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Nesting stories

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I am 37w2d pregnant. I just cleaned my pantry... washed walls, baseboards, shelves. Threw out old food, organized new food, vacuumed, etc. The rest of my house is a tornado. :glare: What was I thinking? :tongue_smilie: Why the pantry?


What's the funniest/strangest thing you did while nesting? (not that cleaning the pantry is strange but it got me thinking...)

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I am 37w2d pregnant. I just cleaned my pantry... washed walls, baseboards, shelves. Threw out old food, organized new food, vacuumed, etc. The rest of my house is a tornado. :glare: What was I thinking? :tongue_smilie: Why the pantry?


What's the funniest/strangest thing you did while nesting? (not that cleaning the pantry is strange but it got me thinking...)


When I was pregnant with my first, I decided that it was extremely important that I scrub the fronts and door handles of every door in the apartment--closets, doors to rooms, the front door. I vividly remember scrubbing the sliding doors to the linen closet and being immensely satisfied, but then when I walked past it a few minutes later, seeing more faint smudges and being so frustrated :glare: I got every single of them though!


Around that same time, I also decided it was very important to clean the hardwood floors under all the furniture in the apartment. DH came home at 10:00 at night to find me trying to lie flat somehow on my 38-weeks-pregnant belly, slowly and carefully wet-mopping in precise lines underneath our queen-sized bed. He was completely flabbergasted and told me to get up, but I was adamant :lol:


With my second, I don't remember doing any nesting, because I was so exhausted I could barely function at a bare-minimum level *sigh* That was a tough pregnancy for me.


Does that make you feel better? :D :lol:

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We were house hunting while I was expecting my 3rd. As you can imagine, I was able to come up with a reason to buy every.single.house. we looked at. My dh still laughs about how desperate I was to have our own place before the baby came. I reaaaaaaaaly wanted to move and set up a nice new nursery.


(we found one 6 months after)

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With my first one I made dh take all the mini blinds off the windows and soak them in the bathtub and clean them. They were less than a year old. I've never cleaned blinds like that since and that was 18 years ago. And then once I was actually in labor I mopped the floor at 2 a.m. before going to the hospital the next morning. Since we didn't have kids yet, the floor really wasn't very dirty but I wanted to come home to it being spotless...as if the baby was going to crawl on it that soon?

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:D LOL These are making me laugh out loud.


This is my 4th baby but only my 2nd to give birth to. Haven't given birth in 9 years so I've forgotten the compelling need to wash walls, light switches, etc..


This has been an exhausting pregnancy with hyperemesis (I am STILL nauseated) and bedrest (off now), etc. I have SO little energy but I still feel like there is so much more to be done.


And after reading this thread, I suddenly want the fan blades clean.


I'm out of energy though so my homeschooled nieces are coming over tomorrow so I can pay them to clean! :lol:

Edited by littleWMN
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With my first, I took down all my blinds and washed them in the bathtub. I cleaned my fridge - every speck of it. I scrubbed behind the toilet with a toothbrush. All the while I kept thinking of things I imagined my mom would criticize me about, so I cleaned until I collapsed exhausted into a heap of tears. Dh fed me and put me to bed and cleaned up all my unfinished projects.

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I have a good one!

My last was born right before Thanksgiving when the turkeys (and oranges) go on super sale. The day before she was born I brought home 7 turkeys and 50 pounds of oranges. Not even kidding or exaggerating. I have never nested in quite that way before. I didn't feel like cleaning or cooking or rearranging, I felt an intense need to stockpile.

Tomatoes went on sale and I brought home a pantry full. Cake mixes went on sale and I brought home 25!! I don't even make cakes out of a box.....seriously.....I give them away to anyone who will take them now.

when the grocery at the final store of the day brought the turkey and oranges out to the trunk his eyes bulged and he said "looks like this wasn't your first stop"

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What's the funniest/strangest thing you did while nesting? (not that cleaning the pantry is strange but it got me thinking...)


I started cutting out squares for a quilt the night I went into labor with my first. :lol: I cut most of the night while timing contractions and then headed to the hospital early in the morning.


That was 16 years ago, and it's still not done.

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I am TERRIBLE at sewing, although I do weave and knit.


