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I'm expecting a call from PS HS Principal - not good

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DS1 has gotten into trouble at school.


A student in his class is an avid Yankee fan. We are Red Sox fans from Boston.


Using a school site used for posting journal entries about the book the class is reading, DS1 posted something to the Yankee fan -- the usual Red Sox-Yankee stuff back and forth between the boys. Okay, so he is OT, but that's not the major reason he is in trouble.


He sent the other boy a picture of Cthulhu ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cthulhu ) from the internet, as part of the Yankee-Red Sox ribbing rivalry. I am inserting the link because I never heard of Cthulhu before this afternoon.


He did it as a joke.


Cthulhu is an H. P. Lovecraft character. DH and the boys are huge H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth fans.


The picture he sent was put on the internet by someone who took a picture of Jesus surrounded by a large group of people and changed it. Now it is Cthulhu surrounded by a large group of people who have skulls as heads. There is some blood in the picture too. It is not realistic. It is gory and gross, IMO.


I told my other boys about this and they think it is funny. DS2 saw the picture on a post someone had on a forum, and showed it to DS1 a month ago, which is how DS1 knew about it.


I called DH and asked him why the boys think this is a funny picture to send -- did we do something to warp their minds? DH says no, but said he doesn't really understand the teenage boy mind.


The principal will be calling soon because the teacher who found out about it turned it in.


1. The original picture from which this version was derived was of Jesus.


2. There was blood in the picture, on the steps, on some of the people.


3. The people in the picture had skulls for heads.


4. Mr. C, the teacher was seriously creeped out by it -- horrified, in fact. I don't know why the Yankee fan boy showed it to the teacher because afterward he begged Mr. C not to get Andy in trouble for it, according to Mr. C.


5. The illustration is not up my alley, but it is no worse than anything I have seen before in books of illustrations from science fiction.


6. Mr. C. thinks Cthulhu is a "death god" and this is a death threat. It is not a death threat. DS1 is not going to shoot up the school. DS1 is a normal kid, and I did not expect him to do something dumb like this.


So, while I don't think this is funny, and I don't think it is appropriate for DS to have done this, I also don't think it is the end of the world.


What should I do? The principal hasn't called yet. DS1 has been banned from using the computers at school. He may be expelled or suspended, according to Mr. C. I have no idea.


Also, while this is bad, consider that this is a small, rural, very conservative community. Here, it is okay to use the N-word in casual conversation or to spit on the floor. I'd worry more about that, after disciplining DS1, if I were the principal.


DS1 is an atheist, btw.


I think it is inappropriate for DS1 to have sent the picture (or its URL) to the Yankee fan boy in his class.


I think that sending a picture that was derived from an original picture of Jesus in it was disrespectful of Christianity and of the boy.


I think that ... I don't know what to think.


Someone, give me some advice!


Thank you,


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Can your DS claim insanity? I know that my Red Sox boys (dh and sons) act insanely when the Yankees are mentioned. :glare:


Seriously, what if DS wrote a letter to the principle and teacher explaining what he did mean (to josh with the Yankee boy) and that he now understands that it was innapropriate to do so and will not do it again?


Good luck!

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I think that sending a picture that was derived from an original picture of Jesus in it was disrespectful of Christianity and of the boy.


Ok, I just picked up on this part becuse it is one of my pet peeves, you might say.


There is no such thing as a 'picture of Jesus'. We have no images of Jesus from his time. We don't know exactly what he looked like. What you are referring to is a made up picture that someone decided to call 'Jesus'.


I cannot stand pictures of 'Jesus'. It's so silly to me. We do not allow them in our home. We will not point at a picture of a fictional character and tell our children 'That's Jesus'. Because it isn't.


So, being a very conservative Christian, I would not take offense at someone altering a picture of "Jesus", since it really isn't anyway.


Ok, rant over. :blush:

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He's guilty of being a teen-age boy without good judgement. He did not threaten anyone or hurt anyone. Being banned from computer use at school would be an appropriate consequence because he was not using the computer journal in the way it was intended. Being suspended or expelled would be overkill, in my estimation. Unfortunately I don't have advice on how to approach the call from the principal, though, if he intends to push the issue.

