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Dd just walked up and said...

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Too funny! My husband heard the same thing about the toilet. He was told by an employee at Lowe's that when you remove a toilet for any length of time, you should cover the opening because snakes and rats can enter the house that way. I strongly suspect that's an urban legend. But my husband covered the hole with a huge plastic bucket and placed three 20 lb weights on top until he could replace the toilet. (We removed it to peel wallpaper, texture, and paint behind it.)When it was time to install the new potty, he was so funny. Keep in mind that he's a former pro football player. Big guy. Brave. Protector of our home. He told me and the boys to leave the bathroom. He pulled the weights off and before he pulled the bucket away from the opening he was ready with a sledgehammer in one of his hands to pound the beast that might be waiting at the top of that hole. I was in hyseterics.

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Too funny! My husband heard the same thing about the toilet. He was told by an employee at Lowe's that when you remove a toilet for any length of time, you should cover the opening because snakes and rats can enter the house that way. I strongly suspect that's an urban legend. But my husband covered the hole with a huge plastic bucket and placed three 20 lb weights on top until he could replace the toilet. (We removed it to peel wallpaper, texture, and paint behind it.)When it was time to install the new potty, he was so funny. Keep in mind that he's a former pro football player. Big guy. Brave. Protector of our home. He told me and the boys to leave the bathroom. He pulled the weights off and before he pulled the bucket away from the opening he was ready with a sledgehammer in one of his hands to pound the beast that might be waiting at the top of that hole. I was in hyseterics.


I know someone who had a snake in her toilet. I'm pretty sure the snake didn't enter through the front door and slither into the toilet to take a nap.


I always look before I sit :ohmy:.

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Nope...not an urban legend. I've actually had this happen to me (thank goodness, not while I was sitting on a toilet!)


My sr. year of high school I cleaned a woman's home for extra $. It was a very old, grand home- don't know if that matters or not!


But I went in to flush the toilet to clean- and this big brown thing started bubbling out... then started swimming around! (Insert scream here):willy_nilly:


I slammed the lid down and ran to the kitchen counter to stand on it. (I realize that doesn't make a lot of sense, but hey- I was a high schooler.)


After settling down, I called the exterminator. Yep, it was a rat. A big one, he told me. He also said it doesn't happen often, but rats do occasionally get in pipes.


I couldn't sit down to use the bathroom for a long, long time. I still occasionally do a double check...:D

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The rat in the toilet happened to me too. I lifted the toilet seat and there was a rat swimming laps in the bowl! My dh watched while I got a big margarine type tub and scooped him in. (He was my cheering section). We got in the car and drove about a mile to a golf course with a stream. I got out to let the rat out of the tub. A man stopped and asked, "Are you dumping hazardous waste?!" I said, "No, only a rat!" He got out of there quickly! :auto:

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Well I don't know about indoor plumbing but my grandparents had an outhouse and I spent a few weeks with them every year in the great state of OK. Once those weeks turned in to a couple of years. Anyway to the point one quickly learned that all kinds of things could and did crawl up the sides. Water moccasin snakes love outhouses as do all kinds of spiders because all kinds of flies like outhouses. Seems like the opening for the seat was always covered with spider webs ewe :001_huh: Bout once a month my grandfather and my uncle would go to the trash dump on the ranch with their 12 gage and do target practice with the rats. The too me along with I was about 7 or so and skinny as a stick and let me after much begging fire the shotgun. I landed plumb on my but and never begged to do that again unless it was a 22 ;) Course I was allowed to only shoot at tin cans :glare:

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Nope...not an urban legend. I've actually had this happen to me (thank goodness, not while I was sitting on a toilet!)


My sr. year of high school I cleaned a woman's home for extra $. It was a very old, grand home- don't know if that matters or not!


But I went in to flush the toilet to clean- and this big brown thing started bubbling out... then started swimming around! (Insert scream here):willy_nilly:


I slammed the lid down and ran to the kitchen counter to stand on it. (I realize that doesn't make a lot of sense, but hey- I was a high schooler.)


After settling down, I called the exterminator. Yep, it was a rat. A big one, he told me. He also said it doesn't happen often, but rats do occasionally get in pipes.


I couldn't sit down to use the bathroom for a long, long time. I still occasionally do a double check...:D





Oh my heck.


Explaining now to the children why it is imperative we keep the toilet lids closed at all times.


~Is not relishing the thought of explaining a sledgehammer in the bathrooms to visitors.~

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I stumbled to the bathroom, bleary-eyed, in the middle of the night during my last pregnancy. I nearly broke my own rule and sat down without looking. At the last second, I looked and saw a hornet - fat and crabby - walking around on the seat.





I always look. Always.



My children are always coming to me with little gems of information about different animals. :glare:

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This happened to my MIL too. She was at a dinner party at her sister's and flushed...out popped a rat. She got the added embarassment of running out of the bathroom with her underwear around her ankles screaming at the top of her lungs.


Now she gets the joy of being a family legend. :ack2:

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Yep, I woke up to use the toilet at about 3am one night last summer and discovered a rat in the toilet. I started screaming. My husband held it under the water with the plunger while we listened to it squealing. Then it finally disappeared. The city came out the next day and found a nest of rats down in the sewer about a half of a block up our street. We just happened to be the highest house with the oldest pipes and the rat found it's way to high ground. Shudder. For weeks, I couldn't even use that toilet. It was horrible.

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Yep, I woke up to use the toilet at about 3am one night last summer and discovered a rat in the toilet. I started screaming. My husband held it under the water with the plunger while we listened to it squealing. Then it finally disappeared. The city came out the next day and found a nest of rats down in the sewer about a half of a block up our street. We just happened to be the highest house with the oldest pipes and the rat found it's way to high ground. Shudder. For weeks, I couldn't even use that toilet. It was horrible.


Oh, DAISY!!! That is horrific.


I need new pipes. They like old pipes? AAAAHHH!!!

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