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Morning routines...;)

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Our morning "routine" seems to vary, depending on if I'm pregnant (or have a newborn) or not. I LOVE routine, but with a larger family, that's much easier said than done!

We don't shoot for specific times to accomplish tasks, but rather a fluid "outline" of what we want to get accomplished.

Usually goes something like.....

Get up & showered (adults)

Kids get up (not real good about a "set" time right now :(....)




Finish Schooling

Free Time


Bible Reading/Free Time


That's probably not much "help", but that's where we are right now!

It helps that my olders get up before my youngers right now, and they have a list of independent school work to be doing until breakfast. At least that way we don't waste as much time waiting for everyone to get ready to eat!

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I spend the first hour out of the bed staring at the computer waiting for the caffeine to make me a fully functioning human being. (It has been 45 minutes now so I feel like I can be coherent in replying. ;))


After that it is breakfast of some type. Some days I cook, some days we have oatmeal or some other type of cereal,


Then dd will start school and I'll start chores that need to be done. We will get around to that any time between 10 and 11

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Cool! I was just going to start a thread similar to this. I've always struggled with anything resembling "structure" or "routine." So, it's no surprise that my kids are lacking discipline.


It's 9:11 here and my kids are still in bed. I know I need to get them up, but here I sit, visiting and typing on the forum. :(


Currently, we have no routine. We get up whenever, my oldest is really good about getting showered/dressed before he comes to the table to do his schoolwork. My younger is...well, he's like his mother.


We get our schoolwork and chores done, but it's not according to any schedule. I realize these are bad habits if I want the boys to ever be equipped for traditional employment. I also realize the change has to start with me. :tongue_smilie:



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I spend the first hour out of the bed staring at the computer waiting for the caffeine to make me a fully functioning human being. (It has been 45 minutes now so I feel like I can be coherent in replying. ;))


After that it is breakfast of some type. Some days I cook, some days we have oatmeal or some other type of cereal,


Then dd will start school and I'll start chores that need to be done. We will get around to that any time between 10 and 11


:iagree: This is pretty much my morning too.

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I used to be really good at routine...but I struggle now. I'm finding it difficult though to get all their school work in, house maintained in some order, and food cooked. I used to do this pretty good one...


Mon. clean hard...school light

Wed-thur...clean light, school hard

Fri. maintence clean...school light


but it's not workinf anymore :(

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How old are your kids, Simka2? As mine get older (10 and 12) I'm finding a regular routine makes sense. I'm just not there, yet.


Are you familiar with Flylady? She's got some great suggestions for keeping the house clean and clutter free. Beware, though, if you sign up for the Yahoo! Group updates your inbox might be inundated.

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6:30 Everyone up

6:45 Breakfast

7:05 Breakfast clean-up

7:30 Walk/exercise

7:50 Devotion

8:00 chores (20min); typing (20min); Bible (20min)

9:00 snack

9:15 school

11:00 lunch prep (one of the older 3 dc); one older takes the baby, 11yo does violin, mom with the "littles" for literature

11:30 lunch


That's our morning! Lots of routine because it keeps us on task even if I am sick or busy with baby. The routine also helps my dh who often is the one getting breakfast ready to spend time and eat with the kids before leaving for work at 7:30.

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Although time is something we are working on too, we first have been working on getting our routine to go smoothly. My kids often here me say, "Focus!" (That's what I personally work on too -- focusing. I often feel overwhelmed.)



Rise and Shine

*Dress & Tidy -Dress, Pick up bedroom, Make bed


*Brush & Wipe -Brush hair, Brush teeth, Wash face, Clean something in bathroom (sink, lightswitch, doorknobs . . .)


*Nourishment - Eat, Vitamins, Prepare Water bottle for the day


*Train Myself - Bible & Stretching/Exercise


Cares (Chores) Chores that can be done within a 5 minute period.







Rise and Shine to be done before seatwork. Best if Cares can be done before seatwork, but doesn't always happen & so then it's done with our breaks.


I put charts on inside of a kitchen door that are divided as above. The children re-use the charts in that I fixed it so they can cover up what's completed. When all done, they have a little angel pin that they put on top of the Routine Chart. Rise & shine with Cares = AM Routine.


Hope something of this can help someone.


