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Comments heard in the homeschool setting, but not in the public school classroom

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I'll go first.:lol:


"Ignore the snoring dog in the living room and finish up your math!"


Our children use Rod and Staff Math. Some of the story problems make the kids give me that quizzical look like, "What in the world?" Anyway, here was one from today. "Edna helped Mother cut cheese into 1 pound pieces, how many ounces was that?" I have boys so the phrase "cutting the cheese" just makes them think of something else. Giggle, giggle and giggle. "Okay, boys lets just move on to the next story problem. Umm, listen, we really do need to finish up this math."


What a morning it has been. They are still in there talking about Edna and Mother and how stinky the kitchen must be after all that "cheese cutting."


What funny comments are you hearing from your school area?



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I have a friend who has received some "funny" comments.


"Oh, you homeschool, well at least you don't have to buy school clothes"


My friends response was, "Yeah, we school naked!"



"Oh, you homeschool, at least you don't have to pay for school lunches."


My friends response was, "That's right, we skip lunch, don't even eat it. Not in OUR house. We sit naked at the table, do school all day and don't eat!"

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I have a friend who has received some "funny" comments.


"Oh, you homeschool, well at least you don't have to buy school clothes"


My friends response was, "Yeah, we school naked!"



"Oh, you homeschool, at least you don't have to pay for school lunches."


My friends response was, "That's right, we skip lunch, don't even eat it. Not in OUR house. We sit naked at the table, do school all day and don't eat!"




These are all so fuuny.:)

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Here are a few you hear around my house....


"would you get the cat off of your spelling book."


"If you leave your book on the table the cat will eat it"


"If you don't behave I'll send you to private school where you'll have to wear socks and shoes every day and sit on a real chair." My ds uses an exercise ball as a chair.


"Would you get off the table and finish your grammar"


Various spontaneous singing when we get stuck on a subject.


We also made up a numbered code we use to talk to each other, just to confuse my husband. It's fun.

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We also made up a numbered code we use to talk to each other, just to confuse my husband. It's fun.


We've been doing that with Latin. :D He gets this absolutely hilarious look on his face and we can't help laughing. :lol:


One of ours is "Mom, the cat/s took the (whatever small object was left) from the (science/history/art) project off the table and knocked it under the shelf." :rolleyes:

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"Everyday is pajama day!"

"Our friends want you to be their teacher, too."

"Can we do math on the sidewalk today?"


"Is Bon Jovi our music for today?"

"Can our writing be an email to daddy?"

"Why can't we go back to Rome for a field trip?"

"Do you give extra credit for kisses?" (yes, I do!!)

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"OK, listen to me... I mean it, are you listening? Listen... stop hanging upside down... put your bottom on your seat... I can not tell you how aggravated I am... if I have to say this one more time you are definately getting on that cheese wagon next Monday morning."


cheese wagon = school bus


Can't remember who came up with it first. My husband, I think.

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"Go run around the house 3 times as fast as you can, then come back to the table, get your hiney BACK on your wiggle seat and do your math!"


"Mom, he ate my spelling pretzels again!"


"Yes, you may have a smoothie while you do grammar, but put away that Easter candy RIGHT NOW!"


"I sure do love you!" :D

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Not exactly a comment, but a scenario. Today, while explaining to dd my short version of adding and subtracting with decimals, I told her just to ignore them, and just bring them down last. We did the whole lesson in our math book explaining the renaming tenths and all that, I just wanted to give her something quick to remember so she wouldn't freeze at seeing the decimal points.


She was horrified at the treatment I would give these poor decimal points!

"But why do they have to be last? I'm not going to ignore them!"


She then had to take 10 minutes to draw a picture of a pyramid of decimal points, with the king decimal point on top. His name is King Mekazulah.

(NO IDEA where she came up with that. This is my little oddling! Sweet, but strange!)


She then proceeded to finish her math page, but brought down all of the decimal points first.


I kinda doubt that would happen anywhere else!

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Mine is.. "We have an easy day toady, we are just doing school."


And yes, I must often get my youngest to put clothes on before starting school. I think she would be quiet happy to school naked or at least in a bathing suit. She is counting down the days till the pool opens and then school moves pool side!

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Dd prefers to do multiplication tables in a tutu (which rarely comes off) complete w/pirouettes and flying leaps, music optional. She doesn't stop moving the whole lesson. Similar to Whirling Dervishes but w/o the peace. Hopefully this won't be a problem for standardized test taking next year.

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"You can't do your reading assignment if the cat is laying on your book."


"Where is your brother, he is suppose to be doing his math". "He's on the roof."


"Where is the cat?" "He was on the roof with brother." (said while ds#1 is looking out a window where said cat is flying off the roof followed by ds#2).


This isn't funny, but very sweet. My dd will sometimes just grab me and wrap her arms around me when after several attempts to understand a given concept, a light bulb comes on for her, and say, "Thank you for teaching me that, Mom."


Makes it all worth it!:)

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They haven't associated school with reading, they just think is is for the boring stuff.


"Mom, can I email Dad and see if he will meet us for lunch?"


"Do not leave your papers on the floor or Oreo will attack them." (He is the rabbit that runs loose in our learning room.)


"Ok, who dressed up the dog for history?"


"We love homeschooling because we get to take our dog to school!"


and my oldest ds's favorite, "If you do something really bad, can you get expelled from homeschooling and where would you go?":glare:

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I have children who have to mock each other's sneezes. Thank you, Egyptian history lessons. ::rollingeyes::


Now whenever one child sneezes, a chorus of copycat "Hatchepsuts!" can be heard around the house.



You're doing a fine job raising the next generation of nerdy kids!!:lol:

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My daughter loves bacon and she would eat it every meal. The other day I told her she had to wait until after she finished her math to get some bacon. She was procrastinating.


her: "Why can't I have the bacon now?? "


me" "After you finish your math you can have 2 pieces."


her: "That doesn't make any sense, do your math and you get to eat a pig!"


I can't wait until she is a teenager.

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Hmmm...yesterday afternoon dd was having a very difficult time concentrating on her school work. She was out on the deck doing it, and a chicken was talking to her so loudly that she couldn't concentrate!!:D


I thought that was funny. This particular chicken is very...chatty? She follows us around making very loud chicken sounds. Not really clucking, just a throaty, conversational, fussy sound. Maybe she's bossing us around in chicken language. :lol:

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"Mom, I can't do my (insert: math, grammar, spelling, etc.) the cat is on my book!"


One of our four cats, Snowflake, a long-haired Turkish Van, LOVES to plop himself down right under the nose of anyone trying to read or do paperwork. It is, of course, one of the Cat Ten Commandments to do so.

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