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Can your DS claim insanity? I know that my Red Sox boys (dh and sons) act insanely when the Yankees are mentioned. :glare:


Seriously, what if DS wrote a letter to the principle and teacher explaining what he did mean (to josh with the Yankee boy) and that he now understands that it was innapropriate to do so and will not do it again?


Good luck!


I suggested that and the teacher pooh-poohed it.


Why was it inappropriate? I know the answer is obvious -- blood & gore, use of school website, etc.


Anything besides that?


I don't know why but my brain has turned to mush. My other two boys think it is hilarious and don't see a thing wrong with it. Anything one sends to a Yankee fan is okay with them.


I do know that this would not have been a huge big deal in Mass -- just the no sending blood and gore pictures using a school wiki website would be a no-no.


I'm not sure there were Yankee fans at DS1's former high school -- if there were, I bet they didn't broadcast it.

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I think in the current environment schools overreact to many things.


I would throw yourself at their feet and beg for mercy. Tell them how difficult it has been for your kids to transition to a new school. Bring up all the good deeds your son does.


I would take computer away from my child but probably that is about it.

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There should be more important things for the school to worry about then some picture. I would have ds apologize to the other boy and teacher (in writing) and discuss any other punishment with the principal/ superintendent, being expelled seems too drastic but not being allowed to use school computers for a certain amount of time does seem appropriate maybe even for the rest of this school year.

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Unfortunately I don't have advice on how to approach the call from the principal, though, if he intends to push the issue.


I just want to be rational about this. I do not want to come off as a parent who thinks her boy is the Golden Boy Who Can Do No Wrong.


But I don't get why a federal case must be made of this, beyond banning him from the school's computers & wiki website (which has been done & which I support).

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I don't know. Kids do stupid things. Is Mr. C a new teacher? Maybe he doesn't understand that caveat of working with kids. As a parent, I'd let ds have it. But speaking to the principal and the teacher, I'd probably explain that kids have "oops" moments - it's how they learn stuff - and that ds will have surely learned his lesson that some people are offended by pictures of fictional characters.


I'm curious. What in the world does Cthulhu have to do with baseball?

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I suggested that and the teacher pooh-poohed it.


Why was it inappropriate? I know the answer is obvious -- blood & gore, use of school website, etc.


Anything besides that?


I don't know why but my brain has turned to mush. My other two boys think it is hilarious and don't see a thing wrong with it. Anything one sends to a Yankee fan is okay with them.


I do know that this would not have been a huge big deal in Mass -- just the no sending blood and gore pictures using a school wiki website would be a no-no.


I'm not sure there were Yankee fans at DS1's former high school -- if there were, I bet they didn't broadcast it.




It's innapropriate because he used a school site/school time to have personal fun.


It is innapropriate because all schools (with reason) have become hyper-vigilant about anything that may mean violence.


It is innapropriate because it could offend others views and I think PS is pretty PC.


I am not saying it is not funny (or justified), just not appropriate.

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He's guilty of being a teen-age boy without good judgement. He did not threaten anyone or hurt anyone. Being banned from computer use at school would be an appropriate consequence because he was not using the computer journal in the way it was intended. Being suspended or expelled would be overkill, in my estimation.



As for handling the principal, I would think things through very carefully and handle it as calmly and politely as you are able to. This may not be easy, of course. I think Bethany's point about there being no true pictures of Jesus is a good one, but I'm not sure how you can bring that up without causing greater offence.


I have three younger brothers, a number of boy cousins, etc, and I don't understand teen boys at all. I am not looking forward to the day ds becomes a teen, as much as I love him.

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You know, I have a dss13. I love him to bits. But to be honest, the boy does some pretty, um, less than smart stuff sometimes. I think it's just part of being that age, and figuring out what is acceptable and what is not.


I hope the administration at the school doesn't over-react. It doesn't really seem to be that big of a deal.