ETA: Just wanted you to know that I'm definitely work in progress!!!! Ideally I get up way before the kids. Today I'm feeling pretty yucky, so now we limp along today, but will take breaks (10-15 minutes) and do household care in between schooling.

Edited by m4given
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Our routine, most mornings:


7:30 Dh and I get up and make breakfast. He's making fried potatoes right now, as a matter of fact. ETA: Adding housework, before I start breakfast, I let the chickens out, check the garden, start a load of laundry and bring up laundry to fold during ds9's piano practice.


8ish The kids get up and we eat breakfast.


8:15 If the weather is awful, I run my high-schooler to school. Otherwise, she walks.


8:30 Clean up. Dh cleans the kitchen, I clear the table and get papers and books ready for school. Kids get ready for the day. (Get dressed, brush teeth, make beds.) Kids do morning chores. I drink my coffee and check the board, as this is usually my moment of peace before a busy day.


Play. Once chores are done, the boys can play until time for school, which gives them an incentive to stay on-task during chore time.


9:15 Start school.

Edited by myfunnybunch
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We have found that morning routine is the key to a successful school day. :)


Dds 10 and 12 get up on their own usually between 5 and 5:30. They like to read before school. I get up at 5:30 to exercise. (If I don't, the girls keep popping their heads in reminding me that I am supposed to be up and exercising. :D)


Before school starts the girls need to make sure their rooms are picked up, their beds made and the bathrooms are cleaned.


School starts for them at 6:30.


Dd6 and ds5 are generally up by 7:00. If they aren't up yet, I will wake them around 8:00. They must make their beds, pick up their room and help straighten the kitchen after breakfast. Dd6 usually starts school around 8 - but it varies.


At 12:30 we spend 15-20 minutes picking up the house - sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, etc. and then the kids have a two hour lunch break.

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It takes a full hour of coffee and staring at the morning news on tv for me to morph into a functioning human. I do not wake my kids. I let their normal body clocks get them up. If my teen girls are not up by 8:45am, I begin gentle reminders that it is time to get up and get started.


All the kids are old enough to fix their own breakfast. I usually have plenty of easy choices: cereal, oatmeal, fruit, yogurt, eggs to scramble, bagels, toast. Thankfully, I am past having to fix everyone's breakfast.


School starts at 9am. Kids do independent work while I run through about an hour of quick cleaning, starting laundry, reading and posting at WTM. I start with teaching, grading, guiding, assigning between 10 and 10:30 am.


Lunch is again 'on your own'. Everyone can fix a sandwich or put a plate of leftovers in the microwave. Occasionally, I'll cook spaghetti or other easy meal at lunch time.


School usually continues until around 3pm. The kids are not busy with lessons that whole time, but sometimes it takes the full time alloted for school. After lunch is when I do the most intensive teaching and guiding.


I'll do more cleaning and laundry for about an hour and then will begin cooking supper at 4pm. I'll rest and watch tv or listen to the radio until we eat supper. usually around 5:30.


Evening vary depending on the activities or what's on tv or weather conditions.


I do like to make a specific schedule each year, but it is more or less of a checklist for the day.


Hope this helps,


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I spend the first hour out of the bed staring at the computer waiting for the caffeine to make me a fully functioning human being. (It has been 45 minutes now so I feel like I can be coherent in replying. ;))


After that it is breakfast of some type. Some days I cook, some days we have oatmeal or some other type of cereal,


Then dd will start school and I'll start chores that need to be done. We will get around to that any time between 10 and 11


This is SO True for our house! :D


The kids are free to watch PBS Kids, play educational computer games or go outside (assuming I'm awake for the last) while I coffee up (and start laundry/dishes) and then we usually have breakfast and start school at 10. Now that it's warm, we're spending longer times outdoors in the cool mornings and doing afternoon school while it's hot.

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Kids get up and take care of the pets (dogs and cat)


t.v. veg time/ forum time for me


dressing/ bed making


ds12 - takes a short jog which does wonders for his puberty hormones!


make breakfast - we all work together


Breakfast/read history aloud


morning chores - teeth brushing and other self care, some more animal care (litter box care for ds, feeding dogs for dd), dd takes care of our recycling, I work on unloading/loading the dishwasher, cleaning the kitchen


start school


I don't get a morning shower/change clothes until mid morning

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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My son seems to only work if there is a routine. Change the routine and he gets very upset. I am fortunate that DS wakes up within five minutes of the alarm going off for DH to get up. So with that in mind:


7:00 - Wake up and snuggles

7:15 - 8:00 - Shower(s), get dressed, make beds, start laundry, eat breakfast

8:00 - DH leaves for work. We start school.

