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Knock, knock--who's there? And what info do they want?

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What do you think of this

? Are you really going to give personal information to a census worker?????


I plan to tell how many people live here. Period.


Check out the link below, too. Question #32 What time did you leave for work last week? Question #33 How many minutes did it take you to get from home to work?


As a SAHHsM I have to chuckle about those q's!



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If a census taker shows up at my door, my answer will be six people live here, have a nice day. Should they give me any grief, I already have my handy, dandy constitution out and highlighted. I will also gladly point out my Gadsden, you know, in case they can't see the bright, screaming yellow flag they would have to walk right by to get to my door. :glare:

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What do you think of this
? Are you really going to give personal information to a census worker?????


I plan to tell how many people live here. Period.


Check out the link below, too. Question #32 What time did you leave for work last week? Question #33 How many minutes did it take you to get from home to work?


As a SAHHsM I have to chuckle about those q's!




You'd better believe we'll tell how long it takes for dh to get to work! Our roads are horrid. If it helps get us federal funding for roads, fabulous.


You can be fined for refusing to answer. I realize there are certain politicians and pundits telling people not to answer but this is against the law.


Sec. 221. Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers

(a) Whoever, being over eighteen years of age refuses or willfully neglects, when requested by the Secretary, or by any other authorized officer or employee of the Department of Commerce or bureau or agency thereof acting under the instructions of the Secretary or authorized officer, to answer, to the best of his knowledge, any of the questions on any schedule submitted to him in connection with any census or survey provided for by subchapters I, II, IV, and V of chapter 5 of this title, applying to himself or to the family to which he belongs or is related, or to the farm or farms of which he or his family is the occupant, shall be fined not more than $100.



(b) Whoever, when answering questions described in subsection (a) of this section, and under the conditions or circumstances described in such subsection, willfully gives any answer that is false, shall be fined not more than $500. © Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no person shall be compelled to disclose information relative to his religious beliefs or to membership in a religious body.

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This is my exact take on it. (Not written by me.)


I will be answering the first question only. As far as the rest, the Constitution guarantees my right to privacy. I will gladly stand up against intrusion. The census originated so that we would have correct and fair representation based on population. Everything else is to aid and abet a bloated system of intrusive government programs and it is not in the Constitution that I have to answer them.

The $100 fine is pure crap. It is a scare tactic and I will not be cowed. Bring it on.

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What do you think of this
? Are you really going to give personal information to a census worker?????


I plan to tell how many people live here. Period.


Check out the link below, too. Question #32 What time did you leave for work last week? Question #33 How many minutes did it take you to get from home to work?


As a SAHHsM I have to chuckle about those q's!





If anyone does choose to answer the "extra" questions, be ABSOLUTELY sure that you are giving your answers to a REAL cenus employee. Our local news reports that there are people with badges that are not actual cenus employees going door to door. Considering that you can see a copy of the "real" badges online, it doesn't take a genuis to realize that with a color copier and a laminator bogus copies are easy to come by. AND...think about this....what time do you leave for work, and how long does it take you to get home. So....your house is empty at starting at 8am, and it takes you 30 minutes to get home....so a thief now knows he has from 8am to 5:30 to get his moving van full of your stuff! And if you're thinking "well I homeschool, so my commute is 1 minute from the bedroom to the classroom".....think about the fact that if you answer this question for your husband instead....that thief may THINK the house is empty.


I am also one of those that intend to provide how many people live in my home. Period. And I will ONLY do that on the official form that is mailed to my home. Come to my door asking questions you won't even get that answer....and since I'll have mailed back my form, they're not entitled to the answer at my door.

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You'd better believe we'll tell how long it takes for dh to get to work! Our roads are horrid. If it helps get us federal funding for roads, fabulous.


You can be fined for refusing to answer. I realize there are certain politicians and pundits telling people not to answer but this is against the law.


Wow! You're right! I really can't believe this. I know that if I get the long form I will be paying the $100 fine instead of answering the personal questions.


So, Mrs. Mungo, where would you draw the line on giving out info? Now that I think about it, when I look over the ACS survey there is really no need to draw a line (IMO) because they ask just about everything except how many times a day I eat a snack!


I think the Founders of this nation would be rolling around if they knew about this ACS "information gathering". Like the guy in the video points out, it's just not in the Constitution. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Isn't a census necessary/required by law so that our NUMBER of representatives in the House can be accurate? :confused:


When I went to the Census website and looked at the TV ads I got a nauseous gut reaction. "We can't move forward until you mail it back" is the catch phrase. Oh really? That doesn't sound like the American way to me.


And all the talk about how much $$$$$ our community can get when the right number of people (and I guess all their personal info) is known. It's like someone out there is Santa Claus and we just have to sit on the lap and beg (for what is already ours, no?) Or I guess we can just send a note off to the North Pole?


