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4H Roll Call

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How many homeschoolers are 4H members?


Both of my children participate in 4H.


DD (9 year member) shows her cat and is on the Federation board. I am finding it difficult to keep her interested in 4H as she gets older. She used to show 5-6 projects a year, now she's down to 1. Most teens in our area drop 4H by the time they get to the upper grades.


DS is a 5 year member. He is working on Entomology, Small Pets, Shotgun and Rifle shooting, Service Learning and a couple of others. He is also VP of his club.

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2 of my kids joined this year - ds13 and dd9. We have a wonderful, active homeschool club. Dd is working on a poodle skirt for her sewing project (which is is pieces on my dining room / school table and must be finished before tomorrow night - daddy-daughter Girl Scout sock hop.) She also wants to complete dog care and cooking as well. Ds is working on a robotics project and hopes to do something with electronics and rocketry.


Ds13 had tried scouts, but he really did not like it. He seems to find his niche of quirky homeschooled boys in 4-h and enjoys it.

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4-H is HUGE in our area. Both kids are 3 year members and ds will finally be able to compete for "real", since he's no longer a Clover Bud.


So far, in these early years, they've entered lots of artsy/crafty things. They both refuse entomology and animals as they will not kill insects willingly and they will not sell their show animals (dd's interest was rabbits and ds's chickens :)).

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4-H is HUGE in our area. Both kids are 3 year members and ds will finally be able to compete for "real", since he's no longer a Clover Bud.


So far, in these early years, they've entered lots of artsy/crafty things. They both refuse entomology and animals as they will not kill insects willingly and they will not sell their show animals (dd's interest was rabbits and ds's chickens :)).


Why would they have to sell their show animals? Aren't there non-meat classes for rabbits & chickens at your fair?


I was in 4H for YEARS, showed at the fair until I was 18, and the only animals we were expected to sell were the meat animals shown in meat classes.


I showed and sold a trio of rabbits, a meat goat, a steer and a few market lambs over the years, but mostly they all came back home with me.


Funny story: I was quite upset when my meat goat was sold, and the buyer kindly donated it back. It turned out he didn't have a taste for goat, so that one came back home with me too. :D (which only extended his life for a little while...)

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DS (9) is in his 2nd year as a member. Last year he did first aid. This year he is doing beginning photography and fishing.


DD (7) is in her 2nd year as a cloverbud. She isn't always a willing participant and lets her shyness come though, but we are working on it.


We are part of a wonderful homeschool 4H group and are enjoying it! :001_smile:

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We're in our 2nd year of 4-H.


DD11 just had her Shooting Sports Award Banquet this week, so she's all done with that club for the year.


The other club she belongs to are all dairy farmers' kids. DD is the odd one out as she doesn't enter any critters at the fair. I know there are other clubs around that might be a better fit, but this is the one she was invited to join and she's having fun, so she doesn't want to switch at this time.


She's pretty much on her own coming up with her fair entries for the Exhibition Barn. She was working on her list of projects this morning, and came up with 54 possibilities! We have until August. :001_huh: Gardening and baking will take care of several projects. She'll do a little sewing, woodworking, tin-punching, and other crafts. Oh, and photography, writing, and entomology.


As an aside, she wants to do a nutrition project. I have reference materials for that, but no ideas for a project. If anyone can PM me with an idea, that would be wonderful! Thanks.

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My 11yo dd is a 5th year member and is taking a Living History project (Hopewell moundbuilder Indian girl, 300AD) and a self determined geology project. She is also doing rifle and pistol through the 4-H shooting sports club.


I am a 4-H advisor and have been for the last 4 years. We have a homeschool 4-H club of about 25 members.

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4-H is HUGE in our area. Both kids are 3 year members and ds will finally be able to compete for "real", since he's no longer a Clover Bud.


So far, in these early years, they've entered lots of artsy/crafty things. They both refuse entomology and animals as they will not kill insects willingly and they will not sell their show animals (dd's interest was rabbits and ds's chickens :)).


They can have 1 rabbit or a chicken as a pet and show it every year. You don't HAVE to sell your show animals. My DD showed her young Boer X doeling in market goat and won grand champion. She was the first goat in the market "sale" and got $350 for her. But remember, the market "sale" is just a charity auction. The kid gets the money and keeps the animal. We always show does so we don't have to sell them for butcher.


