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Wii accidents: What's been damaged/injured in your home?

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I banged the ceiling fan pretty hard playing basketball on Wii Sports Resort this morning. Since Wii accidents are standard fare on America's Funniest Vidoes, I'm going to assume we have a wide range of Wii accidents to report here. Let's here 'em!


Disclaimer: I mean this to be a fun topic, but I suppose it's possible someone here has had SERIOUS injuries due to the Wii. If so, please know that I am sorry for the injuries and accept my apology in advance for bringing up what may be a painful topic.


ETA: Perhaps we could also include favorite Wii YouTube videos.

does not really star the Wii, but it is one of my favorites! Edited by RegGuheert
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My daughter was playing tennis once and she really gets into it. She wasn't wearing the wrist strap and it flew out of her hand and hit one of the lights on the ceiling fan. Glass went everywhere.


Another time, my son was bowling and the same thing happened but it hit the TV screen. It's amazing that the screen wasn't damaged.


They have been warned that anyone not using the wrist strap will be banned for a long, long, long, long time.

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We haven't had any Wii injuries that I can remember (although people have been whacked by those playing, nothing serious, and we do have a "enter at your own risk" policy), but....


My oldest son hyperextended his knee when he was about 5 playing original Mario brothers on the original Nintendo game system. Yes, that's a game you play with only your thumbs. But he was ahead of his time :lol: and would jump every time he wanted Mario to jump, and we ended up at the doctor.

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My son forgot to put the wrist strap on (despite many warnings) and he broke our brand new flat screened television while "bowling". It happened a few hours after he spilled, by accident, an entire gallon of paint on the carpet. We just chalked it up to a bad day.



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I am sitting with my foot up on a pillow as I type. Several months ago, I was playing DDR with my kids. When I did one of those double jumps, my right foot (aiming for the top arrow) was off just a bit and when I came down from my jump I landed on the plastic thingy at the top that the cord attaches to the dance pad. I slipped and my foot twisted and my ankle smacked HARD onto the plastic thingy as I fell on my fanny. The fanny was fine (well padded). I'm not sure about the ankle. I keep thinking it will heal, but, wow, it is taking a long, long time.


I can walk on it, but only for short periods of time. It always hurts. I refuse to play any Wii now. The kids can, but it is so obviously not for old people.

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DH was swinging a cow around on Raving Rabbids and gave himself a black eye. :lol:


Oh gosh, yes, that game is dangerous LOL!! I was swinging the cow one time and got a little too into it. The Wii remote flew out of my hand and I whacked myself in the head. Thankfully the wrist strap was on LOL. Cow swinging is not for me. :lol:

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My son forgot to put the wrist strap on (despite many warnings) and he broke our brand new flat screened television while "bowling". It happened a few hours after he spilled, by accident, an entire gallon of paint on the carpet. We just chalked it up to a bad day.



Both of these should be covered by your homeowner's or renter's insurance. Just FYI.
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I am sitting with my foot up on a pillow as I type. Several months ago, I was playing DDR with my kids. When I did one of those double jumps, my right foot (aiming for the top arrow) was off just a bit and when I came down from my jump I landed on the plastic thingy at the top that the cord attaches to the dance pad. I slipped and my foot twisted and my ankle smacked HARD onto the plastic thingy as I fell on my fanny. The fanny was fine (well padded). I'm not sure about the ankle. I keep thinking it will heal, but, wow, it is taking a long, long time.


I can walk on it, but only for short periods of time. It always hurts. I refuse to play any Wii now. The kids can, but it is so obviously not for old people.


I count this as one of those accidents that isn't funny.


Are you sure you didn't break anything? I have broken my 5th Metatarsal twice. I also had to have a cast on my ankle for about 6 months due to an injury to the tendon.

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Luckily, when dd lost the remote it sailed over the top of the television. :lol:


We lost a globe to a ceiling light when a tall someone followed through while bowling.



We lost the whole ceiling fan when dh was playing tennis... now we have a flush-mounted light fixture in the playroom :)


Heather in MD

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I count this as one of those accidents that isn't funny.


Are you sure you didn't break anything? I have broken my 5th Metatarsal twice. I also had to have a cast on my ankle for about 6 months due to an injury to the tendon.


Can you walk around on a broken ankle? I didn't think that was possible. And, it's not swollen or bruised/discolored at all. Well, that's not true; it is a bit swollen but nothing that would make you go "Wow" or anything.


And, it actually hurts the worst when I am in bed at night, or right before I put any weight on it. Once I start walking, it's ok......unless I do mega-shopping type of walking. Then it will hurt until I put it up, which is why it hurt when I posted originally, LOL. Guess I just need to stay away from shopping. :D


It really is getting better, just.....painfully.......slowly. As in five months so far. Sigh. I am so impatient.

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I banged the ceiling fan pretty hard playing basketball on Wii Sports Resort this morning. Since Wii accidents are standard fare on America's Funniest Vidoes, I'm going to assume we have a wide range of Wii accidents to report here. Let's here 'em!


My dh did the same thing playing basketball but we ended up in the ER. He cut his finger almost to bone on the lightbulb in our ceiling fan. He was so embarrassed with the questions the next day at work. :tongue_smilie:

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Can you walk around on a broken ankle? I didn't think that was possible. And, it's not swollen or bruised/discolored at all. Well, that's not true; it is a bit swollen but nothing that would make you go "Wow" or anything.


And, it actually hurts the worst when I am in bed at night, or right before I put any weight on it. Once I start walking, it's ok......unless I do mega-shopping type of walking. Then it will hurt until I put it up, which is why it hurt when I posted originally, LOL. Guess I just need to stay away from shopping. :D


It really is getting better, just.....painfully.......slowly. As in five months so far. Sigh. I am so impatient.

I would assume their would be bruising. Both times I broke my 5th metatarsal I walked around on it for a week and the pain seems to get worse after I get a surgical shoe or cast on it.:001_huh:
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