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Any fun and easy ideas for April Fool's Day?

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I have totally dropped the ball on this.

I've done some fun things the past couple of years and I found out tonight that my kids are expecting antics tomorrow, 'cept I got nothin'! (that's a Seinfeld quote, in case you're wondering.)


Anyway, I'm plum out of ideas.

Anyone? Anyone?

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We used to always joke that we were expecting again. We had our friends going good one year.




I have totally dropped the ball on this.

I've done some fun things the past couple of years and I found out tonight that my kids are expecting antics tomorrow, 'cept I got nothin'! (that's a Seinfeld quote, in case you're wondering.)


Anyway, I'm plum out of ideas.

Anyone? Anyone?

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He had a picture of a Fender guitar. I changed it to a picture of John Denver with his guitar. The 70s John Denver, wearing a flowered shirt with a vest, and his signature granny glasses.


For the record, I love John Denver's music. Dh will grudgingly admit to liking a few of his songs, but he is not a fan.

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Last year we played a big joke on the kids. Looking back it was pretty mean and I don't think they will ever forgive us. The kids had been playing tricks on my dh and I all day. We had obtained a Wii and were keeping it a surprise until dh came up with a great idea. He took the Wii out of the box and put some of his old college textbooks in the box. Then when the kids opened the box we yelled April Fools. They were so mad at us! We had them going for an hour. My dh set the game up in our family room in our basement and told the kids he wanted them to look at something. When they saw the Wii they wouldn't even believe it was actually theirs. My youngest son wouldn't even play with it for a few hours.


One year I put a little yellow food coloring in the milk. Dh almost threw it out because he thought it had gone sour. One year my dd put whipped cream on her younger sister's deodrant.


I guess my ds beat us all though. He was born on March 31st (today is his 10th birthday). He was born with an extra toe. The nurse told us but we didn't believe her at first because the next day was April Fool's Day.


This year my dh is out of town so I'm going to be nice so that the kids don't get back at me for last year.

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one year - I made rice krispie treats with cocoa krispies, molded them in a loaf pan, looked like meatloaf. Then, serve ice cream with caramel sauce with them - looks like mashed potatoes.


I think that's a little too complicated for what you want, though!


My kids are expecting something, too - I'm dead out of ideas :001_huh:

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Okay, I'm getting some ideas.


Do you think it would be funny if I put yellow food coloring in water and added salt and told them it was lemonade? What about pickle juice?


Glue a quarter to a step on the front porch?


My friend put shaving cream on the toilet seat because she knows that her dh blindly walks into the bathroom first thing and takes a seat without looking.


Hmmmmm.....I'm working on it.

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one year - I made rice krispie treats with cocoa krispies, molded them in a loaf pan, looked like meatloaf. Then, serve ice cream with caramel sauce with them - looks like mashed potatoes.


I think that's a little too complicated for what you want, though!


My kids are expecting something, too - I'm dead out of ideas :001_huh:


NOW I remember...someone else here, more clever than I, made "cupcakes" out of meatloaf that was frosted with mashed potatoes! I think that is hysterical! :lol::lol: Maybe the two ideas together would be th' April Fool's bomb...

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one year - I made rice krispie treats with cocoa krispies, molded them in a loaf pan, looked like meatloaf. Then, serve ice cream with caramel sauce with them - looks like mashed potatoes.


I think that's a little too complicated for what you want, though!


My kids are expecting something, too - I'm dead out of ideas :001_huh:


Oh I wish I had the ingredients for that. That would be cool.


One year I gave them toasted coconut covered marshmallows (chicken nuggets), a scoop of vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce (mashed potatoes and gravy), and candy peas and carrots. That was really funny!

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Last year we played a big joke on the kids. Looking back it was pretty mean and I don't think they will ever forgive us. The kids had been playing tricks on my dh and I all day. We had obtained a Wii and were keeping it a surprise until dh came up with a great idea. He took the Wii out of the box and put some of his old college textbooks in the box. Then when the kids opened the box we yelled April Fools. They were so mad at us! We had them going for an hour. My dh set the game up in our family room in our basement and told the kids he wanted them to look at something. When they saw the Wii they wouldn't even believe it was actually theirs. My youngest son wouldn't even play with it for a few hours.


One year I put a little yellow food coloring in the milk. Dh almost threw it out because he thought it had gone sour. One year my dd put whipped cream on her younger sister's deodrant.


I guess my ds beat us all though. He was born on March 31st (today is his 10th birthday). He was born with an extra toe. The nurse told us but we didn't believe her at first because the next day was April Fool's Day.


