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Horrible Histories: is the box set worth it?


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We have the set, but we bought off of Amazon for less-if you look now, there are some sets for half that amount. My kids really like these books. We did ancients this year and used some of them and we'll use most of the rest for middle ages this coming fall.

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Thanks, Karie! I found the ones on Amazon--I appreciate the tip. These look like a lot of fun.



Is that the Blood-Curdling Box? What titles are in there - Amazon doesn't say. :glare: I have a feeling these might be up my dd9's alley, but I'm not sure... are they more funny or gross?

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Is that the Blood-Curdling Box? What titles are in there - Amazon doesn't say. :glare: I have a feeling these might be up my dd9's alley, but I'm not sure... are they more funny or gross?


I asked this question several weeks ago... here's the thread with the list of titles: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151408



We LOVE the books here. I really can't recommend them enough. If you go to the Horrible Books website, you can see sample pages. Here's the link.


We also own the box set of Horrible Science and I'm planning to buy the box set of Horrible Geography. Yes, they are that well loved here. I can't think of a single day that goes by where my oldest doesn't have one out.

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We LOVE the books here. I really can't recommend them enough. If you go to the Horrible Books website, you can see sample pages. Here's the link.


We also own the box set of Horrible Science and I'm planning to buy the box set of Horrible Geography. Yes, they are that well loved here. I can't think of a single day that goes by where my oldest doesn't have one out.


Wow, that's quite an endorsement! I placed an order at Amazon for the set. Thanks!



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We love the "Horrible" series here too! And if you have younger kids and/or kids that love comics and graphic novels, you should consider the Horrible magazines, available from Horrible Ray at his website of the same name. He's in the US and I believe he has better prices than Amazon. Also Murderous Maths are in the same genre and are absolutely hysterical. Lots of math in there too.

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Same here. We don't have that boxed set, but we have maybe 40 Horrible/Murderous/Dead (etc.) books, and they are well-loved and frequently read. This is a series we will be buying more of. (And I am so NOT a book buyer!) These books are in a class by themselves. I take that back. These books are in the same class as LOF -- equally loved.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just posting an update. We got our Blood-Curdling Box of Horrible Histories about two weeks ago (shipped from UK through a seller on Amazon). I keep finding them all over the house, because the kids are reading them constantly! They LOVE them!


Thanks to all who recommended these. I'm going to have to look into getting some of the other Horrible books when I have a bit of spare cash. Or when I can divert cash from other things. Like food. :w00t:

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Just posting an update. We got our Blood-Curdling Box of Horrible Histories about two weeks ago (shipped from UK through a seller on Amazon). I keep finding them all over the house, because the kids are reading them constantly! They LOVE them!


Thanks to all who recommended these. I'm going to have to look into getting some of the other Horrible books when I have a bit of spare cash. Or when I can divert cash from other things. Like food. :w00t:



Ha!! I knew you'd love them! They're fantastic and I'm glad to hear you're pleased with your purchase.

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My daughter loves these and we have a number of horrible histories around the house. My only reservation is the... well... horribleness of them. Sometimes when I read them, I'm overwhelmed by the focus on torture and the horrible things that people have done to each other. But... I guess that's what makes them popular with kids (particularly pre-teen boys!)


I prefer the horrible geography and murderous maths and non-history books because they don't seem to involve as much details about torture. But if you're okay with 'history with the nasty bits left in', I'm sure they'll be a hit!

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Just posting an update. We got our Blood-Curdling Box of Horrible Histories about two weeks ago (shipped from UK through a seller on Amazon). I keep finding them all over the house, because the kids are reading them constantly! They LOVE them!


Thanks to all who recommended these. I'm going to have to look into getting some of the other Horrible books when I have a bit of spare cash. Or when I can divert cash from other things. Like food. :w00t:


Heh. I also ordered the box based on the reviews on this thread, and I'm having the exact same experience! Books everywhere! All three girls are reading them constantly (hey, you were only supposed to read the Egypt book - we're not up to the Celts yet!) :tongue_smilie:

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IF you have enough friends nearby, who ALL want their horribles, you can also join Red House, the International Scholastic book club. They usually have sets available... however, it is in british pound sterling, sometimes the exchange rate is not so good, and the shipping is 25% (it used to be 20) while the book "rewards" is 20%, With a 15 gbp minimum. I used to be able to order for a bunch of people, give them a discount AND get all my books for free (I would get them for local HSers and parents of gifted kids in the enrichment program I am involved with), now it doesn't quite cut is. Plus, I have EVERYTHING.


