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What should I say?

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Awesome. You get to screen your calls very easily.


I do the same. Anyone who can't pronounce my last name or calls me by my birth name is suspect.


I answer the phone with "Familyname Residence! Who is calling?"


Their answer determines my answer, which could be anything from a friendly hello to a brisk no one is here for them to talk to (which is true bc no one might be here willing to talk to them).


Personally, I don't think it's anyone's business to ask for parents. The proper thing for them to say is, "I'm Soandso with Suchandsuch Business, may I speak to Mr or Mrs Lastname, please?"


but yeah, with the lack of any manners society has these days, I'd fall out of my chair if I actually got a caller who did that.


MY peeve is when people call me and say, "Who is this?":001_huh:

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I love it when people do this!


It gives me a chance to say "Did you forget who you dialed already?" in a "you poor thing" tone. :D


That's funny. My peeve is when people call and just start talking without saying who they are, or saying, "It's me." Hello? Me, who? But I pretty much avoid the whole issue now by simply not answering the phone. And I'm only half joking. Mostly I don't answer. There's no law, after all, that says I have to. :D

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That's funny. My peeve is when people call and just start talking without saying who they are, or saying, "It's me." Hello? Me, who? But I pretty much avoid the whole issue now by simply not answering the phone. And I'm only half joking. Mostly I don't answer. There's no law, after all, that says I have to. :D


Me too! That's why I have caller ID and no voice mail. Got the name and number, that's all I need.

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Awesome. You get to screen your calls very easily.




My first thought, too.


"Hi, are your parents home?"


"No, they aren't." <hang up>



Our last name is a simple name, but frequently mispronounced by strangers, so when I hear, "Is Mr. or Mrs. (mispronounced last name) there?" I feel no guilt answering, "No, there's no one here by that name.":D

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MY peeve is when people call me and say, "Who is this?":001_huh:



I hate it when female operators call for Mr. MyNameHere and will not leave a message. I jump in and in my most accusatory voice say "Excuse me, you are calling MY husband you WILL tell me who you ARE." :D

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"Is your Mom or Dad home?"


It's really embarrassing when you're answering your own front door!:001_huh:


I normally don't anymore for door-to-door type stuff, but a couple of times it's been people I'm expecting, like someone to fix something. "Hi, is your mom home?" Ummm... It's happening less now, which I guess is good and bad...;)

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You answer your phone? Honestly, I do not answer my phone. That is what I have an answering machine for. If it is someone I wish to speak to, I pick up the phone otherwise, I do not. If I pick up the phone, most people know who they are talking to although apparently several of my dds sound just like me which does lead to some confusion sometimes.

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I use the same greeting that I used in my professional life...."Hello. Beth Lastname." I am always answering my cell phone (no land line), so I generally assume the caller knows who they are trying to reach. Since you're probably talking about a family number, I would say something like the following, "Hello, Lastname residence. This is Beth." Say this more like a statement than a greeting. Your delivery will automatically make you sound older--kids don't usually answer the phone authoritatively.



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Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but there are classes for lowering voice. Lots of people suffer from the same thing you do ;)


Whenever I get that particular request I offer to hang up and call them to see. This causes confusion, but understanding dawns eventually.

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Reminds me of the time someone asked that of my Dad. He had a really deep voice, too, so...:confused:. But he roared into the phone, "MY MOTHER? Why, she's been dead for almost 20 years, and besides, she never lived here." My mother, sister and I overheard and laughed at him. (I'm laughing now, just remembering.) We told him he probably made the poor woman on the other end of the phone quit her job on the spot! I still can't believe how it didn't click with my Dad that the person was just cold calling on the phone and really wasn't asking for his exact Mother.


I wish I had better advice for you, but I wanted to share the story because you made my day! My Dad's been dead almost 2 years now, and I had completely forgotten this little gem from our past. Thank you for bringing it back to me! :) I can't stop chuckling....

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The first time I had a JW at my door, my son (little bitty at the time) and I answer the door. She asked to talk to my mom. I told her "I *am* the mom." She was surprised but was going to go on with her presentation but then my daughter (a little older) came to the door and she was really taken aback, "she's yours too?" (in her defense, she was really sweet) I said yes. So my hubby comes up behind me and says, "hey mom, who's at the door?" We all cracked up at that. She left us the tract and went on her way.


Several days ago (just over a week?) a guy came over to buy one of our run down cars. My hubby and he had been talking about us re-graveling the driveway and my hubby said something about our teen daughter talking about doing it with a shovel (ha!). So I walk outside and the guy says, "so you're the one that thinks you're gonna redo the driveway with a shovel, huh?" Hee hee. Hubby says, "oh no, this is my wife!" My daughter had stepped out on the porch so we pointed to her as our daughter. BTW, I gave birth to that 17yo!


Sometimes it's a pain to look so young. I'm so glad that there is a dress code at our local schools. The students wear the typical khaki with a red, blue or white shirt. The adults (non-coaches) wear professional clothing. I'd hate to get mistaken for a high schooler!


Of course, it's in the genes. People regularly think my mom is my brother's kids' mother. They are surprised she's old enough to have grandkids (ages 6 and almost 2). They are even more surprised when they find out she also has a 17yo granddaughter and almost 15yr old grandson!


ETA: I don't have an answer on the voice. There was a girl in our congregation who talked like a little tiny mouse. She was cute as all get out, but I kinda took it as baby talking. She has been working on it and it's OBVIOUS. I don't know. Maybe there is a website with suggestions? I know there are voice coaches because I saw one on a talkshow a long time ago.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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Your delivery will automatically make you sound older--kids don't usually answer the phone authoritatively.




My kids do answer the phone quite authoritatively (but they do still have kids voices). They answer "This is the __________ house. How may I direct your call?" I get lots of people who want to know who my receptionists are.:)

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Reminds me of the time someone asked that of my Dad. He had a really deep voice, too, so...:confused:. But he roared into the phone, "MY MOTHER? Why, she's been dead for almost 20 years, and besides, she never lived here." My mother, sister and I overheard and laughed at him. (I'm laughing now, just remembering.) We told him he probably made the poor woman on the other end of the phone quit her job on the spot! I still can't believe how it didn't click with my Dad that the person was just cold calling on the phone and really wasn't asking for his exact Mother.


I wish I had better advice for you, but I wanted to share the story because you made my day! My Dad's been dead almost 2 years now, and I had completely forgotten this little gem from our past. Thank you for bringing it back to me! :) I can't stop chuckling....


This has me laughing, too.:lol:

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