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I finally got to see my son, my grandbaby and the mother.

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The mother got her income tax return and used it to post his bail $1000. So he got out after just a few days. His first court appointment was on Thursday in which they assigned him a lawyer. The counts are a DUI first offense misdemenour and a failure to appear first class felony. Everyone he has talked to so far can't believe that they extradited for the charge and seems to believe that they will let him go with time served and perhaps probation and maybe a fine.


He was clean and sober and seems to have his head screwed on straight. He is very determined to take care of his little girl and is doing his best to take care of his problems and work as many hours as he can to provide for them. He has started going to church and is studying many bibles. He is also a decidedly conservative republican.


The baby is beautiful and no doubt that she is ours. She looks just like a few of my kids. Sha has our facial shape and our bright blue eyes but darker hair and skin like her mother, although I have two like that myself. She is very tiny but just as happy as can be.


The will be back for the second court date on the 6th of April then hopefully this will be over and he can get back to living his life. I have higher hopes for him that I have in a long time.

Edited by KidsHappen
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I am so happy that your son seems to have his head screwed on straight and that you got to see your precious grandbaby. It's great that she bears a resemblance to your family - if there are any rocky times ahead in your relationship with her mother's family that will help remind her that she is part of your side of the family.

I too have a son that has not always been responsible and am always glad to see signs of maturing. This is a good week for you as a mother and grandmother! Hopefuly things will settle down and they will have a normal life and your family will have a normal relationship with his new family.

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That's great news! You must've really loved cuddling your little one.


Yes I did. In spite of the fact that I have six kids, I am not really a baby person but I don't think you could tell that by seeing me with the grandkids. :tongue_smilie: I am trying to fanangle a trip to visit the grandson here soon. I haven't seen him in almost two whole months and I am missing him terribly. :(

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