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Guam tipping over?

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I saw that. They said he meant that the infrastructure (government, schools, housing, transportation, etc.) would tip, not the island. And he doesn't know how to figure out the square mileage of the island??


But it really sounds like he meant or thought it would actually happen, a physical. tipping. of an island.:glare:

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It it was a joke, it was a bad one. A really bad one.


We heard this on the car radio. It did not come across as a joke. Another person responded - after an awkward moment: "No, we do not anticipate this to happen." :001_smile: Is he really a member of congress?

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It didn't seem like a joke to me either and if it were that's pretty bad too. Why is he going to waste his time and the admiral's time joking about Guam tipping over just for laughs? Especially when neither he nor anyone else laughed or seemed to "get" the joke. :confused: He seemed rather confused to me. When he was trying to talk about the dimensions of the island he seemed very confused indeed. I hope that he sees a doctor and gets checked out.

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I read somewhere that he has dementia as a symptom of an illness (Hep C, maybe?). Don't know if this is true, and cannot remember the media source.


I found a whole explanation of Hep C effects on the Newsweek blog, which was followed by this:

Update: This article originally stated that The Atlanta Journal-Constitution article ran this Monday. In fact, it ran Monday, Dec. 7, 2009. [Hep C info] Johnson's office informed me today that the congressman is finished with his treatments and—according to a March 12 press release—feels good, though he remains committed to raising awareness and funds for hep C prevention and treatment. We regret the error. You may now resume mocking his Guam comments.


I really try hard to sympathize with bad jokes, but I'm just not buying it in this case. His tone, his hand gestures, and in the context of his confusion about square miles? It all says 'mentally deficient' to me, whether that be his natural state or caused by whatever else.


Another article pointed out that his illness hasn't been offered up as an official explanation.

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Wow. The Admiral has my sincere admiration for not bursting into laughter over that one. That takes some serious force of will.


I hadn't heard about this yet, and when I read the op, I honestly thought it was going to be Pat Robertson in the video, lol.

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There is no way anyone can convince me that this was a joke. The Admiral didn't take it that way either, and he was there.



"In this House Armed Services Committee hearing last Friday (no, it wasn't April Fool's Day), Johnson was questioning Admiral Robert Willard, head of the U.S. Pacific fleet, about the stationing of 5,000 additional U.S. Marines and their families on the western Pacific island of Guam, a 212-square-mile American territory that is 30 miles long and from four to 12 miles wide. "



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When I saw that on tv, I about spewed my coffee and split a gut! Between the idea of someone actually thinking that could happen and then the whole mental picture of it from having lived there as a kid. Dude...I really thought it would have been cool as a joke or metaphor, but the gent sounded so serious and looked like he actually believed what he was saying! As he was told, we don't expect that to happen, though she may rumble and rise a bit, she won't just "tip over". Dang *still shaking my head over that one* I do have to say though, the idea of so many more military and their families being sent to Guam...yeah, metaphorically, the island would tip. There is only so much room on that island. Seriously, GoogleEarth and tell me if we should send 5,000 Marines AND their families there on top of all the military that is already there (for those that don't know, there is a Naval base at one end and an Air base at the other...then there is a major city, lots of villages, and tourists).



Nice backpeddling on his part, but I'm not buying it.

Edited by mommaduck
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There is no way anyone can convince me that this was a joke. The Admiral didn't take it that way either, and he was there.






Yes. Very sad. And whether it's impairment from an illness or medication-related, it's pretty clear that it is impairment. When I went to see the link earlier, there were other clips from meetings and speeches where he sounded much the same.


Even his numbers for the dimensions of the island are confused.


His loyal staffers are making statements for him but it looks like it's time for the poor man to step down from that position and go home to get some care.

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That was painful to watch.


He has Hepatitis. I wonder if he has hepatic encephalopathy.




Hepatic encephalopathy is a worsening of brain function that occurs when the liver is no longer able to remove toxic substances in the blood.



Symptoms many begin slowly and gradually worsen, or they may begin suddenly and be severe from the start.

Symptoms may be mild at first. Family members or caregivers may notice that the patient has:



  • Breath with a musty or sweet odor
  • Change in sleep patterns
  • Changes in thinking
  • Confusion that is mild,
  • Forgetfulness
  • Mental fogginess
  • Personality or mood changes
  • Poor concentration
  • Poor judgment
  • Worsening of handwriting or loss of other small hand movements



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There is only so much room on that island. Seriously, GoogleEarth and tell me if we should send 5,000 Marines AND their families there on top of all the military that is already there (for those that don't know, there is a Naval base at one end and an Air base at the other...then there is a major city, lots of villages, and tourists).



Nice backpeddling on his part, but I'm not buying it.


We were stationed there and there is *plenty* of room. ;)



Yes. Very sad. And whether it's impairment from an illness or medication-related, it's pretty clear that it is impairment. When I went to see the link earlier, there were other clips from meetings and speeches where he sounded much the same.


Even his numbers for the dimensions of the island are confused.


His loyal staffers are making statements for him but it looks like it's time for the poor man to step down from that position and go home to get some care.


I agree.

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Wow. The Admiral has my sincere admiration for not bursting into laughter over that one. That takes some serious force of will.


I hadn't heard about this yet, and when I read the op, I honestly thought it was going to be Pat Robertson in the video, lol.


The admiral did stifle a snicker, though.:001_smile:


I wonder why you hadn't heard about it yet? Not to be snarky, but didn't the mainstream media cover this? CNN? ABC? MSNBC? Wonder why?

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I think it's really sad that a man that ill was allowed to go on tv and make a total fool of himself. Seriously. Why hasn't someone in that man's life intervened? He clearly needs some help. No matter what good he's ever done in his life, he'll be remembered for that. Sad.

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I think it's really sad that a man that ill was allowed to go on tv and make a total fool of himself. Seriously. Why hasn't someone in that man's life intervened? He clearly needs some help. No matter what good he's ever done in his life, he'll be remembered for that. Sad.



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The admiral did stifle a snicker, though.:001_smile:


I wonder why you hadn't heard about it yet? Not to be snarky, but didn't the mainstream media cover this? CNN? ABC? MSNBC? Wonder why?


If his, er, comment was the result of a medical condition, perhaps they were showing some compassion. They have done it before. Occasionally. Um, at least once, I'm sure. Plus, they probably don't want to look like a**hats.

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If his, er, comment was the result of a medical condition, perhaps they were showing some compassion. They have done it before. Occasionally. Um, at least once, I'm sure. Plus, they probably don't want to look like a**hats.


The late 80's were a frightening time, no?

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I just adore the response from a friend of mine....


"So, if the current inhabitants of Guam all left...does that mean Guam would float up into the sky and crash into the moon?"





Okay, the situation is really pretty sad, just had to get my giggles out.

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Sure, they could fit...but the question is, is it best for the island?


Sounds like his staffers are helping to prop him up. If they did the research they would see that the island population has actually downsized by tens of thousands in the last decade or so. Even with this increase, the numbers wouldn't reach what they were 20 years ago. From an economic perspective, Guamanians may very well welcome the addition.

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Sounds like his staffers are helping to prop him up. If they did the research they would see that the island population has actually downsized by tens of thousands in the last decade or so. Even with this increase, the numbers wouldn't reach what they were 20 years ago. From an economic perspective, Guamanians may very well welcome the addition.

Thank you for the statistics. It's been over 20yrs since I've been there. And yes, the Chamarros and other Guam residents may just welcome the boost to their economy in that sense.

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