I will say that of all the sets, my favorites are in the Dead Famous series. They are about one person usually, or occasionally a subject, and they are really great. My husband fact checked the Leo Da Vinci book (he was finishing up a giant book about him) and gave it a giant thumbs up. My second would be the math books.


They are ALWAYS all over the house, we have a special bookshelf for them. Right now my 11 yo is re-reading the science books...my 10 yo is reading the history in chronological order.


I will buy stuff from Ray as well, when I need something individually or a galore park book. He is really great.

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Is there an Amazon seller that anyone can recommend? Any I should avoid? I've heard some sellers are not very good.


Hm, I just ordered from some random Amazon seller - it did get drop-shipped from the UK, but even for the whole boxed set I still only paid the standard $3.99 Amazon marketplace shipping fee. They even sent me an email saying it would be delayed because of the Icelandic volcano, but it still got here in a quite reasonable amount of time.


I just looked it up - the Amazon seller was SuperBookDeals.

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I will say that of all the sets, my favorites are in the Dead Famous series. They are about one person usually, or occasionally a subject, and they are really great. My husband fact checked the Leo Da Vinci book (he was finishing up a giant book about him) and gave it a giant thumbs up. My second would be the math books.


They are ALWAYS all over the house, we have a special bookshelf for them. Right now my 11 yo is re-reading the science books...my 10 yo is reading the history in chronological order.


All right, all right... so maybe I need to get even more? :glare::001_rolleyes:


Do the other series (math, science, biography...) have boxed sets I can get? I think I saved a lot getting the box - I'd rather do that than order onesie-twosie. But I don't know what to search for on Amazon.

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All right, all right... so maybe I need to get even more? :glare::001_rolleyes:


Do the other series (math, science, biography...) have boxed sets I can get? I think I saved a lot getting the box - I'd rather do that than order onesie-twosie. But I don't know what to search for on Amazon.


There is a Horrible Science and Horrible Geography box set as well. :thumbsup:

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I'm so interested in these books but I'm wondering if they are appropriate my my aged kids? (6 yo) Don't want to scar them for life ... anymore than I already have that is!

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Do the other sets have names (like the Blood-Curdling Box)? Trying to figure out how to search for the right thing...


If you look at Ray's site (linked on page 1 of this thread) you can find the boxed sets. It looks like there is a box set for each category. The math one is the most expensive at over $100.

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Be careful of the wording. The only big "box" sets I know of are Science (bulging) and History (blood-curdling). This is done by UK Scholastic to package a group of books for less money. They come in a special illustrated box made to hold them. Book sets without the word box are just buying all of the books at once and does not usually reduce the price over individual books.


If you find a deal on the box sets or the books I would go for it. These prices go up and down depending on special deals from the publisher and the value of the dollar to the pound. I do not think that they will stay at these levels for ever. They are much cheaper than they were several months ago.



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Be careful of the wording. The only big "box" sets I know of are Science (bulging) and History (blood-curdling). This is done by UK Scholastic to package a group of books for less money. They come in a special illustrated box made to hold them. Book sets without the word box are just buying all of the books at once and does not usually reduce the price over individual books.


If you find a deal on the box sets or the books I would go for it. These prices go up and down depending on special deals from the publisher and the value of the dollar to the pound. I do not think that they will stay at these levels for ever. They are much cheaper than they were several months ago.




Thank you for this information! I was going to buy the math and geography sets even though (by buying used and individually off bookdepository) I could get all the books for less because I wanted to have the nice box set.


What you shared makes a lot of sense, and I'm glad to realize now that they won't be altogether in a nice box. :)


Thanks again!

Edited by plain jane
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  • 2 weeks later...

Our Blood-Curdling Box of Books arrived yesterday. School is on hold today. Swimmerdude is laying on the bed reading the Rotten Romans to me. Does chuckling over this stuff indicate a disturbed personality?:tongue_smilie: I am letting him read the first four books and am calling it a yearly review, which it would be if they only had "The Mesmerizing Mesopotamians." Since he has been reading to me for hours, all I can accomplish is hanging out on the board.:D


I suspect there will be more Horrible books in our Amazon cart as I have received the request to build the other books into our history studies next year.

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They are so worth it! I started the Cut-throat Celts last night. One of my favorite Rosemary Sutcliff books is called The Silver Branch. The Horrible History book talked about Celtic poets carrying bronze, silver, or gold branches according to their skill level. Fascinating. My son does not want me to read the rest of them this summer if he can't. Too bad! Teacher's prerogative. How else will I know where to include them in next year's history. Not that titles like Smashing Saxons and Vicious Vikings aren't a give-away.:lol:

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