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PLEASE STOP and PRAY for this Child

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Just received this ~


HI Dina – We just heard a sorrowing update on Taryn. She was transferred to Children's Hospital after a CT was done that showed fluid around both her lungs and liquid pooled around her liver. We are told that there is a team of 18 doctors right now conferring about how best to do surgery and what the cause of all of this might be. So, it has gotten increasingly worse. I have no other update than that but I at least wanted you to know so you could keep her and her family in prayer. I don't know when they will take her back for the operation or how long it will be for the actual surgery. I will keep you posted. This just makes me cherish our girls' health (as imperfect as it might be sometimes) so much. PLEASE continue to pray for this precious little girl.


Many Thanks,



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