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I bought a bottle of Marmite

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WARNING: A little goes a loooooong way. Do not spread it like jam!


DH (born & raised in the UK) loves the stuff. DS, the pickiest eater ever born, used to adore peanut-butter & marmite sarnies. I can't even be in the same room with an open jar of the stuff. :ack2:



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My kids love to test their new friends out by offering a taste of marmite.

If you don't love the stuff as a spread then you can use a teaspoon of it in beef dishes for an extra rich flavour. (A little smear is also wonderful for getting a dog to swallow a pill.)

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That stuff is disgusting!




So pronounces Rosie, the Vegemite consumer. ;)

:iagree: Vegemite is much better!


To me Marmite tastes oniony and Vegemite tastes yummy, yeasty, Guinessy. (I especially like to mix Vegemite with cream cheese)


Darn! now I want some and we're all out!

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My mother made me a Promite sandwich for lunch one day, and I came home with horrified accusations of attempted poisoning. It was that bad! (I believe it sat in the pantry for over three years before someone finally threw it out.)


Marmite: Nectar of the Gods!!! :D


:ack2: What kind of Gods to you hang out with? As far as I know, orange and pineapple juice blended with frozen yogurt is the nectar of the gods.


(At least that would be my beverage of choice if I was a god. :D Served, preferably, with dried apricots filled with sweetened marscapone. Yum yum)



Edited by Rosie_0801
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:ack2: What kind of Gods to you hang out with? As far as I know, orange and pineapple juice blended with frozen yogurt is the nectar of the gods.


(At least that would be my beverage of choice if I was a god. :D Served, preferably, with dried apricots filled with sweetened marscapone. Yum yum)




Skip the yogurt, add the rum, and it would be my drink of choice if I were a god. Or a person. Wait, I am a person! *goes to search for the rum*

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Well, the results are in! I had it on toast, and it tastes like......


BURNT SOY SAUCE! :glare: I was able to finish the slice, though. ;)

I'm pretty open-minded though, so I see why someone would like it if they had been raised on it. I'm going to have to find a way to use the stupid bottle though, because it cost over $5 for a little jar! I think it needs some sort of fat or creaminess with it, I'm not sure....

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Well, the results are in! I had it on toast, and it tastes like......


BURNT SOY SAUCE! :glare: I was able to finish the slice, though. ;)


I'm pretty open-minded though, so I see why someone would like it if they had been raised on it. I'm going to have to find a way to use the stupid bottle though, because it cost over $5 for a little jar! I think it needs some sort of fat or creaminess with it, I'm not sure....


You mean you didn't butter the toast first???



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You mean you didn't butter the toast first???




Hmm? :001_huh:


DH two favorite ways of eating the vile stuff: with peanut butter on whole wheat bread, and on strips of buttered toast dipped into soft-boiled eggs (egg 'n' soldiers)




The peanut butter thing kind of grosses me out, sorry. I can imagine it with the eggs though! I'll try that next.

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"Burned Soy Sauce" is a rather good description BTW.




I am rather @nal about knowing exactly WHY I don't like something. "Gross" doesn't cut if for me. It's fine if you don't like it, but you have to know what about it turns you off. Theoretically, I think anyone should like any given food, if given the right exposure (usually in childhood). It bugs me when I can't follow my own logic, so I overthink it as an alternative. :D



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Marmite: Nectar of the Gods!!! :D


Vegemite: Will do in a pinch.


Bill (ducks to avoid incoming boomerangs ;) )


you won't catch me throwing boomerangs, they come back you know, and I am a hopeless catch.


Vegemite is very good for you. it is very high in Vitamin B. and if you eat heaps of vitamin B, than Mosquitoes don't bit as much.

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