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What do you think lies ahead?

What do you think lies ahead?  

  1. 1. What do you think lies ahead?

    • A little better
    • A little bit worse
    • Much, much worse

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I just read an article in World magazine and wondered what the response would be like on here.


Pick which category you think best fits your outlook:


1. You think things are pretty bad overall in the world, but when you look ahead you expect that over the next 3 to 5 years, they'll probably get a little better.


2. You think things are pretty bad, but when you look ahead 3 to 5 years, you think they're most likely to keep getting a little bit worse.


3. You think things are pretty bad, but when you look ahead, your view of what's coming borders more on catastrophic and the apocalyptic. They're going to get much, much worse.


I typed them here, because I figured I would not be able to get all that into the poll. Anyway, I am very interested to see what the overall consensus is!

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Wow, I can't answer with one answer or the other because...


I believe the world will continue to get worse and worse. There is a chance it will get a little better first. In the end, it'll be catastrophic. And then the end will be here. After that? "the meek ones themselves will possess the earth and they indeed will find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace." (Ps 37:11, Matt 5:5).


I have faith (assured expectation for the things hoped for - Heb 11:1) that that this will happen very soon.


I don't mean this as preachy, just simply what I really believe.

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I wonder if that article would have been the same if it had been written 5 years ago, or 10, or 50, or 100. It just seems like people are always expecting Armageddon right around the corner. Some spend so much time trying to predict it. I believe it is what it is, and I will live my life the best way I believe. Such huge events are out of my control and I don't see the need to worry about them yet.

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I wonder if that article would have been the same if it had been written 5 years ago, or 10, or 50, or 100. It just seems like people are always expecting Armageddon right around the corner. Some spend so much time trying to predict it. I believe it is what it is, and I will live my life the best way I believe. Such huge events are out of my control and I don't see the need to worry about them yet.



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Such huge events are out of my control and I don't see the need to worry about them yet.


My grandmother always said, "Don't trouble trouble, until trouble troubles you." ;)


On a side note: That doesn't mean you don't prepare for any scenario to the best of your ability. Obviously, we give our children a wide education because we don't know what their future holds and want them prepared. Life works like that.

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That depends on what the definition of "worse" is, in my mind.


Financially worse? Yeah, probably, at least into the next generation without some unexpected twist of events. I don't always think that's a bad thing though.

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I'd opt for much better, but I tend toward optimism. I know that life is much better for me now than it was 10 years ago, and not really for economic reasons. Technology has made life more fun and opened opportunities I couldn't have even imagined when I was in high school. I believe (and hope) that we'll continue on that path.

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What do I think lies ahead? Good and bad, happiness and tragedy, wars and peace. The same things that lie behind us, across the span of human history.



History is nothing but ups and downs. It may get worse from here, it may get better.

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I wonder if that article would have been the same if it had been written 5 years ago, or 10, or 50, or 100. It just seems like people are always expecting Armageddon right around the corner. Some spend so much time trying to predict it. I believe it is what it is, and I will live my life the best way I believe. Such huge events are out of my control and I don't see the need to worry about them yet.



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I would say the economy will continue to get worse. I hope it will eventually go on the upswing but considering our debt/GPA ration. I really see conditions going toward more of what Greece is experiencing. I can't see how our nation can continue to spend and promise more services/programs with no way to pay for them. Greece has riots because the government wants to cut programs and stuff and try to keep from going bankrupt.

Do you realize we have the same welfare state mentality. There would be riots in the streets if our government finally decided to get fiscal responsible.


you have the people like myself that will feel like rioting when they have to raise taxes to a extreme level to pay for the programs


or the people who receive all the programs that would riot if those programs were cut


I felt this way during the 90's when everyone was spending money like crazy and house prices were going sky high.


I kept wondering when everything would fall through.

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I think things will get worse, but I don't see them as "pretty bad" right now. I think it's naive to think the state of the American economy is what drives the fate of the world.


I turn on a faucet, I get water. I turn on my computer, viola! internet and electricity. I can run my washer to clean my clothes, and there is food in my pantry. I haven't had to chop down the hundreds of trees in my yard to keep me warm or shoot the wildlife in my yard for food. Yup, I feel pretty blessed.


The more I read about history, the more it seems we live in fairly peaceful times, relatively speaking.

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I think things will get worse, but I don't see them as "pretty bad" right now. I think it's naive to think the state of the American economy is what drives the fate of the world.


I turn on a faucet, I get water. I turn on my computer, viola! internet and electricity. I can run my washer to clean my clothes, and there is food in my pantry. I haven't had to chop down the hundreds of trees in my yard to keep me warm or shoot the wildlife in my yard for food. Yup, I feel pretty blessed.


The more I read about history, the more it seems we live in fairly peaceful times, relatively speaking.

I don't think better and worse, I just think different. America has more obesity and related illnesses, higher crime rates and higher suicide rates than the rest of the world.
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What do I think lies ahead? Good and bad, happiness and tragedy, wars and peace. The same things that lie behind us, across the span of human history.




I couldn't figure out how to answer this question at first. I don't think "the future" can fit neatly into any of the above categories.

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