This year my dh is out of town so I'm going to be nice so that the kids don't get back at me for last year.


These are so good! I love the Wii thing! I got nothin':glare:


I'd love to surprise my family with some awesome April fool's prank. Hmmmm:confused:

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My dc came up with this idea on their own... they are planning to take the plastic bags of cereal out of the boxes and just put empty boxes on the table to fool dh.

Dh is planning to put food coloring in the milk.

I'm enjoying being in on both jokes.

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It didn't go over well. The meal ended with my then 3-year-old WAILING at the table: "Why didn't you make real cupcakes."


The rice crispie treat that looked like meat loaf was too little too late.


The funny thing is is she's nine now, remembers it vividly, and we all laugh about it every April Fools' Day. It wasn't funny at the time, though.

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Okay, I'm getting some ideas.


Do you think it would be funny if I put yellow food coloring in water and added salt and told them it was lemonade? What about pickle juice?


Glue a quarter to a step on the front porch?


My friend put shaving cream on the toilet seat because she knows that her dh blindly walks into the bathroom first thing and takes a seat without looking.


Hmmmmm.....I'm working on it.


Hehehehe. Can they take a joke? I would have some good lemonade ready just in case.

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My 10yods got me several times the other day (not for April Fools, just cause he kept getting away with it).


He got ahold of my old cell phone, and found the ringer settings. All day long, he kept playing my old ring tone, then watched as I scrambled around, looking for my phone, finding it (my new phone), staring at it stupidly because it was no longer ringing. I finally caught on about the 4th or 5th time.


He laughed and giggled all day, even got others in on the act (Hey, watch my mom. . .) Hahahahaha!

Definitely a high mileage trick, if you can get hold of someone's old cell phone.

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I just did a take on the screen saver suggestion. I put a bunch of silly, goofy pictures we've taken in one folder alog with a couple of "April Fools" images of the web and changed the screen saver to show these pics. The computer is in the room we spend most of our time - so the kids should be giggling all day.


Thanks to this thread - I just spent way too many minutes doing this instead of going to bed! The April Fools joke will be on me when I'm not coherent in the morning!

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Guest Lorna

We had Condoleezza Rice visiting Liverpool two years ago at about this time. I told dh that she was landing in a helicopter in the local park.

It was the first one he ever fell for. I guess they need an element of truth and be something a person wants to believe.

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One year I bought some Oreos and replaced the filling with toothpaste.


That's the best I've got for you, but it was a great one! Ds's reaction was priceless. (Unfortunately, everyone else was in the kitchen at the time. I was hoping to get them all individually, but he ruined my opportunity!)


Oh, I LOVE that! Too bad I don't have any Oreos!! :lol:

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I've got the best one EVER.


My father was married to a woman from Trinidad ten years before he married my mother. I just called dh at work and told him I thought he might need to come home. He said, "Uh . . . okay. Why?" I said a man claiming to be my half-brother from Trinidad called saying he'd like to stop by today.


We had a WHOLE CONVERSATION about my half-brother from Trinidad before I finally asked him if he had looked at the calendar lately. He was still shell-shocked and didn't pick up on it, so then I said, "April Fool's silly!"

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My kids' favorite is one my oldest thought of several years ago. They do it other times besides April Fools and no one ever expects it. The put a rubber band around the sprayer in the kitchen to hold the handle down so that when the water is turned on the spray soaks the person at the sink. We have lots of those tiny little rubberbands around for dd's gymnastics hairdos and those in black or clear work the best. They are very hard to see.


Off to see if I can pull apart my showerhead and put some bullion inside! Jenn in MO is just the best, isn't she? That girl cracks me up:lol:

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These haven't been for April Fool's, but they might work anyway...


We have a running "car thing." First, I would honk or turn on the windshield washer fluid when dh was checking the oil at the gas station. Then it went to locking the door just as one of us was trying to open it or driving forward a little so that you couldn't get in the car. Next came moving the car whenever anyone ran into the store or bank. Then dh dropped me off at the door to go into the grocery, and instead of picking me up when I came out, just drove by several times.


It became harder to "get" anyone, so we had to get more clever...


Dh moved the car behind a store while I was inside, and when I came out, he and dc were all pretending to be sitting in the car right where I had left them (just without the car around them.) The next time he left the car, and they all hid behind the store.


Maybe one of these would work?

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My kids' favorite is one my oldest thought of several years ago. They do it other times besides April Fools and no one ever expects it. The put a rubber band around the sprayer in the kitchen to hold the handle down so that when the water is turned on the spray soaks the person at the sink.



We did this to dh last year! He thought it was hilarious!!! (We all did!)

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