Nevertheless, I went to a fabric store, scanned the baby sections of no less than 4 books of patterns, bought a really, really cute pattern for complicated baby dresses, and bought a really, really cute pattern for playclothes.


That was as far as it went. I did not purchase fabric.


Somewhere I still have those patterns, unopened. DD is 13. I blame hormones.

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I only "nested" like this on the day that I went into labor. The day I went into labor with eldest I was up half the night scrubbing the bathroom. On the day that I went into labor with ds I washed all of the clothes and sheets in the house, even the clean ones! :tongue_smilie:

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I am so not a neat freak. The day before my oldest was born, I was vacuuming like crazy, and my vacuum tore up (I am certain it wasn't used to that kind of use!). My sweet husband came home to find me sitting in the floor, crying my eyes out because my vacuum was broken. So he and I, along with my mom, went to Lowe's to get me a new vacuum. We went home and the next morning at 5:45, my water broke! That vacuum probably didn't get used for two months after it was bought. :D

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I decided to move every stick of furniture we owned. We had two rooms--one upstairs; one down. Afraid that dh would argue me out of such...well, WORK, I dragged almost every piece of furniture up & down the stairs on my own. Thank goodness the heavy stuff was up!


I distinctly remember being wedged between a bookshelf & the stairs, letting it slide a little way, then catching it, & scooting down a step on my bottom, & thinking, Gee. This was a pretty bad idea.


When I was done & dh got home & saw what I'd done, I was pretty upset. I didn't like the new arrangement!


He tried to reassure me that I could work miracles with space & furniture planning, that it would be great, that I could turn a closet into...I can't remember what, because that's when I burst into tears. I'd moved our bedroom downstairs where THERE WASN'T EVEN A CLOSET!

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Here's only one of the many, many nutty nesting things I have done:


I washed all of the baseboards by hand and then proceeded to repaint every single baseboard in one day. I did not have a paint brush so I took my best (very expensive) make-up brush and used it to do the paint job.



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Here's only one of the many, many nutty nesting things I have done:


I washed all of the baseboards by hand and then proceeded to repaint every single baseboard in one day. I did not have a paint brush so I took my best (very expensive) make-up brush and used it to do the paint job.




That takes the cake!! :lol:

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Three days before I was due with my first, I suddenly decided that there was "NO WAY I could bring a baby into our apartment with these filthy carpets!" I went out and rented a steamer, and proceeded to steam clean the entire place. The next day (no surprise) I went into labor, and the day after that, I brought my baby girl home to very clean carpets! :)

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About 2 weeks before I was due with DS, I decided to rip up the carpet and sand/stain/varnish the old pine floorboards in the room that would be the nursery. I didn't think the big upright sander did a good enough job of removing the 7 or 8 layers of paint, so I decided to do it with a jumbo hand sander on my hands and knees. DH had to take the rented sander back to the store THREE TIMES and explain that his 9-months pregnant wife had burnt out the motor again. :lol:


The worst part was that after spending days on all fours sanding and varnishing, the "clear" polyurethane turned the floor a hideous shade of orange, so I sent DH back to rent the sander again and buy different stain & varnish, and I did it all over again! I finished the last coat of varnish at 2:00 AM, 4 days before DS's due date, and as I collapsed into bed DH rolled over and said "well, I'm glad THAT'S over with ~ we need to get as much sleep as possible in the next few days before the baby arrives."


About 15 minutes later, my water broke...



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Hmmm with my third I decided we had to PURGE in order to make room for the baby. Every night when my husband would come home he would have to crawl over garbage bags and donation boxes to get into the house. I was obsessed with throwing everything out. I got rid of furniture, boxes, letters, paper, dishes ... anything that we did not absolutely need. There are days now when looking for something that I can't find ... I just assume I threw it out.


The second thing was with my third baby as well


I decided one day that I would wash every piece of fabric in the house. I emptied all the closets, stripped the beds, took down all the curtains, unzipped the sofa cushions ... I mean EVERYTHING and dumped the linens in the garage in front of the washer. I started my quest for clean laundry. I had it in my head that everything had gathered dust and the baby needed to not be around it when she came home. It took me two months to get it all washed. :lol:


My husband was SOOO glad when I had the baby and my crazy cleaning faze was over.

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First pregnancy: I typed up a catalogue of all my books onto a word document while occasionally sneaking glances at the fridge which really needed cleaning.