11:30 - 12:30 - Lunch and dry/fold clothes

12:30-2:00 - School

2:00 - 4:00 - Free time for DS after chores are completed.

4:00 - Start dinner and DS reads aloud to me

5:00 - Eat dinner

5:00 - 7:00 - Family time

7:00 - Bed for DS. Time for me to unwind!!! :cheers2:

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When my dds were young and at home, we all woke up around the same time, 8ish. We had breakfast together, then dds got dressed (I take a shower at night, so I get dressed as soon as I get up; I also make my bed as soon as my feet hit the floor). We were ready for the day around 9ish.


Small house, small family, not many chores. We kept the house picked up daily, especially the kitchen--if my kitchen is not clean, my house isn't clean. :-) Major cleaning on Fridays--vacuuming, dusting, laundry, bathroom, everything. I just directed dds as to what I wanted them to do--no formal chore chart or anything.

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I'm usually up anywhere from 6:30-7:30. My dog wakes up and barks to be let out around that time, so alarm clocks rarely go off here.


Then I make a cup of tea and stare at the computer for 30 minutes or so. By then the twins are usually up. We all are on our own for breakfast and spend around an hour waking up and eating. If DD13 isn't up by 8:30, I wake her up.


We usually start school by 9 or 9:30. Sometimes we clean up before then if the house is a wreck. We spend the first hour or so of school with Bible and read alouds. Then I try to work individually with each girl on math.


The rest of the day is pretty unstructured. We do have a rule of no electronics (unless school related) or junky books until after 3PM.

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I'm so rountined I'm like a dog.

Get up, walk into kitchen put coffee on.

Walk around house waking everyone up and grabbing laundry.

Throw a load of laundry in.

Unload dishwasher.

Come back make coffee and kids' breakfast and put out table.

Make beds, grab clothes for everyone and put them out.

Get changed, tell kids to change.

Put away anything that is "out" and clean up from breakfast.

Vacuum and sweep. Straighten up bedrooms.

Start schoolwork.

Late Morning: Flip laundry. PUt hanging stuff away.

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I found something that makes our mornings run a little more smoothly! I created a playlist of songs on my computer and made a list of what the kids needed to get done for each song: make bed, get dressed, straighten bedroom, bring laundry down, eat breakfast, brush teeth. We can do all of that in 30 minutes (27 minutes, to be exact!). They race to get things done before the song is over. I actually made two lists--one is classical music (William Tell overture, Palchelbel Canon, etc) another is fun popular music that the kids chose.

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I found something that makes our mornings run a little more smoothly! I created a playlist of songs on my computer and made a list of what the kids needed to get done for each song: make bed, get dressed, straighten bedroom, bring laundry down, eat breakfast, brush teeth. We can do all of that in 30 minutes (27 minutes, to be exact!). They race to get things done before the song is over. I actually made two lists--one is classical music (William Tell overture, Palchelbel Canon, etc) another is fun popular music that the kids chose.


I love this idea!!:D

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I found something that makes our mornings run a little more smoothly! I created a playlist of songs on my computer and made a list of what the kids needed to get done for each song: make bed, get dressed, straighten bedroom, bring laundry down, eat breakfast, brush teeth. We can do all of that in 30 minutes (27 minutes, to be exact!). They race to get things done before the song is over. I actually made two lists--one is classical music (William Tell overture, Palchelbel Canon, etc) another is fun popular music that the kids chose.

I have to say I love this idea too!!!!:iagree:

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All dc up between 7:00 - 7:30 A.M.

DC feed themselves breakfast while mom hastily constructs 3 packed lunches.

Breakfast concluded by 8:00 A.M.

Take 2 dc to outside schools.

Family prayers said/sung in the car, en route to schools.

Return home with dd by 9:15.

Scrabble kitchen back to rights; begin school no later than 10:00. Begin at 9:30 if the moon-stars-and-planets are in proper alignment.

Must finish school by 2:45 in order to break speed laws and pick up dc.

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