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Poll: Sunday lunch

What do you do for Sunday lunch?  

  1. 1. What do you do for Sunday lunch?

    • We eat at church
    • We eat out every Sunday
    • We eat out some Sundays
    • We eat at home every Sunday
    • We eat at home some Sundays
    • We have people over for Sunday dinner (lunchtime)
    • Ubiquitous other

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Our church doesn't start until 2; we often have to be there at 1 or so to set up the sound system or prepare the communion table. And as we have a shared meal afterwards, I am quite frequently finishing up the meal I am bringing for dinner.


All that said, I often forget to feed my family lunch. :tongue_smilie: Isn't that terrible?!?

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Lunch is usually right after church - sometimes we go to a restaurant (no fast food), or if we have to hurry for lacrosse games, we go home, do sandwiches or something fast and go on our way.


Every Sunday we do a sit down dinner with all of us (sometimes guests or other family - it depends) and it is a cooked meal (barbecued or home-cooked or take out - again - it depends) and we eat at around 7:30pm (I know - that's late - but we don't have real little kids) b/c we have to get in from handbells and children's choir and the kids get showered b4 dinner. That Sunday dinner tends to be carved in stone IYKWIM.


Have pretty much decided that next school year, kids will do choir till Christmas and then will drop out so we are not doing choir during lacrosse season. We are not going to do handbells at all - the kids love it, but they do take other music instruction and it's alot of practice at an inconvenient day and time for them to play at 8am service maybe 5 times throughout the year.

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We eat at home VERY NEARLY every Sunday.

We used to eat out more frequently, but we've nixed that. I generally prepare a meal Saturday evening or Sunday morning so that it will be ready when we get home Sunday afternoon.

Rarely we will go out to eat now.

Our church, for a while, did meals every couple of weeks/once a month...but now we've moved to a new location and have no tables to host a meal.


So, we're back to eating at home most of the time.


Though subject to change with my finicky pregnancy LOL

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So how does that work? Are you in a banquet room? Have your service and then order? Are there other non-church attending patrons in other parts of the restaurant? :bigear:


Well the roof came off of the little church building a few months ago.


So... they moved it to a room in a restaurant. The church pays for the first 20 people who come in on Sundays for breakfast, and after church we all eat there so the church doesn't have to pay any sort of rent to the restaurant owner. They have a spare room that we use, and when we are done we go upstairs to eat.


It's awesome. My son has never been more eager to go to church! lol

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As we do not eat until after morning service, there are always are snacks in the parish hall. Once a month (and also on special occasions) we have a potluck lunch.


I leave social hour before the rest of my family do, and prepare a quick lunch at home for us all. ("Lunch", on Sundays, then is around 2:00 or 2:30 most weeks.)

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We eat at home. Don't want to go out for theological reasons and practical ones - little kids are too wiped out after a morning at church so it wouldn't be relaxing for me and financial considerations, eating out is expensive and I'd rather save that $ for a date or a special occasion.


Lunch is almost always leftovers or sandwiches. I make a nice meal on Saturday nights.

Dinner is usually nicer and we often have company or go to friends' or family to eat. We are up for socializing after an afternoon rest!


Mother's Day is an exception! We do have our moms over for a nice Sunday lunch - china, silver, crystal etc. Some years they take us out and we graciously accept.

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Once a month, we have lunch at church.


The other Sundays we generally eat at a friend's house who lives 5 minutes from the church. We live 30. We take turns cooking. This makes it SO much easier for us to get back to church for the evening service than if we went home.

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We eat at home every Sunday. I usually get up early and get something started that can mostly cook while we're at church. We usually have extra people. One or more of the kids always have friends that come home with us. There were 10 of us today. :001_smile:

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On the first Sunday of the month we have a "fellowship meal."


On the other 3 Sundays we eat out with either church people or dh's single guy friends from work. We've recently decided to try inviting people over instead now that ds is 7 mo. and I feel like my head is above water!

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I would say that we eat lunch at home 8-9/10 Sundays. I would love to eat out every Sunday, but I'm too cheap to do that. I do love when we get the chance to visit with other families on those occasional Sundays out. It's just SO expensive for our family.

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What do you do for your Sunday lunch?


Poll to follow. You can choose more than one option on the poll.


OK Jean, out of 4 Sunday's we will eat lunch out, after church, on an "average" of once a month...interestingly it really depends on the "season" and the week. Somtimes it might only be once every 6 or 8 weeks...not much of a pattern here....:tongue_smilie:


We mostly eat at home! Sheryl <><

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