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Serously, my initial reaction to this is 'so what?' I mean, aren't there bigger problems going on in schools today? Isn't there a bully they need to monitor? Or someone smoking in the bathroom? IMO, and I'm a conservative Christian, this seems like it's been blown out of proportion. Am I missing something?


In our schools (Florida) the kids tease each other all the time over which college team they cheer for. I can't imagine any Principal getting involved unless there was a threat of violence issued. And it would have to be a pretty obvious threat too.


The appropriate punishment is to take the computer away. Anything over that is overkill and ridiculous.

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It is innapropriate because all schools (with reason) have become hyper-vigilant about anything that may mean violence.


I think this is probably the bottom line.


Claiming Cthulhu is a "death god" is pretty stupid though. The whole mythos behind Cthulhu in the sci-fi community is tongue in cheek.



Cthulhu for President. Why vote for a lesser evil?



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You know what? I'd play dense and let them explain to you what is wrong with it & why.


It's a picture of a mythical, literary figure depicting doom. It's shorthand for biggest, baddest thing you can imagine. He didn't make it, he sent it. In the context of verbal (/texting) sparring about a sporting competition, it makes total sense to me. It's the graphic equivalent of "you're SO going to get pwn'd!!"


If it's inappropriate to send it on the school computer, then I guess having those privileges revoked might be reasonable. Though I don't actually get that. Is there a specific code of conduct that prohibits sending any images or just certain images? And if so, which ones? If he broke a clear images rule, then computer restrictions would be appropriate. If there is no clear rule, then I think any punishment is not appropriate.


Did the recipient complain? Is the recipient feeling harassed or threatened? Or does the school monitor everything?


Actually, I think I'd firmly say : thank you for bringing this to my attention. We will address this with our son. (& then I would do nothing beyond saying, "jeez, be careful b/e some people here have their panties in a wad") and I'd strongly resist any attempts of the school to impose some discipline for this.



I think they're over- reacting.

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You know what? I'd play dense and let them explain to you what is wrong with it & why.


It's a picture of a mythical, literary figure depicting doom. It's shorthand for biggest, baddest thing you can imagine. He didn't make it, he sent it. In the context of verbal (/texting) sparring about a sporting competition, it makes total sense to me. It's the graphic equivalent of "you're SO going to get pwn'd!!"


I agree, but I also think this is probably a big showing of our slip of nerddom. :lol:

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I don't get the fuss, either. And I don't see why modifying a depiction of Christ makes the whole thing somehow more wrong, either, and my dh, a conservative Lutheran pastor, agrees - he has no problem with it; in fact, he thought he might have seen the pic in question. (I just spent a few minutes googling "Cthulhu last supper" and there are some hilariously wrong pictures out there :lol:).


I agree with a pp - play dense.

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Okay, DS1 came home. The principal decided not to suspend him.


The story:


Mr. C, the teacher, is the admin on the website. He read all the student's PMs, which is how he found the picture link.


The Yankee fanboy sent DS1 a PM saying that he loves the Yankees and that the Red Sox suck. The Yankee fanboy changed his avatar to one depicting the NYY and sent DS1 a bunch more messages that were derogatory toward the Red Sox.


DS1 is friends with the Yankee fanboy and they bantered back and forth about the rivalry. DS1 sent the fanboy a link to the picture and said that since the fanboy was a NYY fan, his first born son would be taken by Cthulhu and would be the boy depicted in the picture.


The other boys at school, including the fanboy, thought the picture (indeed, the entire PM exchange) was hilarious. Well, they did, up until Mr. C found it and was horrified, and so forth.


The principal banned DS1 from school computers and the Wiki website because DS1 did not ask permission to exchange non-academic PMs and this picture with the other student.


This is okay with me. I am relieved that you all don't think DS1 is a potential killer.