And what about computer hackers???? IMO opinion the only personal info that is safe from hackers is the info that is still in my head (no password necessary!)


Here's an idea :001_smile: How about just leaving the money in my pay check and I'll help my community fix its problems? I really would!


Question #21 "How many times has this person been married?" :001_huh: Just wow.

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This is my exact take on it. (Not written by me.)


I will be answering the first question only. As far as the rest, the Constitution guarantees my right to privacy. I will gladly stand up against intrusion. The census originated so that we would have correct and fair representation based on population. Everything else is to aid and abet a bloated system of intrusive government programs and it is not in the Constitution that I have to answer them.

The $100 fine is pure crap. It is a scare tactic and I will not be cowed. Bring it on.



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I may be really off base here... i do understand everyone's concerns.. but i am in the midst of a lot of family ancestry research and without the census information, i would be no where... i have been able to learn so much because of it. *shrug* i guess it's not a real concern to most people... just throwing it out there. (They don't release census information to the public for 70 or 80? years after, the most current one available is 1930).

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I may be really off base here... i do understand everyone's concerns.. but i am in the midst of a lot of family ancestry research and without the census information, i would be no where... i have been able to learn so much because of it. *shrug* i guess it's not a real concern to most people... just throwing it out there. (They don't release census information to the public for 70 or 80? years after, the most current one available is 1930).



Question #32 What time did you leave for work last week? :D

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This is my exact take on it. (Not written by me.)


I will be answering the first question only. As far as the rest, the Constitution guarantees my right to privacy. I will gladly stand up against intrusion. The census originated so that we would have correct and fair representation based on population. Everything else is to aid and abet a bloated system of intrusive government programs and it is not in the Constitution that I have to answer them.

The $100 fine is pure crap. It is a scare tactic and I will not be cowed. Bring it on.


We just recently had a thread on favorite words and I just have to add that hootenanny is one of my favorite. :D (This is related to her siggy not post.)

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Does anyone know when the forms are going to be sent out?


I may be really off base here... i do understand everyone's concerns.. but i am in the midst of a lot of family ancestry research and without the census information, i would be no where... i have been able to learn so much because of it. *shrug* i guess it's not a real concern to most people... just throwing it out there. (They don't release census information to the public for 70 or 80? years after, the most current one available is 1930).

The government may not release the info, but it can be made available by any number of hackers.

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I may be really off base here... i do understand everyone's concerns.. but i am in the midst of a lot of family ancestry research and without the census information, i would be no where... i have been able to learn so much because of it. *shrug* i guess it's not a real concern to most people... just throwing it out there. (They don't release census information to the public for 70 or 80? years after, the most current one available is 1930).



But, with all due respect....I'm not willing to give out my personal information so that you can learn about your ancestors. In 80 years my ancestors will just have to look elsewhere, I guess. That's just not even close to being on my radar of life. And I don't say that because it's not interesting to me....my FIL has spent his entire retirement delving into the family tree.....but it hasn't exactly made a difference in our life. And I love history, lol.

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Does anyone know when the forms are going to be sent out?



The government may not release the info, but it can be made available by any number of hackers.


And the law can be changed to make the release sooner...or later. And some of those hackers in past census have turned out to be the census themselves.

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I may be really off base here... i do understand everyone's concerns.. but i am in the midst of a lot of family ancestry research and without the census information, i would be no where... i have been able to learn so much because of it. *shrug* i guess it's not a real concern to most people... just throwing it out there. (They don't release census information to the public for 70 or 80? years after, the most current one available is 1930).


I am right here with Wendy. I have garnered so much information that wouldn't mean anything to anyone but our family, all through the census...and I've wrung my hands *wishing* for census results on some of our family members.


I think Mrs. Mungo has a pretty solid point, too.

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Actually, considering that I fill out a form every year that includes the full names and social security numbers of all our family members and that I got those social security numbers by providing the birth certificate of all children to the SS Administration, *why* would I be concerned about the Census?


And, BTW, there is no long form anymore - they get that info elsewhere.


People do realize that the grocery store collects more private info than this everytime you swipe your savings card, right?:tongue_smilie:

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Actually, considering that I fill out a form every year that includes the full names and social security numbers of all our family members and that I got those social security numbers by providing the birth certificate of all children to the SS Administration, *why* would I be concerned about the Census?




That's what my husband said this morning. We send them all the info they need every April 15th. What a waste of money to make all this extra work.

Edited by dmmosher
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Does anyone know when the forms are going to be sent out?



We should get them sometime this month, and they are to be mailed back by April 1. Those who do not mail theirs back by then should expect a census bureau worker to come to their home between April and July.


I've adopted a child internationally and the amount of personal info that has to be divulged with that makes the census seem pretty unintrusive.