Second pregnancy: Bought MOTL. Somehow it didn't seem so important when it showed up in the mail a few weeks later :lol:



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Today I am 37w3d. Luckily I haven't started cleaning. :tongue_smilie: My thing has been decluttering and organizing. I tore apart my 15month's old room who will be sharing with the baby. Rearranged everything. Got all the older's Spring clothes washed and hung up. Just totally redid everything that was fine in the first place.


I am organizing all the homeschool stuff. Getting packets ready for the kids to do while I am not teaching.


I have bought and wrapped birthday presents for all the nieces and nephews born in the summer. I had to go out the other night and get the Easter basket stuff ready. I spent 2 hours and went to 2 different stores. Mind you, I have a perfectly capable husband and this is our third, but I HAVE to do it. I am afraid he'll mess it up. LOL


It was a compulsion to get my baby announcements pre-addressed. I could do nothing else until that was done. :lol: I think I am going nuts!! LOL

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Here's only one of the many, many nutty nesting things I have done:


I washed all of the baseboards by hand and then proceeded to repaint every single baseboard in one day. I did not have a paint brush so I took my best (very expensive) make-up brush and used it to do the paint job.




:lol: I do think this might be the winner. The makeup brush really puts it over the top. Did it do a good job? :lol:



...and as I collapsed into bed DH rolled over and said "well, I'm glad THAT'S over with ~ we need to get as much sleep as possible in the next few days before the baby arrives."


About 15 minutes later, my water broke...




:lol::lol::lol: This made me laugh until I cried!


I can only imagine what goes through our DHs' heads when they come home to find us doing things like this. Do they think it's a bit odd but somehow normal? Or do they think we're completely losing it but they're afraid to say anything to extremely pregnant crazy women for fear they'll lose important body parts? Especially when this happens with first babies--they must be flabbergasted at it all! :lol:

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Oh these are so funny. I'm glad I'm not the only crazy one out there. My first baby I didn't do much nesting, we had just moved a few months before he was born. The rest I nest for the entire nine months. The more children I have the worse it gets. I think it's the only way for me to not loose it with this thought " what was I thinking!" Then towards the very end, going haywire when the kids made a big toy mess.


My DH gets so mad at me! He thinks I will hurt myself, which I actually have.:blushing:


Everything seems so inportant to get done THIS MINUTE. Well, in case the baby comes! Even if it involves moving heavy furniture, getting heavy things from high shelves, or shampooing all the carpets!


On top of having to have every closet, pantry, junk drawer, garage, etc., just so.... I am also a food/supply hoarder! Can you just imagine me going through Sam's and Wal-Mart pushing AND pulling a cart? I also prepare mass quantities of food the entire pregnancies. I have done this each time(except first.) I will make 12x batches of everything I can think of and wrap and freeze them.(We have 2 full size freezers.) Each time it takes us through an entire year of having prepared meals, so it is somewhat worth the insanity. My DH has many talents, but cannot cook. So I know unless I do this, we would be eating frozen pizzas and PBJ's for every meal. Again, panic sets in...how can I nurse the baby unless I am well nourished?! I am also so blessed, that he will entertain the children while I am cooking all day in our TINY kitchen.


Oh, I almost forgot organizing, ordering, and planning for school beyond baby. Again, I think, how will I ever have time to plan curriculum with a new baby???


On a bittersweet note, after baby 5 I had an ectopic rupture and was in the hospital for some time. While DH was with me at the hospital Grandma watched the kids. My bachelor brother-in-laws cleaned my whole house. Bathrooms, SCRUBBED the kitchen floor with bleach, had the kids help do everything. I was so overwhelmed I couldn't believe my eyes.


Good luck to all expectant mommies, and remember, don't hurt yourself!

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I can only imagine what goes through our DHs' heads when they come home to find us doing things like this. Do they think it's a bit odd but somehow normal? Or do they think we're completely losing it but they're afraid to say anything to extremely pregnant crazy women for fear they'll lose important body parts? Especially when this happens with first babies--they must be flabbergasted at it all! :lol:


If they can't beat us, they can join us! Dh was out until after dark nailing fence palings back on the night before we went in to have dd. He didn't want people looking at her. Or something... :lol: He was over it by the time ds came along. Fence palings won't stay on our fence.



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