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It might not sound like a big deal to you because you know your child. Chances are, even if the school is a small one, the principal doesn't know your child very well and is, therefore, just doing his job. If he doesn't nip these kinds of things in the bud there's no telling what might slip through the cracks. I know you're mad at the guy, but let him do his job. Let him explain to you, in person or over the phone, why he is taking the stand that he is on this. There's no reason to get upset with him. What your son did was dumb plain and simple and because he did it, and it being wrong, he needs to take the punishment for it. Hopefully he will learn a lesson and never do something like this again or hopefully he'll think before wanting to do something like this again.


My daughter is in PS and although I have no idea what the thing is that your kid is into (chulleleah or whatever it's called) but if your son went to my daughter's HS, I would want the principal to do exactly what he is doing. He needs to protect every person in that school and I believe that is exactly what he is doing.

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The principal banned DS1 from school computers and the Wiki website because DS1 did not ask permission to exchange non-academic PMs and this picture with the other student..

I think this is fair, too. Anything more would be ridiculous. Is the ban temporary? I would certainly hope so.



I am relieved that you all don't think DS1 is a potential killer.




It would take a lot more than a two teenage boys bantering about baseball of all things to make him a nutter.

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Okay, DS1 came home. The principal decided not to suspend him.


The story:


Mr. C, the teacher, is the admin on the website. He read all the student's PMs, which is how he found the picture link.


The Yankee fanboy sent DS1 a PM saying that he loves the Yankees and that the Red Sox suck. The Yankee fanboy changed his avatar to one depicting the NYY and sent DS1 a bunch more messages that were derogatory toward the Red Sox.


DS1 is friends with the Yankee fanboy and they bantered back and forth about the rivalry. DS1 sent the fanboy a link to the picture and said that since the fanboy was a NYY fan, his first born son would be taken by Cthulhu and would be the boy depicted in the picture.


The other boys at school, including the fanboy, thought the picture (indeed, the entire PM exchange) was hilarious. Well, they did, up until Mr. C found it and was horrified, and so forth.


The principal banned DS1 from school computers and the Wiki website because DS1 did not ask permission to exchange non-academic PMs and this picture with the other student.


This is okay with me. I am relieved that you all don't think DS1 is a potential killer.


This sounds just like a group of adolescent boys. Not that I understand it, but I've seen things like this. The suspension would have been wrong, and I'm glad all he's doing is losing the school computers, because he broke school computer use rules and nothing else.

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My daughter is in PS and although I have no idea what the thing is that your kid is into (chulleleah or whatever it's called) but if your son went to my daughter's HS, I would want the principal to do exactly what he is doing. He needs to protect every person in that school and I believe that is exactly what he is doing.


Here you go, RC, this is why there's an issue.


I'm glad the principal did not over-react. I hope the teacher clarifies the rule that states the kids should not be using PMs on the wiki for personal correspondence.

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It might not sound like a big deal to you because you know your child. Chances are, even if the school is a small one, the principal doesn't know your child very well and is, therefore, just doing his job. If he doesn't nip these kinds of things in the bud there's no telling what might slip through the cracks. I know you're mad at the guy, but let him do his job. Let him explain to you, in person or over the phone, why he is taking the stand that he is on this. There's no reason to get upset with him. What your son did was dumb plain and simple and because he did it, and it being wrong, he needs to take the punishment for it. Hopefully he will learn a lesson and never do something like this again or hopefully he'll think before wanting to do something like this again.


My daughter is in PS and although I have no idea what the thing is that your kid is into (chulleleah or whatever it's called) but if your son went to my daughter's HS, I would want the principal to do exactly what he is doing. He needs to protect every person in that school and I believe that is exactly what he is doing.


Her kid isn't into that, it is a joke.


I believe that one has lost control a bit when they do not let children behave like children and they let something that is just ridiculous harm a child's academics.


I would NOT want my child's principal to overreact to something like that and I would go to the media and make it just as ridiculous as I could.


I would not ever tell a parent that they shouldn't be angry or upset when someone is possibly expelling their child over something stupid. He needs to listen to her as well. She doesn't have to sit and just take that.

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It might not sound like a big deal to you because you know your child. Chances are, even if the school is a small one, the principal doesn't know your child very well and is, therefore, just doing his job. If he doesn't nip these kinds of things in the bud there's no telling what might slip through the cracks. I know you're mad at the guy, but let him do his job.


