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A small request?

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...avoid the Sonlight board at all costs because that place is Cluttered Signature Line Central. And considering how quickly everyone raced to meet Mrs. Mungo's demand ~ er, request;) ~ I fear we may be headed down that road. I may actually trim mine a bit. I do like to have the boys' ages in there because sometimes it's relevant to the discussion at hand. (For example, if I say: "May I have a Mike's even though it's not yet 5 o' clock?" people can glance at my sig line, see I have five young boys, and quickly grant approval.:D)

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I would have long ago asked people to please limit their signature to a few lines and resist the urge to use a multiplicity of fonts styles and colors. Yowza!


OH...too bad...I used up all my conformity, so....I'm afraid I will not be able to comply with your request. In fact, I just may add some more colors to my siggie.





(feeling sassy tonight!)

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Too funny! We just walked in from the park and I set the kids to chores and I see I made some progress in my quest while I was out ;) Even those who disinclined to acquiesce, I thank you for doing so humorously and not getting upset at me. ;) I am aware of my tendencies and do try to curb them!


Sounds like a good idea! Here you go. Now, where's my Mikes? Don't we get something for complying??!!:cheers2:


*Passes one over* they are the lime ones today, hope that's OK!


Now, I have to think about trimming mine back down. Once I manage to list my curricula in my blog I'll take it back out of my sig. Is that fair? Group hug time? :grouphug:


eta: I loved all the army smilies, so cute.

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Thanks for reading, even if you decide I'm just being difficult! ;)


I'm going to consider your request. I haven't in the past only because a couple of my kids are one grade ahead of their ps age peers, and I didn't want people to tell me not to worry about something due to their age or to tell me it's better to register them in their age grades (I knew nothing of that when I started homeschooling and wouldn't revert unless my dd's requested it). I mention their ages sometimes. Not that one grade ahead is a huge deal, but I'll think about it. I still don't have a sig line because I've been thinking about what I want to put there. Okay, I haven't spent a LOT of time thinking about it;)

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Ok, I left for a few hours, to work my daughter's dress rehearsal, and I'm now totally confused. Keep curriculum in the sig, get ride of it... less colors or more. Should we post our kids photos like SL bb does?


Tell me what to do! I'm too tired to figure it out for myself.




1.gif Sorry, I understand the confusion. There's a difference of opinion on the aesthetics of having a list of curriculum in the sig and would prefer people put them on their blogs. I can understand that because it does start looking crowded. I love seeing everyone different personalities reflected a bit in their signatures and they certainly don't have to be uniform. ;) I just wanted to see ages because I'm feel like after every question that's asked I'm saying "how old are your kids, again?" Sorry! Didn't mean to lead everyone on a Pied Piper series of signature changes! :driving:

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I understand many people are concerned about giving away too much information on the internet. However, when asking or answering questions it is often *extremely* helpful for other people reading your posts to know how old your kids are or what grades they are in. Would everyone consider adding the ages of their children to their sig line?


I'm an oldest child of two oldest children *and* an Army wife. I have a very bossy personality, so if I'm being too controlling here you can tell me (I can take criticism, honestly!) and/or ignore me, I just think it would be generally helpful.


Thanks for reading, even if you decide I'm just being difficult! ;)

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Even the SL mods had to ask people to tone it down because it just gets to be too much, especially if there are a bunch of pics in there. You can do whatever you want of course ~ we all can, at this point. (I say "at this point", because the mods here can of course establish sig line limits if they ever feel the need to do so.) I'm just sayin'...less is more.:)

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Now, I have to think about trimming mine back down. Once I manage to list my curricula in my blog I'll take it back out of my sig. Is that fair?


Yep. The ueber-busy sig lines detract from the content of the actual post, imo. Of course, I don't read blogs, but if I had a pressing need to know what curricula your kids were using, I'd just ask.:001_smile:

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I'll do it again. I'd like to get a quote on my sig line again, but for now here you go.



BTW, I'm the youngest child of two youngest children. I usually rebel at everything my siblings ask of me, stomp my feet and do as I please. :001_tt2:


For some reason I just don't want to do that in this group. :D




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I changed my signature line to reflect general ages/stages of my kids, and the number.


A compromise. :001_smile: (This is in reference to the request for folks to put ages of kids in sig lines, for anyone who wonders what in the world I'm talking about).


I'm guessing that most here are curious about ages for reasons that have to do with level of experience, right? So, instead of a list of all their specific ages, I'm keeping it streamlined this way. I don't really like to use hard and fast "grades" to classify my kids until 8th grade or so, really, but I will, here, for ease of use, and to let others know at least a ballpark figure of where we're at.

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I changed my signature line to reflect general ages/stages of my kids, and the number.


A compromise. :001_smile: (This is in reference to the request for folks to put ages of kids in sig lines, for anyone who wonders what in the world I'm talking about).


I'm guessing that most here are curious about ages for reasons that have to do with level of experience, right? So, instead of a list of all their specific ages, I'm keeping it streamlined this way. I don't really like to use hard and fast "grades" to classify my kids until 8th grade or so, really, but I will, here, for ease of use, and to let others know at least a ballpark figure of where we're at.


In my brain (which, I realize doesn't always compute to others) I was thinking more of people who ask/answer specific questions.


For example, people have frequently said "gah! My son is driving me crazy, with his ___ behavior! Is this normal? What do I do?" without noting the child's age. Or "we're trying to use X curriculum with my son and it isn't working, what should I do?" My first question is always: how old is this child? Because my answer for a 4 year old would be *vastly* different than for an 8 year old or 12 year old. kwim?


Just explaining my reasoning a little bit more. :)


Thanks for providing a range, it does at least give an idea of where you're coming from. :)

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Honestly, I chalk the complaints about signature lines up to differences in personality. Someone might put more info or doodads in theirs than I would, personally, some might just stick with their name, but...I kind of like the differences. Sort of highlights that we're individuals.


Something referencing ages of kids you're homeschooling makes sense to me though, because it has bearing on the advice you're giving. (Lots of advice going on in a forum like this, lol, and ages of kids you've schooled so far is one sieve you can strain it through.)

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