(now the hogs and steers are another issue - yum, yum...:D)

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We are a big 4-H family. I am the leader of the horse club and my DD shows ALL her animals: horses, dogs, chickens, ducks, goats, hog, steer, rabbits. The ONLY thing we don't have is sheep. (Shhhhh, don't say anything or she'll be begging for that too!) It is a VERY busy week at the fair for us - but SO fun! We think 4-H is the best club ANYONE could ever be in. We LOVE it!

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We have a nice little 4-H club made up of our playgroup members but the children are a nice mix of homeschool/public school since some of our members don't homeschool anymore or take in foster children.


My youngest is in Mini-4-H and is making a pin cushion and a diorama of horses.


My oldest is working on a variety of projects including caged critters (our house rabbit), wildlife (mamas & babies), genealogy, creative writing, fine arts, microwave, freezing, and possibly a few other things.


The problem is that our leader keeps bringing in these great ideas and we find out how easy some of the projects are that we decide to go ahead and do them. :tongue_smilie:

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We just joined. My 15 yo has done some stuff with shooting sports, and we just went to our first business meeting. We had no idea what was going on, but the group looks great. My youngest two are going to go camping with 4H. I am hoping to get involved in long term stuff next year. I never did any 4H or even knew anyone who did 4H but I am super impressed it by it.

Edited by Faithr
left out a word!
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Dh and I lead a science geek oriented 4-H club and he is the superintendent of Youth Sciences for our County. So far this year we have made ethanol and burned it, invisible ink, rocket fuel, rockets, ultraviolet LED flashlights, and now we are to embark on metal casting with tin and bismuth. We are still waiting for a Saturday evening with a very clear starry night so we can host a star gazers party (we have a ten inch telescope, an eight inch, and access to another eight inch.)


We love 4-H.


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But remember, the market "sale" is just a charity auction. The kid gets the money and keeps the animal.


This will differ from fair to fair. It's a good idea to look into it before assuming either way.


Mine being given back to me was definitely unusual for our fair. The first time I heard of it in several years showing market animals was when it happened to me.


It wouldn't surprise me though if it was more common that I had realized--especially with ducks, rabbits and goats. I just know that most of those market animals did not go home with the kids.

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All four of mine. My two oldest are giving presentations in Electricity. My two youngest are giving presentations in the Soil, Water & Conservation category. They are doing lake and ocean pollution, respectively.


We love 4H!! My oldest ds has won a classic Ipod and a 22" plasma TV from 4H. We attend 4-H Electric Congress each year and this year we get to go to the beach! My oldest son serves as Secretary for 4-H County Council.

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We just learned today that my son is being given a college scholarship through 4-H!


Since age 12, he has been an active 4-H member. He has learned a great deal, socialized with other interesting teens, traveled, etc. Our 4-H organization has "scholarship" opportunities that allow active children to fund many of their activities. My son has paid for ski trips, retreats, etc. with these 4-H dollars.


In recent years, he has received cash awards for project books and cumulative records. This culminates for him with a college scholarship.


The point that I want to make is that in 4-H children not only learn a great deal, they also earn while they learn! At least in our county here in NC, there are good incentives for participants. I am not sure if this is true in all states.




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My 3 oldest dd's have been in 4-H for 5 years now. They've shown dairy beef feeders (steer), goats, and horses so far. This year they'll be trying market and fancy chickens and turkeys :tongue_smilie:. We get pretty busy with it in the spring and summer, needless to say!

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We just learned today that my son is being given a college scholarship through 4-H!

Congrats to your DS! Way to go!!


The point that I want to make is that in 4-H children not only learn a great deal, they also earn while they learn! At least in our county here in NC, there are good incentives for participants. I am not sure if this is true in all states.




My guess is that not all states do that. I know our county offers small scholarships for the top senior in the area but nothing big, maybe $200-300.


Our county 'pays' the kids for the ribbons they earn at the county fair. It is usually $4 for a blue, $2.50 for a red, and $1.50 for a white.

Those are the only incentives offered here. One girl who showed in every horse show class and earned blues and reds made about $90 one year. That's the most I have ever heard of anyone getting.


Money is certainly not a big incentive to join 4H in our area.


Edited to add: of course the kids who raise livestock to sell make a lot of money.

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We would like to participate more, but our agents are not very good and haven't been for years, unfortunately..... My son is currently doing a "Food Stars" program that grew out of an "Iron Chef" camp last summer. He has also just joined a new service club for teens that they've started. Hopefully these will work out.... They've just re-started a Horse Club (even for those without horses) and a Shooting Club, but we've had bad experiences with both in past, so are sort of waiting to see if they go better this time around....

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