I'm not mad at anyone, including DS1. Previously, I was perplexed.


I'm not a fan of no-tolerance policies, either. There is no reason for this to be a crack-slipping event.


The thing my kid is into is a literary, fictional, character. The English teacher may not be into scifi or fantasy, or whatever this Lovecraft fellow wrote about.

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Here you go, RC, this is why there's an issue.


I'm glad the principal did not over-react. I hope the teacher clarifies the rule that states the kids should not be using PMs on the wiki for personal correspondence.


That was what I was worried about -- that some no-tolerance, no brain use required policy would be activated by this.


He violated the policy against "inappropriate language, spoken or written."


DS1 apologized to the principal, he said he had learned his lesson. He said he didn't realize he had broken a rule, and now that he knows, he will not do it again. He said he didn't mean to cause any trouble, and that the only trouble that had been caused was solely in the eyes of the English teacher.


DS1 thinks he should have been warned, not penalized. I agree, but I want to drop it. No telling what other poor judgment DS1 will have during the next 5 weeks of the school year.

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The thing my kid is into is a literary, fictional, character. The English teacher may not be into scifi or fantasy, or whatever this Lovecraft fellow wrote about.


This was an ENGLISH teacher?!!! Geez, he should at least be familiar with Lovecraft. Humph!! Now *that* is something to be upset about! ;)


That was what I was worried about -- that some no-tolerance, no brain use required policy would be activated by this.



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Maybe it's because my kids aren't that old, but I really don't see what the big deal is... it seems like a case of boys will be boys, kids will be kids. It seems to me the school system overreacts about the smallest things and then doesn't act when there is something legitimate going on. :glare:

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So, this fuzzy creature is C... I cannot even spell the name without looking up your post.

I'd tell the principal this in so many words:


1. I support the disciplinary measures taken so far. DS abused computer privileges and sent something inappropriate.


2. Johnny is all of 16? years old and an avid Red Sox fan and is used to sparring with Yankee fans and there is not other meaning that can be read into it. He is neither homicidal nor bloodthirsty but has shown bad judgement when he misused the school computer in this way.


3. He will be appropriately disciplined at home and he will write a letter of apology to everyone concerned.


I read in one of the other posts that the teacher pooh poohed the letter of apology????What does this mean? Your son can write a letter and apologize to the other boy and to the teacher and the principal. If the teacher does not accept this apology then he is the one who is off base.


Ahem...how about homeschooling...if it blows out of proportion?

If there is going to be a record and I can see that there will be most likely some write-up, make sure it is nothing but accurate and only factual and does not express any emotions or bias.



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So, if the reasoning for getting him into trouble (as opposed to a warning) was that he was sending PMs of a personal nature without permission - did the other kid get in trouble, too?


I wouldn't push the issue, but it seems to me that the real issue is that Mr C has no sense of humour. I would think anyone with an ounce of common sense could see that there was no harm intended.


I'm glad the principal can see straight! ;)

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Liz, the letter would not be to the student and the teacher, as I had suggested. I know why: the student was not offended. He thought it was funny. The teacher is the only one who was offended.


The teacher is already mad at DS1 because in DS1's discussion on the Wiki site of chapter 9 of A Separate Peace, DS1 referred to something that occurred in chapter 10 to support his argument. This was accidental, because DS1 has read the book twice and only skimmed chapter 9 to refresh his memory before posting. I guess the teacher thought DS1 had posted a spoiler for chapter 10 -- I don't know if DS1 did or not.


I already told Mr. C., the English teacher, that I was contemplating homeschooling DS1 next year. I really, really don't like this school for lots of valid reasons which have zero to do with this situation.


I view this situation as a tempest in a teapot now that you all have responded so wonderfully and the principal did not over-react.

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So, if the reasoning for getting him into trouble (as opposed to a warning) was that he was sending PMs of a personal nature without permission - did the other kid get in trouble, too?


No one else got in trouble. The other kid begged the teacher not to do anything about this, saying it was all a joke.