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That's the truth right there! ;)


My grocery store knows all there is to know about me anyway. Probably more than my mother does. lol What did you need to pick up at 2am? What's that newest prescription? ;)


I wish someone would ask us how long it takes dh to get to the office if he has to go. It's ridiculous. That doesn't have to be.


I've adopted a child internationally and the amount of personal info that has to be divulged with that makes the census seem pretty unintrusive.

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This should be voluntary, not demanded with threats.


And, if you do your research, it is not just gov't that has access to the info. THere are LOTS of info gatherers, each with a dog in this fight.


Who? Are they selling Census info to marketing firms?


If it weren't manadatory, most people would ignore it and the statistical data would be worthless.

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I find the idea of a voluntary census laughable. The point is to count EVERYONE. There's no other way to get accurate demographics.



You're right, COUNT--not demand personal information.


I never said there should not be a census.


We might as well tell Big Brother he can retire. We're turning into a nation of Chatty Cathy's and tattlers.

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I find the idea of a voluntary census laughable. The point is to count EVERYONE. There's no other way to get accurate demographics.


We are speaking of two different things. What I think should be voluntary is the ACS, or American Community Survey, which has replaced the long census form and is NOT a *count* taken every 10 years, but a booklet of very detailed questions that the stated goal is for every household to receive TWICE in every 10 year cycle. It is the ACS that is being referred to in this thread. :)


I have no problem being counted. :)

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Who? Are they selling Census info to marketing firms?


If it weren't manadatory, most people would ignore it and the statistical data would be worthless.


They aren't selling. THey are allowing these groups to add their own questions to the ACS.


I did my research. It's all there for you to find. :)

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We are speaking of two different things. What I think should be voluntary is the ACS, or American Community Survey, which has replaced the long census form and is NOT a *count* taken every 10 years, but a booklet of very detailed questions that the stated goal is for every household to receive TWICE in every 10 year cycle. It is the ACS that is being referred to in this thread. :)


I have no problem being counted. :)


What she said.

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Okay, I have to get to my students, but one more thing . . . when you look at this 76 page booklet you'll notice at the top of each heading they have included since what year that particular question has been asked. Like that is really supposed to convince me that they need my personal info?


Why don't they instead give the exact spot in the Constitution where that info is required by law? I got that from the OP video. Do you think Jerry Day's questions were unnecessary and should have been ignored?

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Originally Posted by dmmosher viewpost.gif

Ha ha! Don't forget to tell them about your donation to PP b/c of the Tebow commercial. I think they would like to know that, too! :tongue_smilie:


Seriously? :glare:

Hold many grudges?


I'm proud of my donation to Planned Parenthood and would gladly share information on that and other donations if it were part of the census. I think it's useful to know what types of organizations receive the most donations -- perhaps it would provide a clue about what services/laws are most needed and which ones people are unhappy about.

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but a booklet of very detailed questions that the stated goal is for every household to receive TWICE in every 10 year cycle. It is the ACS that is being referred to in this thread. :)



Is this something new? I've never heard of it before and have never received one of their booklets. Do they mail like the supermarket flyer or do they use the address the government has attached to your tax retrun?



. We're turning into a nation of Chatty Cathy's and tattlers.

That is so true. Used to be people did not talk about money and anything extremely personal. Now people can't wait to talk about how much they got paid and what was in their bowel movements.

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I'm thrilled when my ancestors answered the census questions -- the census has been my biggest tool in my family history research! And some years they asked better questions than others. I wish all of the past censuses had asked lots of questions, and I hope my ancestors answered them to the best of their ability.

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Originally Posted by dmmosher viewpost.gif

Ha ha! Don't forget to tell them about your donation to PP b/c of the Tebow commercial. I think they would like to know that, too! :tongue_smilie:


Seriously? :glare:

Hold many grudges?


No, not seriously--that's why I put "ha ha!" :D She can do what she wants with her money--just like I can do what I want with my personal information!

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Originally Posted by dmmosher viewpost.gif

No, not seriously--that's why I put "ha ha!" :D



I get that what you said was a 'joke'. I just had a hard time believing you actually said such a thing. I thought keeping the words in my response to a minimum was a good idea. ;)

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People do realize that the grocery store collects more private info than this everytime you swipe your savings card, right?:tongue_smilie:


Yes, this.



I don't have a problem with census info being gathered. I was bummed we only got the short form. (Canada still has a long form)

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What do you think of this
? Are you really going to give personal information to a census worker?????


I plan to tell how many people live here. Period.


Check out the link below, too. Question #32 What time did you leave for work last week? Question #33 How many minutes did it take you to get from home to work?


As a SAHHsM I have to chuckle about those q's!




My brother just sent me an email citing many scammers out there and census workers are one of them. BE VERY CAREFUL!

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