have a ham bone or other meat in it ?? I really don't know why it is so popular (other than that it is so delicious). Perhaps it is the homemade biscuits served alongside. :tongue_smilie:


Homemade lemonade or limeade is popular. Simple homemade cakes take very little time, and disappear quickly. I don't stick to "austere" healthy food.


Thanks for the posted reminder about other kids' allergies. Of course these are honored !

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I have never had one of the neighborhood kids refuse any of our snacks. I usually give them whole apples, grapes, dried fruit (the cranberries go fast here), and whole grain crackers. In the winter I would make cookies or unseasoned air-popped popcorn to put out while they played in the snow. They all bring down water bottles that they can refill in my kitchen. My stepson and MIL are the ones who "suffer" most when they are here, but they have learned to just add sugar to the unsweetened iced tea we always have in the fridge.

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I guess there's no accounting for taste. I love some of the snacks you mentioned and routinely have hummus, peanut (and almond) butter with an assortment of fruit, veggie, bread, crackers, etc. We also have an assortment of cheeses including brie, cheddar, gruyere, blue, havarti, gouda, jarlsberg, and more.



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I think my muffins are too heavy (I make them with whole wheat flour, so they're not the light, fluffy things that most kids are used to!)




I think if you just put the food out, it will get eaten. About the muffins, I found that my whole wheat pumpkin chocolate chip muffins go like hotcakes. Then the kids find out that they are whole grain. By then, I've got them hooked:). Most kids go mad for my homemade muffins if I put a small amount of choc chips in the batter:).


I have a good recipe for a faux caramel dip for apples. I am just guestimating the ratios here ... Take an 8 oz pkg of cream cheese, add about 2 tbsp brown sugar and 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract and mix. It is yummy. You may need to adjust the brown sugar and vanilla to taste:). This one is always a hit with apple wedges.

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I don't want to pick up junk food just to appease the guests. But, so often, they don't like what I offer. Typical snacks here include fresh fruits, homemade bread with peanut butter, pita with hummus, yogurt. These are not things my kids' friends want as snacks. I usually offer popcorn, but that's not been very popular either. I thought that was more of a mainstream snack. But, mine isn't the microwave variety.


What do you do?


My dd. has made friends with the little girl across the street. I love her! She comes over sometimes just because she wants my bread!!! :loll: Her mom told me she comes home just raving about it!! She can come over anytime!


Guacamole is a huge hit with all of my son's friends except one classmate who does not like avocado. It's simply avocado mashed with a fork, onion salt, some pepper, chopped onion, and a bit of fresh lemon juice. Mix, serve, and eat with tortilla chips.


Also, plain ol' cheese pizza and Trader Joe taquitos. I always keep a few of each in the freezer for the boys.

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My children would love your snacks. We usually offer similar items to guests. When the in-laws are invited, we add potato chips and/or tortilla chips and salsa. My husband will get soda for them as well. Other guests are either more polite or satisfied with water, milk, or fruit juice.

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Maybe we're lucky with our guests, but none of my kids' friends have complained about carrot sticks, homemade whole wheat bread and butter, popcorn made on the stove, apple slices, grapes...


I might on occasion serve organic tortilla chips with salsa or guac, or perhaps some good quality potato chips... But those aren't my usual share-with-the-neighbor-kids kinds of snacks. ;)


Oooh, and I've been impressed that no one has ever complained about our homemade cookies -- even if they're made with whole wheat and flaxseed meal! ;)

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My son is bringing 20 young people from church for an airsoft game tomorrow afternoon and I baked chocolate chip cookies.

Unfortunately, they are bringing pizza (the kind I would not eat) with them.


I don't eat many cookies anymore either but at least I used all organic ingreds when I made the cookies.


Generally, I would try to make some kind of universally accepted dish but use good quality ingredients, i.e. organic fruit, cheese, meats, etc.

If they don't want to eat that either - get new friends;) or...let them have the "bad" food. It's their choice and you get something healthy for yourself.

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Unless they are going to be here for a meal I don't worry about it. We are wayyyy overfed in this country and no child will starve without a snack between meals. They will either eat what I have or not eat at all. I would never stock something for another's child that I wouldn't have for my own.


If they are going to be here for a meal, I make something very basic like pasta or hamburgers. DS has a vegetarian friend so I used to stock vegetarian items for him, but I think that is different than buying junk food.


For the most part, once the kids try a bite of homecooked food, they usually love it. I have had several of the kids friend's eat things here that their parents say they would never eat at home.....hmmmm maybe they should try real potatoes instead of instant :confused:. I do allow them to use any condiments they want. If they want to cover everything in salt...I let them. I am not going to change table habits in one sitting so I don't bother trying.

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Unless they are going to be here for a meal I don't worry about it. We are wayyyy overfed in this country and no child will starve without a snack between meals. They will either eat what I have or not eat at all.



Completely agree. I'm not watching children all day long though. If they are just running over to play for a few hours, then I don't worry about it. If it is going to be longer and I know they are picky, I just give the mom a head's up. She can choose to send him/her with a snack or not.


My best friend's boy is like that. He just doesn't like to eat anything unless is has sugar in it. She knows if she wants him to have a Capri-Sun and ding-dong she is welcome to send him with it.

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Unless they are going to be here for a meal I don't worry about it. We are wayyyy overfed in this country and no child will starve without a snack between meals. They will either eat what I have or not eat at all. I would never stock something for another's child that I wouldn't have for my own.



This is also my stance on the issue.


I will also just cut up and serve the snack without asking the kids if they want it. This IS what I'm serving. You can eat it or not.


We know one child that goes crazy over the carrot sticks I serve. Apparently she really likes them and her mom never serves carrot sticks.


We do have one little girl (4) that comes over and she loves my sugar cookies. So I usually make a batch of them when I know she's coming, just because she's so cute and I know how much she likes them.

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I don't want to pick up junk food just to appease the guests. But, so often, they don't like what I offer. Typical snacks here include fresh fruits, homemade bread with peanut butter, pita with hummus, yogurt. These are not things my kids' friends want as snacks. I usually offer popcorn, but that's not been very popular either. I thought that was more of a mainstream snack. But, mine isn't the microwave variety.


What do you do?


My dd. has made friends with the little girl across the street. I love her! She comes over sometimes just because she wants my bread!!! :loll: Her mom told me she comes home just raving about it!! She can come over anytime!

Sound good to us! Can we come over for a visit?? :D

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I don't change what we have. We are gluten-free too, so if you come to my house you will eat exactly what we eat. I also don't let them bring other stuff in the house because of cross contamination issues.

I haven't had any complaints. In fact, most of the kids make sure and show up around dinner time so they can get invited to join us. :001_smile:

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I serve whatever we eat ourselves.

The visiting children/teens often proclaim that they want to move in with us.

(They often are not accustomed to home-cooked, home-baked foods.)


I know, we have the same thing go on here. Isn't that sad?


veggies and hummus

cheese and crackers

yogurt and granola

fruit and yogurt dip

grilled cheese sandwiches, sliced and served with ketchup

sauteed polenta slices with marinara

homemade pizza (we make this ALL THE TIME)

homemade muffins

pureed fruit popsicles

celery with cream cheese and pineapple (mix the pineapple with the creamcheese)


tap,tap, tap,-ALL of my kids are underweight and I feed them whenever they ask. I have three meals and at least two snacks a day and they are still underweight. If my kid were at another person's house and the host didn't offer a snack? I would be insulted.

Edited by justamouse
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