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Liz, the letter would not be to the student and the teacher, as I had suggested. I know why: the student was not offended. He thought it was funny. The teacher is the only one who was offended.


The teacher is already mad at DS1 because in DS1's discussion on the Wiki site of chapter 9 of A Separate Peace, DS1 referred to something that occurred in chapter 10 to support his argument. This was accidental, because DS1 has read the book twice and only skimmed chapter 9 to refresh his memory before posting. I guess the teacher thought DS1 had posted a spoiler for chapter 10 -- I don't know if DS1 did or not.


I think book discussion should only happen once everyone has read the entire book. Otherwise, how can you talk about foreshadowing in chapter 7 for something that happens in chapter 11? That's dumb.

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Liz, the letter would not be to the student and the teacher, as I had suggested. I know why: the student was not offended. He thought it was funny. The teacher is the only one who was offended.


The teacher is already mad at DS1 because in DS1's discussion on the Wiki site of chapter 9 of A Separate Peace, DS1 referred to something that occurred in chapter 10 to support his argument. This was accidental, because DS1 has read the book twice and only skimmed chapter 9 to refresh his memory before posting. I guess the teacher thought DS1 had posted a spoiler for chapter 10 -- I don't know if DS1 did or not.


He's mad at him for an honest mistake or annoyed that he's read the book twice? Certain teachers do seem to be irritated by smart kids. This guy sounds like one of those insecure types. I bet you and ds are counting down the days until school is out.

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He's mad at him for an honest mistake or annoyed that he's read the book twice? Certain teachers do seem to be irritated by smart kids. This guy sounds like one of those insecure types. I bet you and ds are counting down the days until school is out.


Mr. C. characterized DS1 as "brilliant" when he was talking to me today. Brilliant, but stupid.


Nearly every teacher has lambasted DS1 for academic reasons this year, for asking questions that are not answered on the textbook pages they are covering that day and for raising his hand to answer questions too often. They tell DS1 that he is making the other students look stupid.


Unfortunately, DS1 is usually the only one who can answer the questions. He has given up asking questions.

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Mr. C. characterized DS1 as "brilliant" when he was talking to me today. Brilliant, but stupid.


Nearly every teacher has lambasted DS1 for academic reasons this year, for asking questions that are not answered on the textbook pages they are covering that day and for raising his hand to answer questions too often. They tell DS1 that he is making the other students look stupid.


Unfortunately, DS1 is usually the only one who can answer the questions. He has given up asking questions.


:banghead: :cursing: This is why my kids aren't in school.


Is the picture the one where Lincoln is holding bloody-entrails?





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Mr. C. characterized DS1 as "brilliant" when he was talking to me today. Brilliant, but stupid.


Nearly every teacher has lambasted DS1 for academic reasons this year, for asking questions that are not answered on the textbook pages they are covering that day and for raising his hand to answer questions too often. They tell DS1 that he is making the other students look stupid.


Unfortunately, DS1 is usually the only one who can answer the questions. He has given up asking questions.


He needs to either come home or go to college. Seriously.


Not making other people look stupid should not be one of his goals (unless he's prone to intentionally being a twit ;)). Chances are, they aren't "stupid" either, they just didn't bother to read the assignment since they already learned not to give a cr*p.

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Mr. C. characterized DS1 as "brilliant" when he was talking to me today. Brilliant, but stupid...


They tell DS1 that he is making the other students look stupid.






Good grief. Can you file a counter-complaint? Sheesh.


Well, at least this year at ps your ds has learned a very valuable lesson. Sometimes people are entirely too wrapped up in themselves and PC to think straight, and those people are everywhere we look.

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This is just dumb. Why is this kid in ps? Is it by his choice?


No. I expelled him from homeschool.


The most important thing about PS is that he is around other kids and has made friends here. We moved here last summer. He is an extrovert who does not like being cooped up at home. Now that we live so far from town, cooped up is a pretty frequent occurrence.


We talked about this again today -- there are other options and I asked him to think about them for a few days.

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