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2nd grade - What curriculum do you LOVE?


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I 3rd RightStart math. I'm going to cry when I have to switch.


We are also loving WWE and our copywork CM style. I've been using the day-by-day dictation free from google books and teaching grammar, spelling, and handwriting with it. My dd loves it!

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Meet the Masters program that we bought on homeschool buyer's coop. The kids look forward to it. It doesn't really follow the time period thing, but I like that it follows the classical education tactic of studying the greats by copying them. You listen to (and self-narrate by way of a script) a lesson on the artist, look at some of his/her works, then practice some main element (like texture) of a certain select work of that artist. After you do the "practice", then you do a project that basically copies the piece. There are 3 age levels, and though very similar, are mostly different by level of simplicity of the project. It's the SAME project, just more detailed at the higher age level.


Anyway, we've enjoyed that this year!


Have fun...

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My oldest is in grade two this year. We LOVE math u see. Just started Spelling Power- love it so far. For reading time, she is reading Little House in the Big Woods and I just bought the Prairie Primer to go with it:) Every day just before reading time, we flip through the A Beka special sound cards for review (ex. "aught in caught" etc). We're just getting started with English for the Thoughtful Child and really loving that too! We're having so much fun this year:001_smile:

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MOH with Veritas Press cards

Little History of the World CD

Story of the World cd's


Children Like me


Notebooking history cd's from www.holdthatthought.com


Our Library :001_smile:


Free spelling sites (has free spelling lists by grade)




And these free sites for science : There are even printables to make our notebook :-)






Online math flashcards :


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What is working for my 2nd grader:


Singapore Math backed up by Rod and Staff 2 for review work


Spell to Write and Read--just teaching the phonograms and then working with easy readers. If she needs to sound out a word then we write it out phonogram by phonogram. Most often she keeps the word.


Lapbooks--to explore topics that she wants to learn about


All of these also worked for my oldest when she was in 2nd. We are also using Oak Meadow 2 but have only just started it so the jury is still out.:001_smile:

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